Marcello Gomes og Karim Aïnouz: Viajo porque…

Parisfestivalen Cinéma du réel slutter her i weekenden. Og jeg tænker på indtrykkene – en fornemmelse af opbrud og vækst melder sig. En række film kombinerer altså for mig at se med ny rolig selvfølgelighed reportagen med essayistikken. Blander fagsproget og den lyriske fremstilling. Sætter det dokumentariske stof sammen med fiktionens forestillingskraft. Som nu filmen her, Jeg rejser, fordi jeg skal, jeg vender tilbage, fordi jeg elsker dig. Måske er den et passioneret kærlighedsbrev, en billedskøn elegi. Måske er den en samfundsskildring i rejsebeskrivelsens form. Sandsynligvis er den begge dele.   

José Renato er geolog. Han bliver sendt på feltarbejde i det nordøstlige Brasilien. Hans opgave er at påvise mulige forløb for en kanal fra regionens eneste flod. Vi ser, hvad han ser, han er kameraet. Vi ser aldrig ham, men vi hører hans stemme hele tiden. Den stemme (Irandhir Santos’) bærer fortællingen og refleksionen. Om og over rejsen, og med den arbejdet og så altså kærligheden, intet mindre. Som filmens titel lover. Og vigtigst er jo kærligheden.   

Manden og kvinden. Det er deres professionelle arbejde, som skiller dem, har skilt dem, kan jeg tro. Hun er botaniker, han som sagt geolog. Han gør sit arbejde til poesi, filmen åbner i et verbalt digt om feltarbejdets medbragte bagage: måleinstrumenter, tegnepapir, blyanter, landkort, kameraer…, åbner i et vekslende sløret og knivskarpt billeddigt over feltarbejdets objekt: terrænet, dets formationer, mineraler, højdeforskelle og vegetation… Men så møder kameraet stedets kultur, dets mennesker og opdager deres forskellige skæbner. Dagene går, kærlighedslængslen trænger sig på, konverteres til sex, der kommer kvinder ind i billedet, én nats begivenheder. Præcis som den alt omfattende poetiske naturiagttagelse forvandler sig til nøgtern materiel indsigt, økonomi og sociale modsætningsforhold. Kanalen vil give nødvendig vand til nogles behov, vil tvinge andre til at bryde op, opgive deres huse og tilværelse der på stedet.    

Og kærlighedshistorien er tilsvarende modsætningsfyldt. Et hjerte af sten over for en kødædende plante, som Yann Lardeau nøgternt konkluderer sin tekst i festivalkataloget.

Marcelo Gomes og Karim Aïnouz: Viajo porque preciso, volto porque te amo, Brasilien 2009, 71 min. Manuskript: Marcelo Gomes og Karim Aïnouz, fotografi: Heloïsa Passos, klip: Karen Harley, lyd: Waldir Xavier, medvirkende: Irandhir Santos, produktion og distribution: REC Produtores

Man kan få et indtryk af filmens skønhed og generelle stemning i traileren på siden her: 

Kasper Torsting: Åbent brev til Medusa

En forfattergruppe, som kalder sig Medusa står for kronikken Birthe fra Vejle lægger niveauet for tv, der blev bragt i Politiken i søndags. En bredside af en kritik af TV´s personfiksering og føleri. Kasper Torstings film Søren Gade – de sidste 48 timer blev konkret prügelknabe:

Torsting har sendt os dette åbne brev om journalistik og dokumentarfilm: 

Når jeg læser jeres kronik, bliver jeg forvirret. Forvirret over at være enig i mange af jeres synspunkter samtidig med, at I vælger at bruge en film, jeg har lavet som eksempel på det, I kritiserer. Godt og vel 600.000 mennesker så filmen, og ifølge Gallups TV-meter måling var seernes karakter fire ud af fem mulige. I al beskedenhed et udmærket resultat. Desværre vil det høje seertal være negativt i jeres optik. Alle er naturligvis velkomne til at mene, hvad de vil om min film, men når I (“Tænketanken” Medusa) skyder til højre og venstre med jeres generelle anklager mod TV branchen – samtidig med at I selv forlanger dybde og saglighed – så er det måske på sin plads, at eksemplerne ikke er så upræcise. Og vi er rørende enige om, at der er nok at tage af – altså eksempler på dårligt TV.

Og hvorfor mener jeg så, at min film ikke er et specielt velvalgt eksempel på dårlig journalistik?


I jeres kronik anklager I min film for at være et “makværk” og “et grelt eksempel” på dårlig journalistik. At jeg som filminstruktør anklages for ikke at have levet op til den kritiske og dybdeborende journalistiske metode, betragter jeg imidlertid som en stor cadeau. Min film er ikke et journalistisk værk, og den behøver derfor ikke at leve op til bestemte kriterier for ‘god gedigen’ journalistik. Min film repræsenterer en af flere dokumentariske genrer. Man kan bl.a arbejde med ‘den kritiske journalistik’. Det gør jeg ikke. Jeg arbejder med en genre der hedder ‘den observerende dokumentar’. En type film, hvor virkeligheden ikke bliver lagt på hjul og stejle, men båret frem i åben karet.

Filmen omhandlede en væsentlig exit i dansk politik. Begivenhederne i de sidste dage omkring denne exit blev fremlagt i min film til seernes egen fortolkning. Jeg syntes det var interessant og relevant, at give de danske seere et menneskeligt indblik i en politikers virke og i det maskinrum, han befandt sig i. Derudover er det for en gangs skyld et blik ´indefra og ud`, hvor bl.a. pressens rolle bliver skitseret til offentlig beskuelse.

At en minister siger farvel til en livsdrøm og kniber en tåre med betroede medarbejdere, der sammen med ham har været igennem et enormt arbejdspres, er vel ikke så odiøst. Så længe det bliver formidlet med en fortællemæssig lødighed i en balanceret filmisk ramme, skal der naturligvis også være plads til de mere menneskelige aspekter i danske dokumentarfilm. Selv hvis hovedpersonen er politiker. Min film er et udtryk for et subjektivt indtryk, og ikke et mistroisk udtryk. Jeg er hverken ‘dommer’, ‘forsvarer’ eller ‘anklager’. Jeg er den tavse tegner der sidder i baggrunden og portrætterer den anklagede.

Personligt er jeg storforbruger af journalistik. I særdeleshed journalistik, der nogenlunde apolitisk kan give mig den information,  jeg har brug for. Men som filminstruktør er det ikke nødvendigvis min opgave at komme med svar og fakta. Min opgave er derimod at lægge tingene frem, så mit publikum selv får lyst til at finde svarene. Jeg filmer ikke for at få bekræftet en allerede fastlagt vinkel. Jeg prøver at sænke paraderne og lade fortællingen folde sig ud foran mit kamera. Jeg følger med virkeligheden som subjektivt vidne og genfortæller det, jeg oplever. Naturligvis via det temperament, som jeg repræsenterer.

Jeg er enig med jer i, at krigen er et morads, som nogen virkelig burde forholde sig til både kritisk, dybdeborende og journalistisk. Min film havde et andet sigte og en anden tone, der blev forstået af almindelige danske TV seere, men blev afvist af en særlig gruppe journalister, der insisterede på at betragte filmen som et journalistisk produkt og ikke en observerende dokumentar. En enkelt chefredaktør blev så provokeret af min film, at han på åben skærm talte imod bedre vidende og påstod, at Søren Gade selv havde bestilt filmen, filmens indhold og sendetidspunktet. Sådan fungerer det naturligvis ikke.

For at vurdere kritikkens tyngde har jeg tænkt på, hvad ”tænketanken” Medusa mon er for en størrelse. Der var ikke meget at finde. En er journalist ved Politiken og en anden har lagt navn til TV-serien ”2900 Happiness” som tekstforfatter. Den mytologiske Medusafigur er som bekendt en kvindeskikkelse med fortrukket ansigt og slanger som hår, der med sit blik kunne sprede afgrundsdyb rædsel. Er det rædsel, I vil sprede i offentligheden ved jeres analyser, eller er navnet bare endnu et upræcist valg?

Med venlig hilsen Kasper Torsting

Documentary Days Kiev

From today and until April 2 the film interested audience in Kiev, Ukraine is given a treat with the Documentary Days – the International Film Festival, theme Human Rights. A variety of films are sectioned in a ”Human Rights Competition”, an ”Art Competiton” (= artistic films), special screenings and retrospectives. Opening film is ”Rabbit a la Berlin” and from the programme can also be mentioned several other films that have been reviewed or noticed on this site:

”I am a Monument to Myself” (photo) Ukranian film by Dmytro Tiazhlov, ”Hotel Sahara” by Bettina Haasen, ”Desert Brides” by Ada Ushpiz, ”Burma vj” by Anders Østergaard, ”A Place Without People” by Andreas Apostolidis, ”Bananas!” by Fredrik Gertten, ”Another Planet” by Ferenc Moldovanyi, ”Cash and Marry” by Atanas Georgiev, ”Chemo” by Pawel Lozinski, ”Long Distance Love” by Magnus Gertten and Elin Jönsson, ”René” by Helena Trestikova and ”Living Room of a Nation” by Jukka Kärkkäinen.

Of course human rights questions are important in that region and personally I look forward to get the chance to watch what an old friend, Belarussian Volha Nikalaichyk reports in her “Murder on the Eve of Spring” as well as “Love me, Please!” by Valery Balayan from Russia – a film that includes “real video records of Russian fascists and musical clips placed on nazi websites”. Take a look at the website, very inviting it is.

Susana de Sousa Dias: 48

This is gonna be a bit longer blog text than usual. Simply because this is an extraordinary film that calls for more than an ordinary review. My co-blogger Allan Berg wrote – in Danish and after having seen 30 minutes of the film – that this would probably be the film experience of his festival viewing. It was definitely what it became for me. My hope is that the following will inspire festivals to introduce a totally different approach to writing history. To deal with memories. To seek a new minimalistic film language. And work with music and sound in a new way.

First an introduction to the team behind the film; the info is taken from their website: The director Susana de Sousa Dias – completed a thesis in Aesthetics and Art Philosophy and holds University degrees both in Painting (Lisbon University) and Cinema (National School of Theatre and Cinema). She studied music at the National Conservatory of Music and is currently preparing a PhD in Aesthetics, Art Science and Technology (University Paris 8). The producer Ansgar Schaefer – graduated in German Language and Literature and Political Science. Works as a historian and university professor. The sound designer António de Sousa Dias – composer, Ph.D. in Musicology (Paris VIII) sponsored by the Portuguese Scientific Foundation FCT. Is currently developing a research work on CAC – Université Paris VIII / MSH Paris Nord in the field of music creation and virtual environments.

An academic film team would normally make me, a documentary addict, shiver with fear for the outcome of “48”, in this case no, for that simple reason

that I had seen the team’s previous film that perfectly combined the background of aesthetics, philosophy, history and music with a creative intention.

And with a sense for image and sound, and the putting the two together. To convey with “Still Life. Faces of a Dictatorship” (2005) the traumatic past of Portugal under Salazar. The film is 77 mins. long without any narration, built on archive from the 48 years between 1926 and till 1974, when the carnation revolution happened. The archive includes news, war footage from the colonies, propaganda films and photos of political prisoners. The musical score for this film, by António de Sousa Dias, is exceptional, first you wonder why but then you see what it does to the images, making a reflective distance and opens for a new both intellectual and emotional interpretation.

The same is the case in “48” where the sound design is made to make space around the voices of the political prisoners. But not only what they say come to the ear, also sounds of them being in a room to be interviewed and other sounds, as far as I could hear(!) that are made to match with the image and create the tense atmosphere.

Image after image, the prison ID´s, en face, profile left, profile right, faces of people looking at you, and looking at the photographer, who in many cases took part in the infamous torture conduct, described by the human beings behind the faces. They express anger and dignity, how could they be like that? It is terrible to watch what they say, in your head you make your own images. And then suddenly come voices that go for some absurd anecdotes from the prison life. Relief and a little smile. There is a work with details in very refined ways: A tiny light change in the photo is suddenly made, a fine almost imperceptible camera movement, the face comes closer or moves away.

One woman has suffered a lot because she smiles on her photo. How stupid of me to laugh! In the film context, the smile becomes one of defiance. In many cases there are more than one photo of the same person imprisoned more than once. They normally remember the photographic session. They remember the atrocities. They visualise them. In a way the film builds one long monologue changing visually at the end with some shots from Mocambique, a barbed wire fence, a tree, a camp – the prisoners talking did not have the photos any longer.

Let me end with the words of Allan Berg, translated and edited from Danish: “The portraits of the Secret Police appear calm and clarified for a long time on the screen. The ugly operation has lent the beauty, dignity and authenticity of the models… the images are carefully worked on so their aura become visible. The naked sound of the voices from the conversations are treated like was it delicate music. So it becomes delicate music. It is about the political crime of the Portuguese dictatorship… it is so horrifying and wild, and it is conveyed with such a beautiful and calm clarification”.

Portugal, 2009, 93 mins.

Reality Break at Cinema du Réel

You plan and plan for weeks and months, you make the schedule, you ask the directors to be there for the screening, you sell the tickets… and then it all have to be changed, at least for a handful of screenings. The Cinema du Reel and its har working team experienced this last sunday when a bomb alarm made the police empty Centre Pompidou. Take a look (link below) at the small report made by film students. False alarm it was, luckily. PS! The opening shot reveals the favourite café of Allan Berg on the corner of rue Rambuteau. Monsieur Berg took his breakfast and wrote his texts for filmkommentaren at this cosy location.

Anat Even: Achrey Haso (Closure)

Painters have done it for centuries – chosen their motif literally close to themselves. ”View from my window”. Not many filmmakers have done the same. Kossakovsky did it with Tische! He looked out of the window from his appartment in St. Peterburg. And Now Anat Even, Israeli director, has done the same and made an extraordinary clever and personal film essay. From her window.

With a tone of melancholy, mature, in first person, the director tells about the loss of her brother who lived in the yard, had his workshop for pottery and sculptures there, always within reach, working there if he was not taking a break to go outside to sweep the pavement. While talking about him the view from the window gives the viewer trees or people going to and fro, or a child being bathed. Or clips from films with the brother.

Gradually a demolition takes place in front of our eyes. A skyscraper is to be built near the house, and the courtyard is getting a house that will block the view from the window. Palestinian workers are building a wall next to the appartment building of the director! Closure is the English title of the film, of course, what else could it be, but does it sound too definitive and simple in words, I can not stress enough the multilayered generosity that Anat Even brings forward, when she constantly shows and talks about the place as having historically a strong multicultural importance. Those days are over.

Israel, 2009, 50 mins.

Jorge Léon: Vous êtes servis

At Cinema du Réel 2009 Jorge Léon’s ”10 min.” was shown, and reviewed on this site (search: Jorge Léon). Subject: Prostitution. This year he continues his social documentary line with a story about Indonese young women, who are being trained to become maids in Taiwan or in the Emirates. The training takes place in a school and Léon has caught many illustrating and funny situations on how to serve. These sequences are mixed with fine stylised monologues from the young women, who simply need to take the jobs as servants for filthy rich people wherever and to almost whatever price. They leave the airplane to enter a new life away from home. Globalisation. There is nothing new or exceptional about this film, we know it all, which should not make tv stations hesitate to get hold of the film and show it to the broad audience it deserves because of its subject.

Belgium, 2010, 57 mins.

Victor Asliuk: Vostrau Belarus

Asliuk is a veteran at Cinéma du Réel. He has won prizes at the festival for his lyrical short documentaries from the countryside of Belarus. It is therefore only natural that he is invited back with his new one-hour long documentary, English title ”Island Belarus”.

But it is painful to experience that Asliuk does not master the long format at all. He goes from one more inauguration of the president Lukashenko to an old man in his garden in the countryside where he has placed small sculptures that illustrates the agricultural life as it was. Which is a theme for the film – the disappearance of traditional agriculture and values in the countryside, while people are demonstrating against the dictator in the capital Minsk. Being brutally beaten by the gorillas of Lukashenko.

Two different worlds, yes, a divided country, yes, an elegy for a culture and a nation, yes maybe, but it is not enough to just go from A to B and back again, where is the director? Asliuk has chosen a genre, a political statement that is not the right one for him.

The film is shown at Cinema du Réel friday the 26th and saturday the 27th.

Belarus, 2009, 52 mins.

Pietro Marcello: La Bocca del lupo

In his Danish language texts from this year’s Cinema du Réel, my co-blogger Allan Berg reveals avec plaisir that his prejudice about the festival being for the pure observational documentary maybe is wrong. It is indeed, both because the development of the creative documentary in general draws away from the observation including much more fictional or personal reflective essayistic elements in the narrative, and because the festival selection this year (this is my gut feeling as I did not get to watch it all) appears more daring than usual when it comes to breaking the classical dramaturgy.

Which is the case for one more (the other being ”la paura”, see below) Italian film that confused and surprised me with its ability to create an intense, mostly visually dominated atmosphere by presenting an abrupt, disharmonic structure that points in many directions. The place is Genova, never seen as beautiful as here with these brownish harbour images; archive with scratches as has the character of the film, Enzo, a former gangster, now a person in a film that lets him sort-of-play himself, going around in film-noir sequences, in old worn down factory buildings, in small streets full of prostitutes and transvestites, accompanied by local songs. It is all very textual, scratches, old film material being used in a new way, a reconstruction of a past, but there are also wonderful observational improvisations like one in a bar where a client and a barman perform a dance – and then suddenly there is a long interview with the companion of Enzo through 2o years, a transsexual, a beautiful love monologue it is. What a fine mess of a film! Title translated: The Mouth of the Wolf.

The film runs at Cinema du Réel the 26th and 27th of March.

Italy, 2009, 68 mins.

Sophie Bredier: Elie et Nous

It is such a good story carried by a charismatic old man, who is full of humour and charm. You are simply entertained contrary to what you thought when reading that this was one more holocaust survivor documentary:

Elie Buzyn had his concentration camp number removed from his arm in 1956 – in a way that he could keep the removed tattooed skin, and the number, with him. He did so, he wanted this to be a heritage for his children to remember not only that he was in a camp, but also that on that day where the tattoo was made, his parents, their grandparents lived their last day.

So far the background, what happens is that Elie loses the piece of his skin that he had in his jacket that was stolen in a gym! So the evidence of his being in a camp, an evidence that he wanted to live without in his life, was away… he starts to wonder what to do and up comes the idea to have the number tattooed again and removed again, ready to be given to his children! He has a photo of the skin with the number but is that enough?

Not a cinematic film, this thought provoking film lives because it is full of life, of warm and intimate family meetings, of reflections on life now and then, of how important it is to live NOW.

France, 2010, 69 mins.