…the Oscar goes to

“Man on Wire” as best long documentary, several times mentioned on this place. Here is a clip and some links:
… the filmmaker – as the red thread of the narrative – builds up a suspense story in a montage that is combined with the characterisation of Philip Petit as a true ”mauvais garcon”, a street joggler and magician, who is not able to or does not want to answer the question: Why?… It is a playful and beautifully constructed film that will for sure come to a cinema near you. Or a festival. And for sure also on a tv screen. It has this enormously precise definition of the genre it works within. Clips can be found on the sites below.
and Anthony Dod Mantle, Scottish cameraman, educated and living in Denmark, many times cameraman on Danish documentaries, got his Oscar for the work done on “Slumdog Millionaire”, one out of 8 that were given to this film.