American POV’s Summer Season


Good for the Americans who love non-American documentaries that POV exists. The channel’s summer season has been launched yesterday – a quote from the announcement below taken from the website – and includes Chilean Maita Alberdi’s wonderful “Tea Time”, the Israeli “Web Junkie” by Shosh Shlam and Hilla Medalia, Danish Andreas Johnsen’s “Ai Weiwei: The Fake Case” and most important I think Talal Terkl’s “Return to Homs“. The quote:

“Today, we’re excited to share with you the lineup from POV’s summer season, which starts June 22. POV is American television’s longest running independent documentary series and we’re getting ready for our 28th season on PBS of acclaimed, provocative films unlike anything else on television. Highlights from the season include the Oscar-nominated “Cutie and the Boxer”, an unprecedented look behind the Syrian insurgency in “Return to Homs”, and “Point and Shoot”, a film that will mark the 10th anniversary of filmmaker Marshall Curry’s first film (of many) on POV, the Oscar-nominated Street Fight.”

Dokland: Nyt søndagsdokumentarslot på DR K

Danske tv-seere med interesse for dokumentarFilm af høj kvalitet har mange valgmuligheder. DR 2’s Dokumania genudsender i øjeblikket en perlerække af Oscar-nominerede film – i aften er det Dror Morehs “The Gatekeepers”, i går var det Talal Derks “Return to Homs” og “Five Broken Cameras” af Emad Burnat og Guy Davidi. Den første er tilgængelig i endnu 12 timer, check Dokumania’s hjemmeside, den anden er der ikke tidsbegrænsning på, endnu.

Og så den gode nyhed, citat fra en pressemeddelelse i går: ”DR K dedikerer søndag aften til de bedste dokumentarer inden for kanalens kerneområder; kultur, historie, tro og eksistens. Fra søndag d. 15. februar tager DR K seerne med på opdagelse med nye og spændende dokumentarfilm fra hele verden i vores nye dokumentarslot Dokland. Dokumentarerne vil tage udgangspunkt i den personlige historie, og giver et større perspektiv og refleksion over kulturverdenen, som vi befinder os i. Filmene har en stærk forankring i passion på indholdssiden, men også dokumentarernes formsprog og nye fortællemåder vil bidrage til en oplevelse ud over det sædvanlige. Dokumentarerne sendes hver søndag kl. 21.00 på DR K.”

Med andre ord “auteur-filmen”, den kunstneriske dokumentarfilm, “the creative documentary” – et fint supplement til Dokumania’s repertoire, som ofte er emne-orienteret og journalistisk.

Dokland præsenterer bl.a. “Marina Abramovic: The Artist is Present” af Matthew Akers, Jeff Dupre (22.2), “Elena” (FOTO) af Petra Costa (1.3), “Samsara” (8.3) af Ron Fricke og Mark Magidson, for ikke at tale om de to danske produktioner, som kanalen har støttet: Joshua Oppenheimers “The Act of Killing” (19.4) og Jon Bang Carlsens “Just the Right Amount of Violence” (26.4). Og altså i prime time, klokken 21.

Pioneers Flaherty and Linklater

Tom Roston, film blogger with his own column, Doc Soup, on the site of American POV, writes today on Flaherty and Linklater, an elegant reflection on the two’s pioneer work with each their own genre.

Here is a quote: ”… Like Flaherty, Linklater (Boyhood) is pioneering a new form — he certainly isn’t the first, but he’s made a fictional film that hues so close to being real that it feels like real life. It’s a beautiful film. I think it’s a marvel. It was inspiring to see, even in our age, that the film medium could feel so new. It must have been somewhat like what audiences felt watching Nanook when they first watched it. So where Flaherty bent the rules of nonfiction to create a cinematic documentary, Linklater bent the rules of narrative fiction filmmaking to create realistic cinema. Bravo to both…”

Russian Documentaries

It is very difficult to make documentaries in Russia. It is very difficult to organise film festivals in Russia. It is very difficult to touch upon controversial subjects in Russia. We know that, but we also know how important it is to support the filmmakers there and to help them bring the films to life and to an audience abroad. I have had contacts with Russian documentarians for years, some of them since the existence of the Balticum Film & TV Festival on Bornholm in the 1990’es – some of them (because of their age) for a shorter period. To this category belongs young Georgy Molodtsov, who sent me a press release yesterday promoting the Russian Film Market Guide 2015 that is strongly recommended. Here is a quote:

“Moscow Business Square, Documentary Film Center and Russian Documentary Guild issue an English-language catalogue which includes detailed information about Russian documentary market. The print catalogue is now being presented at the Berlinale-2015 and its online version is available on Russian Documentary Guild web-site:

Printed version of the catalogue might be downloaded from web-site as well –

Both catalogues include a list of leading international documentary film festivals based in Russia. There is also a list of internationally successful production companies, national distributors, industrial sites, and Russian TV-channels. Besides this, the print catalogue shares an article which covers two important things such as financing sources available in Russia and opportunities of co-production with the Russian film companies…”

The Guild also publishes a Top 20 called “National Documentary Rating (is) a project (of Russian Documentary Guild), which determines the success of Russian films in domestic and international festival, tv and theatrical distribution during the 2013 calendar year (from Jan, 1 to Dec, 31).” On the list you find fine works as “Winter, Go Away“, “Linar“, “Vivan las Antipodas“-

Magnificent 7 Belgrade Day 6 & 7

Finnish Virpi Suutari visited the festival for a very short time. She had just left the national documentary celebration DocPoint on Finland where her ”Garden Lovers” got the Jussi award as the best Finnish documentary and composer Sanna Salmenkallio received the award for the best music for that film. Knowing the general high quality of Finnish documentaries, I can only say – tough competition but the right winner, the film is a poetic masterpiece and has a universal appeal. I see it as one long visit to a Garden of Love, an hommage to people, who have lived for a long time together and care about their garden and each other. Virpi Suutari has her own style, there is unique flow in her narrative supported by the music. ”Garden Lovers” got applause for minutes, was enormously appreciated by the Belgrade audience – I know I repeat myself: the best in Europe!

In her masterclass Suutari (photo) talked about and showed her inspiration that comes from her education as a photographer (never been to film school). ”It affects your aesthetics what you have experienced in your childhood”, she said and referred to Martin Parr , Billy Brandt, Hopper and Billingham. She showed clips from ”Sin”, that she made together with Susanne Helke, a true inspiration from Swedish master Roy Andersson, and from ”White Sky”, also together with Helke, from Northern Russia, before she showed clips from ”Hilton”, made at the same time as ”Garden Lovers” in a completely different style.

The last screening at Magnificent 7 was ”Rules of the Game” by Claudine Bories and Patrice Chagnard, who returned to Belgrade after their ”Les Arrivants”, another political-social documentary. Shown at Magnificent 7. As with that one, Bories and Chagnard invites the audience to a direct cinema, observational documentary, a ”cinema documentary” piece, as the situation in France is like this for auteurs”: ”television does not like us, we don’t like television” and after Thierry Garrel left arte also this channel pays little attention and support to the creative documentary. ”Cinema documentaire”, the couple told the participants of the workshop, because your application process to the CNC is equal to the fictions to be supported: you write a scenario, they did so after having been on research at the ”tour”, where the youngsters are trained tools to apply for jobs. Three weeks of research, back to write the scenario, that is actually what they imagine could happen – and before the final casting has been done. The final result looked very much like the scenario written. ”Anticiper le réel” as said Claudine Bories – oh, the French are so good in talking about films, their language is better fit for definition of the creative process, I think. Right? Chagnard told us how important the sound is, the sound brought us direct cinema in the 60’es, he said, and the sound engineer has to be a dancer, when he or she records dialogues.

The film about Lolita, Kevin, Hamid – who are trained to be ”employable” – is in Parisian cinemas right now (had its premiere the day where Charlie Hebdo was attacked!) and the two directors tour the country to discuss the film and its important theme with coaches and those, who could employ young people like the three and thousands of other young unemployed. Great film, call it what you like, Werner Herzog, but the observational documentary is very much alive and kicking!

Also this year local BelMedic awarded a film – “Rules of the Game”.

Magnificent 7 Belgrade Diary 5 & 6

Full house for the Q&A of Jorge Pelicano after the screening of his ”Suddenly My Thoughts Halt”, a film from a Portuguese hospital for mentally ill people, very well received by the Belgrade audience, again around 1000 spectators – to judge from the long applause that accompanied the end titles on the screen in the Sava Centre. Pelicano, with his third documentary film, that he directed, filmed and he also took care of the final editing process, invited the 50 people in the VIP room to know more about the difficult process of getting authorization to film, about several patients who did not want to take part or rather their guardians did not give the permission, about the 4-5 weeks of shooting, about him not sleeping there contrary to the actor Miguel, who installs himself to prepare for a theatre play with the patients – have to be said that the hospital uses theatre as a therapeutical tool several times per year.

I was there for three weeks without camera, Pelicano said, and after some time I/we became one(s) of them. We ended up having 250 hours of footage, we edited for 6 months. And we found our main characters – my comment: indeed he did, it will be impossible to forget Alberto, the laughing man with teeth only in the left side of his mouth, and Mr. Andreu, who walks with Alberto, looking like a English gentleman with an umbrella, intellectual, a perfect companion for Alberto, they get along. There is a brilliant scene that Pelicano told us about in his masterclass the next day, with young film students and filmmakers as participants in the

workshop, a scene where the two and Paulo have a conversation on their walk, and then suddenly Alberto bursts into a laughter and does not stop. Andreu signals to the man with the camera ”cut” but Pelicano luckily continues and from the shaky camera movements you can see that he is not able to stop laughing as well. Wonderful! As is the meeting we get with the couple (photo), who hold hands and declare their love to each other. The man is maybe the one, who is the best one to convey what it means to be schizofrenic. He is the one, to whom Miguel, the actor, asks the question – referring to the title of the film (see below) – whether he has tamed ”the wild horse” inside him… I have, is the answer, wow what a scene. Comes at the end of the film.

Pelicano made a superb masterclass. He had prepared a power point but the participants were so engaged that they just started to ask all kind of questions, which gave a great dynamic in the room. Anyway, a quote from the power point of the Portuguese director:

”(I want to)… find a subject with a creative and innovative perspective”. Pelicano comes from journalism, but that it is not at all visible, when you watch the film that works with (another quote) with ”perfectly balanced shots of unbalanced people”. He uses a lot of bird’s eye angles and he dares to introduce the actor and let him go the whole way in introducing/interpreting the poem of Angelo de Lima, a patient from the beginning of the 20th century, whose poem has given the title to the film.

In a tough competition with his director colleagues of the Magnificent 7 11th edition 2015 in Belgrade, Jorge Pelicano delivered the best masterclass, with a focus on practicalities and details to be learnt from… including how to catalogue the visual and the sound material with an annotation, a commentary what was special, a mark in terms whether it could be used or not…analysis of the footage and of course technical information, camera, lenses, image composition, clips etc. On behalf of the organisers, a warm thank you, Mr. Pelicano! We will watch out for your next film!



Democrats on BBC

Monday 9th of February Camilla Nielsson’s Democrats will be shown on BBC Four within the strand ”Storyville”, headed by Nick Fraser.

On that occasion the director has been interviewed for the website of ”Storyville”, one of those small talk promotion of the film. She reveals that her favourite film of all times is Cassavetes ”A Woman under the Influence”, that she would love to make an interview with Henry Kissinger, that Albert Maysles ”Salesman” is the documentary that has inspired her most, that character for her is more important than story – and that her favourite website is


Photo: Camilla Nielsson on stage with Zoran Popovic at Magnificent 7 in Belgrade.


Maja Medic took these photos of two men on the stage at the Magnificent 7 Festival in Belgrade. It was on the night when the film on “Messi” was to be shown. From left the body language signals the mountain gorillas in the film “Virunga”, then how the local Novak Djokovic did that sunday, when he won the Australian Open tennis tournament and finally, yes, Leo Messi when he scores. To the right festival director Zoran Popovic. 

Magnificent 7 Belgrade Day 4 & 5

One day takes the other here in Belgrade that has the most changing weather I have experienced for a long time. Yesterday Portuguese director Jorge Pelicano, Danish director Camilla Nielsson and I, accompanied by two young students of painting and film, went on a tour to the House of Flowers, the burial place of Tito and his wife Jovanka. The weather was warm with spring in the air, so we moved from Tito to Zemun to enjoy the river with its boats, and the many people strolling on the boardwalk.

Today Belgrade is back to Nordic weather, grey with rain.

Flashback to monday night where ”Democrats” by Camilla Nielsson was shown. Again close to 1000 spectators, great atmosphere with the director asking the audience if she could take a photo! Could one imagine one thousand people watching a film on Zimbabwe in a cinema in Copenhagen… No.

Around 50 spectators attended the 90 minutes long Q&A session in the small VIP room that is full of photos from meetings held at the Sava Centre Hall during the years of Yugoslavia. Among them meetings of the non-aligned countries – and yes, Robert Mugabe, leader of the nation, was on the wall.

Camilla Nielsson shared generously her experience from the 12 production trips to Zimbabwe. How she got the full trust of the two leaders of the constitution process, Paul Mangwana from Mugabe’s party and Douglas Mwonzora from the opposition party of Tsvangirai. She told us how much energy she had to use to make the Zimbabweans understand the observational documentary method, in a country where communication to the press goes through meetings with prepared papers to be conveyed without any critical approach whatsoever.

We became public, she said, me and my cameraman were moving around during the press meetings and often we ended up on national television, filmed by the tv journalists.

I was actually invited to meet Mugabe as I brought along from Denmark some documents from his early revolutionary time, but I dared not to accept the invitation. He has such a strong aura and I was afraid that a meeting with him would make it difficult for me to make a film with Mangwana and Mwonzora.

Later on it became too sensitive, as we were surveilled, my phone was hacked, said Camilla Nielsson, who on her last tour was arrested and detained for some hours.

Asked about Zimbabweans, Nielsson talked warmly about ”the subtle gentleness” in a non-aggressive culture.

A local filmmaker could not have made this film, the director said, I think they saw me as a neutral witness to the process of making the constitution. It’s a brother story… indeed it is, giving hope for a nation when Mugabe is no longer present.

Photo: Camilla Nielsson.

Democrats to be Shown in Harare

Camilla Nielsson, director of ”Democrats” that was shown here in Belgrade (see post above) monday night, told me that the film will have its premiere in Harare Zimbabwe this coming friday. A press release from the Danish embassy goes like this:

The Royal Danish Embassy Office (RDEO) will present the screening of Democrats, a documentary about Zimbabwe’s power struggle for a new constitution, on Friday 6 February 2015. The film which was directed by award-winning Danish filmmaker Camilla Nielsson, will be shown at 6:30 PM to invited guests and the general public at the Book Café in the capital.

Democrats is an exciting, compelling and shocking documentary that presents a rare, vital snapshot of Zimbabwe’s democratization process in its initial planning stages. The film follows the co-chairpersons of the parliamentary select committee COPAC, Munyaridzi Paul Mangwana (central committee member of ZANU-PF) and Douglas Mwonzora (General Secretary for MDC-T) who were charged with creating a new constitution that satisfies the principles of both parties and the aspirations of the people of Zimbabwe.

The RDEO brings the film to Zimbabwe for public viewing ahead of its global television premiere which is scheduled for 11 February on BBC, in the interests of transparency, accountability of governance and inclusive democracy.

Filmed over three years with an astonishing level of internal access, the documentary traces the tortuous process of cross-party negotiations behind the country’s 2013 constitution and lays bare calamitous conflicts and fallouts that took place both behind closed doors and in the public space.

Nielsson’s film covers the boardroom back-and-forth between the parties’ respective teams while imparting universal insights into the art and craft of political diplomacy.

It also contains blistering material on a compelling political battle; exposing attempts at political manipulation of the constitution making process while showing the personal war and distinctly gradual meeting of minds between Mangwana and Mwonzora.

Ahead of the screening, Head of Mission at the Royal Danish Embassy Office, Chargé d’Affaires e.p. Erik Brøgger Rasmussen says:  “It is almost two years since the people of Zimbabwe with a large majority voted in favour for the constitution. The Danish government fully backs the aspirations of the population and finds that it is time for the country to fully implement and live the new constitution. It’s strong bill of rights is critical in demonstrating respect for human rights and freedoms.

Since 2008 Denmark has been at the forefront in assisting Zimbabwe’s re-engagement process with the international community. Denmark is now Zimbabwe’s largest bilateral donor in per capita terms.