
There he is, festival director, producer and teacher Nenad Puhovski, who now for the 5th time launches a documentary festival in Croatia, and thus welcomes the world of documentaries in the heart of Zagreb.
A clip from the welcome text on the site: ZagrebDox, the largest international documentary film festival in the region, is marking its 5th anniversary this year! As the Festival will celebrate its birthday very actively, you will have a chance to see 120 most interesting new documentaries from all over the world from 23 February – 1 March, 2009.
An enormous programme with a generous choice made for the visitors: 30 films are in the international competition, among them ”Burma Vj” by Anders Østergaard, ”Rough Aunties” by Kim Longinotto, ”The Mother” by Cattin and Kostomarov, Geoffrey Smith’s ”The English Surgeon”, ”Three Men and a Fish Pond” by Pakalnina and Maskalana, ”René” by Helena Trestikova. To be followed by an always interesting regional competition of 24 films including ”The 21st Second” by Serbian Zeljko Mirkovic, ”Lost World” by Hungarian Guyla Nemes, ”The Flower Bridge” by Thomas Ciulei and ”Testimony” by Razvan Georgescu, both of them from Romania. Not to forget a handful of very strong films that were pitched at earlier editions of the ZagrebDOX, see below.
Also there is a selection of music documentaries like ”Patti Smith – Dream of Life” by Steven Sebring and ”Roskilde” by Uilrik Wivel and a section dedicated to Happy Dox! And retrospectives with Israeli documentaries, films by the director Jon Alpert and a variety of new and older Croatian short and long documentaries. Congratulations with this continuation of a succesful cultural effort.