Matteo Garrone: Gomorra

I am on holidays in Tuscany, in Montespertoli, a small nice town in the middle of the wine paradise. Yesterday the four of us went for an open air screening of the new, enormously strong quasi-documentary film Gomorra based on the book of Roberto Saviano that is published all over. “The movie is made up of six episodes with six main characters – all revolving around the foursided criminality between the ports of Naples, Scampia, Castelvolturno and Terzigno” (Variety Profile). Did not understand the language, no English subtitles, this was for a local audience, but could feel the nerve in the film through the hand-held, constantly moving camera and the characters, who played like this was their daily profession. Return of the neo-realism. Watch it when it comes to a cinema near you.
Will be back with a review when I have understood the language.
Italy, 2008, 135 mins. Grand Prix, Cannes 2008. Review from there: