Baltic Sea Docs 2015/ 3

A place for new talent, definitely, is Baltic Sea Docs, demonstrated again at this 2015 edition. The first step for many – ”here we are, we have an interesting project, what do you think of it?” Does it have an international potential? Is it for cinema and/or television? Or for some new platforms?

And the networking aspect – can we co-produce? For someone who has been part of the event since it started on the island of Bornholm in Denmark in the last century (!), it is a great pleasure to see how the Baltic countries have created structures to develop the art of cinema, including the documentary. In the hosting country Latvia you have the National Film Centre to give development, research and production money, the same goes for the newer Lithuanian Film Centre set up in 2012 and the Estonian Film Institute. So the future of the creative documentary, or call it the artistic, is very much linked to well functioning state support mechanisms – and internationally knowledgeable production companies with producers who can take care of both the established and the new talents. This year you also saw several projects being financially supported up-front by two of or even all three Baltic countries.

Like the co-production between Latvian Uldis Cekulis (VFS Films) and Estonian Marianna Kaat (Baltic Film Production) with Kaat as

the director of ”!4 Cases”, a very timely film on the cultural problems that come from the fact that many non-Estonian speaking families ”consider Estonia their motherland, but nevertheless feel that they are not qualified to be full members of Estonian society because of some cultural disconnect and a lack of language”. A film with a focus on the children who grow up in this ”Babylon of Identities” – it was well received at the Forum.

As Kaat, Alina Rudnitskaya has a strong international track record. The director from St. Petersburg is to direct a film with the title ”Fatei and the Sea” backed by the company that produces films with Aleksander Sokurov, Proline Film. The location is Rikord Island, situated at the South-East coast of Russia, the protagonist is a sea farmer, whose profession after the fall of USSR is threatened as he has no support from the state any longer at the same time as poachers are harvesting on his territory. Rudnitskaya is to film there next year from May to October, she has not yet been there and the trailer did not reflect the style of the director. So the pitch was one of those where you ”pitch the director” – trusting that she can do something good again.

The same, ”pitching the director”, was meant to be the case with the well known producer Guntis Trekteris and talented Davis Simanis, whose ”Escaping Riga” and ”Chronicle of the Last Temple” (about the new National Library in Riga, a masterpiece in architecture) are some of the most remarkable films in newer Latvian documentary – to be added that Simanis has been an editor and editing consultant for a long range of films. It was more or less how I introduced the two of them, praising also Trekteris for his producing work of Herz Frank’s last film ”Beyond Fear”. It was the last film at the forum, ”D is for Division” with this synopsis text in the catalogue: ”Four terrifying historical photos mark four places of crime. Four places still have to live with its horrid past. A documentary exploring how some of the darkest moments of the 20th century manifest themselves through particular people and places caught on film, and how these “crime moments” strangely but still intensely affect the life in these places today”.

It did not work, not at all, was it because I overestimated the knowledge of the panelists, probably most of them had never heard of Simanis, or was it because the people around the table did not understand what Simanis – with his trailer – wants to do. Or was it because the project was pitched too early, as it was suggested by Russian Grigory Libergal in the panel. Anyway, the reactions were filled with question marks and even some doses of aggression to “what is the purpose of this project”. Conclusion, the two got some spanking, which of course sometimes can be good and encouraging for filmmakers!

On the website of the forum: you will find wonderful photos from the days of pitching and from the cinema, taken by Agnese Zeltina. The one on this post is with Uldis Cekulis and Marianna Kaat, Latvia and Estonia, project “14 Cases”.

Baltic Sea Docs 2015/ 2

Sunday in Riga, second day of the Baltic Sea Docs 2015. I am sitting in the lounge of the 11th floor, where the individual meetings are taking place after the remaining 10 projects of the 23 were pitched to the panel this morning. Good atmosphere, good pitches, good but also cautious comments from a panel, where the television editors are hesitating, whenever there is a project that does not fit slots and profiles. Personally, I like it, was a comment that came from the panel in these two days followed by ”but it is not for our audience”. One even said, ”it is too poetic for our audience”! There is nothing new in this, it has been like that for many years. In general public broadcasting has no space for documentaries with a high artistic and experimental ambition… must be difficult to have a job like that! Don’t envy them!

Nevertheless it was a pleasure to experience how the first project pitched this morning, ”Krucification” by Latvian Ivars Tontegode

was positively received. Knuts Skujenieks is the man behind the title, poet and philosopher, who spent 7 years in a gulag: ” While in the Soviet prison camp, Knuts starts to lose any sense of importance of the surrounding world, and instead – he finds himself. Poetry becomes Knuts,and Knuts becomes poetry; he becomes his own words, creating his own world. In its absurdity, the prison camp, instead of being a rehabilitation facility, has turned out to be a factory producing unique and strong personalities. The weakness in Soviet power is revealed, as the camp’s purpose – to destroy its ideological opponents – instead empowers them…” (quote from the catalogue). The clip presented was a fast pace visualization of Knut Skujenieks words including a rapping constructed from his words. The director has found his inspiration in the film “Black Sun” by Gary Tarn from 2005, who firstly recorded the words of the man, who got blinded and then made the pictures and composed the music. A very promising project that could also come out in different versions. Put the clip on Youtube, was my suggestion.

Also very strong and impressive was the Polish “I Would Like to tell you Everything” (photo) presented by producer Maria Krauss and director Zvika Portnoy, who had filmed three prison inmates after consultations with them – or rather had let them film themselves. They had made videoletters to their children, very moving, and having seen an 18 minutes edit made by the director I have no doubt that this will be another strong Polish documentary about the – to put it a bit tabloid – human side of a the beast.

Baltic Sea Docs has become a place for new talent to be discovered and developed, and it was lovely (just one example) to see a totally charming pitch of the Lithuanian young women Giedre Burokaité and Aiste Zegulyte, producer and director, who took everyone by surprise with their clip (and talk) of “People, Animals and Things” about taxidermists to compete on a European level! Just out of film school the two demonstrated that they know what they are doing, and that documentaries should have several layers. “I love surrealism”, as said Grigory Libergal in the panel. Indeed, there is something special about documentaries from Lithuania.

Tomorrow a final report from the Riga event, the 19th edition of Baltic Sea Docs, for the 10th time in Riga.





Baltic Sea Docs 2015/ 1

It has been a standard question – followed by a lovely standard answer – from me to Elina Cire here in Riga: Do people come to watch the documentary films in the cinema (K Suns)? They do, there are full houses, says she, who is responsible for the fine selection. A photo from the opening night documents that she tells the truth, and proud was the Danish producer Sigrid Dyekjær that ”The News Room: Off the Record” by Mikala Krogh was chosen to bring a debate on media responsibility to the Latvian audience with the main protagonist, chief editor of Ekstra Bladet Poul Madsen as one of the panelists.

Nine films are in the programme, remains to be screened are two films tonight and five on sunday, so if you are in Riga… link below will give you the titles and times.

Today was the first day of pitching at the Baltic Sea Docs with a good panel of so-called decision makers. Some of them have visited the event several times like Danish Gitte Hansen from First Hand Films in Zürich, Jenny Westergaard from YLE in Finland, Russian Grigory Libergal and Marje Jurtshenko from Estonian television. And some were new like Flemming Hedegaard from DR K in Denmark, Kate Townsend from BBC’s Storyville, Antoinette Koering from Arte and Xavier Henry Rashid from Film Republic, a sales agency that specialises in arthouse films, a recent one being the Polish ”Call Me Marianna”.

13 out of the 23 film projects were pitched today to be followed by individual meetings on the 11th floor of the Albert Hotel that has housed the training workshop that has led up to the two pitching days. I can’t mention all projects, let me pick three that for me will turn out to be good films: ”The Pioneers Palace” by Georgian Ana Tsimintia, who made the wonderful ”Biblioteka” and with her trailer for the new film demonstrated that she has an eye for people and situations. The artistic quality of Ukranian ”Delta” is also evident from what Yulia Serdyukova, the producer, showed. A warm voyage to people who live by the Danube, nothing about Maidan and war, said Serdyukova, who also stood behind the strong ”All Things Ablaze”. The final film to be pitched today was ”Release Oleg Sentsov” by Askold Kurov, who has made ”Children 404”, ”Leninland” and was one of the directors behind ”Winter, Go Away!”. Kurov is one of the students of Marina Razbezkina’s film school in Moscow and a good friend of Sentsov, who two weeks ago was sentenced to 20 years in prison. An important film to be made from a personal point of view of a courageous director.

Photo: Agnese Zeltina.

Petra Costa og Lea Glob: Olmo & the Seagull /2


Filmen rejser på turne i de danske biografer med start den 7. september, og Zentropa har indledt samarbejder med teatre rundt om i landet samt sat forskellige  personer fra teatermiljøet stævne for at tale med dem om blandt andet moderskab og karriere og livet ved teatret i  Q & A sessions efter filmen er vist.

Line Bilenberg skriver i en pressemeddelelse om om arrangementernes temaer og om tid og sted:

Filmen følger det succesfulde teater-skuespillerpar Olivia og Serge, under Olivias graviditet og sætter fokus på et af de dilemmaer, der for nogle kvinder kan være svært at tale om. Nemlig de konsekvenser og ændringer, der opstår i ens liv, når man pludselig en dag går fra at være karrierekvinde til, i større eller mindre grad, at skulle sætte sig selv til side og være mor.

Parret arbejder på det legendariske teater Théâtre du Soleil i Paris. Olivia (Olivia Corsini) bliver meget pludseligt tvunget til at afbryde sin karriere på grund problemer i graviditetsperioden, som tvinger hende til at forholde sig i ro i parrets lejlighed, alt imens at Serge(Serge Nicolaï), hendes kæreste arbejder videre med forestillingen på teatret. Selvom Olivia glæder sig til at blive mor, så opstår der også følelser af afmagt, jalousi på hendes kærestes forsatte liv ved teatret og en frygt for fremtiden.

Filmen er instrueret af danske Lea Glob og Petra Costa fra Brasilien i et instruktørsamarbejde, som blev til på opfordring af DOX:LAB. Intentionen har været at sætte fokus på de svære følelser, der kan trænge sig på, midt i al lykken over at være gravid. Kan jeg nogensinde få en karriere, når jeg er blevet mor? Hvordan skal jeg få mit liv til at hænge sammen? Er jeg en dårlig mor, fordi jeg nogle gange ville ønske, at jeg var manden og kunne fortsætte karrieren som hidtil? Og er det i virkeligheden ikke bare noget, man finder ud af?

Olmo and the Seagull er Lea Globs første feature film, instrueret I samarbejde med Petra Costa (BRA). Filmen modtog NORDIC:DOX Award I 2014 som bedste nordiske dokumentarfilm og ved den international premiere under Locarno Film Festivalen 2015 blev filmen tildelt Junior Jury Award for bedste film i Directors of the Present.



Lene Johansen er moderator på hele touren.


SCALA BIOGRAF, Man. 7. Sep. Kl.16:30 Med skuespillerinde og projektudvikler Roberta Carreri og skuespiller, musiker og instruktør Kai Bredholt , Odin Teatret. Odin teatret er aktuel med flere forestillinger og har netop afsluttet Odin Ugen, en årlig event med skuespillere fra hele verden som gæster teatret i Holstebro.


BIOGRAFCENTER FOTORAMA, Man. 7. Sep. Kl. 18:30 Med næstformand i Viborg Teaterforening, Bent Kvisgaard og skuespillerinde Roberta Carreri fra Odin Teatret.


BIFFEN ART CINEMA Tirs. 8. Sep. Kl. 16:30 Med skuespillerinderne Vibeke Hastrup og Kristine Elmedal Johansen. Begge aktuelle med forestillingen Richard 3. Premiere 16. sep., Aalborg Teater.


NORDISK FILM BIOGRAFER Tirs 8. Sep, Kl. 19.00 Med instruktør Lea Glob og skuespillerinden Sara Hjort Ditlevsen. Sara Hjort Ditlevsen er aktuel i titelrollen i Frøken Julie, Århus Teater.


GRAND TEATRET Ons 9. Sep. Kl. 16:40 Med skuespillerinde Molly Blixt Egelind. Aktuel med forestillingen Madame de Sade på Betty Nansen.


BIOGRAFCAFEEN Ons 9. Sep. Kl. 19:30 Med kunstnerisk leder og instruktør Nullo Facchini og Siri Facchini Haff, performer og projektudvikler ved Cantabile 2.


CAFE BIOGRAFEN Søn. 13 Sep. Kl. 17.00 Med skuespillerinderne Githa Lehrmann og Natalí Sand Vallespir. Githa Lehrmann er aktuel med forestillingen De store hunner. Premiere 19. sep. Odense Teater. Natalí Vallespir er aktuel i forestillingen Carl indtil 10. sep. & Brødrene Løvehjerte med premiere 31 okt., Odense Teater


NICOLAI BIO Søn. 13 Sep. Kl. 19.30 Med skuespillerne Maja Juhlin og Frank Thiel, Mungo Park Kolding. Mungo Park er aktuel med forestillingen Carl frem til 10. sep. Og de to skuespiller kan bl.a. opleves i forestillingen Anne Marie Carl Nielsen, 10-12 marts.

Petra Costa og Lea Glob: Olmo & the Seagull

”Trigorin got Arkadina pregnant” bemærker en kollega da Olivia ved en lille festmiddag lidt inde i filmen røber sin graviditet. Ja, det handler om teater, det ser jeg selvfølgelig straks i åbningen, og det handler i en arbejdende gruppe om en bestemt skuespiller, en bestemt kvinde især, det er tydeligt. Snart ved jeg så at der er én mere, en mand. De hedder Olivia og Serge og de kan spille Desdemona og Othello har de vist og de spiller nu Arkadina og Trigorin, skuespillerinden og forfatteren i Anton Tjekhovs Mågen som gruppen sætter op, og ved siden af hinanden og sammen lever de deres egne liv og det kan de også fremstille, de roller kan de også spille, professionelle som de er, og det sker i filmen her som handler om hvordan deres liv og deres arbejde udvikler sig gennem nogle udfordrende måneder.

I titelsekvensens dans på scenen bliver skuespilleren Olivia væk i rollen Arkadina, væk fra sin anden virkeligheds dans med og eget lykkelige forhold til Serge, forelskelsen klippes hurtigt og tydeligt og smukt frem, jeg ser at hun ser ham hele tiden. Åh, fotografens følsomme opmærksomhed for hendes bliks retninger i den stadigt hurtigere dansescene og klipperens lige så præcisise anbringelse af et vigtigt flash back.

Midt under dette bliver der allerede her plads til instruktørens bemærkninger til skuespillerne om Tjekhovs metode, hans nuancer er vanskelige at ramme uden dialog siger hun. Underteksten, stemningen. Ligesom fortællingerne bygger han sine stykker på et fint samspil mellem tekst og undertekst, mellem det replikkerne indeholder, og det der meddeleles med andre midler: tonefaldet, forskellige lyde som baggrundsmusik, nattevagtens larmen, den bristende streng i kirsebærhaven, associationsladede genstande som den symbolske måge, pauser, stumme scener (Nils Åke Nilsson, 474). Lægen Dorn har hos Tjekhov denne replik: ”Der er ikke noget at forstå. Det er fuldstændig klart. (Pause)” (Anton Chechov, 31), Olivia som Arkadina har en replik om at forsvinde ind i sygdommen, ind i sindssygen. Og denne ”Hun mister frugten af deres kærlighed, hun er den eneste som kæmper, som en måge i storm”. Filmmusikken får mig til at tænke på Virginia Woolf, det er en lang privat associationsrække som musik kan, det passer mig perfekt.

Hjemme er de to elskende så i gang med graviditetsprøven. De skal tage tid, det tager to minutter at synge sangen om at forelske sig i hinanden. Han vil fortælle nyheden til de andre, hun vil vente. De elsker, må vi det nu? Igen en scene fra teaterarbejdet, sminke og afsminke. Spejlet, maskerne. Det kulminerer stilfærdigt med hendes skuffede ansigt ved den lille fest med kollegerne hvor det går op for hende at hun ikke kan komme med til premieren i New York og Montreal og turneen bagefter.

Ja, det handler selvfølgelig om kvinden i svangerskab, i valg mellem graviditet og arbejde som ikke uden videre kan være det lykkelige både-og, valg mellem graviditet og sex, mellem graviditet og samliv med kæresten – det er realiteterne som også Tjekhov ville vægte.

Og så ved den samme fest opdager Arkadina ude på toilettet, kameraet er med, at noget er galt, der er blod på toiletpapiret, Serge kommer til, og filmen, kameraet er med hende og Serge på sygehuset til ultralydscanning og lægen fortæller dem at barnet har det godt men viser dem også på skærmen en 8 cm blodsamling i livmoderen og råder indtrængende Arkadina til fuldstændig fysisk ro uden belastninger med at bære, og de og jeg tænker med det samme på den smukke trappe til deres lejlighed højt oppe som vi har lært at kende i en af filmens første smukke etablerende scener.

Det her lyder trivielt skønt alvorligt, men det mærkelige er at det er blevet til vidunderlig film fyldt med fryd og ægthed skabt af en instruktion, et kameraarbejde og et klippearbejde som ikke svigter filmen et sekund. Historien er konstrueret som hos Tjekhov: ”I modsætning til det ’perfekte’ intrigedrama, der dengang dominerede teatret, søger Tjekhov at skyde handlingen i baggrunden og i stedet koncentrere sig om en række jævne, almindelige menneskeskæbner, der næsten umærkeligt, uden markerede dramatiske effeker eller konflikter, griber ind i og belyser hinanden: ’Lad alt på scenen være netop så kompliceret og samtidig så enkelt, som det er i livet. Folk spiser middag, og samtidig fuldbyrdes deres lykke, eller deres liv bryder sammen.’ ”(Nils Åke Nilsson, 474)

Måske ligger her nøglen til at Petra Costas og Lea Globs film placerer sig så ubestrideligt sikker i sin flotte og rene hybride form. I mit liv med film er dette nye filmværk vist nok den lykkeligste ophævelse af den evige skelnen mellem fiktion og dokumentar, mellem journalistik og kunst, mellem teaterets virkelighed og den konventionelle virkelighed som i Mågen, som hos Omar Amarilay har jeg lige lært hedder realiteterne og det imaginære og som i filmens titel er modstillingen det endnu ufødte barn Olmo og skuespillet Mågen under opsætning (Louis Malles Vanja på 42. gade er selvfølgelig en oplagt parallel men med et andet emne og mindre ligetil, mindre sandt naiv). Det er i min tilskuerverden et vidunderlig gennembrud for bare at kunne skrive ordet film uden at tilføje kort eller lang, tv eller biograf, dokumentar- eller spillefilm.

Med så tætpakket en film kan jeg i biografsædet i det højeste nå måske at komme på sporet af kernen, af det som er den egentlige drivkraft i værket. Men jeg er nødt til at skrive, at jeg ikke oplever dette kunstnerisk inderste som problemstillingen for en kvinde som gerne både vil være gravid og fortsætte med at arbejde skabende som kunstner. I hvert fald ikke kun det. Jeg tror det her også, ja især handler om selve kunstens væsen. Om både Olmo og om Mågen, ok – men af visse grunde blev jeg især optaget af Mågen. Min oplevelse er at Petra Costa og Lea Glob har lavet et filmmanifest i form af en skøn historie, en skøn film med skønne, almindelige, levende mennesker i en hverdag af arbejde og kunst, en tænksomt gribende kærlighedshistorie og et klogt energisk æstetisk nybrud.

Danmark, 2014. 87 min. (Vurdering: 6/6)


Olivia’s free bohemian life as an artist and stage actress takes a dramatic turn when she and her boyfriend Serge discover that she is pregnant. But the emotionally intense period that follows in the wake of the news, unfolds like a sensitive blend of spontaneity and staged ‘reenactments’ of an emotionally intense episode from the two actors’ own life – and like a poetic and existential dive into Olivia’s state (of mind) during her pregnancy. For the good news comes with a dilemma: their small theatre company of close friends has been invited to stage Chekhov’s ‘The Seagull’ in New York, but Olivia is prevented by her growing belly. Lea Glob and Petra Costa’s joint film gets both its power and its sensitivity from the hybrid between fiction and a fragile, emotional authenticity, that not even a professional actor can perform. For how do you know what actors actually feel like themselves? ‘Olmo and the Seagull’ is a modern hybrid film with classical roots in theatre arts and in Virginia Woolf’s novel ‘Mrs. Dalloway’. (CPHDOX festival)

A journey through the labyrinth of a woman’s mind, OLMO AND THE SEAGULL tells the story of Olivia, a free-spirited stage actress preparing for a starring role as Arkadina in a theatrical production of Chekhov’s The Seagull. As the play starts to take shape, Olivia and her boyfriend, Serge, whom she first met on the stage of the Theatre du Soleil, discover she is pregnant.

Initially, she thinks she can have it all, until an unexpected setback threatens her pregnancy and brings her life to a standstill. Olivia’s desire for freedom and success clashes with the limits imposed by her own body and the baby growing inside her. The months of her pregnancy unfold as a rite of passage, forcing the actress to confront her deepest fears. She looks in the mirror and sees both female characters of The Seagull – Arkadina, the aging actress, and Nina, the actress that falls into madness – as unsettling reflections of herself.

The film takes a further twist when what appears to be acted is revealed as life itself. This portrait of the creative process invites us to question what is real, what is imagined, and what we celebrate and sacrifice in life. (Locarno Festival)


Anton Tjechov: Mågen, dansk oversættelse, 1970. Nils Åke Nilsson: Den russiske litteratur i F. J. Billeskov Jansen m.fl., red.: Verdens litteratur historie 10, 1973.


Filmen rejser på turne i de danske biografer med start den 7. september, og Zentropa har indledt samarbejder med teatre rundt om i landet samt sat forskellige fra teatermiljøet stævne for at tale med dem om blandt andet moderskab og karriere og livet ved teatret i  Q & A sessions efter filmen er vist. Se planen for arrangementerne her:


Jeg er slet slet ikke færdig med arbejdet, jeg skal læse Tjekhov, jeg skal læse om teatret i Paris, jeg skal se Louis Malles Vanja på 42. gade igen og især skal jeg se Petra Costas så roste film Elena, Jeg skal se Lea Globs dejlige Mødet med min far Kasper Højhat igen, og pludselig tænker jeg at Mågen også handler om teatrets kunst som også ofte Bergmans film skildrer teateropsætningens og skuespillets erkendelsesmetode. Så jeg må gense Bergman. Og så er der det med Vildanden og Mågen, med Ibsen og Tjekhov, ”Ibsen kender ikke livet” skal Tjekhov have sagt (Nilsson, 229f). Der er meget for en biografgænger at tage fat på efter en så rig filmoplevelse.

The Dox Box Residency

The Dox Box has published its Newsletter for September, which is full of useful information for Arab filmmakers – and for us who want to stay updated on what happens in the Arab documentary world. The main story is that grantees has been awarded for the Fall Cycle. For filmmakers to stay and work on the completion of their films with assistance from professionals. The Berlin based Dox Box organisation:

”DOX BOX received 40 applications from 10 Arab Countries for its inaugural editing residency in Berlin. The Selection Committee granted three projects for Fall 2015. These projects demonstrated an impressively strong point-of-view and approach to the sociopolitical reality of their respective countries. Each has succeeded in employing pre-existing audio-visual archival footage within their dramatic narratives…

The Selection Committee members were filmmaker Hala Galal from Egypt; critic Dr. Ikbal Zalila from Tunisia; and producer and writer Rasha Salti from Lebanon. The Committee discussed and evaluated the eleven projects that passed initial eligibility. The eleven projects came from Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and Syria. The evaluation included a careful examination of the submitted sequences and footage, the written treatments, the sociopolitical context of each project, as well as the filmmakers’ approaches and points-of-view.”

The Grantees are:

Fatima, or Notes On The Possibility of Permanent Revolution | 70 minutes | Mary Jirmanus Saba | Lebanon | 12-week Residency

My Head Ain’t a Graveyard | 45 minutes | Zaher Omarein | Syria | 8-week Residency

Fish Killed Twice | 70 minutes | Ahmed Fawzy Saleh | Egypt | 8-week Residency

In the same – among many interesting texts – there is a link to a 30 minutes long interview from 2007 with the pioneer of Syrian documentary, Omar Amarilay (photo), who died 2011. Watch it, listen to the fine man.

DOKU.ARTS Berlin with Sebald and Stan Neumann

If you are near Deutsches Historisches Museum in Berlin the next weeks, visit the DOKU.ARTS Festival that has a very appealing programme to offer. A quote from the newsletter I received the other day:

“From 9-27 September, DOKU.ARTS will present 20 films from 13 countries with a focus on architecture and construction. The programme shows how the contemporary world of international documentary film regards building and architecture, as well as how construction processes and citizen participation are reflected in the medium of film. The architectural focus comprises 15 new documentaries, including outstanding long-term monitoring of buildings by SANAA, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Daniel Libeskind, and Peter Zumthor. Moreover, DOKU.ARTS shows new documentary portraits and essay films about Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Phyllis Lambert, Astrid Lindgren, W.G. Sebald and Nicolas Roeg.”

And about the Opening: ”The official opening of DOKU.ARTS will take place on 9 September, 8 pm, with the German premiere of Austerlitz. Fascinated by W.G. Sebald’s novel and his photos, director Stan Neumann attempts to reconstruct the path the narrator’s life took, bringing us on a psychological and geographical journey from Antwerp via Prague, Marienbad and Paris to London. As a highly autobiographical film, Austerlitz captivates with a moving dramatic performance by Denis Lavant as Jacques Austerlitz, its musical score, and stunning architectural shots. Emmanuel Suard, Cultural Counsellor of the French Embassy in Berlin and Director of the Institut français Germany, will speak on the occasion of the opening. Our special guests of the evening are Stan Neumann and Mark Le Fanu (University College London).”

Stan Neumann (photo) is a true “auteur” and a very inspiring teacher, as he has and is showing in workshops like Ex Oriente. Below you will find links to three texts about Neumann.

Among the other films to be shown in Berlin are Oeke Hoogendijk’s “The New Rijksmuseum”, Kristina Lindström’s documentary on “Astrid” (Lindgren) and a film by David Thompson on Nicolas Roeg as well as the praised “The Chinese Mayor” by Zhou Hao. There is wonderful clip from the latter on 


Links: about “Language Does Not Lie” (Klemperer); about the importance of form; about “The Surrealistic Photo

Mladen Mitrović: Chasing a Dream

I read that a film co-produced by Factum in Croatia had won the Audience Award at the recent Sarajevo Film Festival. I wrote to Nenad Puhovski in Zagreb and he sent me a link to the 145 minutes long documentary that Mladen Mitrović made by filming for more than 5 years on 4 different continents – in 12 countries (BiH, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, German, Russia, Sweden, Tunis, Turkey, Iraq, Mexico and USA). Quite an impressive achievement for the director, who like his protagonists left Sarajevo in the late 80’es and beginning of 90’es, when the war went on. They are Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats and what they have in common is that they played as kids in the director’s film, the (to quote the site of Factum) ”iconic child’s film Small Passage that he made in Sarajevo’s district of Grbavica.” That film was made in 1987.

The film is very cleverly built. The director goes to find his now grown up kids, wherever they are, to describe what kind of life they lead now. Cut from one to the other, cut according to themes, family, women, clips from ”Small Passage”, reflective voice-off´s from the director on memories, on Life away from home/birthplace, childhood, broken dreams, dreams for the future – and ”how to resemble a pot that was broken a long time ago?”. The film in other words. He tried and succeeded.

The cleverness – the editing has been a hard job but once you are IN the film, it takes a while I have to admit to get ”who is who” – lies in the fact, contrary to what you could have expected, that the theme of war and leaving Sarajevo and family tragedies does not come into the story before towards the end and is not overdone. It could have tipped the film to something different than it is been:

Some boys from the same school in Sarajevo, ”Brotherhood and Unity”, spread all over the world, come together again in their hometown. That in itself is pretty emotional, of course, but there is also warm hugs and fun when they play football against the EUFOR soldiers, who are now in Sarajevo. Melancholia and nostalgia – they talk about that and it is expressed and it goes with the frame of the film, the song from Jadranka Stojakovic, with whom the director at the beginning of the film has a skype contact. She made the music to the film from 1987 and she sings beautifully, pure poetry, with water as theme and tool for associative editing.

Too long? Yes, it could have been shorter without losing impact, a shorter version would help its international life. Nevertheless, impressive warm humanistic work, universal as is the 7UP series that I thought about while watching, and so understandable that the film won an Audience Award in the city, where they all lived when Yugoslavia existed.

Bosnia-Herzegovina,Serbia,Croatia, 2015, 145 mins.


Jean-Gabriel Périot: A German Youth

The last couple of years I have been more and more enthusiastic about archive-based documentaries. When they are built from personal and public archive like Catarina Mouráo´s ”The Wolf’s Lair”, when they work from an intelligent method in portraying ”Senna” and ”Amy” as does Asif Kapadia, when they play with the material and dare reconstruct as do Anders Østergaard and Erzsebet Racz in ”1989” or when they are supplemented by interviews about the fabulous Nina Simone as in the film by Liz Garbus.

So expectations were high when I sat down to watch Périot’s ”A German Youth” that – based mainly on found-footage including several film school films from the dffb, the film school in Berlin, founded in 1966 with an opening speech by Willy Brandt – through archive puts the focus on the 60’es and 70’es rebellion from before, during and till the end of Rote Armeé Fraktion (RAF), also known as the Baader-Meinhof group. Lots of material with Ulrike Meinhof, whose rethoric talent was so great, and films by Holger Meins, and tv newsreels to keep the viewer on the chronological track that the director seems to follow.

No conclusions, thanks for that, but why is it that I found the film totally boring and without soul, and could not find the red thread of the director. Because I have seen enough about RAF and this does not add anything to what I have seen and read? Last time in Berlin in January at the big exhibition that was diffficult because there were too many people, but I bought the catalogue and read it all, excellent. With ”A German Youth” I just thought: Where is the film? Sorry.

France, Germany, Switzerland, 2015, 92 mins.

Christian Sønderby Jepsen: Naturens uorden

Der er premiere 7. oktober og Sønderby Jepsens nye film har til den tid naturligvis en åbning i Rukovs forståelse af begrebet, men den er faktisk begyndt allerede nu, se her med traileren og fortsæt bestemt med den efterfølgende forfilm som erindrer om en teaterforestilling sidste år på Det Kongelige Teater, en produktion, som filmen følger. Se bare her: (link til trailer på opslag 24. august) (forfilm om teaterbegivenheden)


Science is bringing us closer to creating the perfect human being. But what are the consequences of defying natural evolution?

Recent advances in medical science bring us closer to the prospect of creating a genetically perfect and flawless human existence. An unborn human life can be screened and influenced in so many different ways. Sperm banks offer to determine the sex, eye color and blood type of your dream child. Nuchal scans and genetic tests allow us to reject defects before it is too late. The goal is to give a worthwhile and healthy life to as many people as possible. A life without disabilities.  Or rather – a normal life.

24-year-old Jacob Nossell is really bright, but he does not fit the typical idea of a dream child or the perfect life. Jacob suffers from cerebral palsy, a congenital physical disability. In addition to affecting his speech, it causes muscle cramps and stiffness. His words run together when he speaks and his movements are limited. With a normal intellect in a weakened body Jacob Nossell is the embodiment of the dilemma of normality – he is too disabled to be truly accepted by society and too normal to accept his own fate. Therefore Jacob has decided to stage a performance at the Royal Danish Theatre (Human Phase-out), and put matters straight once and for all. He will do away with normality as defined by the majority.

The film Natural disorder, together with Jacob, examines, tests and challenges modern society’s concept of normality. The film follows the development of Jacob’s performance from his collection of empirical data to the premiere at the Royal Theatre. But the film also witnesses Jacob’s inner musings during the process and reaches the point where we get to know his most personal thoughts. The theatrical process will be combined with an independent cinematic layer that visually reflects on future scenarios concerning normality and disability. A “fable of consequences” spiralling from the fact that it is scientifically possible today to design the people of tomorrow. The unwanted can be eliminated. We take a close look at the near future, where someone like Jacob only exists in a glass jar in a scientific museum.

The aim is to make a moving film describing the ethical crossroads in human evolution anno 2013. (CPHDOX, Forum Projects 2013)

Ja, SYNOPSIS på dansk er også offentliggjort: ”Har det en pris, når videnskaben trodser evolutionen? Vi er en verden af velskabte, fejlfrie og velfungerende mennesker. Med genteknologi kan vi spore og fravælge det uønskede og uperfekte.

Journalisten og komikeren Jacob Nossell er spastiker, han burde allerede fra fødslen være ’fravalgt’ af både forskere og forældre. Nu er han i realiteten en belastning for samfundsøkonomien og i bedste fald et interessant studie for videnskaben. Med et intakt intellekt, der er fanget i et svækket kropshylster, er han selveste legemliggørelsen af normalitetens dilemma; Han er for handicappet til at være normal og for normal til at acceptere sig selv som handicappet.

Ja, SYNOPSIS på dansk er også offentliggjort: ”Har det en pris, når videnskaben trodser evolutionen? Vi er en verden af velskabte, fejlfrie og velfungerende mennesker. Med genteknologi kan vi spore og fravælge det uønskede og uperfekte.

Journalisten og komikeren Jacob Nossell er spastiker, han burde allerede fra fødslen være ’fravalgt’ af både forskere og forældre. Nu er han i realiteten en belastning for samfundsøkonomien og i bedste fald et interessant studie for videnskaben. Med et intakt intellekt, der er fanget i et svækket kropshylster, er han selveste legemliggørelsen af normalitetens dilemma; Han er for handicappet til at være normal og for normal til at acceptere sig selv som handicappet.

I sin jagt på at forstå sin egen skæbne sætter han sig for at udfordre normalitetsbegrebet og sin egen manglende formåen. Han vil påvise, at hans liv er værd at leve. Derfor kaster Jacobsig ud i et selvbiografisk teaterstykke med det mål at fylde DetKongelige Teater og modtage publikums hyldest, mens hansætter sig selv på spil.

Filmen følger Jacob Nossells tour de force i sin søgen efter svaret på livets mening for ham og sine ’artsfæller’ blandt familie, forskere og publikum, men han tvinges til at indse sine egne begrænsninger, da han bliver slået omkuld af skæbnen og linie 1A.” (Doxbio, program)

Premieren er simultan i en række biografer og den vises bagefter ved en yderligere række forestillinger. Det hele burde kunne følges på begivenhedens Facebook side: