Dokumania: Løb for Livet

This is an announcement especially for our Danish readers about the screening tomorrow of Serbian Mladen Matičević award winning documentary ”Run for Life” on the tuesday evening strand ”Dokumania” on DR/TV. I will therefore switch to Danish language

Det er en varm og gribende dokumentar, som serbiske Maticevic har lavet. Den har vundet priser i Kroatien (ZagrebDox) og Serbien (Beldocs). Den havde sin verdenspremiere sidste år på idfa in Amsterdam efter en lang og besværlig produktionsproces, som faktisk er blevet en del af filmen. Sagen er nemlig den, at de tre etiopiske løbere, som filmen handler om, i en lang periode blev holdt for nar af den serbiske træner, som havde taget dem til sig. Eller var det de serbiske atletik-myndigheder? Ihvertfald løb de maratonløb efter maratonløb i håbet om at kunne få serbisk statsborgerskab, blive i landet og stille op til OL i London for deres nye land. Men intet skete og Maticevic, filmens instruktør og selv maratonløber, besluttede sig for at hjælpe dem. Han tager rundt med dem, køber mad og tøj, prøver at finde ud af, hvad der er galt – og laver en film om det. Med store vanskeligheder, kan jeg bevidne, som fulgte filmen fra sidelinien som lærer på EU-træningsprogrammet for dokumentarister, Ex Oriente. Ud af det er kommet en fin, menneskelig historie af universel karakter. Om mennesker der håber og bliver skuffede. Får nye venner i den serbiske landby de bor i, og som de må forlade. Se den!

PS. Dokumania’s beskrivelse af filmen er i øvrigt meget mangelfuld, er tydeligt skrevet af én, der ikke har set filmen.

The Syrian Revolution/ 2

How to follow what happens in Syria? Incoming shaken visual reports, amateur footage from amateur cameras or mobile phones, many people risk their lives to report to us and to have their clips put on youtube or on the sites of tv channels.

I went to al jazeera tonight – their start lines from todays killings by the regime go like this:

Syrian forces have killed nearly 142 people, including at least 100 when the army stormed the flashpoint protest city of Hama to crush dissent on the eve of Ramadan, activists have said. Rights groups said it was one of deadliest days in Syria since demonstrators first took to the streets on March 15, demanding democratic reforms and the downfall of the government…

On the site of avaaz, see below, you can sign a petition ” to investigate and press for an end to the disappearances of nearly 3000 innocent Syrians”.

And on videos are uploaded as the massacre continues. (photo from that site)

Wiseman makes film about Crazy Horse

American documentary master Frederick Wiseman stays in France. After his “La Danse” the Parisian production company Ideale Audience and Wiseman’s own Zipporah Films Inc. has produced a film from one of the most well known entertainment attractions in the French capital, Crazy Horse. The film is to have a special presentation at the coming Venice Film Festival. Here is the promotion text from the site of the distributor, Celluloid Dreams:

Celebrated documentary director Frederick Wiseman spent ten weeks with his camera exploring one of the most mythic places dedicated to women, ‘CRAZY HORSE’. This legendary Parisian cabaret club, founded in 1951 by Alain Bernardin, has become, over the years the Parisian nightlife ‘must’ for any visitors, ranking alongside the Eiffel tower and the Louvre.

Wiseman’s impeccable eye allows us to enter into this intriguing international temple of the Parisian club world and to discover what makes the CRAZY HORSE tick: elegance, perfectionism and a grueling schedule (with 2 shows a night and 3 on Saturdays, 7 days a week). The film takes us to the final curtain up, and the unveiling of the brand new show. DESIR is created by the greatest French choreographer Philippe DECOUFFLE and is an artistic, modern, humorous and colorful outburst that is the pinnacle of ‘NUDE CHIC’.

Still: “Crazy Horse”. From

Facebook Addiction – and Palestine

OK, I joined. I had asked a lot of people if I should. Many said yes, of course, if you can control the time-consuming. Others said no, it is dangerous, people have been misused on facebook, pictures of you may be manipulated… whatever.

I joined a week ago, and it is time-consuming so far. But also fascinating – and embarassing. The latter because so many of my friends, people with whom I am friends anyway, in the real world so to say, have expressed their surprise to see me there! Meaning, you are too old for that, 60+ is not for facebook, but welcome anyway…

Yesterday, a Danish film editor, on facebook himself, told me that after two weeks you will find your way of using it properly. It calmed me down… 62 friends I have so far, nothing compared to some of my friends who have more than a thousand, I don’t aim for that, but fascinating to see friends from all over the world, mostly because of my work of course, languages of all kind,  that in itself will limit my reading as my understanding of Arab, Finnish, Greek, Russian, Hebrew and Serbian equals zero, and the knowledge of Italian and Spanish and Catalan is pretty fragile.

Many friends have changed their photo to the Norwegian flag, many write about the tragedy much better than in the Danish newspapers, yes many write actually about important matters in the world.

I have put some family/free-time-in-connection-with-work-photos on my page, but I will basically use it to find and convey information and links that have to do with the documentary film world as well as other kinds of visual treatments and activism. Like the one that Palestinian Khaled Jarrar is doing, stamping passports in different parts of the world. The links are below. In a way he and other Palestinian filmmakers who use facebook to tell and show the world (often clips from) their films, they have not many other ways, were the ones who pushed me to join facebook.

U2 Documentary to Toronto

Documentaries appear more and more on the programme schedule of big international film festivals. This summer the Moscow International Film Festival opened a competitive section for documentaries (reported on, below you can find the news about the premiere of the new Kossakovsky at the festival in Venice and now realscreen breaks the news that Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth and Waiting for “Superman”) will have his “From the Sky Down” as the opening film in the upcoming Toronto International Film Festival (starting September 8). The film, according to realscreen, captures legendary rock band U2 on stage and in the studio, and delves deep into the recording of their seminal 1991 album Achtung Baby… Guggenheim reportedly accompanied the Irish rock band to rehearsals in Winnipeg mounted during its current 360 Tour that focused on performances of tracks from the 1991 album.

Photo: Realscreen.

Viktor Kossakovsky: Vivan las Antipodas!

Breaking news in the world of documentary films. The long awaited world premiere of Victor Kossakovsky’s Vivan la Antipodas! will take place at the 68th Venice Film Festival. The organisers announced friday that the film will be the second opening film on August 31 – George Clooney is the director of the first…

Hollywood Reporter writes that ”the documentary, which explores the notion of Antipodes – the relatively rare instances in which a land mass is directly opposite the world from another landmass – was conceived when Kossakovsky discovered that directly opposite a lonely Argentinean fisherman he came across while traveling, was the bustling Chinese city of Shanghai. Kossakovsky, who started work on the film years ago, called it “a poem about a multi-polar world.” Kossakovsky juxtaposes the events happing on opposite sides of the globe: Argentina and China, Chile and Russia, Hawaii and Botswana, and New Zealand and Spain.

Producer and distributor of the film, Heino Deckert, puts it in this way on his site: With this film Victor Kossakovsky grants himself a childhood wish. Haven’t we all asked ourselves as children where we would come out if we dug a tunnel right through the centre of the earth? Haven’t we all wondered at some point what was happening just at this moment beneath our very feet at the other side of the planet? In this film those reveries turn into reality. In breathtaking images and a stunning montage we go on a trip to the world’s rare inhabited land-to-land antipodes. We discover the wonders and contradictions of nature and people around the globe. With unprecedented camera movements and exhilarating new perspectives our conventional view of the world is challenged. On the evocative title follows a revolutionary film, that gives three cheers to our planet and its people in all their antagonisms and commonalities: Vivan las Antipodas!

Theresa Traore Dahlberg: Taxi Sister

Produced at the Swedish film school, Dramatiska Högskolan in Stockholm, this short documentary is a warm, straightforward portrait of a strong woman, who must be a role model for the Senegalese woman in her fight for equality in a male society with many traditions. She, Boury Mbaye, drives taxi in Dakar, she has children, she is the head of a big family, she is the one the family gets advice from, she wants to be the first woman to have her own taxi company in the country, with many employees.

The story is told through voice over narration and situational sequences where Boury talks to a younger female colleague, or argues with a sceptic male who – she says – give the kind of simple chauvinistic insults that she gets all the time, or, of course, in brief conversations with passengers in the taxi.

An unpretentious, well made simple documentary reminder to us that a lot needs to be changed in countries like Senegal, where many men still have many wives, and where a woman like Boury Mbaye is one of those who can make changes happen.

City Documentaries in Belgrade

The film school (Kvadrat) and Magnificent7 film festival owners and managers, Svetlana and Zoran Popovic, offer a summer pleasure to Belgrade citizens and visitors. Starting from monday July 25, Megalopolisi na filmu, great films on cities are being screened within the programme of the festival ”Belef – Audiovisuals in the 21st Century”. Free entrance, read more about it on the colourful Serbian language site that has clips and trailers from the films. Here comes the selection, quite inspiring for other film festival organisers, right?

Megacities (Michael Glawogger), Austria 1998, 90 mins.

Tokyo Noise (Pauser, Petri, Röed, Söderberg), Sweden/Denmark 2002, 80 mins.

Berlin. Sinfonie einer Grosstadt. (Thomas Schadt) Germany 2002, 77 mins.

Shanghai Space (photo) (Nanna Frank Møller) Denmark 2009, 60 mins.

El Olvido (Heddy Honigmann) The Netherlands 2008, 93 mins.

Nomadak tx (Raul de la Fuente) Spain 2006, 91 mins.

Photo from

Ina Holmquist & Emelie Wallgren: Kiss Bill

There is 50 years between me and the two teenage girls; I have never heard about a German pop star called Bill from a band called Tokio Hotel; I am not sure I want to hear him play or sing, but I have no problems in remembering how it was for me at that age to go to the Beatles concert in Copenhagen or to become more than happy when I got the autograph of the world’s greatest football player, Brasilian Pélé.

So it is not difficult to understand the instant heartbroken disappointment, when the two girls, Arina and Angela, arrive at the Madame Tussaud in Berlin to discover that the wax model of their hero Bill has been taken fo Amsterdam for some months!

This very charming short documentary, which has been to festivals, including idfa 2010 and Free Thought in Moscow, and which is produced at the Swedish film school, Dramatiska Högskolan, is a very promising work by the two female directors. They demonstrate first of all the talent for creating a space full of tension and humour for the two girls to move in, they catch and construct moments of truthfulness, they mark the generation gap between the girls and their parents… “for us it’s happiness, what do you have in your life”, is one of the great lines from the girls talking about their addiction to Bill. The special dreamerish world of teenage girls is conveyed brilliantly in this film that (also) has fine camera to be happy about.

Sweden, 2010, 28 mins.

The Syrian Revolution

When in Corfu, we asked the Syrian documentary colleagues for a reliable information source to follow the revolution in the country. They referred to the site of LCCS, Local Coordination Committees of Syria. The site is updated daily and includes captions like ”crimes”, ”briefings”, ”eyewitnesses” – texts, photos, videos. Here is the link:

Photo taken from the site.