Astrid Bussink: Listen

”Life can seem pretty overwhelming at times, particularly when you’re growing up. And it’s not always easy to talk to your parents or friends about your problems. Fortunately, the “Kindertelefoon” (Child Helpline) in the Netherlands provides a listening ear…” That’s what this short film is about, a truly creative work, warm in its approach to the children, who call – a boy in an asylum centre, a girl whose parents are divorced, she lives with the mother and her new boyfriend but wants to live with the father, but she dares not talk to her mother about this, and a boy who is afraid to become gay…

Cats fill the image quite often, they are of course ones to talk to, when at home.

There is nothing special about the theme and there are helplines like that in many countries, and you don’t really get to know – because of the anonymity of the calls – what answers they children get. Fair enough, when you take into account how good this film will be to create a discussion with the children, who watch the film. It talks to the heart also for us, who are not kids any longer

The film got the Special Jury Award at IDFA this year, where it was in the Docs for Kids section.

The Netherlands, 2017, 15 mins.

There is An Audience!

Of course the previous post about the financial cuts of the TV3, the Catalan public television makes you sad as you know that there is an audience for creative documentaries in Catalunya and Spain in general. Which makes me praise the Documental del Mes, Documentary of the Month, that is an initiative by DocsBarcelona, born as a CinemaNet Europe’s project, in 2004. Since 2007, the development in Spain is led exclusively by Parallel 40. This piece of fine film culture politics is ”creating” an audience!

Quality documentaries are shown in 94 places ”in its original version subtitled in Catalan (for the audience of Catalunya, Comunitat Valenciana, and Illes Balears) and subtitled in Spanish for the rest of Spain, Chile and Colombia. Latest addition is El Salvador.

I asked Laia Aubia, ”Cap de Projecte”, to give me some figures. She mentioned that the Colombian ”Amazona” by Clare Weiskopf, produced by Nicolas van Hemelryck has had 77 screenings in Spain – around 12 more to come – with 5.115 spectators with 1551 online, and more than 32.000 at Colombian screenings, whereas the Danish ”Venus” by Lea Glob and Mette Carla Albrechtsen attracted 4.300 in Spanish cinemas and 8000 online.

Take a look at the website and you will see titles like Sean McAllister’s ”A Syrian Love Story”, Maite Alberdi’s ”Tea Time”, ”The Promise” by Karin Steinberger and Marcus Vetter and 2018 starts with Rahul Jain’s masterpiece ”Machines”. Almost all films that goes for the Documentary of the Month has been at the DocsBarcelona festival. The 2018 edition of the festival will take place May 16 till 27.

Huge Crisis for Catalan Documentaries

Below follows a translated article from the Catalan newspaper Ara´s online version written by journalist and critic Xavi Serra, who is also covering the festival DocsBarcelona. is one of the main Catalan newspapers:

“During the feast of the candidates for the Gaudí of the Catalan Film Academy that was held Tuesday at the Old Damm Factory, not everything was smiles, kisses and hand-held people among the people of cinema.

The presentation of the films registered in the 10th edition of the Gaudí awards revealed a reality that the sector knew was already coming for months: the general decrease in Catalan audiovisual production and, in particular, the great decline in the documentary , that of the 19 candidates of 2016 this year had only 9 enrolled, almost half of titles.

A bucket of cold water for Catalan non-fiction… and all the consulted voices in the sector agree to point out one main reason: the sharp decline in the economic contribution of TV3 to the co-production of documentaries.

Televisió de Catalunya, TV3, has presumed for many years to be the engine of the Catalan documentary, but this strength has proved to be the weak point in the sector as the economic contribution has been declining. TV3, like all European televisions, is obliged to invest 6% of revenue in audiovisual productions, an amount of which is used to allocate 10% for the documentary.

Last year, support for the documentary was 647,000 euros; This year it has fallen to 245,000, 62% less. It is not surprising, then, that less documentaries were presented to Gaudí. But the worst thing is that the effects of this cut will be felt even more next year.

Why does the TV3 crisis build up especially with the documentary? The financing ecosystem of the Catalan audiovisual sector basically includes TV3, the ICEC (Catalan Institute of Cultural Companies) and the ICAA (Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts), but the support of a television is indispensable to get help from the ICEC or the ICAA. If TV3’s door is closed, fictions can be used on other channels, including private ones, but for documentaries it is more complicated. For non-fiction projects, TV3’s support is decisive; Without this cushion, most do not get to come true.

Ventura Durall, who produced the winning documentary of the last Gaudí, Mayoress, is convinced: “Without TV3 as the core of the Catalan documentary there is nothing to do. We are at historic lows of investment and the producers flee and look for life, wherever they can to survive. “

As a result of its crisis, TV3 has concentrated its scarce resources on the products with the most antenna potential, that is, journalistic documentaries and news-linked language, which have an easy connection to programs such as Sense Fiction The great damage of this policy, clarified, is done to the creative documentary with a cinematographic vocation, which Catalonia has flagged and has been an international power for the last 15 years…

Jordi Ambrós, director of documentary co-productions of TV3, acknowledges that the last commission was “very hard” in this sense, and that they could not enter into co-production of the most cinematic projects. “In the last commission we were not even able to support ”On the other side of the wall” (Pau Ortiz), which ended up winning the Hot Docs in Toronto, the world’s largest documentary festival,” says Ambrós. To the extent that there is less money, non-fiction has been primed and the creative documentaries have been unprotected. “

The worst thing is that the problem has no solution in sight. Ambrós, who is already working on the evaluation of the projects of the next commission, is not able to make sure if in 2018 there will be more funds for the documentary. “On one side there is the VAT claim made by the Treasury, and on the other, the deficit of TV3,” he said. An extra contribution was agreed with the Government, but if we are not involved nothing is safe. Now, 94 projects have been presented, but we are evaluating blindly, because we do not know how much money there will be. “

In this apocalyptic context, however, there continue to be documentaries coming up. “In spite of everything, the talent and the need for creation are unstoppable,” says Durall, who believes that only “small miracles” continue to emerge works that triumph over the world. In the last Hot Docs, ”On the Other Side of the Wall”, he took the prize for the best film. And ”La Chana” (PHOTO), one of the 9 candidates for Gaudí, won the public award 2016 IDFA in Amsterdam, the greatest European documentary festival. “The documentary is a genre more ductile than fiction and can be done with a lot less money,” Ambrós notes. We continue to receive many pieces and discover a lot of young talent. However bad, the situation is, it will not end with the creation of creators, but it jeopardizes the survival of some producers. “

Without denying the responsibility of TV3, Ambrós places the problem in the context of a system crisis in public financing. “All European televisions are in crisis, it’s not just TV3,” he said. ”Talent will survive, but moving from televisions and opening new paths like online platforms. “Producers expect the Netflix and Movistar+ investments to take into account the documentary and look forward to the interest of the private ones for crime documentaries. But the direction that the Catalan documentary could take could be if the production criteria were merely commercial. “We play the country model: that of mediocrity or that of excellence,” says Ventura Durall.

Support of TV3 to documentary
2011 1.347.500 euros
2012 353.000 euros
2013 865.000 euros
2014 812.000 euros
2015 673.000 euros
2016 647.000 euros
2017 245.000 euros

Also the producer Tono Folguera, has written about the situation for documentaries referring to the article above:

… for years, many of us have done everything possible to get the attention of our politicians, because the problem of the Catalan documentary is solely political. It is not a lack of prepared professionals, new talent, of experienced producers, of generational spare part, no, it is a problem of political will to respect us as a culture, of wanting to keep our historical memory, our point of sight, our way of doing, of seeing the world. If we do not do it, who do you think will do it? We did not need the 155, with the reluctance and disinterest of our Parliament, we have had enough. Without a strong public television, well structured and with ressources to offer quality productions, there is nothing to do. We had built a jewel that is still called Sense Fiction, which today survives as it can exclusively thanks to the talent of the professionals inside and outside TV3… Personally I am disappointed, tired and burned as a victim of political interests, of people who consciously put forward a handful of votes to save such an important entity for a country as its public television. Personally, I think we have already done it late, but as Catalans as we are, from Pro-Docs and from PROA – Federated Audiovisual Producers, we will continue to fight to try to make society and especially the new Parliament understand the unconsciousness of settling an area where We have succeeded in being an important voice in Europe.”

Serbian Documentaries in Paris

It’s a pleasure to see that Serbian documentarians get international recogniiton. They deserve it. And I know what I am talking about. Since the beginning of this century I have had the privilege to go to Belgrade to help Svetlana and Zoran Popovic to make selection for the Magnificent7 film festival, that will happen for the 14th time in 2018.

Through the festival I have kept contact with talented and skilled filmmakers, who have fought to raise funding for their films, and for several of them they have also been instrumental to make the festival happen. Four of them will next week be in Paris. Their

names appear below (with a lot of links to what has been written on but let me also mention Andrijana Stojkovic, who has just finished – after many years – her film ”Wongar” and who was so kind to invite me to play a Danish ambassador (two minutes role) in her fiction ”The Box”. A key person, who has worked as producer and first of all as cameraperson for many of the Serbian documentarians is Jelena Stankovic. Not to forget Jovana and Dragan Nikolic (The Caviar Connection and Iva Plemic,

who has helped Mila Turajlic with her two very succesful films, ”Cinema Komunisto” and ”The Other Side of Everything”, the film that days ago got the main prize at the IDFA festival,

But if you happen to be in Paris the next week, as I do, why not go to the Serbian Cultural Centre that is situated just opposite Centre Pompidou. Here you will see films and have the chance to meet:

Zeljko Mirkovic with his ”The Second Meeting” (PHOTO) (December 7 at 7pm)

… who wrote the following on his FB recently: ”10 years ago Optimistic film was founded. So far 52 international awards and Oscars candidature, 10 feature documentaries, 2 documentary series and 8 corporate films.” Mirkovic has just finished a very interesting film on a French family, who has gone to Serbia to develop the wine culture and create some international interest.

Sonja Blagojevic and her ”Kosma” (December 8 at 8pm)

such ” an honest, well told, informative and emotional documentary and documentation of how it is to be Serbian in Kosovo today. It is my hope that the film will travel because a description with an angle like this has never been done before, and because of its quality as a film.”

Boris Mitic with his ”Goodbye, How are You?” (December 9 at 6pm)

Mitic has released his new documentary this year, it’s the previous blog text on this site

Mila Turajlic with her ”Cinema Komunisto” (December 9 at 8pm)

I have already mentioned the enormous success Mila Turajlic has had with her new film – the same goes for this work.

On the 8th there is a ”table ronde” with the Serbian directors and French colleagues. 

Boris Mitic: In Praise of Nothing

Boris, I watched it two times

your film, so full of rhymes

I was not stressed,

felt actually quite impressed

I loved the voice of Iggy Pop,

does that make me an intellectual snob?

The cabaret music made me glad,

I could not sit still where I sat

The images are sooo fine,

enjoyable as the best wine

Your texts are sometimes crazy

really pleasing this viewer lazy

I see the film as a tribute to everything

from your alter Ego Mr. Nothing

… and to Glawogger our master

who fought against disaster

But why sarchastic to the genre docu

I don’t think it suits you

But happy that you are not a journalist,

not so happy when you are a moralist

That would be my main objection,

to a film that does not want perfection

but that wants to question it all, through fun,

and a beauty that sometimes made tears run

Trust your image elegance

and your verbal eloquence

Big hug

from a clumsy text in blog

Serbia and many other countries, 2017, 78 mins.

More about the film on

Niels Pagh about Ai WeiWei & Human Flow

Documentary director Fredrik Gertten (the two Bananas films, Bikes vs. Cars, Zlatan) left his editing room in Malmø last night to go and see Ai WeiWei’s ”Human Flow” at a preview screening – the film premieres tomorrow theatrically in Sweden. Fredrik was so kind after the screening to take a photo of the editor of the film, Niels Pagh Andersen, together with me, who talked with Niels.

We had more than an hour to have Niels give background to why he was working with the world famous artist, how that work was organised, the aesthetic choices, the message that the Chinese artist wanted to send and much more.

Let me mention a couple of the things that came up:

When Niels accepted the job as the chief editor of the film, there was 1000 hours of material so he had to put on the role of being the employer to hire people, to set up an editing process with 4 junior chosen editors, with two senior editors and himself on top of the cake. To get the process organised. With not much help up front from Ai WeiWei, who had had film crews on many locations telling them to do master shots and not close up shots. That was the aesthetic choice done and that stressed the global perspective of the film: No individual characters to follow. But many countries, many situations, camp after camp for refugees, Iraq, Italy, Greece, Tyrkey, Germany, France etc.

Ai WeiWei had from the very beginning put total trust in the Danish editor, who worked 60 hours per week (one day off per week) in 9 months! And they had together solved the issue: how to convey information to the audience. Niels told that they had tried with Ai WeiWei’s voice and a female voice, but they dropped it and ended up with text quotes from news media and from poets, dead or alive. As the film also includes interviews, it is actually stylistically quite a messy one, but the ”flow”, the movements of the people gives it harmony and – we asked – there was noone, who thought the film was too long (2 hours 20 minutes).

Niels said that they wanted to make a film about hope. Not another refugee misery film. Respect for the human being, for human dignity, let’s show them as human beings and not as numbers, telling that we know what must be done, but also a criticism of the position of the EU, the hypocrisy – ”we” give loads of money to Turkey and then please keep them away from us!

We don’t want you to pity them, Niels said, I understood what he said but I have to say that I pitied them for 2 hours and 20 minutes looking at one (fantastic drone images) refugee camp after the other, and an average of 26 years for the refugees. Twentysixyears! On the other hand there are so many scenes with energy like the one from the beach in Gaza with the young girls, who with big smiles explain how it is to live a prison-like life.

It took almost 3 months to get the music (Danish composer Karsten Fundal) in place after castings. Ai WeiWei was often asking for less sound level and there is a fantastic image towards the end where the sound it totally taken away with a man walking near fire in Mosul, if I got it right.

Niels and I sat down for the more than one hour of the conversation we had. It was the moderator’s decision that we should sit down even if I know that Niels prefers to stand. Or rather, as I have seen him on numeorus occasions, move around with a microphone in hand. What would that mean for the moderator, I asked him? Would be great exercise for you!!!

PS. Fredrik Gertten expressed his worry for the audience numbers in Malmø as Nordisk Film, the distributor, had chosen to show the film in its own cinemas, where an art house audience does not come. I said that the same was the case in Copenhagen. Stupid decisions!

Chris Marker: Level 5 /2

Jeg bruger disse sene efterårsuger al min opmærksomme tid, som næsten alle dage er pinagtig sparsom, til at læse bøger, den ene efter den anden, fra begyndelse til slutning. I går kunne jeg mere end forventningsfuld hente Julie Mendels Relikvie. Og jeg begyndte langsomt forfra, og på side 5 stod der som det eneste et citat i kursiv: ” ‘A prayer slipped quietly into life without interrupting it’ – Fra filmen ‘Sans Soleil’ af Chris Marker”.

Jeg fik en tydelig dårlig samvittighed, jeg har jo disse mange, mange dage svigtet Chris Markers film, som jeg havde været i gang med at se på min langsomme måde og lige så tøvende lave notater til. Jeg var midt i hans Level 5 og havde derefter tænkt at gå i gang med netop Sans Soleil. Nu må jeg lade Relikvie ligge til jeg er færdig med Level 5 og i det mindste har genset Sans Soleil.

Så det blev således ikke ”om lidt” jeg skrev videre. Det bliver måske nu, som er noget senere, meget senere, jeg skriver. Jeg var sidst midt i titelsekvensen og jeg havde forstået, der i kvindens store indledende monolog ved siden af den essayistiske overvejelse om internettets virkelighed befinder sig en kærlighedshistorie. Kvinden siger videre i sin monolog i det samme billede, en collage af storbyoptagelser ved nat og lysende punkter og linjer i en computerskærm:

”… On that image we Neanderthals grafted our own visions our pitiful scraps of information. But none of us knows what a city is.” Så klippes der til Laura, og jeg ser, det er hende der taler, som bærer denne fortællestemme, denne lange replik. Hun fortsætter:

”This is the stuff you used to write…” Her kommer den hun taler til ind, et “you”, som er i handlingen, men som jo også kan være et skrivende publikum som identificerer sig, finder en at holde med. I handlingen er det hendes mand, hendes kollega og kæreste, tænker jeg, hendes stemmes blide og fortrolige tone får mig til at tænke det. Det er her kærlighedshedshistorien begynder.

”You wrote at night, late, sitting at the computer before you logged out. I’d find it in the morning when I logged in. You had been working at your game, I was about to work on my book. Computer at night, bar howls’ delight, computer in the morning in the morning, tomcat’s warning. We took it in turns, a shift for you, a shift for me, a shift for us both…”

Det var titelsekvensen. Nu klippes der til titelskiltet: “Catherine Belkhodja dans Level 5”. Nu ved jeg hvad kvinden hedder uden for filmen, og selvfølgelig får jeg lyst til at undersøge hvem hun er, finde ud af om hun havde relation til instruktøren, også uden for filmen. Og det styrkes af, at hun efter sin første undersøgelse af sin mands efterladte computerspil meddeler: ”… Jeg vil give Chris alt dette materiale”, og instruktøren kommer så her ind i filmen, på fotroligt fornavn, og herefter har jeg også instruktørens beretning som en del af fortællestemmen, og i min forsvinden i filmen, i min henrivelse, tænker jeg ikke på at instruktøren jo også har skrevet Belkhodjas del, at han tillige har konstrueret computerspillet.

Chris Marker lægger en i sit væsen nøgtern politisk, antropologisk, psykologisk og moralfilosofisk kommentar til det materiale, Catherine Belkhodjas mand har efterladt, som hun har fundet til ham og det udgør herefter et lag ved siden af Belkhodjas følsomme, naive, charmerende, ja, i hendes fremstilling aldeles gribende kærlighedserindring, en filmisk virkelighed, hvor hun hedder Laura får jeg på et tidspunkt at vide. Lauras eget lag og erkendelsesarbejde er at lære level 5 at kende, hun og hendes mand havde i en fortrolighedsleg inden hans død defineret level 1 og 2: ”In conversation, I still mention the levels we’d give people when someone came in and said I’m Catholic, Communist or Anarchist or some other bigotry we said ”Level One” and lough. When they were funnier or wittier we’d say ”Level Two”, but we never went higher…” Level 3-5 undersøger Laura herefter i dramaet, i scener som disse, som kunne hedde ”Papegøjens metode (efterligning), ”Parken med fuglene” (sprog) (FOTO), ”Selvmorderens opringning” (handling)”.

… ja, dette er og bliver føljeton, så jeg må nu skrive ”fortsættes”… læs eventuelt tidligere blogindlæg her: 

Simon Lereng Wilmont: The Distant Barking of Dogs

The location is Hnutove, Eastern Ukraine, war zone for years. A village from where – for the very same reason – many Ukrainian families have moved away. But not grandmother Alexandra and 10 year old Oleg, the main characters of this remarkable, multi-layered film. Grandmother insists on staying. In the best Danish documentary I have seen this year. A film about Childhood, about Fear, about survival, about Love. Made with love. And cinematic skills on how to build a story, compose the images and put them together with a soundtrack that stresses the atmosphere of the scenes, without killing them.

Oleg and his cousin Yarik are like kids everywhere. They do pillow fights, they fight as kids do, they are crawling around wherever

there is space to crawl, they go swimming in the river, suntanned, they jump in the beds, they wear football shirts… but their outdoor playground is different. Ruins with cartridges, mortars, unexploded mines… in sometimes a constant sound carpet of bombs and the sight of war as flashes of light on the sky. It’s an understatement to say that this constitutes a fragile childhood for the kids.

The grandmother IS love and the director, who is also the cameraman, knows how to convey that to the viewers: Oleg and grandmother walking in the snow in the beginning of the film, to visit the graveyard of Oleg’s mother. The two boys caressing granny in her bed, when she falls ill, Granny ”educating” Oleg when he comes home having shot a frog with the gun of the elder Kostya.

But granny has her worries about what will come out of this living in a war zone. There is an exceptional shot showing this, made from the room next door. She sits alone at her kitchen table looking into the air. No words, the house cat walks in. As viewer we know that the boys have been put to bed by her.  

The film is full of scenes like that – so well composed, and hurra for letting the scenes stand long to be developed, editor’s name is Michael Aaglund – that are full of childhood and scenes full of ”this is warzone”. The latter of course heartbreaking. The granny is being treated for panic attacks, Oleg expresses his fear of the war verbally, whereas the smaller Yarik reacts physically. The war is close by, but the war is also on television, they sit and watch.  

The film is shot during a year with the grandmother as the narrator – few voice-off’s compared to dialogue caught in scenes – with some ”highlights” in the story: Yarik leaves with his mother, who has fallen in love with a soldier, but comes back to grandmother… Grandmother gets ill, the kids eat sandwiches with chocolate… Oleg gets a hole in his foot…

With the help of Kostya they decide to put up new wallpaper in the corridor – the motif is a very green forest! Nice to look at, like the river near their house, the sky where you could hope the rain would come from… Real rain and not rain of bombs.

Denmark, 2017, 90 mins.


Machines and Communion

The Copenhagen audience will next week be treated with the best of the best of documentaries next week. “Machines” by Rahul Jain will have a two week run from wednesday in Empire Bio. My review, highest marks, can be read on

Here is a quote: …here is one more film that gives us evidence that you can tell in images…mentioning Michael Glawogger.

And the Polish film “Communion” by Anna Zamecka, nominated for the documentary award of EFA (European Film Award), will have a screening in Grand Teatret on wednesday as well, 21.15, the director will be there. Joshua Oppenheimer has said this about the film that “…(it) took my breath away, brought me to tears, left me contemplating mysteries of family…”

Sérgio Tréfaut: Treblinka

The portuguese director Sérgio Tréfaut/ Serge Tréfaut ( was back in Copenhagen with the film Treblinka. The screening took place at the Cinématheque at the Film House.
The Cinématheque that we so often have praised on this site for its excellent programming  and that I (Allan Berg lives in Randers hours away from Copenhagen) visit far too little even if it is only 10 minutes walk from home. Well, not totally right, we often go with the grandchildren to watch the morning screenings of mainly animation films.
Back to Tréfaut saturday night 7pm. Almost full house, a majority invited through the culturally active Portuguese embassy. Jesper Andersen.
programmer, who like me admires Tréfaut and his work, had chosen “Treblinka” knowing that the director also is a great speaker, which he
demonstrated before and after the 61 minutes long film.
About the background for the film he told the audience that he had had long conversations with the French director and writer AND holocaust
survivor Marceline Loridan-Ivens (born 1928); her last name refers to her long life with legendary documentarian Joris Ivens. He was impressed
by her will to life – “this small woman is like a bomb” – and had read her memoirs and heard her talk about her relations to trains. She is still
scared to enter a train… the trains to the camps…
That was one of the reasons why Tréfaut chose to let his film take place in trains passing though foggy or snowy Eastern European landscapes, with images that are most often doubled, with naked men and women sitting in the trains, some of them reciting the text, with the constant train sound. The images, composed by João Ribeiro, and the editing, create a dreamerish atmosphere, something horrible that happened in the past, the ghosts are still there for the survivors whatever they do to enjoy the Life.
The film essay, yes that’s what it is, is based on the memoirs of Chil Rajchman (Treblinka: A Survivor’s Memory), a Polish Jew, who was arrested
with his younger sister in 1942 and sent to Treblinka – a death camp where more than 750,000 were murdered before it was abandoned by German soldiers.
It took Tréfaut only weeks to film in the trains but a year to edit the work, that has been to festivals in 20 countries.
I had seen the film before on my computer, I can not recommend that. Was happy to watch it on a big screen with the brilliant aesthetic choice of
image and sound to convey an almost unbearable theme. No more holocaust films, it has been said many times especially at pitching sessions. Nonsense, you think, when you see Sérgio Tréfaut’s masterly done piece of Cinema.
Portugal, 2016, 61 mins.