MakeDox Skopje Starts Tonight
Tuesday night back to the region. After Sarajevo comes Skopje in Macedonia. I will be in the jury, 8 films to watch, creative documentaries – indeed they are. More about them later. But here are copy-pastes of two lyrical texts from the organisers with filmmaker Petra Seliskar leading MakeDox that is much more than a festival:
“On 19th August, when the storks are taking off, we are opening the eighth edition of MakeDox, honoring Louis Daguerre, the Sputnik, Belka and Strelka. The savoring of grapes has already begun, so let’s enjoy its descents as a toast to Dionisys.”
“Doc Talks under the Fig Tree… Someday, hundreds of years from now, who knows if people would believe that every summer, countless storytellers would gather under the old magnificent fig tree in the backyard of the unique Kurshumli An in Skopje just to talk until nightfall. Just to give words to the images in their heads, words that created unbelievable images in front of the listener’s eyes… every summer, for years. Join us in the shade of the fig tree, lets’s enjoy while we still can.”