Riga – and Gustavs Klucis

The premiere was in 2008, in Riga, the film about Klucis, ”The Deconstruction of an Artist”. Directed by Peteris Krilovs. And here I stand in front of the Arsenals Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art, where there is an exhibition of the artist (runs until October 26), a very good one and for one who knows his work from the film it is a pleasure to walk around and see all the posters and collages from the film, here hanging with no movements, in the film set in motion in an intelligent presentation and with a superb flown and rythm in the montage.

This is a quote from one of many texts, that has appeared on filmkommentaren.dk about the film:

”Latvian director Peteris Krilovs’ documentary about legendary artist Gustav Klucis took several prizes at the National award ceremony in Riga a week ago: best director, best editor (Danish Julie Vinten), best script (Pauls Bankovskis) and best sound mix (Andris Barons). A big triumph for the company Vides Film Studio and its energetic leader Uldis Cekulis.

So well deserved. The same team has just completed a film from Krilovs. ”Obliging Collaborators”. Here is a promotion text from the internet:

With this full-length documentary, director Pēteris Krilovs delves into an

intricate and intriguing period in modern Latvian history, his father’s death at the hands of the KGB intertwined with the underhanded game played by Soviet Latvian KGB agents against Swedish-English-American intelligence services. In the 1960s, a book was released and a feature film made, later, a pseudo-documentary TV series produced propagandising how Soviet agents fooled their Western counterparts. This “game” and its players and pawns are the focus of Krilovs’ documentary “Uz spēles Latvija”. The compelling personal history, the protagonists, the editing of archival materials, distinct and at times ironic, as well as the powerful visuals will help the viewer to navigate these little-known historical events.

I have seen the film in a Latvian version and yesterday in an English. Unfortunately the screening room for the latter had a bad sound transmission so I did not get the personal commentary from Krilovs. Will get back later with a review.

Riga – and Herz Frank

I am in Riga – again – to take part in a “Baltic Sea Region Documentary Film Research Seminar” arranged by LAC Riga Film Museum. It starts today and my job is to give a brief introduction to the Danish documentary fllm history. More about that in the coming days.

Last night I met with producer Guntis Trekteris to catch up on the theme: When is the premiere of ”Beyond The Fear”, the last film of Herz Frank, made in collaboration with Maria Kravchenko, who finished the work after the death of Frank.

Trekteris told me that idfa had rejected the film so the premiere will be in Riga as the opening film of the new Riga International Film Festival on the 2nd of December. The festival runs until the 12th of December and includes the European Film Academy Awards Ceremony. Also the film will be the opening film of the ArtDocFest in Moscow (December 9), run by renowned director Vitaly Mansky. It was Mansky, who said the following about Herz Frank: “Years will go by, and only 2-3 documentary film-makers will be remembered from each century.” But even today it is clear – Herz Frank is on that list for the 20th century!”

… and the photo is me in front of the beautiful plaque of Herz Frank in Lacplesa Street 29, Riga. Photo taken by Lelda Ozola early September when we still had “indian summer”!

EDN Interview with Claas Danielsen

Cecilie Bolvinkel from EDN is responsible for extensive ”Member of the Month” – interviews, that can be found on the website of the association. A fine one came out two days ago with Claas Danielsen because ” DOK Leipzig 2014 will be Claas’ last edition as Festival Director – EDN has talked to Claas about the festival’s past and present and his own future.” I have taken a text quote, but please read the whole interview, link below:

“The funding is and has been a huge challenge. It is as complicated as putting an international co-production together and the requirements literally get more bureaucratic every year. It’s unbelievable how many small sources of income we have to generate to make the festival happen.

Secondly, it was not easy to win the trust of many people closely connected to the festival who were suspicious of me as a “Wessi”, a person from western Germany. Having worked for an organisation branded by Discovery Channel before, some thought that I wanted to change their “Dok Film Week” into a TV festival. To modernise a festival with such a long tradition was a huge task for me.

Another challenge for every festival organiser is the competition between festivals for films and professionals attending. With IDFA only three weeks away, this of course is a problem for us like it is for the other autumn festivals.

My background as a filmmaker helped me to make a clear decision: I will not play the premiere game and only insist on a national premiere for films in competition. Although many world or international premieres end up in our four documentary competitions the decisive criterion for us is the artistic quality of each individual film. After ten years in this job, I still deeply believe that festivals should first and foremost serve the films – and not the vanity of festivals. To stop a documentary that had its national premiere in spring from traveling to festivals in other countries till the end of the year only to get the international premiere harms the film as it will be too old for the other events next year.

The most rewarding experience definitely is to see the general audience growing from year to year. People want to watch documentaries and better understand what’s happening in the world! To see young people storm the festival cinemas is extremely uplifting – especially as it proves decision makers in public TV wrong who claim that they can’t win an audience with this genre. The truth is that this audience has turned its back towards television, especially young people.

(photo credit Christian Hueller)


The Flaherty and Sergey Loznitsa

No week without good news from The Flaherty, this time the following newsletter came in:

The Flaherty is very pleased to enter into a new collaboration with Colgate University named the Colgate/Flaherty Distinguished Global Filmmaker. This project will fund a filmmaker’s travel to the US and a four-day residency including a series of interdisciplinary screenings and lectures.

Integrated into the itinerary is a Flaherty NYC screening, and, during the Colgate residency, a public event facilitated by the Flaherty NYC programmers. Each year the filmmaker visit will provide a significant means of examining the complexities surrounding documentary film, including the conceptual, logistical, political and aesthetic decisions involved – as well as contemporary theoretical concepts of the “global.”

This fall the Colgate/Flaherty Distinguished Global Filmmaker collaboration will bring acclaimed Russian filmmaker Sergei Loznitsa to the Flaherty NYC screening series on Monday, November 3 at Anthology Film Archives in New York City, and to Colgate University for an intensive weeklong exploration of film and filmmaking. The project will run for three years, thanks to support from the Colgate University’s Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty and the Christian A. Johnson Endeavor CORE Fund. 

If you click the link above you get to know about the films of the director to be presented, as always good and useful information.


Dan Reed: Terror at the Mall

Man kan se filmen alene for denne kvindes skyld. Hun og hendes to børn gennemlevede og overlevede Al Shabaabs mange mord på uskyldige den 21. september sidste år i Westgate indkøbscentret i Nairobi. Hendes lange, bemærkelsesværdigt kontrollerede og detaljerede vidnesbyrd indeholder på sin vis mere viden om den konkrete terror end hele dokumentarens dokumentation af begivenhederne på basis af Dan Reeds og klipperen Mark Towns’ fagligt opsigtsvækkende klippearbejde med en omhyggelig rekonstruktion af begivenhedsforløbet på grundlag af først og fremmest mere end tusind timers uredigeret materiale fra indkøbscentrets mange, mange overvågningskameraer, som, jeg ved ikke hvordan, Reed en dag havde i hånden i en harddisk. Reed fortæller:

”… Although I kept telling myself that if the news channels had not managed to obtain a full copy of the recordings with all their contacts and connections inside the country, I would have little chance of doing so and in fact had never set foot in Kenya before, I reminded myself that this was exactly how I felt at the beginning of another documentary I had made a few years ago about a high-profile urban siege (Terror in Mumbai, 2009) when I read a few excerpts from a transcript of intercepted mobile phone calls between the gunmen in Mumbai and their handlers in Pakistan and wondered whether it might somehow be possible to get hold of the unedited audio recordings. That had seemed like an equally impossible task, but one day there I was, clutching a memory stick containing the full recordings. And so I hoped I might have the same luck in Nairobi. A couple of months later, sure enough, I was holding a drive with more than a thousand hours of unedited security camera footage on it, a vastly greater quantity than had been leaked to the press in the days after the attack and more importantly a more or less continuous record of events on the ground floor – the key location where the four terrorists spent more than 48 of the 49 hours of the siege.”

Selvfølgelig kan man også se filmen for at beundre dette arbejde, som derudover inkluderede identifikation af mange, mange enkeltpersoner på disse optagelser, opsøgning af dem, utallige interviews med dem og yderligere indsamling af arkivstof og meget mere. Endelig en række fornemt håndterede  filmoptagelser som den med den rolige kvinde i sit hjem.

Og man kan se filmen for at beundre de første tilstedeværende, som egentlig reagerede adækvat på de voldsomme begivenheder, en bevæbnet forretningsmand ved navn Abdul Haji og sammen med ham en lille gruppe civilt klædte politifolk. De traf sammen den ultimative beslutning ikke at vente på forstærkning, men i stedet storme Westgate mall for at redde så mange som muligt. En enkelt fortælling blandt en række sideordnede gennem filmens forløb, alt holdt på plads af Michael Lumsden’s rolige, nøgterne fortællerstemme.

Men man kan også se filmen alene for denne kvindes skyld.

Med sit barn på armen så hun den dag en terrorist i øjnene og opdagede, at han også var et barn! Så, at de to børn vinkede og smilede til hinanden. Hun fortæller som kvinden før i en tilsvarende smukt filmet interviewscene historien tilsvarende mærkeligt kontrolleret og fuld af pludselig indsigt i den konkrete terrorists særlige emotionelle og intellektuelle status. Hun ser ham som et barn.

UK, BBC Two, 2014, 55 min. Sendes på DR2 Dokumania i morgen tirsdag 20:45


Dan Reed, filmografi

“Terror in Moscow” (2003) om en tjekensk gruppe af bevæbnede mænd og kvinder med selvmordsveste i en dagelang besættelse af et publikumsfyldt teater.

“Terror in Mumbai” (2009) om den pakistanske Lashkar-e-Taiba gruppes nedskydninger og bombninger på et hotel.

“Terror at the Mall” (2014)

Idfa and cph:dox 2014

After DOKLeipzig and Jihlava IDFF have announced their programme, these (idfa and cph:dox) two significant documentary festivals have press released selection decisions, ambitions and visions.

Idfa (November 19-30) first – take a look at the website, link below – seven competition sections, six non-competitive and eight so-called ”special focus”, including one on Heddy Honigmann, so well deserved, and Honigmann is also the one who has made the ”top ten”, which is always interesting: Which films have important directors chosen? Lovely to see films by Victor Erice, Fernando Birri and Wang Bing on the list as well as two films by Johan van der Keuken, one ”The Reading Lesson”, 10 mins., that I have never heard about. By the way, Honigmann’s great new film ” Around the World in 50 Concerts” opens the festival this year.

It is impossible to go through all categories, and title-dropping is boring but let me just express joy that Danish Camilla Nielsson’s ”Democrats” is in competition as well as Hanna Polak’s ”Something Better to Come” and Nima Sarvestani’s ”Those Who Said No”, all three films that I know about from workshops and pitch sessions, and all three films that characterise idfa as a place for social and political interpretation of our world today. Also happy to see Davis Simanis (photo ”upstairs” on our website) represented in the Panorama programme with his cinematic ”Escaping Riga” and Egyptian Nadine Salib’s ”Mother of the Unborn” (photo) in the ”First Appearance” competition.

Cph:dox (November 6-16) is launching its full programme today, monday the 13th, and we will talk about that as we have already done, announcing the opening film, ”1989” by Anders Østergaard. The festival, however, wants to be

much more than a film festival. Read this edited version of a press release that came out a week ago:

CPH:DOX launches a completely new programme called MEGATRENDS focusing on five of the fundamental changes that affect the world as we know it and will shape our common future. CPH:DOX and MEGATRENDS offer a cross-disciplinary programme of films, debates, events and interactive workshops dedicated to the latest social, technological and economic changes in the world.

“Our goal has always been to be the best documentary film festival in the world. With MEGATRENDS we now want to become the best documentary film festival for the world” says festival director Tine Fischer.

With MEGATRENDS, CPH:DOX aims to eventually create a completely new democratic forum for participation and reflection. A place that makes a qualitative inventory of the main concerns facing society, where everyone can learn about how to help shape and change the future.

Sustainability: RETHINKING RESOURCES – creative and constructive solutions to the climate crisis

The New Economy: MOVERS & MAKERS – open source, the maker movement and the digital paradigm shift

Inequality: POLARIZED – the growing economic inequality and its social consequences

Expanding technologies: WE ARE THE ROBOTS – revolutions in the field of technology, biology and psychology

A rediscovered continent: AFRICA RISING – the world_s highest growth rates are in Africa, but at what cost?…

Think Big, and YES, documentaries are there to raise debate and make us think, and react! They are gonna be busy the documentary viiewers in Amsterdam and Copenhagen!




Jespersen & Farah: Krigerne fra Nord

Det er al ære værd, at DR ønsker at skabe debat omkring en films emne, som det er sket med Søren Steen Jespersen og Nasib Farahs “Krigerne fra Nord”, som – citat fra hjemmesiden – “handler om radikaliseringen og rekrutteringen af unge med somalisk baggrund i Vesten til terrororganisationen Al-Shabab, som hærger i Somalia.” Det er god public-service, at filmen før sin visning har været genstand for omfattende presse og debatarrangementer rundt i landet. Og det er godt, at DR støtter en film, hvis hensigt er sober oplysning for at få seerne til at forstå den menneskelige baggrund. Hvorfor blev de terrorister?

Sagen er bare, at filmen, som her skal anmeldes, ikke lykkes. Ét problem er naturligvis, at den medvirkende anonyme hovedperson, ”Skyggen”, netop fremstår billedmæssigt som en skygge. Det er så hvad det er, han skal beskyttes, men det går galt, når han skal fortælle sin historie. Det gør han ganske givet med egne ord, som er skrevet ned (ifølge pressematerialet af instruktøren) og så indtalt. Det skrevne i en oplæst udgave virker klodset og kunstigt. Det skurrer i ørerne. Ægtheden ryger.

Flere indvendinger: Der er helt sikkert intet i vejen med den journalistiske research, som er foretaget både her, i Somalia og i andre lande, men der er intet fokus i den visuelle fortælling. Der er ikke et filmisk forløb, der hoppes ind og ud af hovedhistorien, der ”illustreres” med klichébilleder fra højhusmiljøer og tilbage står en

fragmenteret velmenende historie fortalt af en modig ung mand, der er ude af Al-Shabab og står frem, omend som en skygge, og fortæller om det gode sammenhold han havde med sine venner, når de sad i Danmark og så videoer, udsendt af Al-Shabab og andre, der opfordrer til vold og terror. To af de tre venner har sprængt sig selv og mange andre i luften, den tredje er i Somalia, hans navn er Mohammed og hans far er Abukar, som i filmen forsøger at få kontakt til sin søn for at bede ham om at komme hjem. Med Abukar i billedet lykkes det ind imellem at gribe tilskueren. Kunne filmen være bygget op om ham og hans forsøg på at redde sin søn ud af terroristernes kløer?

Rundt omkring hovedhistorien er der så scener med unge fra andre lande, som med tørklæde om hovedet og våben i hånd præsenterer, hvorfor de er i Al-Shabab – og en enkelt afhopper der står frem uden forklædning. Plus frygtelige scener med optagelser af terroraktioner forårsaget bl.a. af ”Skyggen”s venner. Fik vi så svarene og dermed en større forståelse? Jo, ”Skyggen” var træt af at blive set ned på af danskerne og af at drikke sig stiv hvert andet øjeblik, men ellers? Det større perspektiv. Næh…

Filmen vises på DR, i dag søndag den 12. oktober.

Danmark, 2014, 58 mins.


Tiha K. Gudac: Naked Island

They have always been and they are still made, these gripping documentaries about people being arrested and sent to isolated islands for punishment. By the people in power. On this occasion, I remember several films on the camps on Makronissos in Greece, the best being one by Ilias Yannakakis and Evi Karabatsou from 2008. And now this important film from Croatia produced by the production company Factum, that has never hesitated to focus on controversial themes, untold stories from the past and the present. This time told by a granddaughter, who wants to know her family story. Starting point: Why was grandfather’s body full of scars?

It was not talked about, when he was alive. It was a taboo what happened in Yugoslavia during those years in the beginning of the 1950’es, when grandpa, ”an enemy of the state”, was away for four years. It took a generation to deal with it, it was the granddaughter, the film’s director, who wanted to bring the story to the world. Which became a painful journey in itself. She had to address her mother, her sister, her father and a couple of ”aunts and uncles”, who were also sent to the island and were close to Marijan, the grandpa.

The mother carries pain from her life. She has, to say the least,

problems with the control of her mood, she goes from being angry with her daughter, ”ask questions with warmth, this is not a theatre”, she shouts to her, being later very often in tears, when she talks about her parents and the silence that surrounded the past or she is the one, who goes with the daughter, Tiha, the director of the film, to the places, where the family lived. And to the island of torture at the end.

Tiha’s parents divorced, when she was four years old – why is it that relatives to people with a story as the one of my grandpa very often end up being divorced, she asks herself and the mother? Good question.

Does it sound like a sad film? It is, but there is also joy and happy moments conveyed through loads of private holiday photos from the Croatian coast. Grandpa, who died in 1992, was an important and caring person in the lives of Tiha and especially Lenka, her sister, who – like the mother – has moved away from Zagreb, away from the capital, where the power is and politics is decided.

In one of many moving scenes Lenka talks about how she regrets not having understood how important grandma was, when grandpa was alive. She was the one who kept it all together and prevented the nigtmares come out in daylight. But still there were the nightly screams from the sleeping room of grandpa.

What actually happened on the island is being told by aunts and uncles. Torture being performed on each other, how the days went along… Tiha asks questions and she gets answers. During the film she looks mostly unaffected but – and you ask yourself when it will happen – after the meeting with her father, she has to turn away from the camera, in tears.

It is an interview-based film and in between you think, if it had not been possible to arrange the visual side of the interviews a bit more elegant and cinematic, and maybe come up with the informative (wonderfully short) sequence about Tito and the break with USSR earlier in the film – anyway, what you get touches you and I almost agree with the mother saying towards the end to the daughter: The message of this film is that a deep wound can be healed.


Croatia, 2014, 75 mins.

Inuk Silis Høegh: Sume

Det handler om rockbandet Sume fra 70’erne. Det var sammensat af grønlændere, som studerede i København. Hovedpersonerne i filmen er Malik Høegh, forrest i billedet og Per Berthelsen. Høegh skrev teksterne dengang og var forsanger, Berthelsen var midtpunkt i musikken og bandets organisation. Teksterne var skrevet på grønlandsk og de var i deres indhold dybt kritiske mod den danske grønlandspolitik. Musikken var stærkt i familie med den samtidige amerikanske rock. Det var uhørt med politisk rock på grønlandsk på det tidspunkt, og det spredte sig overalt i det grønlandske samfund i København og hurtigt også i Grønland. Filmen skildrer det som en folkelig vækkelse, men den udnytter det ikke til linje i det filmiske forløb.

De to var venner, og jeg tror også, at deres forholds udvikling kunne være blevet filmens drivkraft. Imidlertid er den udvikling ganske fredelig, og selv bruddet og skilsmissen stilfærdig. Så er der lp’erne som kom hurtigt efter hinanden og alle var successer, der er imidlertid ikke en filmhistorisk linje at følge fra år til år. Heller ikke en politisk udvikling i karaktererne for eksempel, skønt netop disse år er vigtige, turbulente og farverige i grønlandsk politisk historie, og Sume nært knyttet til løsrivelsestankernes hovedpersoner. Årtiet skildres som en tilstand, ikke som en dynamik, og dog får jeg en vag en fornemmelse af kronologi, selv om jeg hurtigt bekymret mister overblik og orientering. Hvor er jeg henne i fremstillingen?

Jeg er alligevel oprigtigt glad for den film, ser den igen og har fortsat lyst til at dykke ned i detaljer. Og hvorfor nu det? Der er naturligvis musikken, hvor en række numre og sange inkluderes i nær ved fuld længde i forløbet. Musikken er sådan set alene filmen værd. Men der er jo også det filmiske. Jeg blev allerede ved første gennemsyn ekstra opmærksom ved titlen på en af Sumes smukke sange, ”Qullissat”. Den by kender jeg fra noget ondt i noget godt. Her i denne fremmede verden, denne fremmede musik, dette fremmede sprog, en stolt kultur, som jeg ved, jeg er så forpligtet på, her er der pludselig noget, jeg ved lidt om i forvejen. Denne smukke, ulykkelige by er en del af også min erindring, min fortid. Det er fordi Aqqaluk Lynges og Per Kirkebys film har levet i mig, siden jeg så den i 1972 første gang, og formet mit billede af det grønlandske.

Min yndlingsscene fra ”Da myndighederne sagde stop”, som filmen hedder, indgår et sted i arkivmaterialet i ”Sume”. Det er Teit Jørgensens tætte indendørs optagelse med en mand fra byen, som, mens han ryger en cigaret og hans barn lytter med, fortæller om situationen. Byen er nedlagt, alle skal flyttes fra deres huse til, for en stor del tror jeg det var, lejligheder i Nuuks boligblokke. Jeg husker styrken ved den scene er dens længde, samværet, barnet som giver sig til at lege med røgen fra cigaretten. Den fortælling, den scene, er meget lang, måske er det en grønlandsk æstetik, at fortællinger er langsomme ligesom sproget? (Det burde jeg finde ud af). Udsagnet består af det, manden fortæller og meget af det, har jeg faktisk glemt, men filmscenens øvrige fortælling, for eksempel om stemningen i det hjem, livsrytmen der, trygheden til nu, lyset og farverne står tydeligt for mig. Men Inuk Silis Høegh og Per K. Kirkegaard klipper væk umiddelbart efter den sætning, de vil bruge. De kan ikke vente på, at scenens udsagn er færdigt, vente på, at den dør af sig selv, som på den gamle europæiske måde. De henter deres dokumentarfilmgreb fra en amerikansk æstetisk tradition, fuldstændig som Sume henter sit musikalske greb et tilsvarende sted, forstår jeg. Så det hænger meget godt sammen. Når man kritiserer noget, må man foreslå noget andet, aktivt stille noget andet i stedet, forklarer Malik Høegh stilfærdigt ansvarligt et sted i sit lange, gennemgående interview. Og der er derefter tilsvarende panoreringen over de smukke og alvorlige, tomme huse (Teit Jørgensen kunne det igen være), som de klipper sammen med en medvirkendes vemodige fortælling om at have boet i eget træhus i den lille bygd i generationer og nu som person, familie, kultur har måttet acceptere lejligheden i boligblokken af beton, en panorering, som rummer Inuk Høegs og Kirkegaards films politiske udsagn, endnu et punkt i deres stilfærdigt argumenterede nutidige anklageskrift. Som det gør mere og mere ondt at tilegne sig.

Jeg havde ellers problemer med valget af arkivmateriale, især når det er brugt som dækbilleder ved musiknumrene. Og kun ét sted fandt jeg ved første gennemsyn en rigtig smuk løsning. Det var ved sanglinjen, ”klatrer op ad klippevæggen…”, hvortil der klippes en fin lille drømmesekvens og så klippes til en tilsvarende nænsomt skildret del af interviewet med Helene Risager, som har lyttet til nummeret sammen med mig og sukker som jeg. Og derfor tænker jeg, at de andre musiknumres billedside kunne være fine på hver deres måde, i hver deres stil. Der måtte da være et system? Jeg blev ved med at være i tvivl, så jeg måtte se filmen igen, og jeg blev rykket en del, så jeg må igen snart se filmen igen…

Og især lokker Henrik Bohn Ipsens smukke interviewbilleder. De er alle i sig selv klogt og følsomt komponerede, indfølte portrætter af de medvirkende, og intervieweren, vel instruktøren selv, følger det kongenialt (lyder det bestemt til, alt fra ham er klippet væk). Jeg kunne lytte og lytte til disse mennesker længe, længe. Og sært nok er der i arkivmaterialet et tv-interview fra 1976 med på sin vis tilsvarende kvalitet. Sume er i ”Musikhjørnet”, og Malik Høegh er på. Og han gør næsten magisk det gamle tv-interview mærkeligt nutidigt! Jeg bliver glad, vil det skal fortsætte, men Kirkegaard har andre planer, og der klippes til filmens interview med Malik Høegh, og denne voksne mand fortsætter, som var intet hændt. Han var så fonuftig dengang, og sådan er han stadig, og jeg bliver glad og vil, at det skal fortsætte. Men, men… jeg er i de opklippede samtalers filmæstetik. Per K. Kirkegaards før/nu klip bruges tilsvarende (blot til stills i arkivmaterialet) ved de andre medvirkende musikere, fans og politikere. Alle behandles ens, det er ordentligt og fint og gribende med et lille smil og et lille stik af vemod, af smerte. De fremstilles som flotte folk, de er flotte folk.

”Sume – lyden af en revolution” er en uomgængelig film, en uundværlig film, en forpligtelse som historisk overvejelse, som politisk historisk dokument, som musikhistorisk, som kulturhistorisk dokument, en politisk ideologisk pamflet, som vil blive stående sådan i filmhistorien, men jeg tror den er problematisk som kunstværk, nok fordi den ikke er tænkt som filmkunst. I hvert fald ikke konsekvent. Ipsen, Høegh og Kirkegaard har tilsyneladende valgt at se filmens ambition som historieskrivning og måske også haft et ønske om en revolutionær gentagelse ude i den politiske virkelighed i dag og har villet lave et kampskrift i forlængelse af Sumes værk.

Og som sådan fungerer filmen sørme interessestimulerende og oprørende, også for uvidende som mig. Jeg bliver faktisk dybt optaget (vil spontant læse grønlandsk historie) og meget vred (ser mig omkring, hvor kan jeg engagere mig?), altså uomgængelig, uundværlig, ja, afgørende vigtig som dokument…

Grønland 2014, 72 min.

“Sume” har dansk biografpremiere 16. oktober i Esbjerg, Kolding, Aarhus, Aalborg og Odense d. 16. oktober. I København og Køge under CPH:DOX d. 6.-16. november. Biografdistribution: MICHAU+ ApS jm@michauplus.dk +45 6066 4842 www.michauplus.dk

Svetlana Strelnikova: Cardiopolitika

Sergey Sukhanov is the hero of this film. When in Eastern European countries for workshops I very often ask the filmmakers to say or write ”main character” or ”protagonist” instead of hero. But in this case Sukhanov is a hero. He is totally dedicated to his job, to be a cardio surgeon doing open heart operations and he has saved thousands of lives. It is a call for him, who is tough but fair when he discusses with his staff – or complains that they are not competent or attentive enough: I will deduct from your salary! He wants his colleagues to have the same dedication as himself: Being sick here is uncool! Tough but fair, well also heroes have unpleasant sides of their personality.

The chain-smoking surgeon (!) has problems with the local authorities. A new cardiac centre seems to be ready but there are still budget matters to be solved before it can open. He walks the empty corridors, checks the facilities, but when? An offer to head the presidential campaign for Putin locally is presented to the popular man, who, although doubtful, can see an advantage for his new centre, supported by Putin, and the population in the region of Perm.

This is the main theme of the film – a doctor, until then, far away from politics, decides to play the game of politics, not for personal gain but from an altruistic reason. The director of the film puts it

forward in an excellent observational way. The camera is there always, it seems, it catches the stress of the surgeon in his office, when he has meetings with the staff, when operating – in one scary (from a patient’s point of view) scene he is operating and doing a press interview at the same time! His constant stress comes out, when he gets irritable over small things like when his operating clothes have been laced too tight!

I’m not going to be involved in politics, he says, and talks about dishonesty and corruption. Nevertheless, he gets involved going around to meetings arguing for Putin as the best – who else, he says. Is the moral of the film that if you want to achieve a result like Sukhanov’s new centre, you have no choice but to go with the rulers of the game? Pragmatism and populism?

We often call for development of characters in film workshops. In this case Svetlana Strelnikova succeeds very well to depict how a charismatic character changes under pressure from outside to his integrity. The film has a rythm, an intensity in tone, to use – again – good old Leacock’s words, you have to convey the illusion of ”being there”. Strelnikova does so.

Russia, 2014, 65 mins.

The film got the main award in the National competition of the St. Petersburg festival:
