Lichtpunt: Claudio Magris

Intelligent television. A talk with a writer, one of the best, for many years and still a candidate to receive the Nobel Prize of Literature, Italian or should one say European Claudio Magris, interviewed in his flat in Trieste by Piet de Moor, in German, a meeting with a very sympathetic man, who answers the questions put to him. In other words focus on a face, a talking face, with small incerpts of images from beautiful Trieste, from Donau (the title of his most famous book) and of course from the legendary Caffée San Marco, where he often goes to sit and write. With paper and pen. In total concentration but still with people around him.
Magris talks about his writing – how he writes, where he writes, the difference between his writing for newspapers (43 years he has written for Corriere della Sera!), his love to Trieste, his aim always to be ”genau” and consequent huge research work, and his vision for Europe.
I like this simplicity: One-two-three images and there we are in the flat of Magris ready to make the conversation. And there we stay apart from the image sequences that link the talking. The Belgian tv channel Lichtpunt has made several programmes like this.
Belgium, 2010, 35 mins.