Werner Herzog Retro in Paris

Le Monde (11.12.08) includes an interview with Werner Herzog to announce the big retrospective of the German master and his around 50 films. The series run from December 10 to March 2 2009.
He says nothing specific new in this interview but can not refrain from a new provocative remark. Last time it was the documentary cinema vérité people who was hit by the Herzogían anger, this time it is his generation peers Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Werner Schroeter, who are characterised as ”petits bourgeois” with no connection to Herzog himself.
Photo: From the documentary masterpiece ”Little Dieter Needs to Fly”.
… I am sorry but in the complicated (= bureaucratic) website of Centre Pompidou I cant find the day-by-day mention of the retrospective. Try other sources, please.