Fan Lixin: Last Train Home

 Last Train Home by Lixin Fang is shown in Cinemateket Oktober 10, 19.00 Here follows a repost of the Danish language review of Allan Berg on this site. Berg saw the film at Cinema du Réel in March 2010: 

Åbningen er voldsom indtryksfuld. Set fra en høj kran skildrer kameraet en mængde kinesere – jeg ved jo i forvejen, det er kinesere, men ville heller ikke være i tvivl – det regner, alle farvers paraplyer ses deroppefra og kinesernes tøj som pletter af kulør. Denne uforglemmelige mumlen af folkemængde høres sagte, men den stiger til højdepunktet af larm samtidig med, at kameraet udvider beskæringen af billedet, og mængdens antal vokser og vokser. Det er en uoverskuelig mængde. Det må være alle kinesere samlet. Det land er forfærdende stort, jeg mærker jeg drukner.

 Det er snart nytår og nytårsfesten er familiens fest. Millioner af arbejdere i byen skal hjem til familien i landsbyerne. Hundreder af kilometre. Og de skal jo alle hjem på én gang. Det er dette sceneri, filmen skildrer. Vi følger et ægtepar, som arbejder på en meget stor systue, hvor der sys blå jeans til eksport. De lever der, yderst beskedent og midlertidigt i årevis. Børnene er hjemme i landsbyen hos farmoderen. Én gang om året rejser de hjem. Det er til nytårsfesten. Og det er nu, de befinder sig et sted nede i mængden som to farvede pletter blandt tusinder og venter på at blive lukket ud på perronerne til togene. Til det sidste tog hjem. Arbejdet på fabrikken, kampen om pladsen i toget, samværet i familien. Det er filmens hele indhold – men en meget stor rigdom af iagttagelse og forståelse er arbejdet ind i skildringen.

 Filmen har disse to blik, det store oversigtlige fra oven, hvor alle venter på at blive lukket ind på perronen, og politi og militær forsøger at holde orden i det angstfyldte. Beskytte den enkelte ser vi. For kameraet, som er vokset ud i den svimlende oversigt fra det nære, vender tilbage til det nære. Det er filmens andet blik. Med det er vi er nede i flokken, nede hos parret, som er vores medvirkende, medvidere. Her er kampen mod angsten, for trygheden. Og trygheden er indkomsten, som kan opretholde hjemmet ude på landet ved den smukke flod og hønen med kyllingerne omkring sig som dengang, som altid. Det nære blik er titlens andet led, det hjemlige.

 Men der er ingen nåde. I en ro af smukke, sceniske fastholdelser demonstreres opløsningen af de gamle værdier. Højdepunktet er dels et voldsomt slagsmål mellem far og datter – og senere en lang samtale mellem kvinden og manden tilbage i storbyboligen. To slags kammerspil i en række. Store, lange filmscener, som klippet føjer sammen og hviler i.

 Det er forbavsende, at dette tilværelsens overblik, denne gennemarbejdede film er instruktørens første. Fan Lixin har også lavet lyden og det imponerende kameraarbejde. Han er født kinesisk, uddannet i Canada.

 Fan Lixin: Last Train Home,Canada 2009, 87min. Manuskript, fotografi og lyd: Fan Lixin, klip: Mary Stephens. Produceret af Eyesteel Films, distribution: Cats & Docs. Filmen indgår i Arkitekturfestivalen Cafx 2020’s program og vises i Cinemateket 10. oktober kl. 19:00. Trailer: 

CAFx 2020

Læs mere om festivalen på – Copenhagen Architecture Festival 2020 rummer 100 arkitektur-arrangementer i København, Aarhus og Odense fordelt på film- og debatvisninger, udstillinger, guidede ture, workshops, konferencer, talks, mm. Vedhæfter pressemateriale og årets program. 

Patricio Guzmán


by Tue Steen Müller

2010. Patricio Guzmán in Damascus. The great director behind the film historical classic The Battle of Chile from the beginning of the 1970’es met the audience of young wannabee filmmakers and older people, who remember the dramatic period where the government of Salvador Allende and ”la pouvoir populaire”, as the French speaking director put it, tried to unite the Left and introduce democracy in Chile. We all know how that went.

In 1973 Guzmán films The Battle of Chile, the 5-hour documentary on the end of Allende’s government. After the military coup, Guzmán is threatened to be executed and spends two weeks arrested inside the national stadium, unable to communicate his whereabouts to anyone. He leaves the country in November 1973. He lives in Cuba, Spain and then France, where he makes In the Name of God (Grand Prize, Festival of Popoli, 1987), The Southern Cross (Grand Prize, Festival Vue Sur les Docs, Marseille, 1992), Chile, Obstinate Memory (Grand Prize Festival of Tel Aviv, 1999), The Pinochet Case (International Critic’s Week, Cannes, 2002), and Salvador Allende(Official Selection, Cannes, 2004). In 2005, he makes My Jules Verne


About The Battle of Chile Guzman in his Damascus address to the young filmmakers said that it is a film on words. It is a film on the quality of the politics of the people from the base – the working class. The five hour long film had an editing time of three years. Cuban film people came to watch at the editing room and said that they had never seen such a high political culture. The films deals with the period from 1970 and to the military coup and is about ”le pouvoir populaire”. Guzman referred to the East german political filmmakers, who were filming in Chile at the time, Heynowski & Scheumann, and told that their cameraman filmed the bombing of the presidential palace, whereas Pedro Chaskel, the editor of Guzman, filmed the flight over the palace. The two teams exchanged footage… (for buying dvd’s of the films, consult the site of Guzman).

The attack on La Moneda was watched by Salvador Allende surrounded by his guards and is a iconic scene in Guzman’s film. “How could a team of five – some with no previous film experience – working with one Éclair camera, one Nagra sound recorder, two vehicles and a package of black-and-white film stock sent to them by the French documentarian Chris Marker produce a work of this magnitude?” (Pauline Kael in The New Yorker).


In an article to be read on the website of the BFI, 2012, critic Geoff Andrew writes: “A couple of years ago, at the Cannes Film Festival, I fell in love. The object of my affections was a film – Nostalgia for the Light (Nostalgia de la luz), by Patricio Guzmán, the exiled Chilean documentarist famous for the three-part 1970s epic The Battle of Chile (La batalla de Chile) – and my desire was to programme it in an extended run at BFI Southbank. It took a while, but my dream came true, thanks to the UK distributor New Wave Films; not only that, but we’re accompanying the run with a retrospective of Guzmán’s earlier work and welcoming the director on-stage for an interview with the season’s curator, Michael Chanan. What, you may ask, were the characteristics that gave rise to this love at first sight? My first response, admittedly somewhat predictably, would be beauty; visually, Nostalgia for the Light is quite wonderful to behold. But rest assured that its beauty is more than skin-deep; it is notable for its quiet, deeply compassionate humanity. Still, many films are beautiful, and I don’t fall in love with each and every one of them. The real reason for my ardour, I suspect, was the fact that the film stood out from the crowd, from its mysterious opening scene to its profoundly moving ending; in short, it immediately struck me as unique. That’s extremely rare in an artform as genre-oriented as the cinema. And what more could one possibly ask of a love-object?…

Guzmán is often considered as a political filmmaker but in connection with the release of Nostalgia for the Light he writes: “I’m not a sociologist. Neither am I a politician. I make films that are metaphorical and poetic; I interpret reality through my own personal way of looking”…”

The opening of film festivals is something that veterans like me normally avoid because of boring official speeches and/or a moderator trying to be funny and/or blonds or brunettes in high heels being there for their looks, knowing nothing about what the film festival is there for.

In Leipzig 2012 it was different because of the ambition of the festival director to make a long and reflective and personal statement. The year before Claas Danielsen attacked television for their poor programming and funding of the creative/artistic documentary and this year he had chosen a more soft approach asking the audience “to see and hear with the heart” – and act. The emotional speech was given with passion, commitment and point of view. He referred to strong films in the programme and the debate they raise – Danish Armadillo and Into Eternity were the ones mentioned. Names coming up were Sarkozy and Gert Wilders… in connection with the profiling of the festival programme that has a lot of political films as well as films touching upon the xenophobia of today´s Europe.

An opening night that continued in an atmosphere of seriousness and dignity by the showing of Patricio Guzmán’s masterpiece Nostalgia for the Light. Like Joris Ivens did in China with his last film, L´Histoire du Vent, where he placed himself in the open land desert. Guzman goes to Atacama desert in his native country to visit the astronomical observatories, to examine the light with the aim to make an essay on the past and on memories. An intelligent reflection, total beauty in camerawork and touching when he meets women, who look for the remains of the dear ones, killed an buried during and by the Pinochet regime. A woman tells how she found the foot of her brother, the foot with the sock, and his teeth forming a smile that she remembered.

Under arkitekturfestivalen i Kødenhavn CAFx 2020 vises i Cinemateket tre af Patricio Guzmáns film som en trilogi:

Lysets Nostalgi (2010) / 12. oktober kl 14:15 


Perlemorsknappen (2015) / 11. oktober kl 14:00


The Cordillera of Dreams (2019) / Dansk premiere / 12. oktober kl 16:45


CAFx 2020
Læs mere om festivalen på – Copenhagen Architecture Festival 2020 rummer 100 arkitektur-arrangementer i København, Aarhus og Odense fordelt på film- og debatvisninger, udstillinger, guidede ture, workshops, konferencer, talks. 

Jenni Kivistö & Jussi Rastas: Colombia in My Arms

This fine – in aesthetics as well as in content – documentary won The Dragon Award for Best Nordic Documentary at the Göteborg Film Festival beginning of February this year. The jury‘s motivation is so precise and well written that I will use some of the words as starting points for this review’s recommendation to show the film on big screens, when festivals ”open” again.  

This award is given for the curiosity of the directors in observing vastly different opposing groups, resulting in a polyphonic portrait of a country in which peace doesn’t seem welcome. The precise use of photography and editing submerges us in the differing realities presented and creates a stark contrast between the political sensibilities at play in the natural and urban environments, and the associated poverty and luxury. This film goes beyond being an intimate portrait of a country, and makes us reflect upon colonialism and post-colonialism, capitalism and anti-capitalism, and what keeps us going as humanity.

…Observing vastly different opposing groups. The film takes its beginning in the 2016 peace agreement between the government (when the President was Santos) and FARC. There is a focus on the strong young and sympathetic soldier from FARC, Ernesto, who is to be a leading character through the film. He believes in the peace, believes in putting down the weapons after more than 50 years of war, believes in the right movement for FARC from guerilla to political party. He ends up being disappointed, when all hope for peace is crashed; the government sends soldiers to stop the farmers from picking coca leaves to end their sole possibility for having an income; brutality reigns, paramilitary groups operate, the war continues. Another character is a man from the decadent upper class, who says that he would never allow a FARC person to enter his palazzo, and who has no sympathy for the political class – that also includes a right-wing female politician, who express her philosophy more or less like this: the poor are happy with their lives and so are the rich. No problem!

 The precise use of photography. I would go further in my characterisation: The camera work is excellent, lots of close-ups, energy in the scenes with an editing that lets some of them (the scenes) be loose and develop like those with Ernesto and his friend in the tent in the jungle. Funny they are.

… beyond being an intimate portrait of a country. Yes, definitely there is this clear sense of classes, in that way the filmmakers have succeeded in creating a drama as good as any fiction.

2020, Finland, 90 mins.


Tatia Kkhirtladze: Glory to the Queen

I had seen it before, in a rough cut version and in a final version. I had made notes but could not find them so I was happy, when the director Tatia Kkhirtladze asked her distributor Christa Auderlitzky from filmdelights in Vienna to send me a link.

And it was as fresh as the first time I met the film, entertaining and well made, full of joy and lovely archive from the time of Soviet Georgia. Because of the four chess masters looking back, reflecting on what chess has meant to them in their lives as stars, world champions, public figures in Georgia and worshipped abroad, especially in Serbia, where Milunka Lazarevic, a grandmaster herself, is the one who says clever words about the four, especially about ”The Queen”, Nona Gaprindashvili, whose first name is carried by a huge amount of Georgians, as the film proves. Nona has this special sports winning gene that kept her on the top for fifteen years and made her a carreer as a sportswoman in Sovjetunion. Her charisma is strong, she talks about FC Barcelona (writes this fan) and she gives the anecdote that astronaut Gagarin stayed away from a friendly billiard match with her, when he heard that she would probably be better than him!

Maia Chiburdanidze was the world champion, after Nona, also for 15 years. She sticks out from the three others in the way she dresses – the others are ”ladies” – and talks. She says that did not feel free before she lost and felt she played her best chess. A woman close to nature and a woman who produces perfume from herbs. And who loves to tease Nona who in her senior championship activity often is the one becoming number four or so. 

Nana Alexandria and Nana Ioseliani are the two other masters, who are also still active in chess clubs, where they teach kids about the sport or they go around beating men in tournaments. 

… and for me who has been there and love the food and drinks – there is so much to enjoy from Tbilisi and the countryside. Via the fine meetings with four women, as young and as mature grown ups, some grannies. You get the impression that chess has given them a good life.

The film had its world premiere earlier this month at the CineDoc 2020 Festival that runs until the end of this month. I don’t see any reason for the film NOT to travel to other festivals – written by someone who knows nothing about chess.

Georgia, 80 mins., 2020

Nordisk Panorama Awards 2020

All right. Shit happens! And I know how the organisers, with their sense of professionalism, feel right now after an award ceremony that was supposed to be “a festive Gala” but was spoilt by technical problems. Here in Copenhagen, in my armchair, with my usual slippers that I have also used for many workshops, when these have taken place in hotels where you stay and work, I saw the wonderful host Nadia Jebril alone in the town hall in Malmö, where I was in persona last year. She was presenting one award after the other. I heard her voice, I saw the nominees, I heard the jurors saying who were the winners, but their lips were not moving. It was like a stop motion animation film. The same for the winners in their homes thanking. A classic dramaturgy for an award ceremony, in this case damaged by technical problems. The organisers recognised the mistakes and ask you to go


if you want to see the award ceremony in the right speed and with image and sound synchron.

Please do so! They deserve it. 

And for the awards, “The Painter and the Thief” by Norwegian Benjamin Ree got the main award. No objections!

Hubert Sauper and Awards Tonight

A film is written four times. When a script is made. When the film is shot. When the material is edited. When the audience sees it… Words from Hubert Sauper, who was invited to have a conversation with festival programmers Cecilia Lidin and Martijn te Pas at Nordisk Panorama. One hour with clips from his “Darwin’s Nightmare”, “We Come as Friends” and the most recent “Epicentro” from Cuba. Well prepared by the moderators, who during the session were trying to come in with questions – difficult but no problem as the director talked so well and interesting, especially about “We Come as Friends” that (as “Darwin’s Nightmare”) is available online, for free, for the audience in the Nordic countries. The fine thing about the talk was that he related to the clip, gave the context and told how it was shot: A naked black boy is given white socks by missionaries, who ask the black people to dance… Sauper told us that he was about to break down watching this colonialist humiliation, this “moment of truth”; a friend who was with him grapped the camera and shot the scene. A mild and generous Hubert Sauper invited us to experience some of his ways of filmmaking. And I have to see “We Come as Friends”.

Tonight I have been invited to put on my festive slippers for the Award Ceremony. Online. Will do my best. Wonder who will win the main award, Best Documentary. „The Cave“ by Feras Fayyad must be the clear favourite, but it could also be „Songs of Repression“ by Estephan Wagner and Marianne Hougen-Moraga or „The Painter and The Thief“ by Benjamin Ree. Or could I hope for „Bitter Love“ by my old friend Jerzy Sladkowski who with cameraman Wojciech Staron has created another lovely story from Russia. I have not seen all 14 films in this competition so there could be a dark horse somewhere.

Karl Forchhammer: Last Days of Summer

«Tamara is a feminist but also a hopeless romantic in love with a Catholic man with whom she shares few beliefs. Sierzput has just won his girlfriend back but is struggling to hold on to her. And out of sheer boredom, Ponek has broken her own rule and has started sleeping with her friends. A love letter to people in their late twenties, where many are waiting for adulthood only to realise it has already arrived.» The words are taken from the catalogue of Nordisk Panorama 2020, about this film that is in the competition section “New Nordic Voice”.

I was puzzled: Why a Polish film in the Nordisk Panorama? I had to go to the Q&A to get the answer. Here Martijn te Pajs, festival programmer and an excellent conversation partner for the young DANISH director, helped me. Karl Forchhammer explained that he had studied in Prague and at the National Film School in England and had filmed «Last Days of Summer» in Warsaw.

I like the Central European culture, Karl Forchhammer said but considers this to be a very Polish film as well. I agree, knowing films by Piotr Stasik and other Polish coming out from the Wajda film school. It has nerve, rythm, it catches moments of intensity and I believe that the world can look like that in a bohemian environment, where cigarettes are smoked constantly, as well as joints, with a lot of bottles in hand and on the tables, with a sex scene, and a lot of sex being discussed, and what is love – «the last days of summer» – what comes after, as the director said in the Q&A. “It was of course a privilege for me – having the same age as the three protagonists – to be able to sit there with them for a week or two without shooting.”

Watch the film, it would not surprise me if there is an award for it. Anyway the director shows big cinematic talent and sensibility, support him!


Nordisk Panorama Forum Second Day

Two days. 20 projects presented. I attended them all online as an observer. From my armchair. And had fewer sighs and shaking my head in disappointment than when the Forum is alive. Why… Maybe because I had close-ups on my screen of the moderators, the pitching teams and the broadcasters and film fund consultants. Instead of sitting far away from the action, in an observer’s seat in a big hall.

The moderators did a very fine job – Gitte Hansen’s face always readable: Here is an emotional project, here is something that could be fun to watch, and sceptical (with good reason), when some of the panelists did not really deliver what she wanted. The same with Mikael Opstrup who also contributed with quick reactions to what was said. Why less irritated… Maybe also, no because it is so important that documentarians meet in tough times, both those who make or support the films and those, who are waiting for good films to be broadcast.

Those pitching were in general well prepared and appreciated that some came 


to the trailer/teaser quickly and that some put in some passion in their talks. I was again thinking that we could do without the end comments, “we are looking for coproductions and pre-sales…”, of course they do, why not just say “ we are looking for funding and (very few said that) creative help”. On the other hand, in terms of pitching, it also still surprises me that so many need a script to look at. It makes a presentation more stiff when your language is written language.

And the responders to the pitch –  they were all very positive, “thank you for the pitch” (I am fed up with that start sentence!) and then some comments, best when they asked questions that reflected some doubts. It is difficult to say something very brief, you need to be prepared, to have read the project in beforehand, watched the material, listen carefully to the verbal presentation. 

Anyway, here is a handful of film projects that made me curious, you can check the details on the Forum’s website, link below:

Calendar Girls, Sweden – because of the original subject, “coming of old age story”, women over 60 in a dance team. The teaser presented what they do and think about as they are getting closer to the end, with humour – and indicated cinematic skills.

The Eclipse, Norway – because of the teaser, totally different from the 19 other presented, and the subject that interests me a lot: Serbia in 1999, and today. The director, Natasa Urban, born in Serbia, goes to her parents to draw out from them, and from herself, the memories of the crucial war. She wants to shoot on 16mm to give the past a cinematic look, she explained in a very convincing presentation.

The Last Relic, Estonia – because I know the project from before, and the director Marianna Kaat, who will, I am sure , catch the Russian soul after having filmed in Yekaterinburg for years, where a “theatre of the absurd reveals the conflicts between the political movements.” Marianna is very proud to have the Danish editor Jesper Osmund helping her. His name was mentioned several times.

I do salute the Nordisk Panorama system with a Wildcard for each of the countries, where film consultants choose a project to be pitched. The two first mentioned above are wildcards and here is another one that is surprising in content and form, from Iceland:

Band: This is not a Band, Iceland –“… is the make it or break it story of an Icelandic female band that probably will not make it and isn’t really a band”. 40 year old mothers… , a quite funny presentation, visual and verbal, by actress Alfrun Örnaolfsdottir – it helps with an actress pitching – who said that the film follow the women on their journey to, yes to what? They have booked a big hall to perform, but will anyone buy a ticket? Crazy project and crazy it was to have Gréta Olafsdottir from New York saying “just throw some money at them”. It was indeed uplifting to have a wild card as this at the forum.

The Gullspång Miracle, Sweden – because it’s a total wild story about old women, sisters and maybe not sisters, dna tests, paintings on a wall, family secrets, the trailer blew me away, confused me totally but also convinced me that this will be a fantastic family film, full of fun and emotions. Made me curious, and that’s what pitching is there for, right?

… and then of course there were the Swedish “Hacking Hate”, investigative journalism from and about the digital world, very timely, the Danish “The Fake Will – Forgiveness and Redemption”, Sønderby Jepsen’s follow-up to “The Will”, quite a story, and the director is a true storyteller, and the other Danish family film, “The Mountain”, very well presented by Christian Einshøj, no reading from paper, straight from the heart.

The still is from “The Will”, that now is followed by “The Fake Will…”, it’s gonna be a great film, I am sure.

Pedro Costa


Efterhånden gik det op for mig, hvad det var for en kapacitet af indsigt og erfaring jeg og Marc Recha sad i jury med, Pedro Costa fra Lissabon og dengang lige så meget fra Paris. Det var på festivalen Zinibi i Bilbao november 2003, dokumentarfilm konkurrencen og vi tre havde travlt med at se film og snakke længe om dem.

Omsider om lørdagen fik jeg mulighed for at se en stor del af Costas arbejde som var en præsentation uden for konkurrencen, først hans No Quarto da Vanda som en installation, som en udstilling af en stor del af det optagne materiale, No Quarto da Vanda x 2, i alt 120 min. Det var i en dvd-projektion i en lille udstillingssal over for museets biograf. Og derefter så jeg så den tre timer lange film. Den var berømt, og jeg havde da hørt om den. I Paris eller Amsterdam? I Paris, vil jeg tro. Den havde da vist også været vist på en Natfilmfestival i København.

Men jeg fik den ikke set, og lige nu forbandt jeg den ikke med den mand lige overfor, hvis kloge og lange taler, når han omsider sagde noget, jeg begærligt lyttede til. Sjældent mødte og møder jeg mennesker, som i det præcise udtryk og vældige omfang udtrykker, hvad jeg troede og tror eller ønskede jeg selv tænkte. Costa er et højt begavet, meget følsomt, ansvarligt, præcist og muntert menneske. Og hans film, de to, jeg nu havde set og som jeg nu igen kan se under arkitektur festivalen, No Quarto da Vanda om den hårde virkelighed for en narkoman som bor i et fattigt Lissabonkvarter som er ved at blive fjernet og Où gît votre sourire enfoui? om klippearbejdet ved det tredje gennemklip af Danièle Huillets og Jean-Marie Straubs Sicilia! De to film, indså jeg, hørte nu for mig til de store dokumentarfilm i verden. Det gør de stadigvæk. Sådan er det med Pedro Costas egensindige film.

Det kan jeg få bekræftet når Pedro Costa kommer til København 3. og 4. oktober til arrangementer i Cinemateket i forbindelse med CAFx 2020, Copenhagen Architecture Festival.


Hvad er det med Vanda? Det er så let at sige, at hun lever under elendige betingelser og derfor er hun narkoman. Det er ikke helt så enkelt med hende, hun er også marginal inden for den marginale gruppe af hjemløse, som hun med sin mor, søster og lillebror lever iblandt. Og også i familien er hun alene. Det er lige der Costa finder forbindelsen. I en eller anden forstand deler de omverdenstolkning. De forsvinder ind i denne anden forståelse, Pedro Costa i poesiens skarphed, i tilvalget blandt indtrykkene, Vanda Duarte i narkotikaens blidhed, i bortvalget af indtryk – fra den samme virkelighed. I filmen mødes de i hvert fald, de to, i konstruktionen af et Flaherty’sk stedets drama, Vanda drømmende fraværende, Pedro Costa i allerhøjeste grad lysvågen til stede.

På den måde er filmen denne række af scener af tilstedeværelse: Vanda ryster og prøver den ene indsamlede lighter efter den anden, for hun skal bruge en konstant flamme til opvarmning af den narkotika, hun hele tiden ryger. Men der er langt mellem lightere, der fungerer. Alligevel afprøver hun hver gang hele samlingen. Det kunne jo være. Kameraet fastholder i stor ro hele begivenheden. I dens fulde længde. Og filmenn indeholder denne scene i en række af små variationer gennem Vandas døgn. Jeg kan ikke græde mere, jeg ville ønske jeg kunne, jeg tror det ville være lettere.

Portugal 2001, 170 min. Vises 4. oktober 16:00 i Cinemateket / CAFx som skriver: In Vanda’s Room med introduktion af instruktøren Pedro Costa. Costas fragmentarisk fordybede portræt af narkomanen Vanda omgivet af dealer og misbrugere og byfornyelsen, der æder sig ind på slummen.



Venturas kærlighed er denne hviskende kvindestemme, denne forsigtige berøring, denne ærbødige beskrivelse af hans fingres skønhed. Neglenes form, deres hvidhed… Jeg har engang mødt Pedro Costa. Og efter det møde kan jeg ikke skille hans person fra hans film. I min erindring. I mig er han sine film. Vi var i jury sammen på en filmfestival i Bilbao. Jeg ved derfor, at Pedro Costa er venlig, men urokkelig, alvorlig, kritisk og stærk. Han har gjort stort indtryk på mig, påvirket min oplevelse af filmkunst. For al tid. Og det er selvfølgelig noget, jeg tænker på hele tiden, når jeg ser Horse Money / Cavalo dinheiro.

De interviews med Costa, som jeg læser, er farvet af dette forhold. Uanset intervieweren erobrer Costa rummet og taler med vægt. Det læser jeg gennem referatet. Hans svar har tyngde, den tyngde, at jeg ligesom kender dem i forvejen og alligevel overraskes.

Hans hovedperson Ventura er som Joyce’s Finnegan murer, han er ikke som Finnegan faldet ned fra stilladset og dræbt, i hvert fald ikke han (men vist nok flere af hans arbejdskammerater), men han er død den 23. juni 2013. Det ved jeg. Filmens nu kan være dødsøjeblikket, som Joyce’s romans nu er det wake, som finder sted på byens pub aftenen og natten efter. I dette nu gennemlever Ventura (ligesom Finnegan) sit livs afgørende scener. Disse scener har Pedro Costa skabt i dybt gribende clairobscur filmbilleder som Jacob Riis’ New York fotografier med det pludselige magnesiumlys. Filmens titelsekvens er en næsten lydløs suite Riis-fotografier af mennesker i fattigdom og nød i byens slum. Ventura lever eller har levet sådanne steder i Lissabon.

Pedro Costas Horse Money var en af mine store, store oplevelser under CPH:DOX 2014. En filmisk biografisk tragedie i store, uforglemmelige, langsomme scener af erindringer og samtaler og steders nærvær og uafbrudt autenticitet i og hos medvirkende. Et mishandlet, men rigt levet menneskeliv skildret i Venturas = Joaquim de Brito Varelas nervøst sitrende smertende krop gennem nogle døgn vel i et gammelt hospitals kældre, trapper, gange, sengestuer, undersøgelsesrum afløst af tilbageblikkenes mange steder og hændelser og til sidst i den allerlængste scene lukket inde med befrielseskrigenes og revolutionens erindring og en sort infanterist i en elevator på sygehuset før afskeden med den hvidklædte læge i portåbningen.

Portugal 2014, 104 min. Vises 14. oktober 19:30 i Cinemateket / CAFx som skriver: Cavalo Dinheiro / Horse Money med introduktion af Pedro Costa-eksperten Oscar Pedersen. Med Ventura i hovedrollen og en geografi af opløst tid dykker Costa endnu dybere ned i det fantastiske.

Foto fra Portugal News, August 2019

Nordisk Panorama Forum First Day

Same procedure as last year – NO:

Online pitching as in many/most of the industry events connected to festivals since March this year. No meetings face-to-face. 10 projects today and 10 tomorrow. 15 minutes per Project. 50% for presentation, 50% for feedback. Business as usual – individual meetings in the afternoon, pre-booked by the Forum staff. And individual meetings later in the afternoon with the North American Decision-Makers, pre-booked as well.

It started at 9 this morning. Moderators were as usual the Danish Gitte Hansen and Mikael Opstrup. Sitting in Malmö. They did not respect the rule of distance, but showed their test results on paper to the camera. Opstrup with the fine Covid-Pass document we make in Denmark, Gitte Hansen with an email from the Swiss authorities; she lives and works in Zürich. Fine to see the two on the screen, much closer than usual. They were fresh, well prepared, enjoying to sit there inviting the filmmakers to present their projects as well as calling for comments from the panelists, i.e broadcasters and film institute/fund consultants. No sales agents or distributors, I guess they will be there for the individual meetings…

I was one of – I think it was mentioned that there were 200 (!) observers. I could see the moderators, the filmmakers and the panelists, who made comments. Sometimes unfortunately with sound and image not being synchronous.

But I could not see, who else was observing. Too many to have on one screen, I guess ! On the website I read the names of those attending, and gosh there are many who – while this is being written – are now busy with the individual meetings.

The panelists – competent veterans like Jenny Westergaard (YLE), Erkko Lyttinen (also YLE, Finland), Charlotte Madsen (SVT, Sweden), Karolina Lidin (Nordic Film/TV Fund), Hanka Kastelicová (HBO Europe), Nathalie Windhorst (VPRO, Holland) – and newcomers like Frank Piasecki Poulsen from the Danish Film Institute, who did his job, positive and straight forward. From the Finnish and Swedish film institutes there were new people, who will have a lot of meetings, I suppose, and learn from that. Also interesting to see what Nils Bökamp can do, film director from Norway, who now works for Netflix. And I liked the energy of Hera Olafsdottir from RUV, the Icelandic television.

Arte, the European Cultural Channel, was there with a representative from NDR/arte, who was asked for comments several times and who was pretty brief saying that « we have no slots for that, sorry ». All right, but some constructive, critical comments or « you should go to my colleague xx » ? OMG is my comment, what happens to Arte.

Another critical point from my side… remember that this public pitch is also a place, where you as an observer can get updated on how broadcasters and film consultants evaluate film projects – content, style, director, production company, film language… I know it’s difficult to be brief but if the comment is only « we have a meeting this afternoon ». What do we observers, the audience get out of it ?

Tomorrow I will write about some of the projects, those that were pitched today and those that will be on screen tomorrow.

Photo is from the Swedish “Calendar Girls”, a project I liked a lot.