Verzio Budapest

“This year marks the 20th edition of the Verzió International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival. From 22 to 29 November, the prominent film festival, a cinematic reflection of our current world, will present a renewed logo, a fresh image to match this year’s focus theme and an exceptionally rich program of 82 films. The key question this year is: Where are we headed?“
The film program is impressive with “We will not Fade Away” by Ukrainian Alisa Kovalenko opening the festival in a couple of days and closing with “Nothing Compares” as a fine homage to Sinéad O’Connor made by Kathryn Ferguson. There is a section called Anthropocene where you find strong film as “Against the Tide” by Sarvnik Kaur and “Matter out of Place” by Nikolaus Geyerhalter. In a section named “Viewfinder” the festival has been looking for films that are “Exploring and expanding the dynamic concept of documentary, (where) the filmmakers are continuously experimenting with expressive ways of grasping reality with and through images. The films in this program look for novel approaches to storytelling, using both archival and contemporary images…”. Of course Lea Glob is there with “Apolonia,Apolonia” and Mark Cousins with “The March on Rome” and Alecu Solomon with “Arsenie. An Amazin Afterlife”.
And there are concerts, educational activities, a “young critic workshop” run by Pamela Cohn, one of the best critics and moderators, who are helping film festivals around the world and a DocLab that I will write about separately as I am part of it. I saw the guest list, many directors of the films to be shown will be there celebrating 20 years of a festival taking place in a European country full of political controversies towards the rest of the EU – but in a city with history and beauty. Congratulations with the two decades!
The website: