Magnificent7 Summer Edition 2012/ 2

Filmkommentaren received this fresh and happy summer report from the Magnificent 7 team, Svetlana and Zoran Popovic, in Belgrade – after the open air screenings at the Belgrade Fortress, July 9-11:
Dear Tue. We had three wonderful evenings with films on music in the open air. Blessed with sky full of stars.
It was fantastic hip-hop opening and we had great big screen and powerful sound that rocked! A lot of young people, of corse, but also some of people of our age, traditional M7 audience. It was crowded and a lot of people were sitting and lying on big pillows right in front of the screen. (Film: The Furious Force of Rhymes. Director: Joshua Ateh Litle).
The most beutiful evening was with Lagrimas Negras. Ay, ay ay! All we needed was you and Sonia Herman Dolz (director) and Carmen Cobos! The place was full, overcrowded with peoplesatanding around. Again a lot of them laying on big pillows under the magic screen. The screening was indeed full of magic and everyone enjoyed every minute of the film. The vivid images of Cuba, music, love and all film craft was in full power. We were under the spells of Lagrimas negras!
The third evening was dedicated to the hypnotic music of Simeon ten Holt, Canto Ostinato (director Ramon Gieling). And it enchanted Serbs as well as it did with the Dutch in the film. We had Sonia and Iva (colleagues from M7 team) with us and they both loved the film.
And to conclude, we had nice screenings starting very late, at 11pm, but there were people who loved staying with Saudade do futuro (Marie-Clémence and Cesar Paës), El sonido del bandoneon (Jiska Riskels) (photo) and Regilaul, die Lieder aus der Luft (Ulrike Koch). Going back home after the last screening, some time around 1 after midnight, we were approached by one of the most dedicated film-goers for decades and he told as that he enjoyed every film like he always did at M7!