New Russian Documentary Site

For those who read Russian there is a very fine new website to visit that includes good and relevant info on what is going on in Russia in the field of non-fiction and documentary. The site is independent and is set up by Ludmila Nazaruk, producer from St. Petersburg.
For us, who do not read Russian there is help to get via the (also new) google translation service. I did so via the Danish and tried the translation into Danish, which was not very good. I switched to English which gave me a much better translation, not perfect but I got the most important information and have now added miradox to my bookmarks. Ludmila Nazaruk told me about her great initiative that should be supported also from the West. Her plan is to work on making a proper English version and she has contact to EDN to make a collaboration on spreading the news about Russian documentaries. Vice versa.
Just to have a list of Russian documentary festivals, and to follow what is shown on Russian television are important for professionals, or to read how a director as Sergei Miroshnichenko evaluates the situation for Russian documentary… The photo is the logo of Artdokfest in Moscow in December. It has filmmaker Vitaly Manski as president. The programme for 2008 is a clear evidence of high quality. And the message of the logo is clear enough!
Bravo – and the least you can do is to pay a visit to