Lielais Kristaps Latvian National Film Awards 2024

Being a fan of Latvian cinema, especially the documentary one, I have noticed the nominations that have been done for the yearly award ceremony, Lielais Kristaps, that will take place in February. Many films and filmmakers are nominated in several catagories, I stick to the five documentaries, which are listed below with links to what I have been writing about them. Also to be noticed that Peteris Krilovs, legendary filmmaker and theatre director, with several great documentaries on his filmography, will receive an honorary tribute for his long life work. Writing this I still remember the film he made on Gustav Klucis.
Beigas (The End), rež. Māris Maskalāns, prod. VFS Films (Latvija)
Esi uzticīgs līdz nāvei (Be Faithful Until Death) , rež. Ivars Zviedris, prod. Dokumentālists (Latvija) (PHOTO)
Gala punkti (Termini), rež. Laila Pakalniņa, prod. Kompānija Hargla (Latvija),
Podnieks par Podnieku. (Podnieks On Podnieks. A Witness of Time), rež. Antra Cilinska, Anna Viduleja, prod. Jura Podnieka Studija (Latvija)
Turpinājums. Pieaugšana (To be Continued. Teenhood), rež. Ivars Seleckis, Armands Začs, prod. Mistrus Media (Latvija)