The Jørgen Leth Collection

It is a fairy tale. Could only happen in the country of Hans Christian Andersen! Danish film director, poet and journalist Jørgen Leth meets a Danish millionaire and expresses how much he would like his films to be published on dvd in the best possible technical edition. The millionaire offers his support and there you go – Jørgen Leth’s films will be available with competent booklets and English subtitles in all films in 6 dvd boxes. Thanks to the financial help of Møllehegnet Holding A/S.
2 of them have come out so far, “The Anthropological Films” and “The Sports Films”, and the third one, the travelogues, the films where Leth travels the world, will be out in a week. In the first box you will find “The Perfect Human” from 1968, in the second “Motion Picture” from 1970, and in the third “66 Scenes from America” from 1982. Just to mention 3 of his great films.
Jørgen Leth is rightfully, and not only in our small (rotten) kingdom of Denmark, considered to be one of the true masters of documentary, therefore this commercial and reason to direct you to know more about this initiative at:
Boxes 1 and 2 are Region 2, Box 3 will be Region 0.