Too many Production Companies?

Yves Jeanneau, well known character in French documentary, ex-television editor and ex-producer at Films d’Ici, now producer and CEO of the Sunny Side of the Docs, was interviewed by le Monde (March 29-30). One of the questions went like this:
Many producers fear that their companies will not survive after France Télévisions (FR2, FR3, FR4 and FR5) will have one documentary unit. And it is being said that France has too many and too fragile production companies. What is your comment?
Jeanneau: I have said so for 10 years. Most of these companies have had one year with one succesful film but will have to give up because of insufficient financing to do the necessary project development. It may sound provocative but talking in economical terms the French documentary production could very well be placed at 5 times less companies than the 700 that exist today.