Sundance Film Festival 2021

A mail came in with the announcement of the films selected for the Sundance Festival in Utah in the US. That starts January 28. I have been looking at the list of the 10 films selected for the World Cinema Documentary Competition.
And am very happy for seeing films and directors that I have heard of and/or seen some clips/sequences from. On this site the name Salomé Jashi has been mentioned several times because of her previous fine films, “Bakhmaro” and “The Dazzling Light of Sunset”. Her new film, “Taming the Garden” is an exceptional story with a stunning visual interpretation. Ancient trees are uprooted to be taken to a rich man’s garden! See the photo!
And hurra for Camilla Nielsson, whose “Democrats” from 2014 travelled the world. I still remember, when the film was screened at the Magnificent7 Festival in Belgrade in 2015 – for 1000 spectators – the Sundance Festival is primarily online. Nielsson’s follow-up to “Democrats” is “President”, a close look into post-Mugabe Zimbabwe’s politics. Camilla Nielsson is for sure a documentary director among the best we have in Denmark. As is her cinematographer Henrik Bohn Ipsen and the production company Final Cut for Real.
That also stands behind the animated documentary “Flee” by Jonas Poher Rasmussen. The film opens this section for world documentaries, I have to confess that I only know the film the director made about Danish poet Halfdan Rasmussen, “Something about Halfdan”. Fine flm.
One more from the list, a film that I really look forward to see, “The Most Beautiful Boy in the World”, Björn Andrésen, who played Tadzio in Luchino Visconti’s brilliant “Death in Venice”. Swedish Kristina Lindström and Kristian Petri, both acclaimed directors, stand behind the story about what happened to Andrésen after the film, he is now in his sixties. I have been told that the film includes material from the research of Visconti to find Tadzio.