Adam Nielsens klippekunst

Det Danske Filminstituts Roos Pris 2013 blev i lørdags tildelt filmklipperen Adam Nielsen for, som det hedder i begrundelsen, bag kulisserne med kompromisløshed, alsidighed og unik musikalitet at være med til at løfte kvaliteten af dansk dokumentarfilm.

Det er jeg meget glad for, for Adam Nielsen er min helt, og jeg fejrede begivenheden i aftes ved at se hans og filminstruktøren Tine Katinka Jensens mesterværk ”Solange on Love” (2008), hvor han klipper et intenst og nærværende og i ethvert sekund autentisk materiale nænsomt og håndfast gennem en forrygende parallelhandling og udvikling af 2 + 2 karakterer frem til et vidunderligt digt om kærlighedens fremtrædelsesformer set fra kvindernes vinkel med en mands blik. Et stort sted er noget så sjældent som et fuldendt frieri i en dokumentarisk og aldeles ægte scene.


Jeg mødte første gang Adam Nielsens filmkunst, da jeg så en arbejdskopi af ”Ghosts of Cité Soleil” (2007), som han havde klippet for Asger Leth. Det var en voldsom oplevelse, som jeg aldrig glemmer. Jeg skrev senere på den baggrund en anmeldelse af filmen, faktisk det første indlæg, jeg lavede her på Filmkommentaren:

Det er ikke journalistik det her, men vi må have styr på de politiske fakta, og klipperen Adam Nielsen vælger håndfast at gøre rede for disse ting ved at gøre journalistikken til et element i filmkonstruktionen. Den politiske tv reportage er helt regulært anbragt i dette musikalske forløb, så kompositorisk nodebundet, at jeg tænker mig der i klippemanus disse steder står: andante. Vi skal lige have vejret…

Sådan også med skiltene. De anbringes så bevidst, at de ikke kan betvivles, så grafisk sikkert, at de bliver del af den gennemførte æsteticering, filmen præges af som udtryk. Adam Nielsen bruger teksterne som det element, der skaber konstant overblik i den nervøse hastighed i klippet på samme måde, han et par afgørende steder lægger en dagbogsstemme ind, så den hvide gæst i gadebanden, en ung kvinde, Lele, fremhæves og der skabes grundlag for en kærlighedshistorie mellem hende og en af bandelederne.

Herefter behøver Adam Nielsen tilsyneladende kun tre fire scener med de to i filmens forløb til denne afgørende sidehistorie. Der har været optaget tilstrækkeligt med interviews til, at der vist nok ikke er genbrug. Hvert statement kan fysisk være – og er det i hvert fald psykisk – solidt anbragt det sted i filmen, hvor det kan skabe netop det steds tempo og energi. Og det kunne være en del af fornyelsen af klippet i dokumentarfilm, og det ville være velkommet, at klipperen vedtager, at det er en film som klippes. At tekstens udsagn må underordnes den musikalske fremdrift. De så almindelige ufrivillige flash backs, som det opklippede interview medfører, sætter enhver film i stå. Og hvert eneste statement står kraftfuldt i fuld styrke. Det er valgt af samtlige grunde for valg af klip, ikke kun for indholdet af, hvad der bliver sagt. Det her er ikke information, det er filmkonstruktion, statuarisk.

Filmen taber ikke pusten. Den opgiver historien og vælger at være et musikalsk forløb. Men bundet til denne fortvivlede intensitet. En stadig puls, måske. Der er kun en reminiscens af story-line: Aristides flugt, de må aflevere våbnene og nederlaget er en realitet. De taler og taler, Adam Nielsen lægger langsomme lyriske afsnit ind hen mod slutningen. Leles forelskelses historie transporterer min følelse, min sympati, min forståelse over til disse brutale gangstere. Bemærkelsesværdigt.

Ja, min begejstring er tydelig! Og den fortsatte. Jeg har godt nok ikke set alle Adam Nielsens værker, men de gange, det er lykkedes, er min oprindelige oplevelse blevet fastholdt og bestyrket:


Omsider har jeg så fået mulighed for at se Michael Noers skildring af Julie og Martins kærligheds historie, og det er, ser jeg, århundredets kærlighedshistorie. I hvert fald endnu. Jeg er meget glad for den film og giver den fem penne i ren spontan glæde. Jeg må alligevel prøve at begrunde – sådan lidt efter lidt. Tænke mig om.

Filmen er fremragende fordi Julie er så sød (ja, det er jo usagligt), Martin er så øretæveindbydende (det er i hvert fald rigtigt), inspirationen fra Ghosts of Cité Soleil er brugt så smukt. Klipperen Adam Nielsen og Michael Noer balancerer de to karakterers udvikling selvfølgeligt naturligt så de, skønt han ikke bevæger sig og hun er i ekspresfart, mødes atter og atter: PLANG.. ja! hjertet oppe i halsen, pulsen bankende, tørheden i munden.. det er vildt spændende!

Filmen er fremragende, fordi den går videre end cinéma vérité tradidionen, fordi den ikke blot er en skildring af virkelighed, men en virkelig konstruktion af selve viljen til liv personificeret i den unge kvinde som dokumentarisk karakter og ved hjælp af hendes lånte kamera. Hun filmer selv og sætter kameraet fra sig og filmer så også sig selv. Den vilje er den unge mands konstante udfordring.

”Vesterbro” er en forbløffende home movie, modig, munter, alvorlig, ærlig. Så klogt, så sofistikeret organiseret og fortalt fra klippebordet i den cinematografiske films tradition med indhold af biografisk drama. Lavet som direct cinema dagbog med samtaler og monologer og med en klar kunstnerisk attityde.


…DR1 sendte Eva Mulvads vidunderlige dokumentarfilm med plejehjemsbeboerne, hvor Adam Nielsens fremragende klip af de præcise og nærværende og lyttede optagelser på den lille time udvikler en håndfuld karakterers helt særegne og forskellige livsdramaer, så vi sidder med noget nær livsgåden i hænderne, rystede, klogere og glade. Jeg opfatter nemlig ikke filmen som sort. Den er da lys, ikke som absurd, nej da, fuld af mening, slet ikke som komedie, nej, organiseret som drama, snarere.

Adam Nielsen forfølger i ”Den sidste Dans” Mulvads dybt solidariske plejehjemsskildring, disse temaer: kærligheden er forbi (”Ejnar, du er min allerbedste ven..”), depressionen (den tavse mand), erindringsstabet, forvirringen (Marie bliver mere og mere konfus), fremstiller det som tilværelse, ikke som undtagelse. Og gør det på et tydeligt, men påpegende niveau. Han undgår så vidunderligt klichérammer som dagens og årstidens gang. Griber modigt ned i eksistensens alvor i stedet, erotikkens ophør eller brutalisering, erindringens omdannelse til livet som ét enkelt nu, dødens nærhed.

Det er svært at holde en række medvirkende i balance, endnu vanskeligere at klippe disse karakterers forskellighed og udvikling frem. Adam Nielsen kan den kunst. Med denne film har han skabt en ægte kollektiv fortælling. En række personer følges omhyggeligt, så deres ændringer i filmens løb bliver tydelige. Helge ankommer, meget mod sin vilje. Han ses tavs filmens første 35 min. Så taler han med forstanderen. Han vil ud, men det er umuligt. Senere ses han ude. Har besvær med døren. Adam Nielsen falder ikke for fristelsen. Han klipper i den rækkefølge, som ikke bliver en kunstig dramatisk opbygning, en flugt, men en understregning af accepten af tilværelsen. Også denne her. Dette er selve skønheden i filmen.

Dertil kommer handlingen, som her er sat sindrigt sammen af en række enkeltforløb, der efterfølger hinanden, næsten griber ind i hinanden: den forsvundne taske, overvindelsen af angst for svømmebassinet, planlægningen af den afsluttende ballonflyvning, den tavse mands sidste tid over accept af tilværelsen frem mod døden.

En række intermezzi er lagt ind: bilerne kører over broen over sundet, en senil kvinde tæller omhyggeligt bilerne og ryger fornemt behersket sine cigaretter – denne tilbagevendende rytme af begivenheder i serie er så selve temaet i filmen, en rolig respekt fuld rytme. Ja, en intermezzi serie mere får han plads til: nu et komedietræk: tante ét og tante to har deres daglige små skænderier. Adam Nielsen får det til at lykkes, så iscenesættelsens aftryk minimeres.

Samtidig med, at han administrerer et klart system af parallelhandlinger, kan Adam Nielsen kunsten at holde rede på mange medvirkende, han kan individualisere dem, indbygge karakterudvikling hos dem alle. Han får et smukt materiale om livet på et plejehjem og leverer et filmdigt om livet tilbage.


Filmen er instrueret af Andreas Johnsen. Den handler om storbyliv. Det handler om nutid. Det handler om samfundets nederste. Og på den baggrund handler det om graffiti. Som kunstnerisk udtryk. Adam Nielsen har klippet en indledning, som bare slår disse ting fast. Effektivt. Som em trailer.

I denne storbystemning medvirker graffitimalerne Zeus fra Paris, KR fra New York, Adams & Itso, som er fra Stockholm, men opererer i København. En kvinde fra New York skiller sig lidt ud. Hun sætter sine plakater op ved lys dag, mens folk kigger. Hun er ikke aggressiv som de andre, men glad og venlig. Er graffittikender og åbner med begejstret at genkende KR’s løbende striber af fed maling. Endelig er der Ron English, som er den ældste og mest selvbevidste.

Adam Nielsen holder styr på dem alle. Tegner en storby-ensartethed, en global samtidighed og i deres kultur et kunstpolitisk internationale. Det ligger ikke i deres statements, som jo glemmes. Det ligger i den filmiske konstruktion. Adam Nielsen skaber på den måde et overraskende nyt niveau i den oplysende film. Men der er ikke noget skoleagtigt i det. Der er den nervøse rytme, som byen, som er de medvirkende. Der er en indforståethed, en empati.


Disse filmtitler, som Adam Nielsen blandt mange andre har klippet eller klippet med på, kan ses på Filmstriben: 2011: Min min (Kaspar Astrup Schröder), Rupture (Janus Metz og Christina Hamre). 2010: Det gode liv (Eva Mulvad), Mission kvindehandel (sammen med Steen Johannessen og Ida Bregninge) (Judith Lansade og Sine Plambech), Med døden til følge (Eva Mulvad), Opfindelsen af Dr.Nakamats (Kaspar Astrup Schröder), Mord (sammen med Marion Tour) (Andreas Johnsen). 2008: Solange on Love (Tine Katinka Jensen), Mirror (Joachim Ladefoged). 2006: Vores lykkes fjender (Eva Mulvad). 2005: Højdeskræk (Jacob Tschernia), Inside Outside (Andreas Johnsen og Nis Boye Rasmussen).

Documentary Awards at Sarajevo Film Festival

Taken from the website of the festival:

Jury members were Joslyn Barnes, Writer and producer (USA),  Jasmin Basic, Film historian and Curator (Switzerland), Vibeke Bryld, Director and Writer, editor of DOX Magazine (Denmark).

HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM: SICKFUCKPEOPLE. Director: Juri Rechinsky  (Austria) Financial award, in the amount of 3,000 €, is provided by The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.


SPECIAL JURY PRIZE FOR COMPETITION PROGRAMME DOCUMENTARY FILM: THE CLEANERS. Director: Konstantinos Georgousis (Greece) Financial Award, in the amount of 2,500 €, is provided by Al Jazeera Balkans.

HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD: MARRIED TO THE SWISS FRANC. Director: Arsen Oremović (Croatia). Award for the best film of the Competition Programme – Documentary Film dealing with the subject of human rights. Award in the amount of 3,000 € is granted by The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

The main award winner, «Sickfuckpeople», is presented like this in the festival catalogue: A documentary triptych about a group of homeless kids, who have survived their drug-addicted childhood, grew up and started to live an adult life. It’s a story about a boy facing the surreal, degenerated society of his native village full of hate and sadistic anger while searching for his mother. It’s a story about a pregnant girl who wants to give birth to her child whose childhood will probably be even worse than hers. But her own sisters are forcing her to have an abortion.

I did not watch the film, my life companion did and found the film shocking and grinding in its content conveyed in a super-aesthetical style.

Justin Webster: Jeg bliver myrdet

Denne mand på denne blå baggrund lod sig pludselig en dag i 2009 dukke op på en række dvd’er, som var blevet fordelt blandt deltagerne i hans begravelse. Samtidig dukkede scenen op på Youtube. Mandens første meddelelse i redegørelsen var, at ”ser du denne film, så er jeg død, og det er dette lands præsident, som har myrdet mig.”

Se, det er vel nok en overraskende åbning! Og en formidabel historie, “a damn good story”, som en paneldeltager på Forum, IDFA, 2011 sagde om filmprojektet, da det var præsemteret. Ja, jeg er fanget ind og står på til en politisk krimi, men kommer så, undervejs mens jeg ser, til at gøre det, man aldrig skal gøre, jeg søger informationer om instruktøren, som jeg ikke kender, og om filmen, jeg jo ikke har hørt om tidligere!

Den mere end kortfattede synopsis eller rettere indholdsbeskrivelse af den færdige film på filmens hjemmeside, forråder imidlertid (som det ofte er tilfældet med disse tekster) sin film, jeg ser ikke alene mere, men også noget andet end det, jeg læser. Jeg fraråder at læse synopser før man ser filmen, de forenkler og giver kun plads til én dimension. Og det selvfølgelig specielt denne, som lover et facit til en thrillers gåde. Som om der findes facit til dette, som er film. En film, som netop skildrer umuligheden i at finde sandheden i det, som hedder virkeligheden bag historien. Synopsen kommer så her:

” ’I Will Be Murdered’ is a feature-length documentary that portrays the astonishing, real-life story of a lawyer who launched a personal crusade in search of justice, and brought his country to the brink of chaos. A see-to-believe story made by Justin Webster.

In May 2009, Rodrigo Rosenberg, a wealthy, charismatic lawyer went cycling near his home in Guatemala City and was murdered. Nothing unusual, as tragically Guatemala has a murder rate four times higher than Mexico’s. What was extraordinary is that Rodrigo Rosenberg knew, for certain, he was about to be killed. Two of Rosenberg’s clients had been murdered a few weeks before. He was driven to investigate a case which, he told his friends, he feared would lead to his death. A video he recorded days before he died accused the president of his murder. Uploaded to Youtube, it nearly brought down the government. A special prosecutor began an investigation, a journey into Rosenberg’s soul and Guatemala’s hell, that after multiple twists and turns, reached a stunning revelation.”

Netop her er forræderiet. Den er en fuldstændig søvngængeragtig og i virkeligeheden kedsommelig forklaring til filmens vidunderlige kaos af uforklarede og hinanden uafhængige  informationer, som i et strengt kontrolleret og køligt klip er bragt i en skematiseret og inciterende orden, der er alt andet end kedsommelig. Som faktisk er uafbrudt fascinerende.

Og det, som især fascinerer mig, er, at jeg kommer i tvivl. Det er i den kendsgerning, at jeg kommer til at tvivle på den opklaring filmen bruger hele sin fortælletid på at rekonstruere. Og det er filmen selv, som får mig til det. Dette er værkets centrale kunstneriske styrke.

Filmen kommer formodentlig snart på Filmstriben, da der er filminstitutpenge i den ved en dansk medproducent, Mette Heide og en dansk klipper, Jesper Osmund. Webster har forinden blandt andre lavet “The Spanish Connection” (2007), som Tue Steen Müller har skrevet om her på siden. En anden af Websters film er i forvejen på Filmstriben. Den hedder ”Anklaget for mord”, er fra 2009. Den har jeg så set bagefter selv om Filmstriben har forsynet den med en endnu tydeligere éntydighed af en indholdsbeskrivelse. Og filmen selv ryster mig i mine forsøg på advokatur for egne læsninger af film, for retten til overfortolkning.

Spanien, 2012, 90 mins.

EDN Interview with Estelle Robin-Yu

French producer Estelle Robin-Yu talks well and long in an interview brought and made by EDN (European Documentary Network). She talks about her background, about why and how she has been involved in international co-productions, and about the new construction around her company Les Films du Balibari and Point du Jour.

Read the whole interview, here is a teaser where Robin-Yu talks about the new film of Wiktoria Szymanska ”The Man Who made Angels Fly”, that tells about puppet master Michael Meschke:

The reaction of audiences is quite amazing, as they recognise the extremely singular filmmaking of Wiktoria. They really feel they are privileged to have been given access to the world of the master, which is a disappearing one. Some people cry, most of them are deeply touched by the beauty of the film and the emotions it triggered in them. We still need to find ways to promote the film to a larger audience, through cinema screens, but also art galleries, museums, and other bias, as the audience can be vast for such a universal film, which talks about life and death, love, betrayal, all our deep and strong human emotions.

That is how a producer should talk, right?

Sales agent Cat&Docs, Catherine le Clef:[backPid]=220&cHash=403cc31417762ac0f014e3f9c12c8d28

Docu Rough Cut Boutique/3

Here are the descriptions of the five films that took part in Rough Cut Boutique session in Sarajevo:

Baglar – Turkey, directors and producers Berke Bas, Melis Birder, Inhouse projects

An underdog basketball team from hard scrabble Diyarbakir in Southeastern Turkey goes beyond winning games in their mission to rise above prejudice, poverty and political turmoil created by the decades long conflict between the Turkish state and Kurdish rebels who are fighting for local autonomy and cultural rights.

Melis Bider and Berke Bas (both Media Studies graduates from the New School for Social Research, New York) are co-founders of Inhouse Projects production company and authors of a number of award-winning documentaries.

Roma Rally – Hungary/ Germany, director Gábor Hörcher, producers Marcell Iványi, Marieke Bittner, KraatsFilm/ Weydemann Bros.

Ricsi, 17 years old, from a rural family, is trying to fulfill his childhood dream by competing in the village rally with his only treasure: a rundown, makeshift BMW. While racing against the local competition, he is challenging his father for attention and respect and faces the consequences for his illegal activities. 
The film is centered around Ricsi’s dream which is constantly challenged by his – irrational – desires and his coming of age.

Director Gábor Hörcher and co-producer Marieke Bittner met as participants of the Sarajevo Talent Campus in 2010. They decided to coproduce the film with KraatsFilm and Weydemann Bros. Together they won the Co-Production Prize by the Robert Bosch Stiftung in 2011.

In the Dark – Serbia, director Goran Stankovic, producer Snezana Penev, This & That Productions

In a small mining town in Southern Serbia, everything revolves around the local mine and everybody is in some way connected to it. The film’s narrative is centered around a traditional miners family, a father and son. Davor, a young miner, refuses to follow the family tradition and tries to find a way to leave his job and home town. 
Almost 20 years ago, Emir Kusturica made a

film about the underground as an analogy for life in the Balkans. This documentary will take that metaphor and juxtapose it with reality, exploring a world that is rarely visited. And from inside that world, examine how life on the surface, Serbia today, appears.

Goran Stankovic is co-founder together with producer Snezana Penev of This &That Productions for creative projects. In the Dark is his first feature documentary. 

Mia, Myself and an extra chromosome – Croatia, director Eva Kraljević, producers Dana Budisavljević, Miljenka Čogelja, Hulahop

Life lesson about love, acceptance and gratitude that reveals a bright side of life with mental retardation. It´s a story about my sister Mia (PHOTO) and me, her love life and me, trying to accept her.    

Eva Kraljević is an established cinematographer and photographer with a number of award-winning documentaries. This is her directorial debut. 

The Man from Midja – Georgia / Germany directors Eka Papiashvili, Carsten Böhnke, producer Carsten Böhnke, Greenstonefilms

This is a film about two 90 year old friends from the Georgian mountains, who kept arguing about Stalin almost every day since 1945. Behind their “arguing tradition”, there is a complex structure of both personal and historical incidences, including Dathos war imprisonment in Germany which led to the fact that Dathos had to stay a peasant whereas Nika was allowed to study.

Eka Papiashvili has a background in anthropology and directing. Carsten Böhhnke has studied philosophy, literature and political science before he studied directing in Georgia and film production at the HFF Konrad Wolf/Germany. This is their first feature length documentary.

Docu Rough Cut Boutique/2

And here they are, the awards from the workshop for projects at a rough cut stage, text taken from the site of the festival:

Sarajevo Film Festival and Balkan Documentary Center proudly announce official awards for the 3rd edition of the Docu Rough Cut Boutique.

FIFDH Geneva award -f 2000 Euro
THE MAN FROM MIDJA (Georgia / Germany) directors Eka Papiashvili, Carsten Böhnke

DOK. Inkubator award –  participation at  the second session of this new training initiative launched by International Documentary Film Festival DOK Leipzig
THE MAN FROM MIDJA (Georgia / Germany) directors Eka Papiashvili, Carsten Böhnke

HBO Adria award – 2000 Euro
MIA, MYSELF AND AN EXTRA CHROMOSOME (Croatia) director Eva Kraljević

Work in Progress Digital Cube Award – in kind post production services 20000 euro
ROMA RALLY (Hungary/ Germany) (photo) director Gábor Hörcher

Docu Rough Cut Boutique

Last day of a workshop at the Sarajevo Film Festival. A documentary workshop with a concept that has a focus on the creative side of documentaries and not on the financing side. Refreshing!

And – as one of the tutors – I see 5 good films coming up after three days of watching films on a rough cut stage, sessions that hopefully have given the filmmakers encouragement and inspiration. ”Documentaries Go Big” is the sentence that covers the poster of the documentary impact on a festival that in its 19th edition still invites the audience and the professionals primarily to feature films – Yes there is a red carpet and stars arrive and photos are taken.

But thanks to Rada Sesic (photo) the documentaries are now visible at the festival. There is a documentary competition, there are screenings out of competition and there is the named Rough Cut Boutique that is organised in collaboration with the Balkan Documentary Centre = Martichka Bozhilova. And there is a daily Docu Corner, where filmmakers discuss with an audience. And there are awards being given to finished films in competiton and awards for projects in development.

Next post from my side will name the winners of the Boutique – to be announced tonight.

Kvatashidze: See You in Chechnya

Wonderful to bring good news to the table. In this case about a project that has been developed for some years – I have had the pleasure to meet it in a couple of times in workshops, first time at the Baltic Sea Forum in 2011, where I wrote the following: ”Georgian Alex Kvatashidze (who) showed amazing material shot by war reporters, and interviews with some of them reflecting the personal consequences of the profession.” Kvatashidze has formulated his log line like this: ”If you go to War, the War will come Home with you”

The good news is that the project has obtained considerable support at the Locarno festival. I quote from FilmNewEurope: ”Alexander Kvatashidze’s Georgian/French/Estonian/Netherlands war documentary ”See you in Chechnya” (Lokokina Studio, Exitfilm, Estonia) has taken top honors in the Locarno IFF industry event Open Doors, winning its production award of 20,000 CHF (16,162 EUR). ”See you in Chechnya” also took the ARTE Open Doors prize of 6,000 EUR, while Georgia’s Sleeping lessons by Rusudan Pirvelli won the 7,000 EUR CNC (Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée) prize.”

Happy for the director and the project, and for the project being co-produced with experienced Estonian company Exit Film. So premiere will be..

Jafar Panahi: This Is Not a Film

Sevara Pan writes this review: “I think, I should remove this cast and throw it away,” utters Jafar Panahi. “Do you remember film Mirror? he continues. “Mirror was my second film. It was about a little girl Mina, whose mother hasn’t shown up to pick her from school, she then tries to go home on her own. She tries to find the way. She gets on the bus and as the bus goes, she realizes that she is going the wrong direction. Eventually, the girl can’t take it anymore. She takes out the cast and throws it away. She says that she wants to be herself. ‘What you’ve done is a lie, wails Mina. ‘I do know my way home. I don’t understand what you want from me. I want to get off.’ Right now, I am in a similar position as Mina,” says the Iranian filmmaker. “Somehow I must remove my cast and throw it away.” Grotesquely, it is Panahi, himself, who has to hide behind the curtains. Notwithstanding the shut-in, in 2011 Panahi circumvented the ban through a technicality. He would “tell” the film instead of “making” it. So he invited his friend, a documentarian Mojtaba Mirtahmasb, over to his apartment to record him reading aloud his unrealized screenplay. As if to gibe the absurdity of the governmenal restrictions, they titled the oeuvre This Is Not a Film. “Not a film” was not credited apropos. Panahi shared a vague “an effort by” credit with Mirahsamb; the remaining credits are redacting blanks to keep their fellow colleagues out of the harm’s way, followed by an eminent statement “Dedicated to Iranian Filmmakers.” Shot in 4 days for €3,200 on a digital camcorder and, partly, an iPhone, the film was

eventually smuggled out of Iran in a flash drive hidden inside a cake, as the legend has it, and premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 2011. In December 2012 it was shortlisted for Best Documentary Feature at the Academy Awards.

The film opens with the scene of Panahi having breakfast. He dials some number and starts, what feels like, an illicit conversation, “What did you do about that thing?” Panahi asks. “I am about to find out more and I am trying to talk with a couple of guys. Actually, I am waiting for the right moment to start,” Mirahsamb responds. “I can’t say much on the phone,” says Panahi. “Can you come to my place? […] Just come over. I have a few ideas I want to tell you about. […] Just don’t tell anyone that you are coming here, alright?”

Next, Panahi is on the phone with Ms. Gheyrat, his lawyer, who conveys that in political cases like his, the appeals judge is not going to acquit him; the punishment might be reduced and complementary punishment might be taken back but that would be it. Having discussed the ins and outs of his case with the lawyer, Panahi proceeds to “read” the film that was never made. But instead of plain reading that would “bore everybody”, he decides to construct the conditions and enact the characters. Persian rug is turned into a film set. Tape has found its new utility; it is used in marking out the floor plan of his heroine’s room. Akin to 1960s pop artist Robert Rauschenberg, Panahi too works “in the gap between life and art” using the found objects of everyday life in innovative combinations. The film Panahi is trying to tell us is about a young girl Maryam, who, much like him, has been consigned to life as a shut-in. “The girl has hollow eyes,” he says. “It looked like she’d had a life, full of hardships. And she has a very nice Isfahani accent.” One shot after another, he goes on describing exactly how the shots would go, what they would look like, their duration. “Next shot,” he explains. “Take this place to be the bathroom and the camera is behind the bathroom door. We hear the usual sounds from inside the bathroom. Then the door opens and for the first time we see the girl who has shaven head. […]” Having become a prisoner of conscience himself, he passionately acts out an unproduced screenplay on the theme of incarceration but then almost breaks down with anguish and frustration. The scenario’s similarity to his own house arrest and his creative neutering besets him and with a mounting sense of futility he asks rhetorically, “If we can tell a film, then why make a film?” Standing on a terrace of an exquisitely furnished flat high up in an apartment block, with a giant crane hovering outside amidst the Tehran skyline, he smokes in silence. The silence is interrupted by a ring bell. It is food delivery. “What is going on outside?” Panahi asks the delivery boy. “Nothing yet, it has just started. It will soon get intense.” Unfolding against the backdrop of Persian New Year and the Fireworks Wednesday celebrations, the fireworks will later on sound like gunshots. Soon, we hear that the government denounced Fireworks Wednesday as unreligious. That conflict and tension, we hear, is at the root of the blazing mix of celebration and unrest, that is both haunting and eerie.

In This Is Not a Film, Panahi accomplished to make the familiar strange. Deftly implementing the Brechtian technique of the “alienation effect,” he therefore forced the audience to question the social realities presented to them. By leaving in “behind-the-scene” footage with remarks about the light, ambience, or over-saturation, Panahi disrupted the notion of the fourth wall, hence compelling the audience to face the action.

Panahi, as a pioneer of Iranian neorealism, brings elements of true life in the stories he portrays. Using DVD clips from his films Crimson Gold and The Circle, Panahi shows us that the most serendipitous moments were improvised, took place out of chance. Filmed in long takes on location, he frequently used amateur actors. “When you are telling, you must be telling a bunch of details. But with an amateur actor, like Hossein (Crimson Gold), the details won’t be predictable in advance at all. You write some things but when you go on location and the amateur enters, he does the directing for you. He leads you to how you explain the film.” Such moments, as Panahi explains, cannot be scripted. You need freedom for this to happen and freedom is what Panahi doesn’t have. “Ok, come and look. You see this sequence? Here location is doing the directing. This actress didn’t need to make any certain face to show her anxiety. Those vertical lines in the location. These lines supplement her mental state. It all works out perfectly. Now how can I really express myself inside that boundary with the lines I drew? How can I tell the sense and feeling in this kind of film? Not possible.”

The film reaches its climax as Panahi encounters the trash collector in the hallway, a struggling student of the arts, Hassan. The filmmaker grabs his camera and follows the young man on the rest of his rounds, engaging him in a conversation and documenting him at work. “After I finish school, I have lots of things to do,” Hassan shares. “You know, what I’ll do first thing? First, I’ll be looking to find a place to have peace. […]” As the two men approach the gates, beyond which one could observe the revelers leaping over bonfires, Hassan shouts out, “Mr. Panahi, please don’t go outside. They’ll see you with the camera.” Panahi can go no further. What a tragic ending after all, an image of an uncrossable barrier.

I strongly believe that the power of This Is Not a Film will outlast Panahi’s tribulations. This film is a statement of creative resistance and act of defiance under political duress. But more than anything, it is a handmade piece of filmmaking about the bone-deep necessity to create and vocation to tell stories regardless of any predicament or legal restrictions. This is a moving and daring film that brings to light the case of undefeated stoicism and the unstoppable flow of creativity. When hands are tied, budget is nil, and equipment is minimal, Panahi makes a film against the odds. This film stays with you: fragmented lines, remains of tape, and shards of man’s dignity salvaged in a miniature display on a lavish Persian rug.

After the release of Panahi’s another film Offside, a feminist protest group in Iran declared: “We don’t want to be offside.” What an eerie parallel his films have to his life. In his Skype appearance at Karlovy Vary last month, Panahi said, “Unfortunately I have lost that family, but my heart is with you. It is very painful for me to not be a part of society, because I make film about society. […] And now I live in an absolute world of melancholy.”

Iran, 2011, 78 mins.

DOKLeipzig 2013

The easy solution for a blogger… to bring the brand new press release of a festival. On the other hand, this is an important festival and the attention it attracts from documentary film people around the world is significant and communicates the activitty of those, who have chosen to make documentary production their mission in life. It provides an inside look to a festival. Around 1750 documentaries to watch, bon appetit! Here it goes, the press release, in a slightly edited version:

Some 2,150 films from 110 countries have been submitted for this year’s 56th edition of the International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film. “We are pleased that DOK Leipzig is continuing to attract films and filmmakers from around the world this year,” says festival director Claas Danielsen. “The scope and internationality of the entries show that documentary filmmakers are dealing with the pressing issues of the day. Their artistic representation needs a forum like DOK Leipzig, which offers the audience emotional access to the conflicts of our time and encourages the free formation of opinions.”

Approx. 1,750 documentaries, 330 animated films and 70 animated documentaries will be considered by the festival’s two selection committees in the coming weeks. Overall, the number of entries has declined considerably (previous year: 2,850), as the organizers have had to charge a modest submission fee for the first time. “We have no choice but to keep up with the

digitization of cinemas and the service expectations of our guests. We must therefore invest in the full digitization of the festival, as well as in a new, user-friendly ticket system,” Danielsen explains.

The 56th edition of DOK Leipzig will take place from 28 October to 3 November 2013. Around 85 films will be selected from among the entries to compete for the Golden Doves, the main awards at the festival, in the five competition sections. For the first time this year, a Golden Dove will be awarded for the best animated documentary. In 1997, DOK Leipzig was the first film festival in the world to introduce a programme with films from this innovative subgenre. In all, DOK Leipzig will showcase around 200 documentaries and 150 short animated films. The festival will also feature a number of special programmes and tributes. “STORM! Through the Short 20th Century in Eight Mass Movements” is the title of the retrospective dedicated to the aesthetics of resistance in documentary and animated films. The traditional country focus will be on Brazil – a country in profound upheaval. The programme will have a clear connection to 2012’s focus with films from Spanish-speaking Latin America.

Photo: The Machine Which Makes Everything Disappear, world premiere at DokLeipxig 2012, now an international hit, director: Tinatin Gurchiani