Liga Gaisa: The End Game

A Latvian film team makes a film about a group of Danish, who suffer from sclerosis in different stages. The group is followed while they are rehearsing for the set-up of ”End Game” by Samuel Beckett, accompanied by their thoughts and reflections on their life situation and why Beckett is the right author to play. They are all pretty well of in terms of help to get around with their handicap, they have jobs – well in this film the Danish welfare system shows itself from a postive side, writes this Danish blogger.
Back to the film, which is held in a non-sentimental tone. The filmmakers succeed to give the individual characters space to develop, they are all interesting, at the same time as you follow the play being developed. ”Beckett deals with human limitations – he sees it as a strength”, says one of the actors, and right he is, it is, as said as well, about life’s basic conditions, and with this film about physical handicapped people, ”End Game” is given an extra dimension.
The film, that has professional, fine camera work and a natural rythm in editing, has been to a couple of festivals, more will follow, and that Danish television is not in the film already, can be corrected very easily through a buy.
Latvia, 2011, 52 mins.
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