Lida/Miso Suchy:Pictograph.Portrait of a Village

I got this dvd by Slovak Marek Sulik, the editor of the two original documentaries by Peter Kerekes, ”66 Seasons” and ”Cooking History”. Sulik has obviously enjoyed this new job of making the impressive b/w photos of Lida Suchy into a film under the direction of Misho Suchy. Accompanied by some well chosen sound bites, including a song and an old man’s reflection on getting nearer to death, the film communicates the calmness of Kryvorivuya in the Carphatian Mountains of Ukraine from where the family of Lida Suchy comes, and where she stayed for a year to study and catch Life and People with her camera. She gives this information in the additional series of photographs on the dvd in which she also tells about the old woman, who insisted on having her photos taken wearing a replica of the clothes she wore, when she was imprisoned in a Stalinist camp. A wedding, a funeral, kids swimming, living rooms, sheep-shearing, landscapes – and fine colour drawings by one of the villagers. A pleasure to watch.
Slovakia, 21 mins., 2008
+ photography series with written text by Lida Suchy