TV3 International Award

All awards are welcome to honour and support documentarians, who make an effort to focus on important issues. This time – according to the EDN website today – there is a call from TV3 Catalunya:
Enter your human rights documentary for TV3 International Awards – CCMA, The Catalan Corporation of Audiovisual Media, has announced a call for the 2009 edition of the TV3 International Awards. The TV3 International Award has become a platform for all productions that raise a voice against the violation of human rights. Entry deadline is December 31, 2009. “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” (Article 1 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.)
The TV3 International Awards award was instituted for action and investigative journalism, to encourage reporters to continue their work in this genre and to give due recognition to their talent. The award aims to provide a platform for all productions covering the violation of human rights. The goal is to defend the rights of individuals and democratic values such as tolerance and respect for minorities.
All documentaries and reports dealing with human rights and which meet the requirements and terms described at the award’s web site are eligible. All reports and documentaries must have been produced between December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2009. The running time must be between 15 – 90 minutes.
All entries must be in English. Entries in languages other than English must be either dubbed or subtitled in English.
To coincide with the DocsBarcelona Festival, the 2009 edition of the TV3 International Award will be held in February 2010. A single €10.000 cash prize will be awarded. The prize beneficiary will be the director of the winning report or documentary, regardless of the individual or corporate body that may have submitted the entry. More details on the site below, as well on DocsBarcelona.