Petr Lom: Letters to the President

Den korte udgave af Petr Loms film fra Iran bliver vist i aften på DR2 under den danske titel “Breve til præsident Ahmadinejad”. Den er fin at se, selvom jeg klart foretrækker den lange udgave, som blev anmeldt på sådan her.
Petr Lom’s film “Letters to the President”, short version is being shown on Danish DR2 prime time, 8pm. Here is the review of the film that is also to be shown in Donegal in the coming days, see below:
Ahmadinejad, president of Iran, receives 10 million letters per year and 76% of them are answered! This is stated by an employee from the administration that takes care of this personal contact between the president and the population.
Ahmadinejad, a president, who does not like the red carpet, as it is said in the beginning of the film, by one of the people interviewed,. A man of the people. A man who constantly shouts for hate towards Israel and the US, as seen in the film. As in previous films by the film director and cameraman, same person: Petr Lom, meets the people with an open mind and the camera ready to catch what he can in a tongue-in-cheek journalistic documentary that gets much closer than the usual, normal tv-reportages shot in Iran. Due to the original letter-angle we as viewer are taken from place to place, including the birthplace of the president, to meet not only supporters and propagandists of Iranian politics, but also citizens who are critical and dare express themselves. ”He is like a gardener who plants seedlings but do not water them”, one says. Others ask repeatedly for help, and the president is filmed caressing some of his fellow-citizens and helping a woman who faints from emotion when she meets the president. ”I am your servant”, he says in this wonderfully open, non-conclusive and nuanced insight to an Iran that has its election in June 2009.
Canada/France, 2009, 74 mins. and 52 mins.
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