Zeljko Mirkovic

Two of his films have been reviewed on this site (”I will Marry the Whole Village” and ”The Long Road Through Balkan History”). I have known him for a decade, admired his commitment and seen his strong development as a filmmaker. He is a good friend, who (with his family) I appreciate very much to see at least once per year, when I am in Belgrade. Of course his company is called Optimistic Film, of course he uses facebook (2824 friends!), twitter, youtube etc. to draw people’s attention to what he is doing. Some days ago Zeljko sent me news about the film he is making, and of course, and well deserved, his upcoming film has caught the interest of the media. Here is a text clip (from Wild Rooster), you can read more using the links below as well as see the trailer of the film:
“When two fighting men crossed paths over the skies of Yugoslavia nobody could have guessed that it would set in motion a serious of events that have seen two families becoming firm friends. By orchestrating emotional meetings between a Serbian baker and a former US airman and capturing them on film, Serbian documentary maker eljko Mirković has produced a film that is grounded in a message of reconciliation.
The Second Meeting is a film about the touching reunion and shared memories of a US F117A stealth pilot Dale Zelko and the Yugoslav missile colonel Zoltan Dani who shot him down over Yugoslavia on March 27, 1999. The plane crashed and everyone had a chance to see for themselves, and live. Thankfully, the pilot ejected and was successfully evacuated eight hours later.”