The Syrian Revolution/18

Long time since filmkommentaren has written about Syria. We followed the news about filmmaker and festival organiser Orwa Nyrabia, who was set free, but everyone knows that lots of artists and non-artists are kept detained. The UN keeps sending diplomates to talks in Damascus and today at the beginning of the Eid al-Adha holidays. This morning this was posted on facebook:
No signs of truce from the regime’s side. Air raids are ongoing, shelling is reported in many areas around Syria, the Homs central prison is surrounded by armed troops to break its strike, the website of VDC (Violations Documenting Centre) is hacked.
And later also on Facebook: First verified killing in Homs prison, Lyad Beirakdar, a political prisoner, murdered by regime forces.
Later BBC had this headline, with clips on their site: Syrian activists have reported a series of clashes in violation of a ceasefire to mark a four-day Islamic holiday.
Still: The BBC’s James Reynolds: “Video posted online claims to show a suburb of Damascus under attack after the truce started.”