IDFA Offers Video Reports

For those of us who were not able to visit the documentary film festival in Amsterdam, the good news is that the festival (link below) is bringing out videos from the festival. You can watch the opening and closing ceremonies but more important is that there are small interviews with directors whose films you might have seen on other occasions.

Three films that I like a lot are there: Maite Alberdi talks about her wonderful ”Tea Time” (photo), you can meet the winner of the festival with ”Of Men and War” Laurent Bécue-Renard and there is a more than one hour long registration of a masterclass with Heddy Honigmann, who had a retrospective at the festival, had chosen her 10 favourite documentaries to be screened  AND showed her ”Around the World in 50 Concerts” as the opening work of the festival. I am looking forward to watch that masterclass – Honigmann is a master and (by the way) her ”Forever” was the first film reviewed here on the filmkommentaren, August 2007… Nostalgia.

Copenhagen Architecture Festival x 2015

Denmark has a new festival. The first Copenhagen Architecture Festival took place last year and the second edition is coming up soon and has spread to the city of Aarhus as well. More than 70 events in 19 different venues: Seminars, exhibitions, conferences, debates, urban walks, and plenty of interesting film screenings!

Behind this great initiative are Josephine Michau (festival director), architect Peter Møller Rasmussen (responsible for the program) and Ph.D. in landscape architecture and film Mads Farsø (chief of development). Josephine Michau has played an important role in promoting documentary film in Denmark for the past five years. She is the co-founder of DoxBio, a national distribution-network that has, literally, been pulling out the red carpet for documentary films released in theatres across Denmark. Earlier this year, CAF received the prize Lille Arne (“Little Arne”, named after Arne Jacobsen of course) from the Danish Association of Architects for its ability to “rethink the promotion of architecture, emphasize its qualities and diversity, and create a relevant debate”.

Film and architecture are a good match. The themes can be bend in multiple directions and perspectives. And this might be a way to get an audience for a film program that could be seen as somehow audacious – which should be applauded!

This is where I have put my red marks in the program:

A world premiere of Jonas Mekas’ latest film, Scenes from the Life of Raimund Abraham (2015), a portrait of an architect. The festival also shows As I was moving ahead occasionally I saw brief glimpses of beauty (2000), one of the most beautiful films I have ever seen.

Dyrehaven, Den Romantiske Skov (1970), Jørgen Leth and Per Kirkeby’s examination and depiction of Denmark’s oldest nature park.

Jean Rouch’ classic Petit à petit (1971) and Raymond Depardon’s Afrique: Comment ça va la douleur ? (1996). Both films are a part of the two themes related to Africa screened at the museum of modern art Louisiana.

Le Cabanon by Le Corbusier (2010) by Rax Rinnekangas, the story of a small cabin Le Corbusier built for his wife in 1951 that became an important part of his life.

And I might have to see French photographer Françoise Huguier’s beautiful film Kommunalka (2008) again, about life in a traditional communal apartment in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

As goes for the feature films: Tarkovsky’s Nostalghia (1983) screened in a church, Terrence Malick’s Days of Heaven (1978) and Rohmer’s Les nuits de la pleine lune (1984).

If I were in Aarhus, I would go see The New Rijksmuseum (2014) by Oeke Hoogendijk about the restoration of the Dutch museum followed by a debate on the subject. This takes place at the cultural history museum Moesgård that has recently been rebuild by Henning Larsen Architects.

The New Rijksmuseum

There is much more and as I get started, I might venture into some of the more experimental architecture films, this year the focus is on Johann Lurf…

CAF is also cooperating with the Danish culture tv channel DR K that will be tuning in on architecture from March 17-22 (Tuesday you can watch Jytte Rex’s portrait of Henning Larsen and Tarkovsky’s The Sacrifice).

The Danish minister of culture, Marianne Jelved, will be opening the festival on Wednesday night with a gala screening of Barbicania (2014) by Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine, a video diary of life in the notorious Barbican Centre in London (PHOTO).

So don’t miss it if you are in Copenhagen or Aarhus, or pay a visit if you’re abroad. Enjoy this goody bag of high quality screenings!

Copenhagen Architecture Festival x 2015 March 19-22

Check it out:

Flying Film Festival!

Why not? Yes, why not activate us frequent flyers and all the others, who sit up there in the air for hours? Why not give us passengers quality (short) documentary and animation to watch and ask us to vote.

Three young filmmakers – all graduated from the Zelig Film School in Bolzano Italy – got this fantastic idea, went to the air company of their country, Swiss, who said yes to this initiative, made the selection of the films, cleared rights and all that, totally con amore, and there you are:

”The festival will start beginning of March and run until end of April. The 30 longhaul aircraft  (A330-A340) of the SWISS are loaded (with films) within the first week of March, it serves all SWISS destinations around the world non-stop…

These are words from the website, link below: Welcome to the “Flying Film Festival, the first festival taking place entirely in the air. It will be “flying” in the months of March and April 2015 with the aim of promoting to a wider audience short documentaries with a strong cultural connotation and emerging directors.

It is created by le Système D, a non-profit cultural association, in partnership with SWISS…” Système D consists of the artistic directors Francesca Scalisi and Mark Olexa, Stefania Bonia has made the graphic booklet of the association.

The winners of the Flying Film Festival (9 short films) will be chosen by a jury of experts and by the passengers of SWISS, who can cast their vote on this website until the beginning of May. The jury and the guests of SWISS will award a prize consisting of two airline tickets for a trip within Europe or one to an intercontinental destination.”

As a jury member I will get back to you with a review of this FFFF: Fantastic Flying Film Festival.

Ulrich Seidl: I kælderen

Denne bistre herre har tilsyneladende indrettet en skydebane i sin kælder til seriøs træning i pistolskydning. ”I kælderen” er en film om det, folk foretager sig i deres kælder, og det er ikke ligeyldige småting. Den østrigske instruktør Ulrich Seidl tager publikum med på en rejse ind i det ubevidste og åbner op for en verden fyldt med skydevåben, slanger, sexlegetøj og nazi-tilbagelængsel. Filmen observerer nøgternt disse meget private rum i smukke, stramt komponerede billeder. ”Det er absurd, chokerende og grænseoverskridende, men også virkelig sjovt”, skriver Katrina Schelin i sin pressemeddelelse om DOXBIOS næste premiere, og hun anfører her, hvad instruktøren blandt andet siger om sin film:

”Østrigere tilbringer ofte deres fritid i kælderen. Dernede kan de – mænd, fædre, husmødre, par eller børn – være, hvem de vil. Dernede kan de dyrke deres lyster, hobbyer, lidenskab og besættelser. Kælderen er et sted til fritid og det private. Men for mange mennesker er kælderen også et sted for det ubevidste, et sted fyldt af mørke og frygt.”

Tue Steen Müller,, er både enig og forbeholden. Han så filmen på filmfestivalen i Leipzig i november og skrev blandt andet: ”… the start of Ulrich Seidl’s ‘Im Keller’ (‘In the Basement’) where a snake slooowly moves towards the mouse for attack, you know what is to happen, and yet you are jumping in your seat when it happens, as you are shaking your head when the nice Austrian Bürger enters his basement rooms full of Hitler and Nazi trophies. Not to forget the chained naked man, who licks the toilet clean on demand from ‘die Herrerin’. One scene after each other, tableau-like, a pity they do not become a whole.”

Ulrich Seidls filmværk består til nu af ”Good News” (1990), “Animal Love” (1995), “Models” (1998), ”Hundedage”, som vandt Venedig festivalens special jury price i 2001, ”Import Export” (2007), ”Paradis-trilogien” med ”Kærlighed”, ”Tro” og ”Håb” (2012), hvor de tre film havde premiere i konkurrencerne på filmfestivalerne i Cannes, Venedig og Berlin.

”I Kælderen” (2014) er Seidls nyeste film. DOXBIO og Øst for Paradis præsenterer filmen i Danmark, der er premiere onsdag den 8. april 2015 i 50 biografer i hele landet. Filmen distribueres endvidere herefter i samarbejde mellem DOXBIO og Øst for Paradis.


”… Seidl has persuaded another range of Austrian hobbyists and weirdos to show us what they get up to in their cellars, and he often uses the technique of getting them to stand uncomfortably stock-still, as if for a photo.

Some are innocuous: a teen plays drums, a guy has a model railway, another has a tiny swimming pool. But then there’s the S&M mistress with the love slave, the masochist, the fetishist. A deeply odd woman cooes over a lifesize latex model baby. And, inevitably, Seidl’s star turn is a brass-player in an oom-pah band who has an extensive collection of Nazi memorabilia in the cellar where he likes to relax.

But so what? Is the Nazi memorabilia enthusiast an unpleasant but harmless oddball or is he part of something much darker, and if so, what does this say about other interviewees who appear to be presented far more leniently?

It’s difficult to say – but it seems disconcertingly likely that Seidl’s grotesquerie is a mannerism which is becoming an artistic cul-de-sac. There are intriguing moments, certainly. The manager of a shooting range in a cellar reveals his secret – he longs to be an opera singer. Is that ambition absurd or redemptive?” (Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian)


Liste over premierebiografer:


DocAlliance Offers Kino Maidan Online

Voilá – 5 films for free taken from the upcoming festival programme of One World Romania (see post below)… words from the site of DocAlliance:

…For the eighth time, the international festival One World Romania brings a critical voice as well as a rich film programme to Bucharest. For the third time, you can watch a selection of the best films online. This year, too, we will present films dealing primarily with the questions of democracy, observance of human rights and reflection of various forms of public protests. One of these protests, held at Maidan square in Ukraine, gave the name “Kino Maidan” to this year’s festival edition. As the festival’s director Alexandru Solomon points out in an exclusive interview, the festival celebrates all the Maidans across the world as well as documentary film as one of the best tools to fight injustice…

The films are ”Vitosha” (Bulgaria, Lyubomir Mladenov), ”Waiting for August” (Romania, Teodora Ana Mihai), ”Naked Island” (PHOTO) (Croatia, Tiha K. Gudac), ”The Serbian Lawyer” (Serbia, Aleksandar Nikolic) and ”Outside” (Germany, Romania, Andrei Schwartz).

These films can be watched for free until March 15. Read the descriptions, read the interview with Alexandru Solomon.

One World Romania.. Festival

… or to take the long version: One World Romania International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, taking place March 16-22.

35 films in 10 categories – like ”Agents of Change” (with films like ”Citizenfour”, ”Euromaidan.Rough Cut” and ”Iranian”, ”Comrade Capitalism” (with ”Cardiopolitika”), ”Focus: Africa” (with ”Democrats” and ”Beach Boy”), ”Traumas” (with ”Night Will Fall”, ”The Missing Picture” and ”Naked Island”), a tribute to producer Heino Deckert (well deserved!) (with four of his productions including wonderful ”Julia’s Madness” by Hannes Schönemann from 1999)… take a look at the impressive programme that also includes a fine series of panel discussions and lectures that focus on content, narratives, funding, webdocs etc.

Words of welcome from Alexandru Solomon, the director of the festival: In 2015, for the 8th edition of One World Romania, we decided that we would gather on the “kino-maidan.” That’s because the word maidan has changed meaning: it no longer describes a mere feature of urban geography, but, rather, a public space where people gather to discuss their problems and to be together. We want One World Romania to become a meeting place where people come to see great documentary cinema, and where ideas are freed from the structures of the status quo. On our maidan, we are guided by our empathy for our fellow human beings and the freedom to be ourselves. Our program of films and side events opens our eyes towards maidans on five continents…

Well thought by Solomon… I will post texts from the festival, where I am invited to be tutoring at a three day workshop.

One World Festival Prague The Winners

The press releases from the festival in Prague are comprehensive and informative so here is a copy-paste of the one about the awards to be given at… the closing ceremony of the festival in the Lucerna cinema in Prague on Wednesday, March 11.

The award for Best Film this year went to The Look of Silence by American director Joshua Oppenheimer, who took home the same award at One World 2013 for his film The Act of Killing. Both documentaries deal with the same topic: the mass murder of accused communists in Indonesia in the 1960s.

One World this year screened a record number of films: 114 documentaries as well as a screening of Winter, Go Away! in response to the murder of Russian politician Boris Nemtsov, which occurred two days before the start of the festival. The number of festival guests was also significantly higher, with exactly 100 filmmakers and protagonists coming to Prague to present their films. In total One World invited 234 foreign guests, including human rights activists and film festival organisers.

Attendance this year was at the same level as last year. Despite the sunny weekend, 24,864 spectators visited afternoon and evening screenings in the first week of the festival. School screenings in the first festival week (five weekdays) were attended by 6,433 pupils and students and 365 teachers. Afternoon screenings for schools will continue until Friday, March 13.

Grand Jury

The Grand Jury granted the Best Film Award, Best Director Award and Special Mention. It selected from among 15 documentaries in the Main Competition.

The Best Film Award went to Joshua Oppenheimer’s The Look of Silence (Denmark, Indonesia, Great Britain, Norway, Finland / 2014 / 99 min.). The film was represented at the festival by producer Signe Byrge Sørensen, who during an extended Q&A presented the campaign with which the filmmakers are trying to open a debate in Indonesia about a taboo chapter in the country’s history.

The Best Film Award goes to a film that had a strong directorial vision, sustained a years-long focus on its subject and told a story that defies expectations while directly confronting a lingering legacy of genocide in Indonesia,“ reads the jury statement.

The jury granted the Best Director Award to Democrats by Camilla Nielsson (Denmark / 2014 / 108 min.), who came to Prague to present her film.

This film stood out for its raw portrayal of the struggle to write a new constitution in a country ruled with an iron fist by the brutal dictator Robert Mugabe. The director of this film told this complex story by following two adversaries who embodied the stark conflicts inherent in building a new country from scratch. Their process was messy and often dangerous, but it also raised serious questions faced by everyone around the world who aspire to have a say in how they are governed,“ reads the jury statement.

Special Mention went to director Judy Rymer for I Will Not Be Silenced (Australia / 2014 / 84 min.).

We award a Special Mention to a film whose main character undertook a gruelling 7 year battle. After a nearly unspeakable crime, Charlotte challenged a biased system to find justice for herself and set an inspiring example for other women in the Kenyan slum of Kibera,“ reads the jury statement.

Grand Jury members: Anna Har, director of Freedom Film Fest, the only human rights festival in Malaysia; Brian Knappenberger, director, screenwriter and producer, who presented his new documentary The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz at One World; Liz Rosenthal, founder and CEO of Power to the Pixel, an organisation that focuses on interactive projects; Lise Birk Pedersen, a Danish filmmaker, whose documentary Putin’s Kiss won the Student Jury Award at One World 2013; and Radim Procházka, Czech producer, director and teacher at FAMU.

Václav Havel Jury

The Václav Havel Jury awards the prize to a film that makes an exceptional contribution to the defence of human rights. They also decided to award a Special Mention. The jury selected from among 11 documentaries in the Right To Know category.

The award for a film that makes an exceptional contribution to the defence of human rights went to Those Who Said No by director Nima Sarvestani (Sweden / 2014 / 89 min.) (PHOTO). The award will be collected by a protagonist and an initiator of the Iran Tribunal Iraj Mesdaghi who is coming to Prague.

This documentary is first and foremost a message to whoever commits human rights violations: they will be held accountable. Impunity for human rights violations is intolerable for victims, their relatives, and for the society as a whole. Even years after the violations occurred, Iranian victims and their relatives had the power to join forces to reclaim justice – ignoring how much control one might have over State mechanisms or how powerful one might be. The perseverance of those victims and their relatives deserves the highest recognition, because in the spirit of Vaclav Havel they are the proof that one person can make a difference,“ reads the jury statement.

The Václav Havel Jury granted Special Mention to A Quiet Inquisition by directors Alessandra Zeka and Holen Kahn (USA, Nicaragua / 2014 / 66 min.).

One´s personal beliefs or religious views are not the subject of this documentary; the theme is rather the politicians who adopt a law ignoring medical realities and needs of women and girls. Such legislation inscribes in stone discrimination against women, depriving thousands of critically needed medical help, causing deaths and creating illegality for those providing medical care. (…) We aim at recognising the bravery of the medical staff filmed in the documentary and at highlighting an issue unknown to many. We further hope that the authorities of Nicaragua will recognise the need to provide medical care to those in need and change its legislation accordingly,“ reads the jury statement.

The members of the Václav Havel are: Larysa Artiugina, film and television director and scriptwriter from Ukraine; Florian Irminger, head of advocacy at the Human Rights House Foundation; Alfredo Romero, Venezuelan lawyer and executive director of the NGO Foro Penal Venezolano, which helps victims of torture and arbitrary detentions; Mona Seif, Egyptian activist and founder of the “No To Military Trials for Civilians Group” initiative; and Ekaterina Sokirianskaia, director of the Russian branch of the non-profit organisation International Crisis Group.

Czech Radio Jury

The Czech Radio Jury grants an award for the innovative use of music and sound in documentary film.

This year the award went to The Queen of Silence by director Agnieszka Zwiefka (Germany, Poland / 2014 / 83 min.). The director will return to Prague to collect the prize.

The Queen of Silence provides a unique insight into the interior world and sense of sound of a girl with a severe hearing handicap. The jury particularly appreciated the fine balance achieved between the use of sound, music and silence. In this documentary, the role of sound is as important as the image, and at times even more important. The music used in the film subtly underscores the parallel worlds of the central character, Denisa, a dancer,“ reads the jury statement.

The members of the jury were sound engineers from Czech Radio: Tomáš Zikmund, Jiří Litoš and Jiří Slavičínský.

Student Jury

The Student Jury selects from a school film collection. Its members are mainly high school students and organisers of the student film clubs of the One World at Schools project.

The Student Jury Award went to Warriors from the North by directors Søren Steen Jespersen and Nasib Farah (Denmark, Somalia / 2014 / 58 min.). The director will come back to Prague to collect the prize.

The Student Jury awards a prize to a film looking at a pressing issue from a non-traditional perspective. The film gives students the opportunity to reflect on the questions of social inclusion and the unwillingness to accept religious or cultural differences. We also appreciate the fact that the documentary is not judgmental and does not jump to simplistic conclusions. The student jury also commends the authors’ ability to create an authentic and totally absorbing atmosphere,“ reads the jury statement.

There were four members of the Student Jury: Karolína Blaková, Jan Novotný, Rebeka van Overloop and Nikola Voráčová.




Manon Loizeau: Chechnya, War without Trace

French journalist and documentary maker Manon Loizeau has made a remarkable film about todays Chechnya that premiered on Arte last week and just received the Grand Prize of the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) at the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights in Geneva this Saturday.

Loizeau has lived in Russia for many years and she has covered Chechnya since 1995. In Chechnya, War without Trace she returns for the first time in 10 years. Gone are the ravaged buildings of war-torn Grozny, the city has been completely rebuild and transformed in to something that resembles a Caucasian mini-Dubai with glass-facade towers and colourful neon lights along sleek avenues now named after Kadyrov and Putin. Gone are the traces of the two recent wars with Russia (a fifth of the population died), Ramzan Kadyrov, the Head of the Chechen Republic since now eight years, has cleaned it all up. Supported by Russia, he holds the population with the use of fear. A reign of terror where the fight against terrorism, encouraged by Russia, becomes a carte blanche for a monsterous regime turned against its own people. Disappearances, torture, death squads, false accusations of terrorism or drug possession. But also the eradication of the history and the memory of the Chechen people, who has fought fiercely for independence from Russia for centuries (such as when the commemoration of the deportation of Chechens under Stalin in 1944 was replaced with a celebration of the Winter Olympic in Sochi last year). It is absolutely terrifying. And it is an impressive achievement that Loizeau has been able to gather the voices of the few who still dares to speak. The film is dedicated to the memory of Anna Politkovskaya and Natalya Estemirova.

Loizeau is showing us the immensely sad latest chapter of the history of Chechnya. And she is also giving us an important part of the picture, the context and history, in order to better understand Russian politics, Putin and the situation in Ukraine as well as the apparent powerstruggles behind the pointing out of a suspect for the murder of Boris Nemtsov.

Here are the comments of the jury in Geneva: For its strength and accuracy in the testimony of human rights violations, its tribute to victims of torture and kidnappings by the regime of Ramzan Kadyrov, who rules as an absolute autocrat. The film reminds us of the dramatic situation, which continues to escape international notice.

Manon Loizeau: Tchétchénie, une guerre sans traces / Tschetschenien – Vergessen auf Befehl, France, 2014, 82 min., prod. Magneto Presse for Arte

You can watch the film in French or German at Arte+7 until March 11th:

Alex Gibney: Going Clear

Alex Gibneys nyeste film ”Going Clear – Scientology and the Prison of Belief” har fået den danske titel ”Scientologys religiøse fængsel”. Gibney går her i sin undersøgende journalistik bag facaden på Scientology og taler med otte tidligere medlemmer af Scientology. De beretter afslørende om dagligdagen i den meget tillukkede organisation. Somm baggrund skildres i filmen, hvordan Scientology har udviklet sig, og hvordan organisationens grundlægger gik fra at være science fiction forfatter til at grundlægge denne samlede tilværelsesforståelse med tusinder af dedikerede tilhængere for derefter at få Scientology registreret som en skattefritaget religiøs organisation.

SCIENTOLOGYS RELIGIØSE FÆNGSEL har tv-premiere i DR2 DOKUMANIA til april, men allerede nu inviteres til forpremiere i Dronningesalen, Den Sorte Diamant, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, København på torsdag den 12. marts 2015 kl. 17-19. Billetter, som er gratis, bestilles på 

Foto: forfatteren Lawrence Wright and instruktøren Alex Gibney


“In the film, based on Lawrence’s Wright’s muckraking book of the same name, Gibney talks to defectors from the church, including Crash director Paul Haggis. He explores the history of the religion from its founder L Ron Hubbard through to current leader David Miscavige, who is accused during the film of intimidating, beating and imprisoning insubordinate followers; high-profile followers like Tom Cruise also have their involvement raked over…” (The Guardian)


Taxi to the dark side, 2007 

Gonzo:Life and Work of Hunter Thompson, 2008

Magnus Gertten: Every Face has a Name

Den 28. april 1945 kom 1948 flygtninge med skib til Malmö, jeg ser det i en smuk newsreel beregnet til biograferne næste dag. Eller rettere, jeg ser det i en hensynsfuldt og dygtigt bearbejdet version af optagelserne fra den dag. En fortællerstemme af den slags, jeg altid bliver tryg ved, tager over, tager ved hånden, fortæller roligt, hvad det er, jeg ser. Det er befriede fanger fra de efterhånden erobrede tyske koncentrationslejre, mange af dem jøder i sidste øjeblik reddet fra udryddelsen, polske unge, nogle mødre med børn, franske modstandsfolk og britiske efterretningsfolk og også dem, som var forfærdende uheldige på et bestemt sted et bestemt tidspunkt. Roligt vises deres ansigter, mange er nu glade og smilende, andre forholder sig afventende, vil jeg tro, i en smertende ro. Alt i denne film er ro, bliver jeg lovet, fra begyndelsen til slutningen. Det giver mig tid til at tænke mig om, til at huske selv, til at associere. Til at udvide filmen i en egentlig tilegnelse.

Ja, udvide. For der egentlig ikke så meget. De filmiske elementer er få, men de er bragt i anvendelse aldeles overbevisende. Der er altså en 35 mm arkivfilm, men klippet med en ny opmærksomhed og behandlet i overførslen, så nye detaljer må være kommet til syne. Desuden er optagelserne varsomt og varieret (tror jeg) tempoændret, så jeg sættes i en opmærksomt drømmende tilstand, hvor reportageoptagelserne får alvor og tyngde og overraskende skønhed, de viser ikke længere alene hen til fortidens hændelser, de er nuværende begivenheder. Og der er en forbilledlig og lykkelig research, som først og fremmest har fundet et stort antal vidner frem blandt flygtningene, og heraf medvirker en markant række i filmen, og mens de ser optagelserne på skærmen, formår de hver og en på meget forskellig måde, men alle tøvende og prøvende, at tale om disse optagelser sådan, at de derved statuerer optagelsernes poesi ved billedernes iboende kraft mere end ved deres historiske og biografiske meddelelser. Det er disse ansigters navne, det handler om, men selvfølgelig på alle glemte navnes vegne. Her er den smukke titels meningsfuldhed, her er filmens kerne, værkets essay, dets overvejelse af humanitetens evige genetablering.

Det første vidne foran computerskærmen med den gamle reportage hedder Fredzia Marmur. Hun var fra Lodz i Polen, bor nu i Toronto, Canada, Hvor Gertten besøger hende med sin computer og sin fotograf. Hun gennemspiller hele den vanskelige genkendelse over de mange år, over de fortrængte følelser, bliver usikker på sig selv, men opdager lidt efter lidt med filmens publikum, at hun husker alt, genkender meget. Ansigt efter ansigt får navn. Elsie Ragusin er amerikaner. Med sin far var hun i 1939 på familiebesøg i Italien. Ved krigens udbrud blev de tilbageholdt og endte i Auschwitz. Hun overlevede og genkender tøvende sig selv på billederne fra havnen i Malmö. Nordmanden Svenn Martinsen er også med skibet, 23 år dengang med huen kækt på sned. Nu sidder han på sengekanten og snakker med sig selv, fortæller han. Han fortæller om en mislykket aktion, han var med i dengang, en norsk gruppe ville for svensk Røde Kors redde jødiske børn fra medicinske forsøg i en lejr nær Hamburg. De nåede ikke frem i tide, børnene var dræbt, da de fandt dem. To flygtninge, spædbørn dengang, Ryszard Glozacha, som nu bor i Oxelösund, Sverige og Piotr Górska, som nu bor i Drezdenko, Polen og deres mødre, Sabina Glozacha er ansigter i havnescenen, som nu får navne, jeg ved at de levende bylter i kvindernes arme er de to små drenge. En tredje kvinde med et spædbarn, Alicja Lutostanska får sit navn forbundet med scenen og med de to andre kvinder. De var alle tre, gravide forstår jeg, blevet fanget af tyske tropper under Warszawa opstanden 1944. Alicja Lutostanskas lille datter Bozna døde kort efter i Malmö. Dette kunne fortsætte, alle ansigter har et navn.

Filmens højdepunkt er en lang smukt, smukt klippet sekvens om lykken ved at komme i brusebad. Efter lægeundersøgelse og desinficering kommer alle flygtningene i bad, det første i årevis. Klipperen Jesper Osmund fortæller også denne mærkelige hændelse, denne som et crescendo af lykkefølelse, disse forpinte, nøgne kroppe i masser af styrtende vand. Rensende og livgivende.

Et sidste element er optagelser fra 1. juli 2014 af 596 flygtninge til havnebyen Pozzallo, Sicilien. 45 af den bringes op fra fiskerbådens lastrum, døde. Disse optagelser dæmpet til langsomme filmscener som arkivoptagelserne fra 1945 har Jesper Osmund sat ind i filmens forløb som vignetter til min eftertanke. Ja, netop. De udvider provokerende min forståelse, at denne genetablering er en evig gentagelse.

Sverige 2015, 73 min.


”In the fascinating Swedish documentary “Every Face Has a Name,” helmer Magnus Gertten tracks down and interviews survivors from German concentration camps seen in a 35mm archival film reel showing their arrival at the harbor of Malmo, Sweden, on April 28, 1945. The group includes Jews from all over Europe, Norwegian prisoners of war, Polish mothers and children, members of the French resistance and British spies — and perhaps unique among them, a young Italian-American who was accused of being a spy while visiting her grandparents and deported to Auschwitz…”

”Figuring prominently here is the shocking story of Elsie Ragusin, a now-93-year-old Roman Catholic who lives in Orlando, Fla. The only Italian-American to survive Auschwitz, she went with her father to visit relatives in their home country in 1939; the pair found themselves stuck there when Italy entered the war in 1941 and were soon arrested by Germans who accused them of espionage.”

”New York-based brother-sister duo Bernhard Kempler and Anita Lobel relate their remarkable survival tale with a surprising lack of sentiment. Bernhard was 9 years old when he came to Malmo, having remained alive during the war by dressing as a girl. He and older sister Anita were sent away from Krakow by their parents and spent the war years together, under false identities, constantly escaping and hiding. When they were finally reunited with their parents in Sweden in 1947, he recalls that he felt no emotion, only the feeling they he didn’t want to be looked at.”

”In contrast, former Norwegian POW Svenn Martinsen is obviously moved by the images of his 23-year-old self disembarking in Malmo after two-and-a-half years in captivity. He recalls the sense of cognitive dissonance he felt, not able to believe that this was freedom at last. More disturbingly, he recounts being at a camp outside Hamburg where the SS were performing experiments on Jewish children. The Norwegians hatched a plan with the Swedish Red Cross to rescue the kids, but before it could be carried out, the youngsters were murdered…”

”Throughout the film, editor Jesper Osmund cuts to a small harbor in Sicily where Gertten and his team filmed as nearly 600 refugees arrived after a dramatic journey over the Mediterranean Sea…”


”Tech package looks fine, with a new 4k scan of the archival footage revealing novel details.

Reviewed at Gothenburg Film Festival (competing), Feb. 1, 2015. Running time: 76 MIN.

An Auto Images production in co-production with SVT, Film i Skane, DHF, Ikon, Nord Vision, with the support of the SFI, Nordisk Film & TV Fond, Midt Norsk Filmsenter, Konstnarsnamnden, Malmo Stadt, Malmo Forkskonings, Media, in cooperation with Nordvision. (International sales: Rise and Shine World Sales, Berlin.) Produced by Leonard Strom, Magnus Gertten, Dag Hoel.”


”Directed by Magnus Gertten. Written by Gertten, Jesper Osmund. Camera (color/B&W, HD), Gustaf Boge Claredio, Adam Makarenko, Caroline Troedsson, Arne D.S. Haldorsen, Sven Lindahl, Tony Miller, Mattias Olsson, Magnus Rutberg, Jacek Szymanski, Ita Zbroniec-Zagr; editor, Jesper Osmund; music, Hans Appelqvist; sound, Audun Rostad, Jorgen Meyer; visual effects supervisor, Rune Felix Holm; research, Sebastian Claesson, Gertten.”


”Piotr Gorski, Phillip Jackson, Bernhard Kempler, Ryszard Lagemo, Anita Lobel, Fredzia Marmur, Svenn Martinsen, Judith Popinski, Elsie Ragusin, Nurit Stern.” (From a review by Alissa Simon in Read the review here:

And the trailer here:

Magnus Gertten har over samme begivenhed og materiale tidligere, i 2012, lavet ”Harbour of Hope”.