Message to Man Saint-Petersburg/3
I asked film director Mikhail Zheleznikov to explain to me what lies behind the section In Silico at the festival, for which he works. He answered like this:
About In Silico. It’s the newest competition at Message to Man, and it’s going to be the third edition this year. It’s a laboratory of new (and well-forgotten old, but in the new interpretation) ideas, in which the authors are not limited by anything except the maximum length of 15 minutes and the technical capabilities of traditional film or video projection.
In this contest we present some purely experimental works, as well as more or less narrative documentary, animation or fiction shorts, which were too “avant-garde” for a more conventional international competition.
Experimental short film competition In Silico works well in the context of the whole festival program, and draws the audience. Besides, it really expands our options – now we can show almost all the crazy shorts that we like and easily get away with it.
This blogger’s comment: Bravo!
Go to the website to check out the crazy films to be shown.
Photo from one of them, “Pillar Cloud” by Maya Geller, Germany, 2013, 6 mins.