Merin and Fraser on "The Act of Killing"

Jennifer Merin, American film journalist and critic, has again and again written against “The Act of Killing”, some days ago when it was awarded 2 big prizes at the Cinema Eye Honors. Merin is not the only one, BBC Storyville editor Nick Fraser agrees (with different arguments) with her opposition. The link below will take you to both Merin’s review and to Fraser’s opinions. A quote from Merin’s blog:
“The below published article is a preview of a longer piece that will appear in the next edition of Film Quarterly. In it, noted BBC Commissioning Editor and documentary film authority Nick Fraser comments on The Act of Killing, a film that has attracted supporters, garnered awards and been named to the 2014 Oscars shortlist…
… Fraser’s opinions are eloquently phrased in this preview, which he so graciously sent to me with his consent that I publish it exclusively at”