DOK Leipzig wants German Premieres

Be careful if you are German, has made a good documentary and wants it to go to DOK Leipzig 2009. New regulations have been introduced, read this press release:
Starting in 2009, all films screened in DOK Leipzig’s German Competition for Documentary Film must be German premieres. The festival has introduced this ruling to match the regulations of all three documentary film competitions (International, German and the „Generation Dok” competition for young talents), while making the national competition more exclusive and attractive to audiences, the media and industry visitors.
In practical terms this means that every film in one of the documentary competitions must not be presented at any other German festival (including Prix Europa) or publically in Germany before. A festival screening abroad will not be considered a cause for exclusion from competition, although world and international premieres will be given preference. Productions screened at other German festivals before DOK Leipzig may still be accepted for the International Programme. A theatrical release or television broadcast in Germany previous to or during DOK Leipzig will automatically exclude films from being selected for the official programme.
Photo: 2008 winner at DOK Leipzig: Renè.