Documentaries in Riga

Riga hosts two important documentary events this coming week. On wednesday, September 3rd, a small festival opens for everyone under the title: “Is it Easy to be Different”, a reference to the Juris Podnieks perestroika classic, “Is it Easy to be Young”. Readers of this blog will know how often I have claimed that “East Beats West” when it comes to creativity, originality and actuality in current documentaries. The festival demonstrates this point perfectly, showing films like “Blind Loves”, “Klucis – The Deconstruction of an Artist”, “Stone Silence”, “Music Partisans” and “Little Bird´s Diary”. You can read about these films on this blog. International premiere is given to a film from Belarus, “Journalists”, and there are also a couple of films from outside the East of Europe.

At the same time the Baltic Sea Forum for Documentaries take place with more than 20 film projects to be pitched to a 15 persons strong panel of commissioners from channels like arte, BBC, YLE, svt, DR. Together with five colleagues I will be there to train the producers and directors to pitch in the weekend of September 6-7.

The organiser, the National Film Centre of Latvia, has, as in the previous years, made a beautiful catalogue that for me stands as an example on how to promote quality documentaries. The cover, and the picture that you look at, is from the film “Art Star and the Sudanese Twins” by Pietra Brettkelly, New Zealand.  

De hjemvendte 3

Den tredje soldat, som kommer hjem, Michael Ulrich, er den tilsyneladende mest upåvirkede. Han er befalingsmand, og det har han været god til derude. Han er rask, trænet, solbrændt, ser godt ud som han hurtigt skridter gennem ankomsten i lufthavnen og styrer mod sin kæreste, sin hustru, sit kærlighedsliv. “Oppe på slottet i vinduet sad prinsessen”. Og det bliver vist ikke helt så enkelt, som det fremstilles.

Ulrich tager det på sig, for ting kan ordnes, refleksion erstattes af synspunkter, besværlige minder glemmes og afskedsbrevet, der ikke blev brug for, brændes demonstrativt for øjnene af mig. Han kan sagtens ved siden af livet med hende fortsætte som anfører for gruppen, han kommanderede i Afghanistan, forsvare dem på værtshuset, når de kommer i klammeri med politiet. Men han oplever, at hans autoritet her er ingenting. Det er det, han har det svært med. For han har det i det hele taget svært svært ved at komme til bunds i tingene. Empatien er svækket. Og hun tager over, for det er hendes felt. Hendes medvirken er det i dokumentaren, som er gribende. Resten i filmen er oversigtig case- ikke studium, overhovedet ikke studium, nærmest case-demonstration. Postulerende.

“De hjemvendte” 1-3 er et traditionelt tv-program. Indholdet er reportage og metoden interviews i en journalistisk atttude. Det er tre tydelige historier, som bare ikke er researchet i bund, tror jeg, castingen er god for hovedpersonernes vedkommende, men der burde være ryddet op blandt bipersonerne. Manuskriptet er svært at få øje på, set-designet tilfældigt vekslende med noget overarrangeret fyld, kameraarbejdet ubeslutsomt, bortset fra grund-interviewene, som er smukke. Lyd, musik og produktion er jo ok, men, men historiebygningen i klippet er erstattet af debatoplægget. Og det er nok det som er afgørende galt. For der er ikke noget at debattere bagefter. Dokumentaren har uddebatteret sig selv. Den savner tvivlen. 

Helle Lyster: De hjemvendte 3, DR2, onsdag aften. Genudsendes 14. september 19:20.

Cinemateket September 2008

Nick Broomfield besøger Cinemateket den 12. og 13. September i forbindelse med at 10 af hans film vises i Filmhuset i København. Flot.

Jeg skrev her på bloggen en kritik af Cinematekets trykte program. De svage tekster og det falske løfte om mere fyldige sådanne på hjemmesiden. Jeg fik en mail fra Rasmus Brendstrup, som undskyldte. Der var ferie- og sygdomsfravær på redaktionen. Fair nok og derfor skal det nævnes at der denne gang er meget mere styr på det hele. Jesper Andersen introducerer f.eks. Broomfield glimrende med fyldige beskrivelser på hjemmesiden.

Der er meget guf for dokumentarinteresserede, der er holdt op med at se tv: “Nico Icon”, f.eks., fra 1995, af Susanne Ofteringer, i en serie kaldt “Warhol Factory”. En portugisisk serie med bl.a. flm af den snart 100-årige de Oliveira og af den fremragende Pedro Costa. Og den græske instruktør og stjernejournalist Stelios Kouloglou kommer til SØNDOK med sin kontroversielle “Apology of and Econimic Hitman” fra 2008. Og så kommer Jørgen Leth et par gange, men det er der jo intet nyt i.

Gary Hustwit: Helvetica

Why is it that I – without really reflecting upon it – always choose helvetica as my font when I write emails or write a text on this site? Why don’t I take Lucida Bright or TrueOfficinaSansBooKItalic or Times New Roman?

This informative and entertaining feature duration documentary gives me some of the answers: I write on a MacBook and Apple has from the very beginning chosen Helvetica. One answer is like that. Others point in the direction that I like it because it is “beautiful and timeless”, “neutral”, it is “all over”, it has become a standard, it’s clear visual communication.

The director has been all over, talked to designers, found out where it comes from, this 50 year old “sans serif” phenomenon, looked upon Helvetica from a social, political and aesthetic angle – including opponents who find it boring with this “horrible slickness” that the typeface can also be seen to be, and was considered, especially in the 70’es with the psychedelic typography.

It is a very interesting film, well told, veeery wordy, maybe too much, but take a look. It runs in festivals, on tv (I saw it on DR2 in Denmark) everywhere and you can buy it on dvd.

Switzerland, 2008, 80 mins.

De hjemvendte 2

Der er for meget flødeskum på fødselsdagslagkagen, for meget falsk iscenesættelse af  en jovial vikingehøvding, for mange billedpåstande om at soldaten er glad for børn (mere end andre), for lidt om, hvad han læser (når det nu er næsten det eneste han foretager sig) for lidt af hans tanker om de nuværende krige for eksempel (når han ikke læser, ser han TV2 News). Historien om soldaten i borgerkrigen i Bosnien og Kosovo forsvinder i udvendig iscenesættelse af “dagligdag”, så alt dette truer med at producere den forklaring på traumet, som interviewet ikke formår at afdække. Så det står klart for mig. Jeg sidder med dokumentarens postulat, men er i tvivl. Tror at det der er i vejen med Martin er langt mere kompliceret og måske noget helt andet end diagnosen med det korte, lange navn, som ligger til grund for pensionen.

Det er ikke den medvirkende soldat, Martin Arbons skyld, han kæmper bravt for at fatte det, som er sket med ham. Som jeg opfatter det, slår interviewet ikke til… Det er så tyst, det forfærdelige, som ord ikke kan beskrive. Det kræver plads og tid og pauser. Og nu er der er så meget støj omkring. Bumbummelum som åbningstemaet fortsætter i mit hoved.

Helle Lyster: De hjemvendte, del 2, DR2 i aftes. I aften sendes del 3.

Anne Andreu: Isabelle Huppert

Normally documentaries about actors are built around anecdotes, told by the actor in question him/herself or by people with whom the actor has been working.

With Isabelle Huppert it is different. She says herself in this tv documentary that she is not an anecdote teller – and apart from some great clips with Jean-Luc Godard and Maurice Pialat, the documentary is built around her profession and her reflection and commitment to her profession, being an actor. Respect for that decision that also includes that we get no disturbing gossip about her private life. It’s all about acting.

In many ways the documentary is one long monologue (sometimes exciting, sometimes a bit boring) by Isabelle Huppert, with film clips in between, from ”La dentellière” (The Lacemaker) by Claude Goretta from 1977, over several films she made with Claude Chabrol and Pialat, including gorgeous clips with Haneke from ”Le Pianiste”, to the shootings in Cambodia where she is making a film with Rithy Panh, ”Un barrage contre le Pacifique”, based on a novel by Marguerite Duras and to be released in 2009.

Saw the documentary on svt (Swedish television) at K Special.

France, 2008, 50 mins. Still: Haneke: “Le pianiste”.

De hjemvendte

Musikken bygger på visen om de tre små soldater, der vender hjem fra krigen. Det er da smukt og fangende, men dokumentaren taber hurtigt denne stramhed i kompositionen og dynger sine fragmenter af et stof op i en uaflæselig fortælling, som efter del 1’s 35 minutter forlader mig på første niveau i en sentimental stemning. Det sentimentale studeres ikke, bearbejdes ikke, bruges ikke. Er der blot som en forhindring. Dokumentaren har ikke nået visens indsigt. Som ligger i dens stramme form.

Jeg kan rigtig godt lide den medvirkende. Jeg synes hans fortælling om manden ved siden af på patrulje, i kamp, makkeren, han stoler på og omvendt, er en præcis og stor historie. Som jeg ikke mere glemmer. Den fortælling er en enhed af autentisk indhold og folkelig form. Det samme kan ikke siges om dokumentaren som sådan. Dens fortælling vil det, den ikke kan, og svigter sin medvirkende ved at overse, hvad han kan.

Det har med sentimentaliteten at gøre…

Helle Lyster: De hjemvendte, del 1. DR2 i aftes. Genudsendes 31. august 19:25.

Odense Film Fest Documentary Prizes

The festival has finished and prizes have been given:
Grand Prix: “Milosevic on trial” by Michael Christoffersen.
Best Danish Documentary: “Kun med hjertet kan man rigtigt se” by Ulla Boye.
Audience Award: “Fra Thailand til Thy” af Janus Metz.

All three films have been reviewed/written about on this site, the first one in English, the two others in Danish.

Photo: Michael Christoffersen, director.

Yang Fudong

I went to an art exhibition in Copenhagen. It was a wonderful, surprising experience. I am normally not into video installations but here I met an artist, who has entered film and photography from painting with a subtle sense of composing images and who does not refrain from telling stories, in his case from the young China of today. I had never heard about him before: Yang Fudong, who (b.1971) lives and works in Shanghai. Here is a quote from a presentation from the site of ShangART Gallery:

”Yang Fudong’s films and photographs articulate multiple perspectives. His works investigate the structure and formation of identity through myth, personal memory and lived experience. Each of his works is a dramatic existential experience and a challenge to take on. His work is open-ended and inconclusive, therefore open to individual interpretation. Each film and video is about the human condition. He mostly portrays his own generation of individuals in their late 20’s and early 30’s, young people who seem confused and appear to hover between the past and present…”

I saw a short love story, ”Li Lang”, b/w fairy tale style, no words, music from a flute. I saw an 8 screen 11 minutes long Antonioni (L’Avventura)-like film about young rich people in a beautiful landscape near a lake, walking around like they do not know what to do with each other and with Life,  title “No Snow on the Broken Bridge” (2006). And I saw a series of photographs that also conveyed a decadence with a glimpse of irony: “Seven Intellectuals in Bamboo Forest”.

His works travel all over. In Copenhagen the exhibition is open until October 26.

Ben Kempas:Upstream Battle:The Story

This is one of those films that you can only appreciate: It takes you to a place in the world that you (I) don’t know anything about. It has some charismatic characters who fight for a cause. You get to know and love them. It has a strong and relevant, universal story that is straight forwardly well told. With a development. Something happens, it is complex but you are well informed about what.

A rich film in other words, because the director-cameraman has taken his time – years – to do a deep research and to get close to the characters to gain their trust. Which goes both for the native Americans, who see their life and culture at the Klamath river north of California threatened by the big hydroelectric dams that they want to be taken down – and for their opponents who work for the energy companies that make a profit but also claim that they have an environmental profile. The consequences of the dams are that the salmon that used to swim upstream the river has almost disappeared. Bring the salmon home, is the message from the tribes.

People from several tribes are in the film, I can’t mention them all, so let me highlight the couple, Merv and Wendy, he a big tattooed man, who beautifully explains to us the rituals and religion attached to the Hoopa tribe, she, a mother of four, the spokeswoman for the battle, emotional – a great couple with four children that you are surprised to see at the same time live a modern American life, totally skilled when it comes to modern communication. The fight goes on, as it is said on the site of the film: Their struggle may trigger the largest dam removal project in history.

Photo: To the left the couple Merv and Wendy George, to the right the director.