idfa Winners 2014
Here is the full press release from idfa – it came in late last night: The winners have just been announced in IDFA’s various competition programs in the Compagnietheater in Amsterdam at the awards ceremony of the 27th IDFA. Of…
A film blog by Allan Berg Nielsen & Tue Steen Müller
A film blog by Allan Berg Nielsen & Tue Steen Müller
Here is the full press release from idfa – it came in late last night: The winners have just been announced in IDFA’s various competition programs in the Compagnietheater in Amsterdam at the awards ceremony of the 27th IDFA. Of…
I met her in Damascus during the DoxBox festival and later again in Cairo for a workshop, so I know how hard Nadine Sahib has been working to complete her film, that now (bravo!) is at idfa, in the First…
From November 30th till December 7th the DEFC (Documentary & Experimental Film Center) organizes the 8th edition of Cinema Vérité Iran International Documentary Film Festival. There have previously been appeals for boycott of this festival, that of course is supported…
The 22nd edition of Camerimage in Poland, a festival that has its focus on cinemetography ended on the 22nd of November. The festival includes documentaries in its award-giving and distributes life-achievement awards as well. One was given to a well-known,…
Idfa started yesterday, the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, the 27th edition, amazing it is in itself, and ” what differentiates IDFA from other European doc festivals is its appeal to public audiences and professionals alike”, a quote from realscreen…
ET CIVILISERET LAND af Nanna Frank Møller ”Soldiers from Denmark they took their guns and put in the face of your wife…?” Filmen åbner lige på med retsmedicineren Jørgen Lange Thomsen, som undersøger og obducerer et kvindelig, som han…
Hurry up, Breaking News: CPH:DOX has announced the list of films that will be available for free streaming in cooperation with Doc Alliance. Over the course of 48 hours, on 16 and 17 November, the following five films will be…
”Cavalo Dinheiro” (HORSE MONEY) af Pedro Costa Venturas kærlighed er denne hviskende kvindestemme, denne forsigtige berøring, denne ærbødige beskrivelse af hans fingres skønhed. Neglenes form, deres hvidhed… Jeg har engang mødt Pedro Costa. Og efter det møde kan jeg ikke…
The main competition awards of this year’s cph:dox, the DOX:AWARD went to two brilliant documentaries according to the jury – and the editors, who have praised both ”The Look of Silence” by Joshua Oppenheimer and his many named and…
As someone close to the philosophy of Eurimages (the cultural support fund of the Council of Europe. Established in 1989, currently numbers 36 of 47 member states), that is not the EU, I am happy to bring this message from…
Press release from the Copenhagen festival “that has yet again experienced a severe demand from the audience and a great number of films has guaranteed full theaters during the festival – now CPH:DOX sets up even more screenings of the…
DEMOCRATS Af Camilla Nielsson Jeg havde egentlig tænkt mig at anmelde Camilla Nielssons ”Democrats” på engelsk, men da jeg så Kim Skottes slappe afvisning af filmen, på ti linier i dag i Politiken, skiftede jeg mening og skriver dette som…
Wim Wenders, Juliano Ribeiro Salgado: THE SALT OF THE EARTH Arrogant as I am, films about still photography (or paintings) are not something I usually pay much attention to. The relationship between the timeless photography and the time-dependent moving image…
IS THE MAN WHO IS TALL HAPPY? by Michel Gondry Wow, the theatre is almost packed. Average age is around or even under 30 and several hipster beards are in sight. I suspect these are fans of either Gondry or…
For those who can watch Danish television – DR2 viser i morgen ”1989” i det sædvanlige tirsdag-slot ”Dokumania” og i de kommende to uger en række af de film, som vises på festivalen cph:dox. Da cph står for Copenhagen =…
ESCAPING RIGA by Davis Simanis One of those screenings where everything worked out as it should. Young Latvian director Davis Simanis (looking at you from above on this page) travels to Copenhagen, where he has never been before. He walks…
Cph:dox fills our columns these days – reviews, reports etc. BUT the second largest city in Denmark, Aarhus, has its own festival, Aarhus Filmfestival that includes shorts and docs, the latter with themes like ”fights”, ”life”, ”female”, ”ex-Soviet” and titles…
CONCERNING VIOLENCE – Nine Scenes from the Anti-Imperialistic Self-defence af Göran Hugo Olsson. De unge kvinder taler ikke om andet end håb, og de tror på det nye, som Frelimo lærer dem. En kamphelikopter bevæger sig på sin måde…
SILVERED WATER, Syria Self-Portrait by Ossama Mohammed og Wiam Simav Bedirxan This is my recommendation of what not to miss at the CPH:DOX festival going on in Copenhagen these days. I wish I had never seen Silvered Water.…
JOSHUA OPPENHEIMER: THE LOOK OF SILENCE Jeg ser ikke Oppenheimers to film frivilligt, de er ubærligt forfærdende. Jeg ser dem af den slags pligt, det er at blive konfronteret med selve sandheden. Den sandhed om mennesket, at det har en…
THE LOOK OF SILENCE by Joshua Oppenheimer It’s horrifying, it hurts to watch the scenes that shows these brutal perpetrators re-enact their killings committed around 1965 in Indonesia, where the slaughtering of communists were performed by a…
Scenes to remember… one of the many good things about being at a festival is the conversations you have with colleagues in the breaks. Conversations that very often bring up scenes that have impressed you, scenes that will stay in…
Here follows the jury motivations for the main competition winners and for the German competition winner, Domino Effect, a film that has been reviewed on Golden Dove: Claudine Bories und Patrice Chagnard (Frankreich) for the film Les règles du…
The winners have been found. And apart from “my” main prize the juries agreed with me, awarding “Les Regles du Jeu” and “Toto and his Sisters”. Here is the press release and notice that you can find the motivations on…
Your correspondent has seen the 12 long documentaries in the Dok International Competition 2014. He thinks it would be fun to make HIS list of winners for that category. I.e. a main prize and two honorary mentions. The films…
I have just left a nice chat with a former Zelig film school student – one of a handful who go to Leipzig to watch films and meet people, build contacts and enjoy masterclasses. It helps that Leipzig is such…
Filmen hedder ”Episode of the Sea”. Jeg tror, Jørgen Vestergaard vil kunne lide den film. Lad mig forklare hvorfor. Den handler om fiskere, der ikke vil være bønder. Adskillige af Vestergaards film handler om fiskere, og jeg kommer i den…
Copy-pasted press release from the festival: The documentary film CITIZENFOUR about the NSA scandal and Edward Snowden’s revelations was awarded the “Leipziger Ring” on Wednesday night. US American filmmaker Laura Poitras received the film prize of the Peaceful Revolution Foundation,…
In his opening speech to the audience of DOKLeipzig Monday the 27th, departing festival director Claas Danielsen reflected on ”freedom” and gave good advice to the public broadcasters! I have copy pasted some sequences of the speech, the whole one…
Time runs. From Jihlava to Leipzig monday, from one documentary film festival to the next one with a special bus, a symbol of festival friendship, this initiative has been called. And we were many, who accepted the generous offer of…
The website of the Jihlava IDFF announced last night: OPUS BONUM – Best World Documentary Film Award Best Film: Je suis le peuple (I Am the People), dir. Anna Rousillion Special Mention: 20 Centavos (20 Cents), dir. Tiag Tambelli and…
News taken from the website of the IDF (Institute of Documentary Films): For the sixth time at Jihlava International Film Festival, Institute of Documentary Film announced Silver Eye winners at the Closing Ceremony. The holders of the awards are three…
Take a look at the photo. It’s about Love, isn’t it? It comes from the film of Polish Wojciech Staron, ”Siberian Lesson”, that he made in 1998. On film stock. Here is the Jihlava catalogue description of the film: In…
Gustav Mahler was in Jihlava. His face is looking at me from the wall in the breakfast room of Grand Hotel, which was grand once, an art nouveau building from the outside but how could they put that terrible furniture…
Click below and you get the local organisers of the pan-European screenings of ”1989”, and in many cases also the location of the screening that takes place on November 5th. What a great effort that lies behind this initiative. The…
SCENARIO af Philip Widmann og Karsten Krause De to på dette still har en affære. Det er en kort scene, der er nogle få flere i filmen, de er alle iscenesat, de er vignetter i den vældigt omfattende dokumentation af…
SECOND CHANCE / THE ETERNAL LIGHT / AUDITIONING FOR PARENTHOOD I am back in Jihlava after 5 years. I stopped working for the training programme Ex Oriente in 2009, where the final session with pitching took place in this cosy provincial…
1989 by Anders Østergaard & Erzsébet Rácz Of course the film had to start with 1956 and it does so with very fine and moving archive footage of people searching for the remains of Imre Nagy, whose government was not accepted…
1989 af Anders Østergaard og Erzsébet Rácz Så er der guf for historikerne – igen. Denne gang ikke i forbindelse med et stykke 1864, Danmarkshistorie, vi er tættere på, det drejer sig om 1989, for 25 år siden i tiden omkring…
The festival in Georgian capital Tbilisi ended yesterday and I found this message on the FB page: The award ceremony is over and we would like to announce the results: International Competition: The main prize of this section goes to…
Cecilie Bolvinkel from EDN is responsible for extensive ”Member of the Month” – interviews, that can be found on the website of the association. A fine one came out two days ago with Claas Danielsen because ” DOK Leipzig 2014…
After DOKLeipzig and Jihlava IDFF have announced their programme, these (idfa and cph:dox) two significant documentary festivals have press released selection decisions, ambitions and visions. Idfa (November 19-30) first – take a look at the website, link below – seven…
Sergey Sukhanov is the hero of this film. When in Eastern European countries for workshops I very often ask the filmmakers to say or write ”main character” or ”protagonist” instead of hero. But in this case Sukhanov is a hero.…
1989 CPH:DOX begynder nu at fortælle om programmet for festivalen i år. Åbningsfilm bliver verdenspremieren på “1989” af Anders Østergaard, der ikke blot bliver vist til festivalens åbning i DR Koncerthuset, men også samtidig i en del favoriserede biografer andre…
First an explanation of the title of the film, enigmatic and fascinating it is: It refers to the ten centimeters of space below the ceiling where there was no water… the space that saved lives at the unbelievable dramatic flood…
The day after DOKLeipzig (below), the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (IDFF) announces its programme schedule, October 23-28. The newsletter from the Czech festival does also, as DOKLeipzig, focus on statistics in its first paragraph. After headline ”57 world, international…
Today DOKLeipzig announced its programme for the festival, that runs from October 27 to November 2. Whether you like to highlight it or not, the press release stresses that the festival offers 41 world premieres – 29 documentary and 12…
As a follow-up to the post below… here is a personal essay that I wrote for an academic book on festivals. It did not fit in, so here it is for you, a reflection on what is written on documentary…
It happens quite often. Mails arrive with sad news – ”they” did not take my film, nobody likes it, what should I do? Filmmakers are disappointed, the film that took them a couple of years to make are rejected by…
DOKLeipzig 2014 presents an ”homage to Jon Bang Carlsen”. A long text from the festival site follows below. The director is also to make a masterclass at the festival. To be recommended. Masterclasses with Bang Carlsen are always lively and…