The 3 Rooms of Melancholia

I got this mail from Kriistina Pervilä: Yesterday evening Pirjo Honkasalo and I got the news about the arrest of Khadizhat and Malik Gaetaev, our main protagonists in The 3 Rooms of Melancholia. The news was published at FINROSFORUM.FI
We called the family’s home in Kaunas, Lithuania and the children confirmed that both Khadizhat and Malik are arrested. Last week the secret police of Lithuania took the parents away in handcufts and they have not heard from them. We got no contact to their mobile numbers. The children were naturally in total panic and could not understand what has happened. This is unbelievable and we know the parents have not done anything wrong.
Something has to be done.
Photo: Khadizhat Gaetaev