Tamar Tal: Shalom Italia
The director name seemed familiar, Tamar Tal, and looking back at the posts on the site I found this on the wonderful one hour film that I saw at DOK Leipzig in 2011:
”Life in Stills” by Tamar Tal from Israel … is a very funny and warm film with a 96 year old grandmother and her grandson, who keep a photo shop alive in Tel Aviv. The scoop photos are from the declaration of independence of the state of Israel…
Now her newest film is Documentary of the Month at the Danish Cinematheque from June 22-June 28. I saw the trailer, link below, you should do the same, it will make you want to go and watch ”Shalom Italia”. Here is the synopsis of the film:
Three Italian Jewish brothers set off on a journey through Tuscany, in search of a cave where they hid as children to escape the Nazis. Their quest, full of humor, food and Tuscan landscapes, straddles the boundary between history and myth, both of which really, truly happened.
In Danish: Tre jødisk-italienske brødre på 73, 82 og 84 sætter hinanden stævne i Toscana. Som børn måtte de under 2. verdenskrig flygte fra nazisterne fra Firenze ud i en toscansk skov, hvor de skjulte sig i et helt år med deres familie i en hjemmebygget hule blandt nogle klippesten. Nu har de sat sig for at finde stedet i skoven, hvor de i frygt og stilhed levede et helt år og på den måde overlevede krigen. Der er masser af humor og varme imellem de tre brødre, der husker deres fortid meget forskelligt.
Israel, 2016, 70 mins.