Sara Blecher: Ayanda

I et samfund, der vrimler med migranter fra hele det afrikanske kontinent, fortæller Ayanda en dannelseshistorie om den tyve år gamle afro-hipster, der finder sig selv på rejsen gennem fedtede overalls, køns-stereotyper og forladte veteranbiler, der sukker efter at blive bragt til live igen af den unge kvinde. Ayanda beslutter at bringe sin afdøde fars bilværksted tilbage til tidligere tiders storhed, men møder modstand fra sin mor og onkel, Zama, der vil sælge værkstedet. Sammen med David, en nigeriansk mekaniker med traumer fra sin mørke fortid, og Zoum, den entusiastiske, men ikke så habile håndværker, går Ayanda i gang med at genopbygge virksomheden og imod alle odds får hun succes. Succesen føles dog tom, da hun indser, at hun forsøger at bevare fortiden – sin far – og ikke tør bevæge sig ind i en fremtid med sine elskede. (Africa Reframed, programtekst)

Filmen vises på onsdag 20. juli 19:00 på udstillingen AFRICA REFRAMED i Øksnehallen, København.

AFRICA REFRAMED – Afrikansk samtidsfotografi i Øksnehallen, København 18. juni-2. august 2016. (filmprogrammet er inkluderet her)


Set in a community vibrant with African migrants from across the continent this district, AYANDA is a coming-of-age story of a twenty-one year old Afro-hipster, who embarks on a journey of self-discovery when she’s thrown into a world of greasy overalls, gender stereotypes and abandoned vintage cars once loved, now in need of a young womans re-inventive touch to bring them back to life again. Ayanda decides to bring her dead fathers garage back to former glory despite resistance from both her mother and her uncle, Zama, who wants to sell the garage. Along with David, the Nigerian mechanic who harbours trauma from his dark past, and Zoum, the enthusiastic but exam-averse non-mechanic, Ayanda sets out to rebuild the business, and against all odds, the business heads into profit. But success feels empty when the realisation sets in – how far she is prepared to go to preserve something that is lost entirely in the past – her father, the garage, and her refusal to move forward into a future for herself and those she loves. (Africa Reframed, programme)

Director: Sara Blecher, South Africa 2015 (Trailer)

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Allan Berg Nielsen
Allan Berg Nielsen

Allan Berg Nielsen started the first documentary cinema in Randers, Denmark way back in the 1970’es. He did so at the museum, where he was employed. He got the (16mm) films from the collection of the National Film Board of Denmark (Statens Filmcentral). He organised a film festival in his home city, became a member of the Board of Directors of the Film Board, started to write about films in diverse magazines, were a juror at several festivals and wrote television critiques in the local newspaper. From 1998-2003 Allan Berg was documentary film consultant (commissioning editor) at The Danish Film Institute, a continuation of the Film Board. Since then free lance consultant in documentary matters.

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