MIFF Out of Competetion

The non-competitive programme has several interesting films to offer the audience in Moscow, many of them have been written about on this blog, all have been to imporant festivals often to be awarded:
”Position among the Stars” by Leonard Retel Helmrich. ”Into Eternity” by Michael Madsen. ”Katka” by Helena Trestikova. ”Phnom Penh Lullaby” (photo) by Pawel Kloc. ”12 Angry Lebanese” by Zeina Daccache.
I am looking forward to watch the highly praised ”Pina” (Bausch) by Wim Wenders, the polish shorts ”Declaration of Immortality” by Marcin Koszalka and ”A Piece of Summer” by Marta Minorowicz, and the story about the chess genius ”Bob Fischer against the World” by American Liz Garbus. And of course Werner Herzog’s ”Caves of Forgotten Dreams” which is included in his masterclass.
Still: Pawel Kloc: Phnom Penh Lullaby. From dokweb.net.