Adam Papliński: Pitch the Doc

While at the Krakow Film Festival I ran into an old documentary friend, Polish producer Adam Papliński, who invited me to hear more about a new online project that he is launching right now at different festivals around the world: Pitch the Doc. He has received financial support from the EU Media Program and from the Polish Film Institute and the projects is endorsed by EDN, European Documentary Network. On the website of the latter, in an interview with Papliński as ”EDN Member of the Month”, he explains how he got the motivation for this project:

“The official launch of the platform in beta version was publicly announced during the 2017 Berlinale. The idea to launch such an internet service came to my mind 2-3 years earlier… I had received a phone call from a Russian filmmaker that we had selected to pitch a project at one of our events (Dragon Forum, ed.). He explained to me that right now he was on the Barents Sea shore shooting the film and, even though he was honoured by our decision, he could not afford to come. He had no money to pay for accommodation, he had no passport and so on… I found it a real pity that such a good project could not show up on the European market and that around the world there are probably a lot of other outstanding ideas and film projects struggling with similar problems. On the other hand I heard feedback from decision makers that the market lacks fresh new ideas. The obvious place for matchmaking the projects and investors seemed to me to be online, but I was surprised when after several days of surfing I didn’t find a site providing an effective solution…”

That well known gap Papliński intends to close with Pitch the Doc, a place where the authors can place their proposal with the key information, we all know: logline, synopsis, treatment, link to trailer etc., all that which is asked for when you go to “live” pitching sessions – and where decision makers can place their demands.

I asked Papliński whether he thought that decision makers would sign up. He answered that several c.editors he had met liked the project very much, as “I am tired of travelling”.

A fine initiative in development, go the website and learn more and read the EDN interview where the Polish matchmaker explains more about Pitch the Doc that has a team of evaluators that is strong: Steven Seidenberg, Pawel Lozinski and Marijke Rawie.

Chris Marker Collected posts & notes on his works

… and the euphoric discovery of “direct cinema” (you will never make me say “cinema verité”) and on the crew’s day off, I photographed a story I didn’t completely understand. (Chris Marker)



I et interview med Chris Marker i Libération, 5. marts 2003 spørger intervieweren: ”… Hvorfor har De indvilliget i at udgive nogle af Deres film på DVD, og hvordan foretog De valget? ”

Der er tale om en to Arte / CNC udgivelser, en med med La jetée, 1962 og Sans soleil, 1983 og en med Le tombeau d’Alexandre, 1992, sat i album med Alexandre Medvedkines Le bonheur, 1934. Alle franske originalversioner med engelsk speak og undertekster. Marker svarer intervieweren:

”Tyve år skiller La jetée fra Sans soleil. Og andre 20 år skiller Sans soleil fra nu. Hvis jeg skulle tale i den persons sted, som lavede disse film, ville det ikke længere være et interview, men en seance. I virkeligheden tror jeg ikke jeg valgte eller accepterede: nogle talte om det, og det blev gennemført. At der var et særligt slægtskab mellem disse to film var noget, jeg var klar over, men jeg mente ikke, jeg behøvede at forklare det – indtil jeg fandt en lille anonym tekst i et program i Tokyo, hvor der stod:

’Snart vil rejsen være til ende. Det er først på det tidspunkt, at vi vil vide om juxtapositionen af billeder giver nogen mening. Vi vil forstå, at vi har bedt med film, som man må på en pilgrimsrejse, som vi må hver gang, vi har været i nærheden af døden: på kattenes begravelsesplads, stående foran den døde giraf, sammen med kamikaze-piloterne i take-off øjeblikket, foran guerillaerne dræbt i uafhængighedskrigen. I La jetée, ender det dumdristige eksperiment at se ind i fremtiden med døden. I bearbejdningen af det samme tema 20 år senere, har Marker ved bønnen overvundet døden.’

Når man læser dette, skrevet af en, man ikke kender, en som ikke kan vide noget som helst om filmenes tilblivelse, rammes man af en særlig følelse. Et eller andet er sket…” (Notat, 2008, ABN)



The interview that Allan Berg refers to in his Danish language article Juxtapositionen is in English and is one of the very rare conversations that are printed with the enigmatic French master. The interview is wonderful reading. Here are two bites to evoke your hunger for more:

On film and television: ”Godard nailed it once and for all: at the cinema, you raise your eyes to the screen; in front of the television, you lower them. Then there is the role of the shutter. Out of the two hours you spend in a movie theater, you spend one of them in the dark. It’s this nocturnal portion that stays with us, that fixes our memory of a film in a different way than the same film seen on television or on a monitor.”

And on how La Jetée came into being: “I was filming Le Joli mai, completely immersed in the reality of Paris 1962, and the euphoric discovery of “direct cinema” (you will never make me say “cinema verité”) and on the crew’s day off, I photographed a story I didn’t completely understand. It was in the editing that the pieces of the puzzle came together, and it wasn’t me who designed the puzzle. I’d have a hard time taking credit for it. It just happened, that’s all.” (Blogpost 25-03-2008 by Tue Steen Müller)



Chris Marker hedder rigtigt Christian Francois Bouche-Villeneuve. Han blev født i Paris den 29. juli 1921, og han bor der nu, hvor han ikke mere farer omkring. Han hører ellers til forrige århundredes store rejsende. Han er forfatter, fotograf, filminstruktør, multimediakunstner. Wikipedia opregner 69 egne filmtitler, 19 samarbejder om film (blandt andre Makavejev, Guzman, Ivens, Resnais), 8 bøger.. Intervieweren spørger: ”Film, fotoromaner, cd-rom, videoinstallationer, er der noget medium, De ikke har prøvet?” Marker svarer: ”Ja, gouache.” Han, nævner Wikipedia, deltog i 2. verdenskrig på makiens side, begyndte derefter at skrive og lave film. Han rejste i mange lande og dokumenterede, hvad han så. Les statues meurent aussi, 1953, som han instruerede sammen med Alain Resnais, var blandt de tidligste antikolonialistiske film. Han blev internationalt kendt for La jetée i 1962, den film har siden været kult blandt cineaster og har inspireret en række instruktører. Mest kendt nok er Twelve Monkeys, 1995 og dens udspring i Markers værk. Han afsluttede Sans soleil i 1982. Den film udvidede voldsomt dokumentarfilmgenrens begrænsninger. Det er rejsebrev og essay og filosofiske kommentarer i én lang vibrerende collage af mest japanske og afrikanske optagelser. Med dette værk begyndte Chris Markers optagethed af digital teknologi, og den førte over et par film til den interaktive cd-rom Immory, 1998, som han lavede for Centre Pompidou og Owls at Noon Prelude: The Hollow Men, en multimedieproduktion for Museum of Modern Art, New York i 2005. Le tombeau d’Alexandre, 1992 er en på én gang ydmyg hyldest til filmhistorien og den russiske mester Alexandre Medvedkine og et selvbevidst bud på genren filmbiografi med arkivmateriale og vidneudsagn og fortællerstemme. Marker udvider også den genre på det voldsomste. (Notat, 2008, ABN)


CHRIS MARKER 1921 – 2012

Chris Marker died today, filmkommentaren has written far too little about him, but here is a quote from the obituary of today in Guardian, please read the whole article and below also two links to what we have written about him, in English and Danish:

“The essay film, a form pitched between documentary and personal reflection, exploring the subjectivity of the cinematic perspective, has now become an accepted genre. Jean-Marie Straub, Danièle Huillet, Jean-Luc Godard, Errol Morris and Michael Moore are among its main recent exponents, but Chris Marker, who has died aged 91, was credited with inventing the form.

Marker’s creative use of sound, images and text in his poetic, political and philosophical documentaries made him one of the most inventive of film-makers. They looked forward to what is called “the new documentary”, but also looked back to the literary essay in the tradition of Michel de Montaigne. Marker’s interests lay in transitional societies – “life in the process of becoming history,” as he put it. How do various cultures perceive and sustain themselves and each other in the increasingly intermingled modern world?” (Blogpost 30-07-2012 by Tue Steen Müller)



DOCAlliance now launches a scoop: 7 films by legendary master of the essay film, French Chris Marker (1921-2012). Quote from the presentation:

DAFilms presents a cross section of the work of the writer, photographer and explorer, ranging from Sunday in Peking from 1956 through his most renowned documentary essay Sunless and The Pier which inspired Terry Gilliam to make his cult film 12 Monkeys to one of the most famous cyberpunk films Level Five from 1997. Read an interview with Bamchade Pourvali, French film critic and author of Marker’s biography. Le temps de la rétrospective est arrivé!

The films are (English titles): Sunday in Peking (1956), Letter from Siberia (1957), Level Five (1997), Sunless (1983), Junkopia (1981), Description of a Struggle (1960), The Pier (1962). Sunless = Sans Soleil and The Pier = La Jetée being the most famous.

Dear readers, the cost for a monthly subscription to DOCAlliance is 5€!!!

(07-06-2017 / Tue Steen Müller)



I had a talk with colleague Allan Berg yesterday. He remembered the time of repertory cinemas, where classics could be seen. Nowadays this is mostly the film historical job for the cinematheques. BUT, we agreed, some vod’s have classics on their repertory and when it comes to high quality, nothing compares to DOCAlliance.

That now launches a scoop: 7 films by legendary master of the essay film, French Chris Marker (1921-2012). Quote from the presentation:

“DAFilms presents a cross section of the work of the writer, photographer and explorer, ranging from Sunday in Peking from 1956 through his most renowned documentary essay Sunless and The Pier which inspired Terry Gilliam to make his cult film 12 Monkeys to one of the most famous cyberpunk films Level Five from 1997. Read an interview with Bamchade Pourvali, French film critic and author of Marker’s biography. Le temps de la rétrospective est arrivé!

The films are (English titles): Sunday in Peking (1956), Letter from Siberia (1957), Level Five (1997), Sunless (1983), Junkopia (1981), Description of a Struggle (1960), The Pier (1962). Sunless = Sans Soleil and The Pier = La Jetée being the most famous.

Dear readers, the cost for a monthly subscription to DOCAlliance is 5€!!!

(07-06-2017 / Tue Steen Müller)  


Chris Marker er på optagelse, det er 1955, det er i Kina… Det var jo tidligt efter krigen, så det var tidlige scener fyldt med ærbødighed og håb for den unge revolution han optog. Jeg ved ikke om han var alene, det må jeg have fundet ud af, men jeg ser at Agnes Varda er krediteret for Kinakyndig medvirken. Og det har sat sig smukke spor så det nye Kina det smukke lille essay igennem spejler sig i og på mange mange måder ses fortsætte og udvikle de bevarede elementer af den gamle kultur som Marker lærte at længes mod i sin barndoms billedbøger og fortællinger om drager og kejsere og sværdsvingende atleter og dybt disciplinerede boksekæmpere.

I den velskabte korte film, som kom ud af det som et stykke fejlfri cinematografi, mønstergyldig i samtiden, virker alle elementer kongenialt med Markers mesterligt klassisk akademiske optagelser uden lyd, den gennemtænkte nykomponerede musik af Pierre Barbaud, de muntert præcise lydeffekter ved Arkady (groupe des XXX) lagt på den kunstfærdige lydside af Antonio Harispe i sin tids design, Fracine Gruberts yderst elegante klipning , produceren Madeleine Casanovo-Rodriquez også fra (groupe des XXX), hendes sikre hånd og først og sidst den kloge gennemløbende stemme henover, som Marker har skrevet i sin tænksomt formulerede patos med sommerfuglens lethed.

Chris Marker: Dimanche à Pékin, Frankrig 1956 (restaureret i 2013), 19 min. Kan ses disse dage på: 


“At the same time, Marker merrily messes up the boundaries between individual and cultural memory by acknowledging that his observations have been heavily coloured by his own experience of popular culture – from the storybooks of his childhood to the newsreels and fiction films consumed throughout his life. The outer townships of the city with their banners and tiny lanes are the “Peking of the movies”; the Forbidden City is the “Peking of Jules Verne and Marco Polo…”. We understand what he means instantly – an understanding that is dependant on our own collective experience of Western culture, now used to interpret a filmmaker’s personal memories written down over 50 years ago.” (Louise Sheedy, Senses of Cinema, september 2009)

Sheedys kommentar er argumenteret antropologi-videnskabelig orienteret, men tag ikke fejl, hun er helt indforstået, se videre her:


“… Later, the narrator describes girls dancing and singing a tune that would stay with him for the rest of the day. This is accompanied by a montage of little dances; firstly girls in uniform, playing a kind of game, then another group of older girls, dancing in a circle. One of the raised arms is the matched to the arm of a man pulling a cart, waving to someone across the street. In the next shot we see a policeman with arm raised as he directs traffic. All these links form a chain of logic that again suggests the performative dynamic between the tourist or visitor and the local – a separation that, while not insurmountable, needs to be acknowledged.” 


(11-06-2017 / Allan Berg Nielsen)


LA JETÉE (1962)

Det var i 2008. Jeg havde været til festival Cinéma du réel, og jeg skulle jo have noget med hjem til min filmklub. Noget fra Paris. Noget rigtigt. Jeg fandt det i Pompidoucentrets butik. En nyrestaureret dvd udgave af den udødelige film om byen, om kærligheden og om døden. Om tiden og om krigen og om det umulige i at undslippe. Dette billede er fra afsnittet om mødet og forelskelsen og foråret i Paris. Det er et still fra location.

Jeg havde et andet Paris billede med også. Det er et still fra samme film. Byen lige før udslettelsen.


Filmen består af sådanne stills. Den er optaget med Pentax 24×36, bortset fra en enkelt, naturligvis berømt filmscene med øjne som bevæger sig, optaget med et Arriflex 35 mm lånt en enkelt time. Marker kalder det en filmroman. Han hylder i en lille tekst i programhæftet sin barndoms lommebiograf Pathéorama med serier af lysbilleder, ”… mais ces scènes étaint des plans, magnifiquement reproduits, de films célèbres, Chaplin, Ben Hur, le Napoléon d’Abel Gance.” En onsdag aften dengang så vi filmen i FOF filmklubben her i byen. Jeg var en begejstret og forvirret oplægholder, det her var filmhistorie og levende nutid på samme tid, det var noget rigtigt, noget dybt betydningsfuldt og noget mærkværdigt fra min ungdom, og jeg skrev et par notater til min præsentation af La jetée og to Marker film yderligere, som jeg selvfølgelig heller ikke havde forstået ret meget af, det mærkede man tydeligt, mærkede jeg tydeligt. 


Så er der gået næsten ti år. Nu har jeg chancen igen disse dage med DOCAlliances Chris Marker serie. Jeg ser som den første La jetée nu igen. Og jeg tænker med det samme på Tarkovskijs Solaris, 1972, begge film handler jo om i en nutids ramme at rejse tilbage i erindringen, i Tarkovskijs til en nær fortid, i Markers films rammes fremtid tilbage til sin egen tid, til hans tid. Og begge films indhold er erindring om kærlighedstab, erfarede erindringer må jeg tro.

De overlevende fra det atomangreb, som har udslettet Paris, har dybt under jorden indrettet et samfund styret af gangsterorganiseret eksperimentel videnskab i et forsøg på med tidsrejser at overleve. I et sådant laboratorium foregår rammefortællingens kammerspil. Hovedpersonens gentagne vellykkede rejser til filmens egen tid består af en 1962 byfilm romance skildret ved lyriske stills, som jeg aldrig glemte, for de var også min dannelses tid.

Men der er tillige fra den frygtelige fremtid i intimteaterscenens laboratorium under den udslettede by drømte rejser frem i en fremtid, hvor Paris er genopbygget, hvor hovedpersonen efter sit besøg får at vide han er velkommen, men finder tilværelsen der ligeså frygtelig. Så nej, han er forelsket i sin egen tid, forelsket i forelskelsen, i kvinden, i kunsten, i haverne i byen, i det at vandre sammen med hende på det naturhistoriske museum, hvor fortiden er fascinerende, men trygt konserveret, forelsket i det Paris, som et atomangreb om kort tid vil udslette, så det ligner Hamburg 1944, Hiroshima 1945.


“This is a story of a man marked by an image of his childhood. The violent scene which upset him, and whose meaning he was to grasp only years later, happened on the the main pier at Orly, Paris airport some time before the outbreak of World War III… “

Chris Marker: La jetée, Frankrig 1962, 29 min. Fortsæt med filmen på: 

(10-06-2017 / Allan Berg Nielsen)



Hov, jeg ser at DOCAlliances retrospektive Chris Marker serie stadigvæk kører på deres streamingtjeneste. Jeg havde ellers belavet mig på at skrive om den post festum nu længe efter den begyndte og vi skrev om den her på Filmkommentaren, Tue Steen Müller en introduktion og jeg om en enkelt af filmene, hvorefter jeg gik i stå. Til nu midt i sommerferien.

For det var med forsigtig tøven jeg nærmede mig Chris Marker og hans film. Han er for mig en myte, den mand som skaffede råfilm til optagelserne i Chile og bagefter fik dem smuglet ud og Sara Thelle fortalte mig engang jeg besøgte hende i Paris, at den nu gamle sky mand handlede på hendes marked og boede der i nærheden med sin kat, som han sendte et portræt af, når en redaktør skulle bruge et af ham, en kat hvis katteliv i lejligheden han lavede film om, film han lagde ud på YouTube, film som jeg så og fascineredes af på grund af myten og auraen og så dette særlige autoritative greb, som jeg mærker hos visse instruktører, og det ikke på grund af myten. Det er jeg sikker på; og Sara Thelle forærede mig nyrestaurerede dvd udgaver af andre, længere og mere ambitiøse film som jeg så, men ikke forstod ret meget af, men blev optaget af nu osgså på grund af myten om disse berømte værker selvfølgelig, men alligevel især på grund af deres konsekvent sikre og gennemarbejdede storhed. Jeg var klar over, der var mesterværker iblandt.

Og så blev Tue Steen Müller og jeg som nævnt for nogen tid siden opmærksomme på DOCAlliances retrospektive Chris Marker serie og jeg tog mig på at at se de film.

Denne og de forhåbentlig følgende blogindlæg er små og spredte notater fra disse gennemsyn, blot en slags kvittering jeg bestemt er forpligtet på. For det var mere omvæltende i mig end det vil lykkes mig endog bare at antyde i det følgende som nu kommer, altså alligevel ikke post festum. Og det er godt, ferietid kan være frigjort tid, tid til at se og læse om det som ikke nåedes aktuelt. Ferietid er fordybelsesforsøgets langsomme tid, reprisens tid, gentagelsens tid. Det kan nås endnu, og det kan kun anbefales, her er linket til streamingen: 

(17-07-2017 / Allan Berg Nielsen)



A documentary about this vast and in those days very mysterious Soviet area. Above all as André Bazin wrote: “A human and political geography essay about Siberian reality. Vivid writing inlighted by the camera work. The author always holds together intelligence, poetry and whimsical imagination.”(DA editor)

Filmen er et altså et essay over den sibiriske kultur, og Marker tager godt fat om det personlige udgangspunkt, hans fremstilling er i rejsebrevets form. Hans billedside er landskabsfotografi og tegnefilm.

Jeg kan godt lide de sikre greb i filmens åbning, autoriteten. Kameraet introducerer panoreringen som jeg venter vil blive gennemgående, den er langsom med den lave horisont trygt hvilende i en evighed som tilhører dette landskab, hvis stemning en koncertsanger uddyber med en sang om ræven, ørnen og rensdyret, hvem landet her tilhører. Men det vil ændre sig…

Chris Markers voice-over er causerende i sin tids kommentarstil, men den er omhyggelig arbejdet ind i en anderledeshed, som også har overrasket for et halvt århundrede siden. Ja, den samlede filmkonstruktion udnytter den vedtagne, den konventuelle form for dokumentarfilm som jeg kender fra britterne og fra danskerne i perioden – men Marker tilføjer en ånd og en klogskab og en personlighed og en alvor, som jeg ikke finder magen til i disse værkers oftest småborgerlige folkeoplysende og velmenende kulturforståelse og hele antropologi bundet ind i ministeriers og skolers ønsker. Hans samfundsforståelse og hans menneskesyn må komme fra andre territorier, tænker jeg som jo har set senere af hans film før denne.

Frankrig 1957, 57 min. På DOCAlliance i engelsksproget version. (ABN)



The earth sign, the water sign, the human being sign – this is the promise land. This document, focusing on Israel and its struggle (fight) for sovereignty and identity continues Marker’s line of political testimonies. A meditative commentary on how a new state is built hovers over elusive impressionist images, hiding opportunities to make discoveries, which, albeit short-lived, are penetrating the limits of illusion. A literary essay combines with a documentary image to make a hypnotic film, which was awarded Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival(DOCAlliance synopsis)

Description d’un combat var i 1960 en etableret naiv (vrai naive) opdateret og aktuel dokumentarfilm om Israel, i dag er det et tidsdokument for mig i en eftertid, i en ny aktualitet hvor optimismen er afløst af mistro. Mistro til alt og alle. Og vigtigst for mig et kunstnerisk, et filmhistorisk dokument i Chris Markers samlede værk, som i sin filmessayskrivning peger helt frem til i dag: sådan er den opmærksomme, tænkende filmskrift bundet i sin skribent til al tid, og filmen er derved i sin erkendelses kerne tidløs.

Filmens emne er staten og samfundet og folket Israel tilbageskuende 15 år, men fæstnet i 1960’er nuet. Temaerne er at rejse, at være turist, at være observerende dokumentarfilm fotograf at se, at tænke over det at rejse, tænke over det at se og tænke over det at tænke. Og jeg slipper ikke historien, for gør jeg det blot et øjeblik, falder den sindrige filmkonstruktion sammen for mig og jeg tror det bare er en gammel folkeoplysende rejsefilm og jeg forstår ikke det jeg ser og hører, opdager ikke essayet. Mærker ikke dybden, klogskaben, skønheden.

Elementerne er omhyggeligt fotograferede filmscener, en lang række lige så omhyggeligt fotograferede sort/hvide stills, begge en overdådighed af af fint klassisk gadefotografi, landskabsfotografi i lange, rolige studier ofte kun med musikken og endelig en voice-over, en tekst præget ikke kun af viden, men af klogskab og dette skrevet ind i en høj litterær kvalitet bundet i sin tid og sit sted, 50’ernes filosofi, politik, litteratur, malerkunst, musik og filmmiljø på venstre Seinebed i Paris. Min viden om det skarptegner min forståelse af det filmessay elementerne i forening skriver. Endnu mere, havde jeg vidst mere.

Afslutningssekvensen samler filmens holdning, dens fremtidshåb for Israel: store børn i en skole står ved i koncentreret tavs opmærksomhed ved staffelier og maler. Det samler sig om en enkelt pige som maler, den kommenterende stemme bliver til en tale, en højtidelig tale om landets og hendes fremtid, se på hende gentager den dæmpet retorisk udsagn for udsagn i en opsummering… vrai naive.

Frankrig 1960, 57 min. På DOCAlliance i engelsksproget smukt restaureret version: 

(22-07-2017 / Allan Berg Nielsen)


LEVEL 5 (1997)

French computer programmer Laura tackles a challenging video game. She researches World War lI’s bloody Battle of Okinawa, the last pre-nuclear face-off between the US and Japan, interviews with Japanese experts and witnesses, including filmmaker Nagisha Oshima, cause Laura to reflect deeply on her own life and human kind. Will she be able to go beyond Level 5? A fascinating humanistic reflection on war, memory and history. (DOCAlliance synopsis)

This documentary uses fiction to address shared memory of the Battle of Okinawa. Laura tries to get to the most difficult stage, level 5, of the computer program left behind by her late husband. In this are revealed statements by Rev. Kinjo Shigeaki, who witnessed the mass suicide at Tokashiki Island; documentary footage of people jumping to their deaths from cliffs on Saipan Island; and the image of a soldier who lost his memory due to the Battle of Okinawa, portrayed in John Houston’s film Let There Be Light, which was banned from public viewing for thirty years. (Chris Marker’s synopsis)

Chris Markers film, både denne og de andre i den retrospektive serie, bliver tilsyneladende stående tilgængelige på DOCAlliances streaming. Det giver mig mod til at fortsætte mit forsøg på at se og skrive om så mange af hans film som muligt. Jeg vil gøre det på den måde, at jeg lader uregelmæssigheden i dette letsindige foretagende skinne igennem i mine blogindlæg, som jeg pludseligt afslutter på steder, jeg i skrivende øjeblik bliver nødt til, fordi kræfter og tanker svinder…

Men jeg sætter alle nye tekster ind i blogindlægget Chris Marker Collected posts & notes on his works som så lidt efter lidt vokser og bliver ved med at leve op til sin titel, mening og bestemmelse, ligesom som blog (= ”weblog”, altså journal på nettet) forsøger lever op til sin genre, altså at notere Tue Steen Müllers, vore skrivende gæsters og mine kommentarer til filmene vi ser. Nu til Markers Level 5 fra 1997.

Det første billede er en hånd, hendes og-eller hans, med en computermus som bevæger sige søgende på sit underlag og på skærmen, som også er del af og snart bliver til filmens titelsekvens, som er en kaotisk collage af natlige bybilleder set højt oppe fra, skærmbilleder opløst i punkter og streger, klip med flag der blafrer i vinden, klip med et tv-interview med William Gibson og så kvindestemmen, med det samme uforglemmelig smuk, med denne tekst (på fransk) som er én lang replik, en af den slags scener i film jeg elskede lang tid før Markers, jeg tænker på Godards film, nogle af Bergmans film: ”What can these be, the playthings of a mad God who made us to build them for him? Imagine Neanderthal man glimpsing a flash of city at night, all motion and light. He can not tell what it means. He have had a poetic vision, all motion and light. A sea of lights. He can not unravel the the images that lands in his mind like birds swift, unreachable birds. Thoughts, memoires, visions are the same to him, a scary hallusination. Such was William Gibson’s vision when he wrote Neuromances and invented Cyperspace. He saw the Sargasso Sea full of binary algae…”

Det her er så et nødvendigt, men også godt sted for mig at standse for nu og tænke sig om, se efter igen (det er jo det streamingen giver mig mulighed for) og om lidt skrive videre. Jeg ved der nu kommer en kærlighedshistorie…

(10-10-2017 / Allan Berg Nielsen)


LEVEL 5 (1997) /2

Jeg bruger disse sene efterårsuger al min opmærksomme tid, som næsten alle dage er pinagtig sparsom, til at læse bøger, den ene efter den anden, fra begyndelse til slutning. I går kunne jeg mere end forventningsfuld hente Julie Mendels Relikvie. Og jeg begyndte langsomt forfra, og på side 5 stod der som det eneste et citat i kursiv: ” ‘A prayer slipped quietly into life without interrupting it’ – Fra filmen ‘Sans Soleil’ af Chris Marker”.

Jeg fik en tydelig dårlig samvittighed, jeg har jo disse mange, mange dage svigtet Chris Markers film, som jeg havde været i gang med at se på min langsomme måde og lige så tøvende lave notater til. Jeg var midt i hans Level 5 og havde derefter tænkt at gå i gang med netop Sans Soleil. Nu må jeg lade Relikvie ligge til jeg er færdig med Level 5 og i det mindste har genset Sans Soleil.

Så det blev således ikke ”om lidt” jeg skrev videre. Det bliver måske nu, som er noget senere, meget senere, jeg skriver. Jeg var sidst midt i titelsekvensen og jeg havde forstået, der i kvindens store indledende monolog ved siden af den essayistiske overvejelse om internettets virkelighed befinder sig en kærlighedshistorie. Kvinden (som jeg fra DOCAlliance’s synopsis ved hedder Laura, men her, inde i filmen ved jeg det ikke endnu) siger videre i sin monolog i det samme billede, en collage af storbyoptagelser ved nat og lysende punkter og linjer i en computerskærm:

”… On that image we Neanderthals grafted our own visions our pitiful scraps of information. But none of us knows what a city is.” Så klippes der til Laura, og jeg ser, det er hende der taler, som bærer denne fortællestemme, denne lange replik. Hun fortsætter:

”This is the stuff you used to write…” Her kommer den hun taler til ind, et “you”, som er i handlingen, men som jo også kan være et skrivende publikum som identificerer sig, finder en at holde med. I handlingen er det hendes mand, hendes kollega og kæreste, tænker jeg, hendes stemmes blide og fortrolige tone får mig til at tænke det. Det er her kærlighedshedshistorien begynder.

”You wrote at night, late, sitting at the computer before you logged out. I’d find it in the morning when I logged in. You had been working at your game, I was about to work on my book. Computer at night, bar howls’ delight, computer in the morning in the morning, tomcat’s warning. We took it in turns, a shift for you, a shift for me, a shift for us both…”

Det var titelsekvensen. Nu klippes der til titelskiltet: “Catherine Belkhodja dans Level 5”. Nu ved jeg hvad kvinden hedder uden for filmen, og selvfølgelig får jeg lyst til at undersøge hvem hun er, finde ud af om hun havde relation til instruktøren, også uden for filmen. Og det styrkes af, at hun efter sin første undersøgelse af sin mands efterladte computerspil meddeler: ”… Jeg vil give Chris alt dette materiale”, og instruktøren kommer så her ind i filmen, på fotroligt fornavn, og herefter har jeg også instruktørens beretning som en del af fortællestemmen, og i min forsvinden i filmen, i min henrivelse, tænker jeg ikke på at instruktøren jo også har skrevet Belkhodjas del, at han tillige har konstrueret computerspillet.

Chris Marker lægger en i sit væsen nøgtern politisk, antropologisk, psykologisk og moralfilosofisk kommentar til det materiale, Catherine Belkhodjas mand har efterladt, som hun har fundet til ham og det udgør herefter et lag ved siden af Belkhodjas følsomme, naive, charmerende, ja, i hendesfremstilling aldeles gribende kærlighedserindring, en filmisk virkelighed, hvor hun hedder Laura får jeg på et tidspunkt at vide. Lauras eget lag og erkendelsesarbejde er at lære level 5 at kende, hun og hendes mand havde i en fortrolighedsleg inden hans død defineret level 1 og 2: ”In conversation, I still mention the levels we’d give people when someone came in and said I’m Catholic, Communist or Anarchist or some other bigotry we said ”Level One” and lough. When they were funnier or wittier we’d say ”Level Two”, but we never went higher…” Level 3-5undersøger Laura herefter i dramaet, i scener som disse, som kunne hedde ”Papegøjens metode (efterligning), ”Parken med fuglene” (sprog) (FOTO), ”Selvmorderens opringning” (handling)”.

… ja, dette er og bliver føljeton, så jeg må nu skrive ”fortsættes”… 

(30-11-2017 / Allan Berg Nielsen)

Frankrig 1997, 105 min. På DOCAlliance i den smukt restaurerede franske version med engelsksprogede tekster: (Streaming af hele filmen)


I had a talk with colleague Allan Berg yesterday. He remembered the time of repertory cinemas, where classics could be seen. Nowadays this is mostly the film historical job for the cinematheques. BUT, we agreed, some vod’s have classics on their repertory and when it comes to high quality, nothing compares to DOCAlliance.

That now launches a scoop: 7 films by legendary master of the essay film, French Chris Marker (1921-2012). Quote from the presentation:

DAFilms presents a cross section of the work of the writer, photographer and explorer, ranging from Sunday in Peking from 1956 through his most renowned documentary essay Sunless and The Pier which inspired Terry Gilliam to make his cult film 12 Monkeys to one of the most famous cyberpunk films Level Five from 1997. Read an interview with Bamchade Pourvali, French film critic and author of Marker’s biography. Le temps de la rétrospective est arrivé!

The films are (English titles): Sunday in Peking (1956), Letter from Siberia (1957), Level Five (1997), Sunless (1983), Junkopia (1981), Description of a Struggle (1960), The Pier (1962). Sunless = Sans Soleil and The Pier = La Jetée being the most famous.

Dear readers, the cost for a monthly subscription to DOCAlliance is 5€!!!

Krakow FF Winners International Comp.

Voila, now it happened. I wrote this when at DOKLeipzig last year : ”Dum Spiro Spero” (photo) by author Pero Kvesic, a man who suffers behind the camera from reduced lung capacity. It’s a wonderful simple film, it has a tone, he talks so well behind the camera going around in his house, where wife and sister-in-law and son do also live, not to forget the two dogs. One could hope for one of the many awards be given to this film, produced by Nenad Puhovski.

A very pleasant surprising decision taken by the jury presided by Pawel Lozinski. Pero Kvesic was on stage saying that he had enjoyed days in Zagreb, had gone home – 900 km to Zagreb – to wake up saturday morning being asked to come back. Into the car and 900 km together with wife and friend.

The two other titles awarded was in my list of favourites from yesterday: Silver Horn for Medium lenght documentary ”Woman and the Glacier” by Audrius Stonys (who also won the Fipresci critic award and drove 11 hours with his wife from Vilnius to receive the awards) and Lissette Oroczo got Silver Horn for feature length for her courageous ”Adriana’s Pact”. The young director has made a film that keeps your attention from start till end. She wants to find out if her aunt was involved in torturing the opponents to the Pinochet régime, for which she was working in the secret police. The aunt was young and beautiful, the generals liked her, did she take part in the atrocities? It sounds like a journalistic story, an investigation, it is that in a way but the film is built like a psychological study of the two, their relationship, the love and doubt and anger. It is one of those films where you sometimes feel embarrased to watch, but it is a film that trancends the private to become personal.

Special mention – out of politeness? – to Marcin Borchardt for „The Beksinskis“ and Piotr Stasik for „Opera About Poland“.


Krakow FF National Competition Winners

I saw only a few of the Polish films from the national competition but two of them I saw got awards from the jury headed by Dariusz Jablonski, who is also the head of the Polish Film Academy. In that capacity Jablonski asked the audience to hold up a paper with the text ”Release Oleg Sentsov”, the Ukrainian filmmaker and writer, who was arrested by the Russians in March 2014 in Crimea and sentenced to 20 years in jail on suspicion of “plotting terrorist acts”. Respect!

The winner of the main prize, the so-called Golden Hobby-Horse, for the best film was ”The Ugliest Car” by Grzegorz Szczepaniak, a funny and moving film about mother and son travelling in a Wartburg car, which is more than 50 year old. Bogdan… shouts the 94 year old mother when he gets too far away from her to talk with other people about the award-winning car, that is on its way to Germany to see the camp where the mother was in 1943. The son, who is physically disabled, is sooo much caring for the mother and they have beautiful conversations in the pensions that they stay in on the way. Hilarious. Sweet. There is a long international festival career waiting for this film.

The same could happen for the Silver Hobby-Horse winner, ”Stranger on my Couch” by Grzegorz Brzozowski, who manages to bring fine moments to the screen, when foreign couchsurfers with a Vietnamese or Korean or German background come to visit and end up sitting on the couch having deep conversations with the hosts about life and love. Well in one case you almost think – or hope – that the Vietnamese who lives in Germany would stay with the single moter and her son. Or the middle aged engineer who makes a messy room ready for a heavy metal musician and go to the street to play with a toy helicopter.

Photo: The winning director Grzegorz Szczepaniak (red trousers) on stage.

The national competition also includes animation and fiction films. Go to the website  and check:

Krakow FF: Docs to Go!

Below, in a previous post, some positive words about Doc Lab Poland and its Docs to Start, and now I repeat myself by talking about Docs to Go!, the presentation of 8 projects hosted by always enthusiastic and professional Rada Sesic. To Go means that the films are in post production to be released later this year or in 2018. As with Docs to Start there was a good audience, a supportive atmosphere and interesting material to be watched on the big screen in MOS1 at the Festival Centre.

If I was a festival programmer (and I am for Magnificent7 Belgrade and DocsBarcelona) I would keep an eye on two of the eight film projects presented. Elwira Niewiera and Piotr Rosolowski, who made ”Domino Effect”, are working on ”The Prince and The Dybbuk”, which is announced to be ready this September. It is a fascinating story about Michal Waszynski, ”the son of a poor Jewish blacksmith from Ukraine, died in Madrid as Prince MW, Hollywood producer and exiled Polish aristocrat. The producer Malgorzata Zacharko showed wonderful material, including an archive clip where the Prince is smoking a cigarette in his palazzo in Rome. He could have played in a Visconti film with that appearance.

The other one that for me stood out was ”The Wind. A Documentary Thriller” with Michal Bielawski as director and Maciej Kubicki as producer. ”A multi-layered story about the clash between people and the forces of nature”, in the form of a documentary thriller. Location is Southern Poland/Slovakia in the Carpathian mountains. There more than strong winds can  destroy not only houses, forests, creating avalanches but can also create mental changes… the material shown with people and nature was great and surprising. Let the final film surprise us, don’t go classical, break the story-telling rules.

It was brave of the filmmakers to come with their unfinished material, trailers and raw scenes and show that to an audience. It is obvious that the Doc Lab Poland organisers Adam and Katarzyna Slesicki has the film background needed to run the development programs in a professional way. To develop new talent with respect and inspiration.

Photo: Waszynski and Sophia Loren




Krakow FF DocLab & My Favourites

Text that I wrote for the Daily newspaper of the festival: I started the wednesday morning at the Festival Centre moderating the „Docs to Start“ session, that is part of the impressive and super-professionally run DocLab Poland. 9 projects were pitched to be followed by individual meetings with producers, festival representatives and broadcasters after a lunch. 100 people sat in the audience, the pitching filmmakers did very well, having been for a couple of days in good tutor-hands of Danish producer Lise Lense-Møller, EDN director Paul Pauwels and DOK Leipzig’s Head of Industry Brigid O’Shea.

Let me pick three projects that I think will become good films. To exemplify the good quality: Maciej Cuske, a skilled director who is always chasing Russian stories, has a strong one in the pipeline from Chukchi Peninsula, where indigenous people live from hunting, which is a profession that is disappearing, title: „The Whale from Lorino“. And „War Watchers“ by Vita Drygas about

(yes!) war tourism = people who travel to war zones to see and experience horror, also in Syria. It is an industry, Vita Drygas said, and of course a film like that, about a quite disgusting phenomenon, will have an audience internationally. Finally Konrad Szolajski, who I know from way back, who always picks timely themes, showed a clip from „Art of Survival“, a project about the militarization of the Polish society, where volunteer paramilitary groups are growing in numbers. In the clip an 8 year old boy advocates for allowing weapons to be common property in families! Brainwashing.

And words about finished films at the festival. Some days ago I attended the screening of ”21 x New York” by Piotr Stasik at DocsBarcelona. It was very well received.

So expectations were high, when I saw that the director had a new film, ”Opera about Poland”, in the competitive categories. I got disappointed. Maybe my fault, maybe it’s the film. Maybe both. Or maybe it is quite simply that the film had too many local references. I understood that talented Stasik wants to make a statement about Poland today in the frame of an opera, with music that gets more and more aggressive, if you can say so about music, at the same time as he wants to try new ways of storytelling. Montage goes wild, split screen, images of staged scenes with Poles standing in front of the camera with voice excerpts from people, who are looking for a partner or want to sell something, or praises hysterically religion and so on so forth. I felt a sarchasm that I did not appreciate…

I have seen all 18 films in the international competition. Awards are awards, and juries are juries, and we should definitely not take it too serious, but let me play my own one-man jury:

Golden Horn: Adriana’s Pact by Lisette Oroczo for its brave and honest family story during Pinochet in Chile, where you feel embarrassed to be taken into a story that trancends the private and becomes personal.

Silver Horn, medium duration: Woman and the Glacier by Audrius Stonys for its amazing cinematography breaking the classical dramaturgy to tell the viewer about a unique place with a unique character.

Silver Horn, feature duration: The Beksinskis, a Sound and Picture Album (PHOTO) by Marcin Borchardt for its creative treatment of a personal archive through which a family drama is created that has no national border.

Curious to see what the jury decides tonight.

Krakow FF Content is King or…

Content is King, we are often taught, the issue/theme is the most important, the form is only the carrier. Mostly those ”teaching” are television people, who I have often heard saying at diverse pitching sessions: ”This film is too artistic for me!”

I wonder what happens with Sergey Loznitsa’s artistic masterpiece ”Austerlitz” in terms of broadcast. Will it happen? Will it end up on television? The film which is shown in the ”German Films” section is based on Form. The director has made a clear aesthetical choice for watching the tourists, who are visiting the former concentration camps. How they walk, how they talk, how they dress, how they take pictures with their smartphones, there are (almost) no words but a strongly manufactured sound score that in the long sequences are nerve-wracking. I suffered when I saw that film.

Form, another fine director, French/Czech Stan Neumann, has said, is the face of the film, the way the content appears to the

viewer. Make it shrink, have big things become small, you are creating an imaginary object. Form is always about taking things away, explore reality and find your place in it.

I was thinking about that when I watched ”Almost There” (PHOTO) by Swiss Jacqueline Zünd, who has chosen a precise visual language to describe the three aging men, no interviews, voice over the whole way through, superb cinematography. I have to confess that I in the beginning felt distant to the three men but slowly I got closer to them = got into the film, which is far away from being a tv programme. There are loads of interview-based portraits of old men! In Zünd’s film the images are composed, there is thought about framing, the ambition is to make every image and sequence characterise the character.

You can also phrase it in another way: You have to choose your genre. Another German film shown here in Krakow is the shocking ”The Promise”, that started as a journalistic investigation into a murder case but ended up being a shakespearean drama with the young woman being a Lady Macbeth, who orders Jens Soering, the young German boy who is in love with her, to kill her parents. Or did he, the film indicates no and the viewer goes with that, when we meet Soering in a long interview decades later in the prison, where he is locked up. It’s superb journalism, it’s a harsh critique of a judicial system but it is also a love story and a psychological drama.

Choose your genre… I come to Krakow from Barcelona, where we showed Piotr Stasik’s ”21 x New York” and ”You Have No Idea How Much I Love You” by Pawel Lozinski, the president of this year’s main competition in Krakow. Both Polish gentlemen found their genre, the essay for Stasik, the chamber play for Lozinski. Both films were very well received in Catalunya as they were in Krakow last year.

The form is not ”only” a carrier of content. Having said that it’s not as simple as that. Films have to deal with something important, not necessarily something new, but then in a new way, please! So we still need the King! 

Krakow FF Main Competition

A first glance at the main competition of the festival makes me say Diversity. In terms of countries represented, in terms of duration with several films that have the television length of around 52 minutes and films which are around 80 minutes, probably targeting a theatrical distribution… and a couple which are 100 minutes or more.

When it comes to characterise the kind of films listed in this program of 17 titles, the word diversity is even more evident. I am happy that I am not a jury member, who is to compare Audrius Stonys visually stunning ”Woman and the Glacier”, a film that breaks the rules of classical dramaturgy leaving the portrait of the glaciolog to go wild into the ice making images that are like abstract paintings with Vitaly Mansky’s personal ”Rodnye. Close Relations”, a first person film with the director in the picture visiting his family in Lviv, Odessa, Donbass, Sevastopol on Crimea. A personal very timely comment from the acclaimed director. Or with the Croatian minimalistic ”Dum Spiro Spero” shot and directed by Pero Kvesic. Or with the charming feature by David Rane and Neasa Ni Chianáin, ”School Life” is the title listed, when at the Magnificent7 festival in Belgrade, it was ”In loco Parentis” (Photo), but when American distribution company Magnolia took over the distribution, the title changed!   

At a time where festival after festival take stands/express opinions through their selection for the side programs, Krakow keeps the official selection, the one for the main competition, as the one where ”the best of the best” should be. Which does not mean that the films taken are free of statements or opinions. When films are taken for a festival both form and content count in the decisions being considered. And history – I am looking forward to watch ”Adriana’s Pact” by Lisette Orozco, that deals with the life of the director’s aunt during the dictatorship of Pinochet in Chile. As well as ”The General and Me” by Tiana Alexandra Silliphant that goes like this in the description ” Over the period of 25 years the director met General Võ Nguyên Giáp, a legendary hero of Vietnam’s independence wars, a number of times. She was the first American who entered the home of the “Red Napoleon”. The fruit of this friendship is a film, personal and politically involved at the same time…“. It is typical that documentaries, contrary to the more mainstream tv-documentaries, dare narrate history in first person.

I was in the jury – main competition – in 2011. It was a pleasure for many reasons. One was that we were able to honour Wojciech Staron for his masterpiece „Argentinian Lesson“, and for his cinematography, and we also had Pawel Kloc on the award list for hisPhnom Penh Lullaby” – two very strong Polish documentaries. I still remember festival director Krzysztof Gierat’s happy smile, when we told him the result, „really…“ he said, two Polish films on the top! Another reason for the joy of being in the jury was that fellow juror Marcin Koszałka gave me tasting lessons in the many different Polish vodkas! Yes, a festival is a feast for art and the good life!

Rahul Jain’s Speech in Barcelona

Indian director Rahul Jain said the following to the audience sunday night at the closing ceremony of DocsBarcelona, where he got the Amnesty Award:

Thank you to DocsBarcelona and the Amnesty International Jury. In my youthful idealism I’d like to think that we make art about the things that we don’t like about the world. We as filmmakers deal in the business of empathy, And empathy knows no geopolitical boundaries. In a documentary film festival, all of us here are fascinated and intrigued by the human condition. And as predictable and granted one can and should take human rights to be, every time even the simplest and most logical of notions have had to be fought for. It is certainly a privilege to be known to the world for the things you believe in. And have believed in your whole life.

A review of the film can be found on