ZagrebDox 2020

It’s become a nice tradition that I praise the ZagrebDox for its programme put together, as always, with Nenad Puhovski as director. Having seen the selection for the 16th edition, 112 films to be shown between the 15th and 22nd of March, announced a couple of days ago, I can only say that the documentary lovers and professionals in Croatia also this year have the chance to see the best of the best. ZagrebDox does not work with rules of exclusivity – world or international premieres – meaning that award winning films and gems like Finnish Reetta Huhtanen’s ”God of Molenbeek”, Rachel Leah Jones and Phillipe Bellaiche’s ”Advocate”, Ksenia Okhapina’s ”Immortal”, Feras Fayyad’s ”The Cave”, Mehrdad Oskouei’s ”Sunless Shadows”, Waad Al-Khateab and Edward Watts ”For Sama”, Michael Bielawski’s ”The Wind”, Audrius Mickevicius and Nerijus Milerius ”Exemplary Behaviour”, Susanne Kovacs’ ”It takes a Family” are in the international competition section. 9 out of 17 films, all seen and written about on this site – to compete with 8 films, also coming from all over the world. Won’t be an easy choice for the jury…

In the Regional competition I see new films by Srdan Sarenac, Jasmila Zbanic and Damir Cucic to compete with the masterpiece of Alexander Nanau, ”Collective”.

… and if you don’t find what you want in the competition programme, there are Biographies, Music documentaries, Masters (our Danish hero Jørgen Leth is there with ”I Walk”), Eco docs and a section called ”State of Affairs”, where Swedish Fredrik Gertten is with his important ”Push”… and more.

Click link below and you will also be able to read good descriptions and trailers for the films.

Not to forget the ZagrebDoxPro that involves 12 projects, new talents and experienced directors. Link below.

Dragon of Dragons Award to Péter Forgács

Absolutely no objctions to this choice of the Krakow Film Festival that will take place on May 31 – June 7, 2020:

“Every year, the Krakow Film Foundation Programme Council grants the Dragon of Dragons award for the exceptional contribution to the development of the international cinema. During the anniversary 60th Krakow Film Festival, the award will go to Péter Forgács – the outstanding Hungarian documentary filmmaker and a world-famous multimedia artist.

The extraordinary works of Forgács are based on the original technique of making films from ready-made materials, shot by other authors. The artist devoted many years to collecting, archiving, reconstructing and editing old, damaged, amateur film tapes, giving them new meanings. The images set in the realities of the dramatic fates of Hungary and Europe of the 20th century, seem to remind that the history of the world is a collection of ordinary people’s personal stories.

The official award ceremony of the Dragon of Dragons is held on the 2nd of June, 2020, at the 60th Krakow Film Festival. In the programme of the Festival, within the frames of the retrospective, there will be many special works by the artist, among others, “The Danube Exodus,” (PHOTO), “Hunky Blues. The American Dream,” and “Miss Universe 1929 – Lisl Goldarbeiter. A Queen in Wien.” The viewers will also have the unusual opportunity to watch fragments of the audiovisual installation “Letters to Afar,” which Forgács prepared specially for the opening of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN in Warsaw in 2013. Traditionally, the award-winner of the Dragon of Dragons will also give a master class open to filmmakers, but also to all fans of documentary cinema.“

One World Festival Prague

Some of the best new documentaries are in competition at the big One World Festival in Prague, that has this subtitle “international human rights film festival” and takes place March 5-14.

Let me mention Alexander Nanau’s ”Collective » (PHOTO) and « The Earth is Blue as an Orange » by Iryna Tsylik, both reviewed on this site:

The main competition includes 13 films. From the North of Europe you find works by veterans like Finnish John Webster (“Eye to Eye») and Swedish Peter Tornbjörnsson (“Ninosca”), who has returned to Nicaragua – “For forty years, Peter Torbjörnsson has  been filming life in the village of San Fernando/ Nicaragua. What began as a portrait of a village became the story 


of Ninosca. Her struggle for independence requires her to face her past in the machismo culture of  Central America.” The director presented the film project at DocsBarcelona 2019 together with the producer Stina Gardell.

Also interesting – from looking at the trailer – looks Norwegian “The Painter and the Thief” by Benjamin Ree and “The Self Portrait” with experienced Margreth Olin as one of the directors. “The Self Portrait is a film about choice – choosing life. This is a choice no one can make for you, you will have to make it yourself. The Norwegian artist Lene Marie Fossen (32) is an up and coming, unique talent in the world of photography, facing an international breakthrough. Critics claim she is among the best still photographers in our present time. At the same time she appears to be dying from anorexia. Lene Marie stopped eating when she was ten years old…”. Heartbreaking trailer.

Heartbreaking are also many of the photos by Danish Jan Grarup, who will be in Prague with an exhibition and to discuss with the audience after Boris Benjamin Bertram’s film with and on him, “War Photographer” –

Apart from the competition program the audience is offered « The Best of the Best”, films like “The Cave”, “For Sama”, “When Tomatoes Met Wagner”…

The One World shows films in 35 cities around Czech Republic, organised by People in Need, some words about this organisation: “People in Need was established in 1992 by a group of war correspondents and foreign correspondents who were no longer satisfied with simply bringing back information to the Czech Republic and therefore began sending out aid. People in Need has gradually established itself as a humanitarian organisation that aims to help in troubled regions and to support the observance of human rights around the world.

In the 28 years it has been in existence, it has become one of the biggest non-profit organisations in Central Europe. It also began devoting itself to education and helping people living in social exclusion.

If you don’t want to see finished films… you could visit the EDP, East Doc Platform, which is for “industry professionals and documentary film lovers with discussions, masterclasses, screenings, presentations”. Pitching of course. 120 filmmakers and more than 100  key decision makers attend, the organisers say. IDF stands behind the event, Institute for Documentary Films, which has been written about  and praised numerous times.

CPH:DOX – Movements

March 18-29 – are the dates for the CPH:DOX festival programme, that was announced today. I am copy-pasting from the newsletter I received. It is amazing. I will ”dig in” as the organisers write and come back with comments. Website, see link below. A film festival that is committed to show and support social and political movements in the world we live in:

”The full programme for CPH:DOX is ready and online, including the entire line-up of competition titles. Please dig in!

The festival enters its 17th year with a new record; of the 65 films in the five competitions, a total of 43 films will have a world premiere. Additionally, this year’s competition programme includes 16 international premieres and 6 European premieres.

Following up on the festival’s 50/50 by 2020 gender commitment, no less than 52% of the 65 titles in the competition programme are directed by one or more female directors. But the gender equality representation doesn’t stop here – of the 409 experts and panel debate participants, CPH:DOX has invited for it’s no less than 160 debates and film events, 207 are female…

« Micropolitical and activist movements are at the core of CPH:DOX 2020 from Hong Kong to Greenland people are uniting in social movements demanding political actions to declare independence, limit global warming or fight for their data. Many movements are on the rise, and this year we dedicate a whole section to the competition titles that and explore the multiple  ways social or political movements are shaping the world of tomorrow.

The section, called Movements, features titles such as ‘Now’ by Jim Rakete following young climate activists from Greta Thunberg to Extinction Rebellion; ‘Feels Good Man’ by Arthur Jones, featuring a cartoon frog hijacked by the alt-right movements; and Lech Kowalski’s ‘Blow It to Bits’, where French factory workers stand up against globalisation.

Movements are all over the sections. You can’t miss them, but you sure can join them! »

Roy Andersson at CPH:DOX

A new film is on its way by Swedish master director Roy Andersson. ”About Endlessness” will be premiered this year, maybe at Cannes? The director has said that this will be his last film. Alas.

Until then there is a chance to watch a film about Roy Andersson at CPH:DOX.

The director is English. Fred Scott is his name, I found information on him here:

The title is ”Being a Human Person”, the duration is not mentioned on the site of the festival, does’nt matter, I will be there at one of the four screenings. 

Click below and you will see three stills from the film. At one of them Andersson sits at a museum watching paintings. A reminder of the constant inspiration he gets from art history.

Iryna Tsilyk: The Earth is Blue Like an Orange

It is an emotional journey that director and writer Iryna Tsilyk takes the viewer on. For 74 minutes. One full of beauty. Very much because of the mother in the film, Anna, the protagonist, whose face expresses, what it means to live in the war zone in Eastern Ukraine with four children, and her mother. You see her alone in the kitchen, worried, in a melancholic mood, that is understandable on the background of the war – she decided to stay with the family; they could have moved. You see her smilingly telling one of her small boys how to pull out a rock tooth! You see her fighting with the stove to make the house warm. You see her taking the train with one of her daughters, Myroslava, who wishes to study cinematography. They come to an eximanation – in Kiev it must be – the girl thinks she failed. They get a phone call, she did not fail, daughter and mother cries of happiness. So did this viewer!

The house of the family is full of life with stairs to the cellar, where they go 


down, when the bombing is close. Cats are all over, a turtle is occupying the sink, a house that is also the location for a film to be shot, realised by Anna and her two daughters Myroslava and Nastia with the smaller boys, the grandmother and an aunt to be among the characters. A film in the film. The narrative. You see the preparations for the shoot, hard discussions at the table on scenes, the theme is like “how to live in a war zone”, and we are invited to the premiere, where Iryna Tsilyk with her cameraperson puts the focus on the faces of the viewers, emotions again. “It’s a film about our family and our city”, says the mother to the audience at the premiere. And thus also to us, who through the yes of Iryna Tsilyk have seen a film about a family and a city. It’s all there. The devastated buildings with holes from rockets, the lack of… well everything that we take for granted. Observed with respect and love for Life. And a feeling for details like when Myroslava graduates from school, dressed wonderfully for the occasion. Like when one of the boys plays the accordion accompanied by his singing KukKuk, or the other boy in the beginning of the film in the ”talking to the camera” sequence does not know what to say… Like when, I could go on. Lovely.

Irina Tsilyk has published books with her poems, translated to several languages. And she knows Paul Eluard, from him comes the title. Poetic title for a poetic film.

The film won an award at the Sundance Festival for directing. It goes now to the Berlinale and a lot of other festivals, I am sure.

Below, please find a link to an interview with the director made by one of the supporters of the film, Current Time TV.

Ukraine/ Lithuania, 2020, 74 mins.

D Like Documentary, D like Denmark

A quick copy-paste (almost) note on the fact that the wonderful Krakow Film Festival, in its celebration of its 60th edition (!), dedicates its special section to documentaries from Denmark. The programme director of the festival, Barbara Orlicz-Szczypula, has this comment in the press release:


Denmark is another country of the Baltic Sea region, which we will take a closer look atThis year’s selection proves, however, that the Danish filmmakers, just like the Polish ones, are more eager to go abroad with their cameras. The variety of topics they deal with is surprising and engaging. In the programme, we will watch both several psychological portraits of the contemporary human, as well as fascinating stories about distant cultures.

I nodded when I read the words about ”going abroad” remembering my time as film consultant at the Danish Film Board (now part of Danish Film Institute). I often asked the makers: Why not a film that has its theme here in Denmark? „Too boring”, some said openly. And yet, not to be forgotten, Danish documentary heroes like Jørgen Roos, Jon Bang Carlsen, Jørgen Leth and Anne Wivel have made great documentaries about Denmark and Danes.

The selection made by the Polish festival looks like below – we have reviewed and praised all of them, except for the new film by Anders Østergaard and the one by Jannik Splidsboel. We will catch up on that.

“Dziecko miłości” / “Love Child,” dir. Eva Mulvad, 112’, 2019

“Fotograf wojny” / “Photographer of War,” dir. Boris Benjamin Bertram, 78’, 2019

“Front grubych” / “Fat Front,” dir. Louise Detlefsen, Louise Unmack Kjeldsen, 87’, 2019

“Podróż zimowa” / “Winter Journey,” dir. Anders Østergaard, 87’, 2019

“U barbera” / “Q’s Barbershop,” dir. Emil Langballe, 60’, 2019

“Współczesny mężczyzna” / “A Modern Man,” dir. Eva Mulvad, 84’, 2017

“Z głębi lądu” / “Dreams from The Outback,” dir. Jannik Splidsboel, 84’, 2019

Festivals in Stockholm & Copenhagen

The Oscar event is over – and we can be happy that all five documentaries nominated this year were of high quality in cinematic terms, and dealt with important themes of our time. 

Let’s leave the glamour and the red carpets, and go back to all the great initiatives that aim at getting the audience to go to the cinema to watch documentaries. This post puts the focus on doc festivals in Stockholm and Copenhagen.

Let me start in the capital of Sweden, where the Tempo Documentary Festival, 

founded in 1998, from March 2-8, shows over 100 ”creative documentaries” as they formulate it. And radio, photography and transmedia as well as more experimental forms of expression… and masterclasses. Among them one with Danish director Eva Mulvad, whose new film ”Love Child” travels the world. Colleague Allan Berg has followed her work closely, latest with a review (in Danish) of ”Love Child” –

Tempo is an international festival. „A Tunnel” by Georgian Nino Orjonikidze and Vano Arsenisjvili, premiered at IDFA, will be there, it will very soon be reviewed on this site. The Mexican/Spanish “La Mami”, directed by Laura Herrero Garvin, is an insight to the world of an old Mexican woman, who from the toilet and dressing room takes care of the younger hostesses in a night club, where they get ready to go to dance with the guests. And the impressive cinematic “Merry Christmas, Yiwu” by Serbian Mladen Kovacevic, who has filmed in Yiwu, where factories produce christmas decorations. The national Serbian première will take place at the Magnificent7 festival in Belgrade in April. Talking about China, S. Leo Chiang and Yang Sun has made the wonderful “Our Time Machine” with the puppet artist Maleonn, whose art reminds me of the Quay Brothers, and whose ambition to impress his father, former very well known theatre director in Shanghai, is one of the themes of the lovely film.

For the Swedish films I am happy to see “Scheme Birds” by Ellen Fiske and Ellinor Hallin in the programme – reviewed here – that I watched at the Nordisk Panorama in Malmö in September. As well as the exciting visit to “Cinema Pameer” in Kabul, in a warm film by Martin von Krogh, who has beeen very close to the people (The manager, the General, The Boss), who fight to keep a cinema alive in a country, where bombs explode every day and where 40 years of war have given scars to all and everything.

In Copenhagen, The Jewish Film Festival starts February 21st and runs until March 1st with a strong emphasis on documentaries. Of course the brilliant “Advocate” by Rachel Leah Jones, Philippe Bellaïche is there – – as is the portrait of Golda Meir by Sagi Bornstein, Udi Nir and Shani Rozanes, where I was glad to meet the always critical, late Uri Avnery as one of those who talks about the legendary politician. As a special event “Bird on a Wire” (2011) by Ismaël Ferroukhi on Leonard Cohen will be shown connected to the Cohen exhibitions in Copenhagen for the moment. The festival has its main location in Cinemateket.

The very same place, where lots of festivals take place. Innovative gatherings like the recent Docs&Talks that we have covered intensely on this site – and now follows another pearl, Copenhagen Architecture Festival that takes place April 23rd – May 3rd in Copenhagen, Odense and Aarhus. There are always a lot of films being shown at this festival that includes guided tours, workshops, seminars, exhibitions … The main however, is that Pedro Costa, Portuguese master, comes to Copenhagen: “Meet the director Pedro Costa during a retrospective film series as he talks about his lifelong cinematic collaboration with residents of the now-defunct Fontainhas neighborhood of Lisbon.”

Tabitha Jackson to be Sundance Festival Director

The IndieWire brings a fine article yesterday about Tabitha Jackson, who at Sundance «will replace John Cooper as festival director, bringing 25 years of experience in the arts and non-fiction film to the position». Read the whole article (written by Eric Kohn), who « is the first woman, the first person of color, and the first person born outside the United States to head the festival.» Jackson spent 6 years as director of the documentary film program : « “I was perfectly happy doing the job I was currently doing and engaging with artists in the messy business of documentary filmmaking,” she said. She had started to get involved with programming off-screen events at the festival when a producer in the business asked her if she planned to apply for the position. “Then it was like a little brain worm,” Jackson said. “What won out was what gets me out of bed in doing this work. Arts as a public good and as a catalytic force as a deeply necessary thing in understanding the human condition. Why wouldn’t I want to be given the trust to run a festival like this, which is a huge opportunity to direct people’s attention to exciting new voices?”


On this site Tabitha Jackson has been written about on several occasions – in connection to her presence at pitching fora in Europe and when she started at the Sundance Institute. Here is another quote from 2016 (also from IndieWire), love that approach : “When we look at how documentaries are discussed, too often it’s a focus on what they are about and whether the main character is sympathetic,” Jackson told Indiewire in a recent interview. “I’d just like the conversation around nonfiction film to be as exciting as the form itself. When we think about literature, poetry, fiction, or music, it’s not about what is being said, it’s about how it is being said and who is saying it, that’s what makes things last and that’s what makes things have cultural value.”


And in 2014 she talked at the documentary film festival in New York – about Herz Frank : … she found a rallying cry for sensitive and artistically compelling documentary practice in the work and words of Latvian filmmaker Herz Frank, whose 10 Minutes Older, an excerpt of which she screened, contained for Jackson “every emotion you might experience in an entire lifetime” in the single shot of a child watching a puppet show. »


And allow me to express a BIG congratulation to Tabitha Jackson and Kirsten Johnson… from later in the IndieWire article from yesterday :


Jackson’s 2020 festival experience was unique on several fronts. In addition to finalizing the deal for her new job, she got married on the first day of the festival to filmmaker and documentary cinematographer Kirsten Johnson, whose intimate diary film “Dick Johnson Is Dead” premiered at the festival. Jackson admitted that it would be the last time Johnson, whose “Cameraperson” was a Sundance breakout in 2016, would screen at the festival during her new wife’s tenure. “Kirsten Johnson is an incredible filmmaker and legendary cinematographer,” Jackson said. “Unfortunately, because we just got married — which is the good news — we’ve made the agreement that she can’t submit work to the festival, which is deeply distressing, but definitely the right thing to do.”

(about Kirsten Johnson and her Cameraperson)



Docs & Talks 2020 /5 The Brink

Alyson Klayman: The Brink

Errol Morris goes to Venice with “American Dharma” – no description but the fact that Steve Bannon (!!!) is the character. Very actual, indeed. (Tue Steen Müller, på Filmkommentaren, 2018)

“The Brink”, a very much talked about documentary with Steve Bannon as protagonist, “Is Steve Bannon a dangerous demagogue, a brilliant strategist or a megalomaniac loser? The American filmmaker Alison Klayman leaves it up to us to make the judgement…”. The New Right is the theme of the Talk. (Debatten efter visningen på Docs & Talks) (Tue Steen Müller, på Filmkommentaren, 2020)

Jeg så filmen med fornøjelse, optaget og uden sidespring, blev i dens verden. The Brink er underholdende og har fremdrift noterer jeg uden jeg er spor imponeret over dens research, instruktion og klipning som vist er ok, jeg fæstner mig ikke ved det. Det er i ét og alt Steve Bannons indsats som medvirkende som jeg – i dyb afstandtagen fra hans synspunkter og hans arbejde forankret i dem – altså trods dette i én og en halv time har som min helt, min filmhelt som jeg holder med inde i filmens verden, der lukker den virkelige verden ude, den verden som journalistikken i filmen vist nok tager sig af, den del som vil interessere den efterfølgende debat i Docs & Talks, som man sådan skal glæde sig til.

Når jeg om lidt læser anmeldelser og omtaler af The Brink vil jeg selvfølgelig finde en optagethed af verdenen uden for filmens verden, først og fremmest af Bannons biografi, hans politiske synspunkter, hans forsøg på at samle højrekræfterne i Europa, men nok ikke en optagethed af Bannons uafbrudte tilstedeværelse som fascinerende og kraftfuld person i samtalerne og ved møderne hans scenebeherskelse, alt sammen det som for mig peger hen mod filmfortællingens kerne, som jeg ikke helt stramt kan indkredse, men som er en koncentration af charme, intelligens og evne til at fremstille sin analyse og sin vision, som er at samle de partier som henvender sig til de miserable som han kalder denne store gruppe vælgere i USA over Frankrig, Italien, Tyskland. Og til Polen og Ungarn hvor de er grundlag for højreregeringerne.

Men hvordan kan jeg dog svigte min erfaring og alt det jeg dog ved og min moral i mit liv uden for filmen ude i den virkelige virkelighed?

Jeg tror det sker ved forførelse. Det er alligevel filmens konstruktion, især Alyson Klaymans journalistiske valg af en filmkunsnerisk fremstilling som er årsagen. Det er derfor hun giver sit arbejde, sit værk titlen The Brink – om lidt hænger Steve Brannon med hænderne alene i klintens kant. Hvor stærk er han i virkelighederne??

Alyson Klayman: The Brink, USA 2019, 92 min. Vises på festivalen Docs & Talks 5. febuar 16:30


A fly-on-the-wall chronicle of embattled former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon’s global mission to spread extreme nationalism. When Steve Bannon left his position as White House chief strategist less than a week after the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in August 2017, he was already a notorious figure in Trump’s inner circle, and for bringing a far-right ideology into the highest echelons of American politics. Unconstrained by an official post — though some say he still has a direct line to the White House — he became free to peddle influence as a perceived kingmaker, turning his controversial brand of nationalism into a global movement. The Brink follows Bannon through the 2018 mid-term elections in the United States, shedding light on his efforts to mobilise and unify far-right parties in order to win seats in the May 2019 European Parliamentary elections. To maintain his power and influence, the former Goldman Sachs banker and media investor reinvents himself — as he has many times before — this time as the self-appointed leader of a global populist movement. Keen manipulator of the press and gifted self-promoter, Bannon continues to draw headlines and protests wherever he goes, feeding the powerful myth on which his survival relies.

(Docs & Talks programme)



Is Steve Bannon a dangerous demagogue, a brilliant strategist or a megalomaniac loser? The American filmmaker Alison Klayman leaves it up to us to make the judgement. In the fall of 2017, she was granted exceptional access to follow the controversial media executive and former political adviser Steve Bannon up close during the year that followed his exit from the Trump administration. Having played an important role in the media’s influence on American politics, Bannon is now seeking new territory: Europe. His mission is to create a global ideological movement and – in alliance with European populists – fight migration and the European Union.

 After the film, we shall shift perspective and have a look at the world through the eyes of the researcher. This year, DIIS completes the major research project ‘World of the Right’, which examines the ideological content of the new right-wing radicalism in the western world. Together with Senior Researchers Vibeke Schou Tjalve and Manni Crone, and PhD student Minda Holm, we will explore how the New Right in respectively the United States, France and Russia, has evolved over the past decades and in which way these national – and often nationalistic – currents interconnect. (Docs & Talks programme)