Riga Diary 3

Salome Jashi is from Georgia. She is here for the Baltic Sea Forum. She has an interesting documentary project called ”Restaurant Bakhmaro and Those Who Work There” that is to be pitched in this coming weekend to television editors and film fund people. In Georgia she has with colleagues set up a company called Sakdoc Film, visit their site, see below.
Or get hold of her 22 mins. long documentary from 2006, ”Their Helicopter”, that has been at several festivals all over and demonstrates a clear talent for People and Life far away from everything. Here is a catalogue description of the film:
”A Chechen military helicopter crashed in Upper Khevsureti, Georgia, ten years ago. Although it seems to be useless, a family occupies the rusty wreck, cows find a shelter, and children set up their private playground in it. In a land without electric cables and modern buildings, the ruined helicopter turned out to be unique and precious. Filmed through the wrecked “eyes” of the helicopter, this observational documentary tells a story of the eldest, middle and youngest Ardoteli being exposed to just one piece of civilization.”