New Photos
My co-blogger Allan Berg has put on three new photos, as our loyal readers might have discovered. The actuality comes from the publishing of a beautiful new book, amazingly well illustrated, as the book is about 100 years of Danish cinematography, (The text in the book is in Danish). Title – directly translated – ”The Eye of the Photographer”
Allan Berg writes about the three cinematographers (DOP’s) behind the photos, and many Danish documentaries: From the left a still photo from the film of Annette Mari Olsen and Katia Forbert Petersen, ”My Iranian Paradise”, camera by the latter. In the middle a still photo from the film of Jens Loftager, ”War”, camera Anthony Dodd Mantle, famous for his work with Lars von Trier and Oscar-winner for ”Slumdog Millionaire”. To the right a still photo from the new film by Max Kestner, which will be premiered next week in Copenhagen, the city that is the subject of the film. Camera by Henrik Bohn Ipsen.