Piemonte Doc Film Fund

There are many reasons why a documentary tradition grows or is being established. In the posting below you can read about some interesting people and companies. The one that produced the City Veins film is called BabyDoc and that characterises probably the situation in Piemonte – the documentary is still a baby with some grown up fathers like the companies Stefilm and Zenith, and with some good directors at hand. Anyway, the establishing of a doc film fund in 2007 has certainly helped the development as has the Torino Film festival and several training initiatives.
The Doc Film Fund had in 2009 542.000€ that resulted in 47 grants for development (22) and production (25). Not a lot of money but a starting point for trying to get more nationally and in the rest of Europe. The emphasis on development is naturally important. The CinePorto where the fund is situated in what used to be a wool factory is a great place for the fund to be and for training sessions like DocuRegio that was hosted generously by the fund leader Paolo Manera.
Photo: The Pink Gang by Enrico Bisi.