… stands for Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal and is a 10 day long festival event with ” Dozens of activities: workshops, roundtables, master classes, tributes, kids’ screenings, receptions and parties, and a market “with the mission of supporting and stimulating independent documentary filmmaking and facilitating meetings between professionals, artists, producers, distributors and exhibitors from around the world.”
The dates are November 10-21 and the film programme includes more than 100 films and a good audience – in 2009 28.500. There are several competition sections, and BRAVO also prizes for best camera, best montage etc. Which is unusual in documentary festivals.
Among the films are several that has been reviewed or noticed on this site: “17 August” by Alexander Gutman, “La Danse-le Ballet de lÓpéra de Paris” by Frederick Wiseman, “Steam of Life” by Joonas Berghäll, “Armadillo” by Janus Metz, “Autumn Gold” by Jan Tenhaven, “Disco and Atomic War” by Jaak Kilmi, “Kill the Referee” by Yves Hinant and “Katka” (PHOTO) by Helena Trestikova. And many, many other films, among them several French-Canadian that we seldom see in Europe.