… is a Baltic country, the most southern, and the most exciting when it comes to documentaries. They are mostly short and based on images – the Lithuanian documentarians compose the image and treat the spectator as an intelligent person.…
A film blog by Allan Berg Nielsen & Tue Steen Müller
A film blog by Allan Berg Nielsen & Tue Steen Müller
… is a Baltic country, the most southern, and the most exciting when it comes to documentaries. They are mostly short and based on images – the Lithuanian documentarians compose the image and treat the spectator as an intelligent person.…
What a joyful visit to a cemetery! From the very beginning of this film I felt at home in the universe that Heddy Honigmann creates among the dead and the living. She visits some of the famous graves of Père…
Der er masser af grunde til at tage en tur til Odense for at se film fra den 27.august og en lille uge frem. Der er kortfilmfestival med et bedste af det bedste fra hele verden. Der er mulighed for…
29.07.2007 BBC’s dokumentarproduktion er truet. Internt i BBC foregår der pt en evaluering af forbindelsen mellem omkostninger og ratings, som kan betyde at det betydningsfulde dokumentarprogram Storyville, som har stået bag snesevis af fremragende film, ikke alene engelske men også…