Magnificent7 2013/2

On Wednesday January 30 at 7pm the opening of the 9th edition of the European
Feature Documentary Film Festival, Magnificent7 will be announced
by the lady, who represents the festival venue, the biggest theatre in the region, the Sava Center in Belgrade. Ms Nevena Djonlic will be followed by Mr Popovic and Mr Müller, who will introduce the selection of films for the 9th edition of the European Feature Documentary Film Festival, Magnificent7. The festival runs until February the 3rd.
The opening film is the international hit, nominated for an Oscar, Searching for Sugar Man (photo) by Malik Bendjelloul. The 6 other films in the programme have equally received awards and been world wide honoured for their quality. That goes for Tea or Electricity by Jérôme le Maire, Ilian Metev’s Sofia’s Last Ambulance, Kimmo Koskela’s Soundbreaker, Helena Trestikova’s Private Universe and Manuel von Stürler’s Winter Nomads.
Tonight the 7th film in the festival, Swedish Palme, directed by Kristina Lindström and Maud Nycander, is nominated in three categories at the Swedish award ceremony Guldbaggen.
The audience will be spoilt with good films in the evening with an additional workshop programme during day time for, quoted from the website: “young film authors and film students as well as students in related art disciplines, but also towards all those who feel the need for a different kind of “film food”; film professionals and professional amateurs are also the suitable candidates for our workshop.”