Lielais Kristaps Latvian National Film Awards 2024/2

In a previous post I listed the five nominated documentaries for the Latvian awards:
Beigas (The End), rež. Māris Maskalāns, prod. VFS Films (Latvija)
Esi uzticīgs līdz nāvei (Be Faithful Until Death) , rež. Ivars Zviedris, prod. Dokumentālists (Latvija) (PHOTO)
Gala punkti (Termini), rež. Laila Pakalniņa, prod. Kompānija Hargla (Latvija),
Podnieks par Podnieku. (Podnieks On Podnieks. A Witness of Time), rež. Antra Cilinska, Anna Viduleja, prod. Jura Podnieka Studija (Latvija)
Turpinājums. Pieaugšana (To be Continued. Teenhood), rež. Ivars Seleckis, Armands Začs, prod. Mistrus Media (Latvija)
Last night the ceremony took place. I found the results of the ceremony on Latvijas Sabiedriskais medijs, lsm/lv, that also had a repeat of the ceremony. I saw a good deal of it, and caught the happy faces of the winners, that I list here quoting from the mentioned website. By the way – in my country we don’t broadcast film ceremonies any longer…
“The jury awarded the best feature-length documentary to “Podnieks par Podnieku” (Podnieks On Podnieks. A Witness of Time) by Antra Cilinska and Anna Viduleja. A prize was also awarded to the film’s editor Sandra Alksne.
Ivars Zviedris won the best documentary director award for “Esi uzticīgs līdz nāvei” ((Be Faithful Until Death),
while Valdis Celmiņš and Mārcis Slavinskis won the best documentary cinematographers award for “Turpinājums. Pieaugšana” (To be Continued. Teenhood) by Ivars Seleckis and Armands Začs.”
Photo: Gints Ivuškāns