Visions du Réel 2012/ 2

Another edition, the 18th, of the exclusive Visions du Réel in Nyon, Swizerland, a small festival in terms of audience, around 25.000, but important for the professionals, especially, it is being said, for the directors, is over and awards have been given. The competent jury of the long documentary competition section chose Dutch documentary ”Matthews Laws” by Marc Schmidt for the Grand Prix (CHF 20.000) (so far unknown for this blogger) and the Special Prix for the Finnish upcoming festival-hit, the warm and entertaining ”The Punk Syndrome” by J-P Passi and Jukka Kärkkäinen (CHF 10.000).

Two other films were awarded which I am looking forward to see: ”900 Days” by Dutch Jessica Gorter that takes its story from the sige of Leningrad during the ww2, and ”Snake Dance” by Belgian excellent director Manu Riche and the writer Patrick Marnham. Here is a quote from a description of the film:

”Snake Dance” (photo), the new film by the Belgian documentary-maker Manu Riche and the English-Irish writer and scenarist Patrick Marnham, is about the genesis of the atomic bomb. The journey leading up to this story was a long one.
We plunge into the jungle of the Congo in the footsteps of Leopold II in search of the place where uranium is mined. We cross the ocean to Los Alamos, the base in New Mexico where Robert J. Oppenheimer developed the atom bomb assisted by the best physicists in the world. We follow the bomb to Japan, where it destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.


… is the name of a ”Branchentreff Dokumentarfilm” in Ludwigsburg, taking place in Ludwigsburg the coming week, May 3-4. Organised by Haus des Dokumentarfilm the event, that has the title ”vom Dokumentarfilm leben”, among other issues has its focus on webdocumentaries with the intervention of producer Christian Beetz, who will give the story about the multimedia project ”Farewell, Comrades” (Photo), entitled ”Crossmedia – Chance für den Dokumentarfilm?”.

On the subject of webdocs – Thomas Schneider writes on the site of Dokville (read the rest as well): Bei Arte – aber nicht nur dort – wird schon seit einer ganzen Weile mit diesem neuen Medienkonzept gearbeitet. Entstanden sind so in den letzten Jahren gut ein Dutzend Webdokus – die besten von ihnen zum Beispiel über »Prison Valley«, eine Gegend in den USA, die nur für den Strafvollzug genutzt wird oder über den arabischen Frühling im Jahre 2011. Sie sind alle über die Website abrufbar – in der Navigationsleiste haben die Webdokus einen eigenen, prominenten Bereich spendiert bekommen. Auch beim MDR hat man geschichtliche Dokumentarthemen mit Webdokus begleitet: zum Mauerbau und zur Geschichte des Trabis zum Beispiel.

Pepe Danquart, German director and producer, is invited to make the introductory keynot speech. The director of a recent film on Joshka Fischer, and the coproducer of Michael Glawogger’s ”Whores’ Glory”, will for sure make a both entertaining and critical kick to the present situation of the documentary, here in special in Germany.

And there are many other issues on the agenda of the two day event. Sometimes it is good to stop the flow of festivals and discuss the state of the art. Which is what the Germans do here.

Doc à Tunis 2012

Not bad for documentary interested people to be in the capital of Tunisia these days, where the yearly festival takes place, for the seventh time organised by the the Ness El Fen association with the support of arte France, CMCA, Institut Francais and Mairie de Paris (!). The festival opened yesterday and runs until Sunday the 29th of April.

In the programme there are many unknown titles, new films I suppose, from Palestine, Tunisia (9 films), Lebanon, Palestine (including 5 Broken Cameras) and Algeria. Ness El Fen is also a organiser of dance events and has chosen to show Frederick Wiseman’s fílm from the Opera in Paris.

Closing film, with the director present, Vivan las Antopodas! (photo) by Viktor Kossakovsky. Bravo!

Marathon Dok 2012

… or you could call it a mini-festival, is what the EDN (European Documentary Network) arranges every year in collaboration with and at the Danish Film School. This year it takes place May 12, from 14.00 to 22.00. This is how the event is introduced by the organiser:

“Marathon Dok is a looooong day full of funny, fascinating and fantastic documentaries. This one-day screening program brings new international high quality documentaries to the big screen in the beautiful cinema of the Danish Film School… Of course this is mostly relevant for the Danish EDN members and other professionals close to Copenhagen, but the model could be exported to other destinations, right? (ed.)”

In Danish: Programmet I år indeholder to af de mest spændende nye film, som er mere end anbefalelsesværdige, jeg ville kalde dem “musts” for dokumentarinteresserede:

Planet of Snail (2011, color, 87 min, South Korea, Japan) by Seung-Jun Yi. Vinder ved idfa 2011,


Five Broken Cameras (2011, Palestine/France color/b&w, 90 min) by Emad Burnat & Guy Davidi, vinder ved Sundance, bl.a.

Det koster 120 kr. at deltage i Marathon Dok, som du betaler kontant når du kommer til arrangementet.

Mere om filmene:

Ilian Metev: Sofia’s Last Ambulance

Croatian producer Sinisa Juricic mailed me yesterday with the happy news about a film that he has been co-producing. It has been been selected for the Semaine de la Critique in the upcoming Cannes Film Festival. I post you the French description of the documentary, that you for sure will meet in many festivals, and hopefully tv channels in the coming year. AND my spontaneous comment when I saw a rough cut of the film some times ago. Watch out for it:

Dans une ville qui ne possède que 13 ambulances pour deux millions d’habitants, Krassi, Mila et Plamen sont nos héros improbables : gros fumeurs, bourrés d’humour et sans cesse en train de sauver la vie à autrui, malgré le grand nombre d’obstacles. Cependant, le système brisé les met à rude épreuve. Combien de temps vont-ils encore tenir à sauver les écorchés de la société jusqu’à ce qu’ils perdent leur empathie?

TSM: I write to tell you that I saw Sofia’s Last Ambulance this morning and it is an impressively strong work, masterly done simply. I was with the film the whole way through, and with these brilliant characters. I am looking forward to hearing more about the technical solutions, the placement and operation of the cameras and much more. It is a reading-faces-film.

Bulgaria, 2012, 80 mins.

Helena Třeštíková

The strength of the time consuming observational documentary, in times where many stylistically move in the area between documentary and fiction (example Glawogger, see below), is one of the most obvious thoughts that comes to one’s mind watching the films of Czech director Helena Třeštíková, whose newest work, shot over a period of 37 years, Private Universe is the title, is going around the world, with a world premiere at HotDocs in Toronto very soon.

According to the website that carries the name ”film new europe” Trestikova is to be awarded in Krakow at the upcoming festival:

Czech documentary filmmaker Helena Trestikova will receive the Dragon of Dragons honorary award at the 52nd Krakow Film Festival (, 28 May-3 June 2012.

Třeštíková won the European Film award for her documentary René.

A graduate of FAMU Prague Film School ( in 1974, she specializes in long-form documentaries using the time gathered method, filming her subjects for years and even decades. Since 2002, she has been a professor at FAMU. Her latest film, Private Universe ( gathered over the course of 37 years, will have its international premiere at Hot Docs in Toronto.

Třeštíková will be awarded the Dragon of Dragons on 30 May Festival. The festival will present a retrospective of her films accompanied by the meeting of the director with the public. She will also conduct a Master Class as part of the festival’s Industry Zone. Photo from “Katka”.

Michael Glawogger Retrospective in N.Y.

The IDF (Institute of Documentary Film) website informs that the first retrospective of the Austrian documentarian is taking place in New York at the Museum of Moving Images until April 29. The website of the Museum includes interesting text excerpts from a soon to be published book on Glawogger. Here comes the series intro by the museum:

One of the most versatile and original talents in contemporary world cinema, the Austrian filmmaker Michael Glawogger has made an art of crossing boundaries, both geographic and formal. He spans diverse, far-flung locations within a single film, often dealing with ambiguous notions of home and foreignness, and moves back and forth between fiction and documentary, sometimes combining and subverting both modes. Glawogger’s career resists classification at every turn, but whether set on the margins of the developing world or in precincts of privilege, his surprising, beautifully photographed films are testaments to his own boundless curiosity and to the endless complexity of the human condition. This retrospective, his first in the United States, includes his widely acclaimed and much debated documentary trilogy on harsh working environments, as well as a selection of fiction features and experimental short films. Photo from Whore’s Glory.

Mandagsdokumentar: El Bulli

In Danish: Den fremragende filmserie Mandagsdokumentar, som bestyres af Ebbe Preisler, viser i morgen aften i PH Caféen, Halmtorvet 9a, klokken 19.30, Gereon Wetzel’s El Bulli – Cooking in Progress fra 2010. Den unge kok Nicolai Tram, der har arbejdet i Ferran Adrìa’s nu lukkede restaurant vil være til stede for at supplere filmen. Filmen blev, bl.a., vist i Beograd på festivalen Magnificent7. Festivalens direktører, Svetlana og Zoran Popovic, skrev i kataloget:

A process, undocumented as of yet, in the alchemic laboratory of the world’s most exclusive restaurant, and an encounter with passion and creativity of its creator, Ferran Adrià, one of the most famous and innovative chefs of today.

This is an exciting quest – from the initial experiments to the premiere of the finished dish. In the course of that process, various basic ingredients are examined in a completely new way. Taste and texture are systematically analyzed: by boiling, roasting, frying, steaming; by vacuumizing and freeze-drying; and finally, by tasting. Ideas emerge, are discussed and all the results, whether good or bad, are thoroughly documented – on a laptop beside the cooking spoon. And according to that extensive documentation, a grandiose finale is prepared – topped with the final touch of the great chef, incredible and marvelous bites are finally presented to the guests.

Ferran Adrià would ask himself in jest, “And what were they serving at El Bulli?” only to instantly answer: “Water!” That is a concept that is at the same time both complex and simple, just as is often the case with great ideas. Gereon Wetzel recognizes the multiple layers and importance of this simple creative process. With complete devotion, not letting a single detail escape him, he conveys the excitement of the alchemist who is once again about to examine and discover the world and nature.

A masterfully precise and sophisticated documentary approach, completely in line with the marvellous process it documents.

Visions du Réel 2012

… starts tonight and runs until April 27. As usual this festival offers a big programme – Switzerland is still a rich country, untouched by the international crisis? – with a lot of competition sections (7 different juries!) and a Doc Outlook International Market with a Videotheque, Consultancy on projects, a Pitching du Réel two-day event for feature length documentaries, a Doc Think Tank and two versions of Rough Cut presentations: One where 10 minutes are screened of a rough cut version and one where 3 hours are reserved for the filmmakers to meet specially invited professionals. Likewise the festival programme includes 13 (!) different sections with the international sections for long, medium duration and short documentaries as the ones that bring to light new films.

It is obvious that also the festival in Nyon does not like the philosophy of ”less is more” and for this blogger and hunter for new films, it is a good sign that he has only seen one film, wonderful ”The Punk Syndrome” (photo) by JP Passi and Jukka Kärkkäinen, out of the 17 titles in the long competition category. Looking forward to seeing, on another occasion, the new film by Swiss Peter Entell, “A Home far Away” that has this description from the site of the festival: “Lois, an American actress, and her husband, Edgar Snow, the first journalist to have reported and filmed the Chinese revolution, are suspected of Communist sympathies and forced into exile. They end up in Switzerland, near Nyon, half way between the US and China. Long after, when Edgar has passed on, Lois tells all. A story of utopia and disillusionment takes shape before the camera.” Also exciting it will be to see what the couple Antoine Cattin and Pavel Kostomarov (”Mother”) comes up with in their film about Russian director Alexei Guerman.

”Vivan las antipodas!” by Kossakovsky closes the festival, and Kossakovsky himself is in a film by a Chilean colleague, Carlos Klein, ”Where the Condors Fly” that has this site description: ” This is a story of the encounter of two filmmakers: the prizewinning Russian documentary filmmaker Victor Kossakovsky is in the middle of shooting his newest film, ¡Vivan las Antipodas! and the Chilean Carlos Klein films the passionate Kossakovsky at work. In the conflict and slipstream of Kossakovsky’s efforts, Klein rediscovers his own path to filmmaking.”

Shlomi Elkabetz: Edut

Last summer I was asked to make a review of a new Israeli film that created controverse at a festival in Sderot, protests from the minister of culture, before it went to Venice Film Festival and Toronto. I saw the film without any background information and wrote this long text for the Israeli web film magazine Takriv:

You look at the image of what you sense as a long and winding road, deserted, apart from a woman who walks closer and closer to you. You, the viewer, have time to wonder what is going to happen. She stops in front of you, looks at the camera, adresses it, adresses us the viewers, waits a moment and starts to talk. In Hebrew. Her story is shocking…

You get immediately the impression that the woman talking is an actress. Her sentences are clear and well formulated, well delivered, she knows her lines, she does not hesitate, it is like a monologue, that is written for her to say. She makes no speaking errors, it is important that the language is understood, as well as the reality behind the words. She speaks and keeps her face neutral, cool in a way, with dignity, her face does not express the horror she has gone through. And yet, at the end she fights not to give way to emotions. The camera, our eyes are on her face. The road, the surrounding landscape is her stage, you, the viewer, the target. The audience.

This first testimony goes on for 8 minutes, and you understand that the film director has chosen a hybrid form between fiction and documentary to tell his story. With this start he ”makes a contract” with the audience, we know that it is a narrative that uses actors to tell stories from real life. At least we know that this first story, told by the woman on the road, sounds like it comes from real life. From an occupied territory in Israel. From Palestine. The woman tells us that she goes to Israel to clean houses, illegally of course, that she was

stopped by Israeli soldiers, that she was violently interrogated, punched in her face, picked up later by fellow Palestinians, taken to hospital for treatment, and then back to home. She has 11 children.

This opening sequence is followed by the title of the film, Edut – Testimony, and indeed the film is built as a slate of testimonies told by actors and actresses, who impersonate Palestinians, men and women, and Israeli soldiers. They come one after the other, these testimonies, and you are never in doubt that you look at actors and actresses. They pose when they address the camera/you, they are clear in language, you listen (for me: and read the English subtitles), and with the end credits you get the information that the testimonies are collected from different sources, human right organisations and from soldiers from the NGO Breaking the Silence, I suppose, which was also the source for Avi Mograbi when he made ”Z32”.

Sometimes the scenes are with more than one person: The two women at the sea, one is using sign language, I think she is repeating what the other one says. The scene reaches a climax, where the sign language stops to be accompanied with expression of pain through non-understandable sounds. The stories are conveyed with landscapes as the scenography at ”the stage”, or with forests, often in darkness, or with the sea in the background. In one case a testimony is given by dressed people, who have been placed in the sea. It is done, I suppose, it goes for the whole Stilisierung, to take the stories away from their natural surroundings, accentuate them and their harrendous content, the absurdity to be understood in a non-sentimental way. It is theatre on film, it makes me think about Bertolt Brecht and his Verfremdung method, with Greek Angelopoulos and his ”Travelling Players” (O Thiassos, 1975) as a filmic reference point. A choreographed dance macabre!

And what do you get – one long staged, visualised and verbalised documentation of incidents, of confrontations, violent clashes, sofisticated humiliations, conveyed by Israeli soldiers – ”as far as we know they are all terrorists” – and Palestinian men and women. Ashamed soldiers, some of them, often pushed by their superiors, and often into situations that call for a smile and a shake of the head. The killing of a three-legged donkey, for instance – it could be a ticking bomb! Or ”fuck the donkey”, to bring in another testimony given by a man.

There is, dramaturgically speaking, an augmentation of violence in the monologues, all spoken in Hebrew, the language of the occupier. Towards the end there is a stunning sequence that starts with the image of a young beautiful woman face – she could have played in a Rohmer film –  who is only seen once, and has no words to say, maybe representing an ”innocence”, placed as the start of the story told by men in the water, a story about a Palestinian being ordered to undress completely to crawl around on the ground like a dog. Later on the donkey to be fucked (!), and a father whose son was killed, the actor looking bewildered into the camera just about to experience a mental break down.

The films ends, peaks is a better word, with music, an orchestra accompanies a singer (I have been told that her name is Dikla), who strongly performs a song (in Arabic) with lyrics about crying – from the English subtitles: If only I could cry to you, cry with you… it is like a scream for help on behalf of the traumatised Palestinians and Israelis. It is with power sensually conveying the despair, the anger and the tragedy the film has given the spectator.

I do not have the necessary information on whether the director has mixed some of the testimonies that he has collected, to create his monologues, neither do I know if he has met or talked with the people who gave their stories to his film. What I know is that I have seen a film with a clear and original form, with a more than disturbing content, a film that convincingly mixes a documentation with acting, film with theatre, cinematic composed images with precisely delivered lines. The director has found a superb solution to give life and voice to what we have been told many times before but never in such a condensed tense way.

Israel, 2011, 80 mins.