Maysles Brothers Competition

It is the fourth time the programmer Cian Smyth organises the documentary festival ”within” the Belfast Film Festival, March 26- April 4. And again it is a pleasure to see a varied selection of high quality films, 44 in all, ” from experimental to cinema verite in form” as said in the press release, with observational “gaze” perspectives in the spirit of Albert Maysles like Helena Trestikova’s manyfold awarded “Réné”, and more “staged” titles like “Blind Loves” by Jura Lehotsky and “Z32” by Avi Mograbi, and several new Irish films.
From the press release: Finally, a section of the festival that is extremely important to us, Truth/Memory/Transition, attempts to present and discuss documentary films and their worldwide stories in the context of conflict resolution, managing the emotional impact of history and the flexible nature of memory. This strand centres around debate and Pray the Devil Back to Hell will provide a thrilling centrepiece discussion in the presence of filmmaker and subject as it sits alongside a fascinating discussion about the consequences of fame in politics with world-renowned Northern Ireland civil rights campaigner Bernadette McAliskey (nee Devlin) and the film Bernadette. Photo: A mural with Bernadette Devlin.
The films in this category: Pray the Devil Back to Hell: dir. Gini Reticker, USA, 2008, Ireland Premiere. Bernadette: dir. Duncan Campbell, Northern Ireland/Ireland, 2008, World Premiere. AWingBigCell: dir. Seamus Harahan, Miriam deBurca, Northern Ireland/Ireland, 2008, World Premiere. For the Record: dir. Mairead McClean, Northern Ireland/Ireland, 2009, World Premiere. An Phailistin – Disturbing the Silence: dir. Sonia NicGiolla Easbuig, Ireland, 2004