Julia Margaret Cameron: Portræt

Dette fotografi er plakatmotiv til en udstilling i Musée de l’Orangerie i Paris. Ansigtet er standset i slutpunktet af en bevægelse, måske afvisende, måske reserveret, en bevægelse mod venstre, standset i en profil. En profil som jeg kender i en kendt litterær sammenhæng. Fotografen er Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879), hun er blandt de tidligste af dem hvis fotografiske værker i skøn overdådig mængde er ophængt på den store og vigtige udstilling på Orangeriet, Qui a peur des femmes photographes? Optagelsen er fra 12. april 1867, modellen er Mrs. Herbert Duckworth, som levede med sin britiske familie i Sri Lanka. Aftrykket er på albuminpapir efter et negativ af kollodium på våd glasplade og har hjemme på Bibliothèque nationale de France. Cameron er, indrømmer jeg den eneste af fotograferne på udstillingen jeg kendte i forvejen. Nu har jeg til min forbavselse og glæde set fotografier af Mary Dillwyn, Lady Frances Jocelyn, Alice Austen, Frances Benjamin Johnston, Gertrude Kasebier…

De mange fotografier på udstillingen demonstrerer uden om redaktørernes ophængningsdispositioner og fortolkende tekster at det særlige kvindelige blik findes, at så snart kvinderne midt i 1800-tallet gik i gang med at fotografere opstod i fotografiet en særlig følsomhed for scenen, en vemodig tone af en særegen skønhed uanset tema og genre, en fotografisk fastholdelse af visse øjeblikke i iscenesættelser af tilstande og oplevelser i det kvindelige univers. Til de fastslåede Barthes’ske bestemmelser studium og punctum måtte jeg med ét, der i udstillingssalen for mig selv tilføje denne ekstra: scene som så er den imaginære begivenhed før lukkerens forevigelse, et næsten levende billede før det levende billede, en filmscene før filmscenen.  

Udstillingen er redigeret af to kunsthistorikere. Begge mænd. De har lagt stor omhu i arbejdet. Men det var fotografierne, der er fra årene 1839-1919, som optog mig og gennem deres omstændelige kemiske og materialemæssige fremgangsmåder så rørende talte til mig med dæmpede stemmer.


Udstillingens plakat udtrykker sig tydeligt med et nutidigt blik under mandlig dominans om kunstformidlingens markedsføring. Julia Margaret Camerons fotografiske portræt af Mrs. Herbert Duckworth fra 1867 er som det ses her ikke kun retoucheret (detaljerne i motivet, lys/mørke balancen, modellens lodrette midtakse i forhold til billedrammen som igen er ændret til oval) det er også ved udstillingens titel manipuleret med en påført association til Virginia Woolf, som selvfølgelig kendte Camerons fotografi, da hun var datter af Mrs. Herbert Duckworth i dennes senere ægteskab og ligheden mellem de to er så slående, at man let tager fejl, og det er når man jævnfører med udstillingens titel selvfølgelig også meningen. Men at få stillet sin berømmelse i vejen for Camerons kunst i et sentimentalt øjemed ville Virginia Woolf næppe have syntes om. Slet ikke at stille sin egen berømte profil foran sin mors tilsvarende skønhed. For en vits’ skyld.




Litt.: Roland Barthes: Det lyse kammer, 1980. 

IDFA Forum and Eastern Europe

Hanka Kastelicová from HBO Europe posted a photo and a text on FB that caught my attention: Miha Čelar and Nenad Puhovski just pitching at IDFA. Good luck, guys, you are only pitchers from Eastern Europe at IDFA Forum this year, we are very proud of your achievement, I wish you to find the right partners in Amsterdam.

I can only support the wish for success for this Slovenian/Croatian project.

But the only one from Eastern Europe… It made me go through the list of projects for the Forum and I found one more from the region, the Polish “The Prince and the Dybbuk” by the couple behind “Domino Effect”, Elwira Niewiera, Piotr Rosolowski.

But only two! Why? Is the simple reason that the selection committee did not find more of good quality for the Forum? Is it because the Eastern European producers and filmmakers did not apply because they prefer to go to Prague for the East Doc Platform in March, or to some of the smaller pitching sessions like the ones at ZagrebDox or Baltic Sea Forum in Riga or the one connected to the Krakow festival?

Is it because the difference in budgets for Eastern and Western European documentary films are so big that – without any bad thoughts – both the selectors and those selecting think that it does not make any sense to have a project with a budget of 100.000€ at the Forum? Where the normal is around 250.000€.

… IDFA announced its winners yesterday. There was a Polish/Swedish, a Latvian/Ukrainian, a Georgian, a Scottish/Georgian.


IDFA Awards 2015

The festival in Amsterdam is still going on – until November 29. The awards, however, were presented yesterday, For the first time ever, two prizes were awarded per competition: a prize for the best film and a special jury prize.

For the Feature-Length Documentary Competition it was a Polish/Ukrainian triumph. Jerzy Sladkowski got the main award for his ”Don Juan” – a quote from the jury report: “This tender, bittersweet tragicomedy about role-playing within both therapeutic theatre games and family dramas, and the interplay between them, is both subtle and aggressive, speaking volumes about the definitions of normality, abnormality and the dynamics of power and love”. A fine choice by the jury to give a prize to the Polish veteran, who has been living in Sweden since 1982, and who for this film had engaged the master of camera, Wojciech Staron. The Special Jury Award went to Roman Bondarchuk and Darya Averchenko for their first feature length documentary, ”Ukrainian Sheriffs”, produced by Latvian Uldis Cekulis – and many times written about on this site. So well deserved!

From my point of view the jury for IDFA Award for Best Mid-Length Documentary made a beautiful choice giving the main award to Danish Andreas Koefoed for his ”At Home in the World” (photo), a quote from the jury report: ”a film that manages to humanize the issues we are so concerned about today. With great sensitivity and compassion for its characters the director gives a face to the most vulnerable of refugees, children bravely coping with a new world. We were deeply moved by a film that provides people everywhere a slight ray of hope.” The Special Jury Award was given to ”The Fog of Srebrenica” by Samir Mehanovic.

The IDFA Award for First Appearance went to Georgian ”When the Earth Seems to be Light” by Salome Machaidze, Tamuna Karumidze and David Meskhi, a quote from the jury report: ”A particular city, a flickering moment in life, and a specific time in history are viewed through the eyes of youth who drift, almost invisibly, through a landscape of crumbling architecture and political protest. Cinema contains many portraits of young masculinity, but our experimential, expertly-crafted… film sees its outsider subjects differently. It finds within their apathy the visions of a different and better life.” The Special Jury Award in memory of Peter Wintonick went to Hassen Ferhani’s Roundabout in My Head (Algeria/France/Lebanon/Qatar).

There were more prizes given, read the titles and motivations by clicking below.


Breaking News: CPH:DOX Moves from November

While IDFA is running, CPH:DOX communicates that it will move from November to March. Festival director Tine Fischer puts it like this:

“This year’s festival has been outstanding. We have once again had great response from our audiences, and the interest from the international film industry is now so significant that we have decided to move the festival to March to give ourselves the space it takes to develop the international ambitions of the festival further. CPH:DOX has taken place in the week before IDFA since the very beginning without too many overlaps and complications, but with the latest year’s growth in international industry attendance we need more space around us.”

According to the press release, link below, the producers and the Film Institute are very happy with this decision, using words like ”unique” and ”a leading platform” about the festival, that in the same text – most important from this blogger’s point of view – stresses that…

… the mission of the festival continues to be to present challenging and critical works of documentary cinema – and other arts – in an original and intelligent context. CPH:DOX aims to set a high cultural standard and to stimulate critical thinking, while insisting on documentary as an art form across different practices…

By the way the 2015 version finished with a new audience record: 91.400 (in 2011 it was 47.000).

Next festival March 16-26 2017.

Photo by Amanda Obitz


Russian Documentary Survey

Extensive and valuable information was sent to me by Russian Georgy Molodtsov, energetic filmmaker and promoter of documentaries from his country – together with Sergei Kachkin, Alisa Stolyarova and Vlad Ketkovich, contact persons for Moscow Business Square, Documentary Film Center and the Russian Documentary Guild.

43 pages, editor-in-chief Konstantin Nafikov, captions: Festivals, Cinemas, Producers, Distributors, Sales Agents, tv channels.

There is a detailed description of how to get support from the Ministry of Culture through obtaining a status of ”National Film”, there is a statistic of how many admissions foreign films have made in Russian cinemas with ”Citizen Four” (Laura Poitras) and ”Amy” (Asif Kapadia) in the top with 33.000 and 24.000. A list of production companies, of international film festivals, tv channels, and first and foremost the films with credits, links to trailers, information on where to watch the full films – many of the are right now at IDFA’s Docs for Sale and at East Silver run by IDF in Prague. Director names – Alina Rudnitskaya, Tatiana Soboleva, Denis Klebeev (photo from his succesful ”Strange Particles”), Viktor Kossakovsky, Ivan Tverdovsky, Vitaly Mansky, Sergei Miroshnichenko… to mention a few.

At this very moment where the IDFA Forum is running and where projects are presented that have budgets around 250.000€ or more, it is interesting to read the budgets of the Russian documentaries, very few of them exceed 100.000€.

Thanks for doing this big work, I say as one who is always interested in what happens in the big country – and thanks for including the controversial films as well, which are ”only” shown outside Russia.


Becoming Zlatan…

… or how I could not get rid of the football player, whose last name is Ibrahimovic, the man who with two goals last week made sure that we Danes do not have a team at the upcoming European Championship. I watched the match with good friend, true documentarian, Scottish Doug Aubrey and his Danish Film Institute commissioner wife Marie Olesen, a football connaisseur, at their place, we survived the Danish defeat thanks to good whisky and a recognition of the fact that Denmark lost to a great player.

I thought the defeat was out of my mind but at IDFA some days later I met Fredrik Gertten, a football idiot like myself, always AGAINST Messi and FOR Zlatan. With a smile he gave me a postcard invitation to the world premiere of the film he and his brother Magnus have made, “Becoming Zlatan”, Danish editor (traitor!) Jesper Osmund.

My luck was that I could not be in Amsterdam for the screening but it was not possible to get rid of Zlatan… On French television, this evening, here in Paris, there was a long focus on Zlatan, Ibra as they call him here, who in this weekend’s French league, for his PSG club, was the leader, and was praised for his football skills. The two

goals were shown, which brought Zlatan and Sweden to Paris in June. Painful!

Back to the film which I long to watch, here is the description from the IDFA site:

The decisive years of Swedish soccer player Zlatan Ibrahimović, told through rare archive footage in which a young Zlatan speaks openly about his life and challenges. The film closely follows him, from his debut with the Malmö FF team in 1999 through his conflict-ridden years with Ajax Amsterdam, and up to his final breakthrough with Juventus in 2005. Becoming Zlatan is a coming-of-age film that captures the complicated journey of this young, talented and troubled player as he becomes a superstar in the international football world. It’s a story about a young talent living under constant pressure: from teammates in Malmö who think he’s too egoistical and only plays for himself; from the tough managers at Ajax who send him to the bench, where he loses his self-confidence; and from his father, who tells the 18-year-old Zlatan: “You’re nothing. You’re nothing special until you’ve succeeded internationally.” Throughout his journey, Zlatan stays true to himself. When he finally succeeds in Italy, he also becomes much more private. Soccer superstar Zlatan Ibrahimović is an enigma, but in this story from his breakthrough years, he gives us a glimpse at who he really is – if even just for a moment.

Sweden, 2015, 110 mins.

Photo from the premiere: Magnus Gertten, editor (Danish!!!) Jesper Osmund, Fredrik Gertten. Jävla Svenskere!

Robert Frank, Ukrainian Sheriffs and Kossakovsky

If you read the post below, ”Viktor Kossakovsky at IDFA”, you will discover his insisting on the form, on the composing of the image, on the aesthetics. If you want to see how this can be done, please go and see Laura Israel’s film ”Don’t Blink: Robert Frank” (Photo) here at IDFA. It was screened at the Stedelijk Museum thursday night and is an excellent introduction to the now 91 year old legendary photographer and filmmaker made by his editor and collaborator in many films, a warm and generous portrait and a look into the creative process of a lovely man, a great artist, who has suffered personal tragedies in his life, that is very much present in his work, but who has also demonstrated how to catch moments in the lives of ”The Americans”, the title of his masterpiece. There was a retrospective of his work – and there is right now at IDFA, including his Rolling Stones film, ”Cocksucker Blues” – in Copenhagen, Sara Thelle wrote about it on this site.

And then last night at the Munt 11 cinema with around 400 seats, full house to the world premiere of ”Ukrainian Sheriffs” by Roman Bondarchuk and Darya Averchenko, which I have had the pleasure to follow from the sideline and with a biased look: it is an excellent film that demonstrates fully the talent of Bondarchuk, also present in his ”Dixieland” that will premiere next year. A breakthrough on the international scene. The film has wisely been taken fo the main international competition by the IDFA, where it still has 6-7 screenings.

Finally, there has been quite some discussions here at IDFA about the Viktor Kossakovsky session the other day. I wrote about it and this morning I got an email from VK, who wrote to me something important, I have to correct from my previous text: … one thing: I was saying Sorry, because Russians or prorussians shot the airplane MH17. And when I was watching The Belovs I just realized that you can see in the film the main element of russian mentality: unpredictable aggression – when we talk about Patriotism and meaning of life…


Christian Holten Bonke: Ejersbo

Det åbner så smukt med en arkivoptagelse af forfatteren Jakob Ejersbo i en bus i Tanzania må det jo være, smuk, glad, forventningsfuld. Så vandrer han hen ad den afrikanske landevej, kameraet ser ham bagfra. Vi vil gerne følge ham, vil gerne blive i den her filmpoetiske historie.

Men straks derefter tages der med det nøgternt observerende kamera fat på bjergvandringen som gennemgående fortællelag. ”Det skete i virkeligheden ved et tilfælde. Jeg hørte om forfatteren Rune Skyum-Nielsens planlagte tur op til Kilimanjaros tinde med Jakobs to venner. En tur hvor Jakobs sidste ønske skulle forløses. At hans aske skulle spredes ud over Tanzanias jord. Jeg var allerede tændt. Kan man drømme om en bedre ramme for et portræt? Selvom jeg skulle portrættere en afdød forfatter, ville jeg gennem opstigningen på bjerget Kilimanjaro kunne skildre Jakob gennem et dramatisk nutidslag. Det var en gave…” skriver Bonke i pressematerialet til filmen. Bonke presser imidlertid sin gave, sit indfald, presser sit stof til grænsen af overvægt, hvis da ikke netop over den grænse, tænkte jeg ved første gennemsyn, filmen er ved at vælte. Jeg tænkte videre at det måske var sådan et element som der engang på et lille skilt over alle begynderes klippeborde med et mere end berømt citat advaredes mod: den kæreste scene skulle fjernes.

Imidlertid er ”Ejersbo” et anderledes kontrolleret filmværk, en arkitektur af modsætninger som kontrasteres: det drømmende lyriske kamera i åbningen mod det realistiske observerende kamera nu i historiens videførelse, asken i plastikæsken i køkkenskabet pakkes om i tre mindre plastikæsker som tapes til, denne nøgterne ikke sakrale detalje. Herefter er man forberedt, er blevet part i aftalen i åbningen og accepterer at tv-stilen i interviewet med søsteren står ved siden af den filmiske stil i scenerne med vennen som bor i Tanzania, mens de to sæt optagelser deler det samme erindringsstof.

Ved andet gennemsyn havde jeg paraderne nede og forstod meget mere og var helt med i den fortsatte skildring af bjergvandringen og dens noget private samtale om forfatteren og med på klippet til hans romantekstuddrag smukt præcist kongenialt læst af instruktøren på en billedside af filmscener. Således tillidsfuld inde i Bonkes og filmklipperne Nanna Frank Møllers og Henrik Vincent Thiesens filmbiografis rolige fremadskridende fortælling er jeg parat til at møde interviewene med forældrene i stil med interviewet med søsteren i danske omgivelser i danske journalistiske problemstillinger sat over for Jakob Ejersbos parallelle tekster i litterær, i kunstnerisk, i poetisk form, og jeg mærker med ét de menneskelige afstande i den familie. Det er en klippebedrift af format at forene disse elementer og disse stilarter, ja disse genrer og samtidigt endvidere disse medvirkendes tankegang og sind så forskelligt talende om det samme.

En særlig vægt og aura har interviewet med forlagsredaktøren Johannes Riis, optagelser som bliver en beretning helt for sig selv, en indlevet rapport om selve det litterære arbejde og kun det. Et element som distanceret faglig og indlevet digterisk findes centralt i filmens konstruktion, og det peger da også direkte mod filmens kerne: det store berømte romanværk og der særligt Afrika trilogien. Riis’ redegørelse er i sammenhængen et umisteligt element, det forekommer i og for sig alene en film, en tv-dokumentar værd.

”At læse Jakob Ejersbo er som at høre god rock. Det er ’in your face’-virkelighed; råt og direkte. Ingen overflødige mellemspil. Det er vrede og frustration, du bliver konfronteret med. Først lidt senere fanger du de større buer og den store følsomhed, det hele springer fra… ” skriver Bonke i introduktionen til sin film. Jeg måtte altså måske i hans film lede efter disse buer af sammenhæng først og dernæst efter skildringen af følsomheden, ville jeg tro.

Og det lykkedes, men altså først efter andet gennemsyn. (Ved gode film skal flere gennemsyn til…) I første omgang stod noget i vejen, noget uskønt og kaotisk, noget uvant. Var der én eller flere historier, ét eller flere fortælleforløb eller -lag? For det første er der de to venners egne anekdotiske historier om sig selv og vennen og kollegaen Jakob Ejersbo, som i en observerende kamera stil er adskilt fra det andet fortællelag, Jakob Ejersbo biografien som er bygget af dele fra det første fortællelag og dele af interviewene med de øvrige medvirkende i almindelig traditionel tv-dokumentar fotografi. Det fremtræder igen adskilt fra skildringen af kernen, som må være Jakob Ejersbos værk skrevet bag nedrullet persienne som romaner, Nordkraft og de tre Afrika bøger, hvorom det især drejer sig. Og så er der endelig et fjerde lag, den fortællelinje som dannes af interviewene med søsteren, faderen, moderen, vennen i Tanzania og kæresten i Danmark, et forløb som er en næsten nyfigen skildring af hvad der egentlig er en ganske privat familiehistorie, hvor der kun i ét af temaerne, i tegningen af kærlighedsforholdene skimtes poetisk kraft i Holten Bonkes ellers nøgternt prosaisk episke behandling af dette stof, allermest i skildringen af forholdet til en sjælsallieret, en vigtig fjern kvinde. Dette afsnit har Bonke fint og kontrolleret smukt viet en iscenesættelse af en rekonstruktion.

I dualiteten liv og værk kan det være nødvendigt at vælge. Christian Bonke har i en vaklen mellem journalistik og filmkunst med et tilsyneladende kaotisk materiale med en række forskellige stilarter, menneskesyn, værdisæt, personlige temperamenter strittende i alle retninger i et imponerende klippearbejdes overblik og vilje til ét frembragt et sammenhængende værk af filmkunst som fører et bestemt sted hen: til det litterære bogværk, som nu helt nødvendigt må læses og genlæses. Jeg må tro: ganske i Jakob Ejersbos ånd.

Christian Holten Bonke: ”Ejersbo”, Danmark 2015, 75 min. DOXBIO premiere i Aalborg i Biffen 24. november 19:00, vises i en række biografer fra 25. november: http://www.doxbio.dk/kob-billet/

CREDITS: Manuskript og instruktion: Christian Holten Bonke. Manuskript konsulenter: Rune Skyum-Nielsen, Maja Jul Larsen. Foto: Talib Rasmussen samt Christian Kirk Muff og Christian Holten Bonke (optagelser på Kilimanjaro). Medvirkende: Morten Alsinger, Christian Kirk Muff, Ea Ejersbo, Hanne Ejersbo, Mogens Ejersbo, Ditte Steenballe, Johannes Riis, Alizeth Mushi, Grace Godfrey Kimaro. Indtaling: Christian Holten Bonke. Producere: Katrine A. Sahlstrøm og Ellen Riis. Producent: Bonke Film. LITTERATUR / LINKS: Ejersbo, Jakob og Alsinger, Morten: Fuga. 1998. Ejersbo, Jakob: Superego, 2000. Nordkraft, 2002, Eksil. Gyldendal, 2009, Revolution, 2009 og Liberty, 2009.

http://www.doxbio.dk/movie-archive/ejersbo/  (Trailer mv.)

http://www.forfatterweb.dk/oversigt/zejersboja00/print_zejersboja13 (Om Jacob Ejersbo)

http://www.dfi.dk/faktaomfilm/film/da/92219.aspx?id=92219 (Om filmen)

http://www.christianbonke.com/  (Company, director, filmografi)

Viktor Kossakovsky at IDFA

The IDFAAcademy for young filmmakers from all over the world started yesterday. Joyful Meike Statema is the head of this important section of the Documentary Paradise that IDFA was called in the KLM flight magazine I had in my hands during the turbulent journey down from Copenhagen thursday morning.

The turbulence continued… After video introductions of the participants – full of fun – Viktor Kossakovsky and Tom Fassaert were introduced under the headline ”Master and Talent”. It became one of the most memorable sessions I have experienced. It was emotional and informational at the same time – to bring forward two words that Kossakovsky used on a stage that he conquered totally.

The original idea, I think, was that the two of them should have a conversation about filmmaking, the experienced Kossakovsky and the young Tom Fassaert, whose ”A Family Affair” was the opening film of the festival’s 28th edition.

It did not work out like that. Fassaert wanted to show his appreciation of Kossakovsky by showing a long clip from ”Belovs”. He did and it made Kossakovsky burst into tears, kneel in front of the screen, ”I am sorry I shot this”, ”this is a typical Russian person”, he was inconsolable, had to leave the room, came back, left again, came back and stayed.

Stayed, yes, I dare say, to tear apart completely the film of the talent. He

asked for a screening of two times five minutes – without sound – from ”A Family Affair”… What do you think, he asked Fassaert, is that a good cut, is that a good shot, why did you not get up a bit earlier in the morning to catch the right light, so on so forth. ”There’s no form”, ”where is your talent”, the rhytm of your film is like ”a limping chicken”, ”you don’t know how to distinguish emotion and information”, ”composition of the image, it is not there”.

OMG – Tom Fassaert took it well, I think – but ”you could have warned me in beforehand” – and Kossakovsky gave him the following home work: 1.Go and watch Rembrandt. 2.Watch contemporary art. 3.Read big books.

”You can continue to be a filmmaker if you in the next film are able to surprise yourself and me”. And to the audience: ”If you watch two films by me, which are just good, then I will quit making films”.

”There must be an aesthetical reason, if you don’t have that, don’t make the film”.

Viktor Kossakovsky is a gift to the documentary community, always inspiring, not afraid to express his emotions. An entertainer as well. All right, he ”killed” the young director but he will survive and without having seen the whole ”A family affair”, but only clips, Kossakovsky was right in his objections. What a show, thank you IDFA!    

Listapad Minsk – Eye of Pleasure

Irina Demyanova came up to me at the Baltic Sea Forum in Riga: Tue, it is time for you to come back to Minsk. You were there 20 years ago! I would like to invite you back.

Right she is, I was in Minsk to meet filmmakers two decades ago. I travelled with Ilze Gailite, we represented the Baltic Media Centre and had meetings, that included a presentation of something new called “pitching”. That is one of the things that Yuri Goroulev remembered, when I met him in Minsk a week ago for the 22 edition of the Listapad festival.

I was there for three full days – hospitality warm, perfect organization, good programme for documentaries, which was what I was looking for and at. And – as my Russian language skills do not exist – the festival generously offered me, and other guests, a personal guide. Veronika Bondarovich, young filmmaker-to-be, took me around to films and to the lecture on documentary I made at the festival, where she and Lizaveta Bobrykava, head of the industry section, translated/interpreted my school English so well.

I had time to watch four Belarussian documentaries and meet with the

directors to talk about their new projects. They were all of good quality, most of them so-called self-financed in a country, where public funding is little and restrictions many. Daria Yurkevich, living half time France half time Belarus, has made a 13 mins. long documentary called “Easter” on outdoor church ceremonies, beautifully shot, has been to the festival in Clermont-Ferrand this year. Equally cinematically impressive is “Adam”, a portrait of a 80 year old man, 20 mins., made by Yulia Gonchar, her first documentary where she performs a wild editing, quite refreshing! Another talent is Artem Lobach, who had been to Ukraine to film the 25 minutes long story about bohemian Pavel, who left Crimea after the Russians came. Title “Road to Damascus”, Lobach wants to make a follow-up – with Pavel’s family in Crimea.

The longest one, 61 minutes, the one that was awarded as the best Belorussian documentary at the Listapad festival, was “Guests” by Andrei Kutsila, who has been to the Baltic Sea Forum several times and took part in the series “15 Young by Young” produced by Latvian Ilona Bicevska. Kutsila’s film, shot in the countryside of Belarus and in Italy, tells the story about Aliaksiej, a young man who operates his life as a disciple of Mother Teresa, having set up an asylum for poor and disabled people. Kutsila, who has done camera and editing as well, has stayed a long time at the house of Aliaksiej catching the stories of some of the inhabitants, who are being taken care of. He has found the right, slow rhythm, he lets the scenes develop, he gets close but does never lose a respectful distance in the room where 4-5 are sleeping. The work of Aliaksiej (called brother Luigi when he is in Italy) is constantly under threat from the authorities – considered to be illegal.

The jury for the international documentary competition, headed by Artchil Khetagouri, did a good job. Main award for Best Documentary (like at DOK Leipzig), “Brothers” by Polish Wojciech Staron, Sergei Loznitsa got an award for his brilliant “The Event”, Ostap Kostyuk from Ukraine got an award for “The Living Fire”, “for believing in the preservation of authentic national culture in the process of globalization”, and there was a diploma to Lithuanian Giedre ickytė for her “Master and Tatyana”. All these films have been praised on this site.
