Silvered Water/Syria Self-Portrait/3

In its important tour around the world, to festivals but also to a theatrical release in some countries, the film by Wiam Simav Bedirxan and Ossama Mohammed was at the Istanbul Independent International Festival to get a big award. The jury said:

″In the spirit of the mission statement of the festival, we the jury of the Love and Change section, acknowledges that the world is hurting, and that it is the responsibility of civil societies to participate in positive change”. 

Of their unanimous decision to award the film the $10.000 prize, they said: ″The film that the jury felt most strongly about, is one that forces us to look oppression, torture, violence, despair and death directly in the face. It is bold and loud, yet poetic; it is intimate and yet collective. It is a timeless telling of people’s pursuit of freedom, as much as it is a timeless telling of governments’ failing in serving and protecting their people in the name of power and tyranny. ″

Receiving the award, an emotional Wiam Simav Bedirxan said: ″Maybe right now, I am receiving the award for this film, but this film is the story not of me, but all of humanity. ″

Nadav Schirman: The Green Prince

På fredag viser Cinemateket i København – i forbindelse med Jewish Film festival – ”The Green Prince”, her anmeldt på engelsk.

In 2010 Mosab Hassan Yousef wrote a book, ”Son of Hamas”. A feature film adaptation of the book is planned, a documentary has been made, the one that is to be shown at Cinemateket Copenhagen (February 26 – March 6) and the one that opened the Sundance documentary section 2014. Popular at festivals.

From a story point of view totally understandable – it has everything of a dramatic spy story, it is built like that, very well crafted, its has two charismatic main characters Mosab Hassan Yousef and the Shin Bet (the Israeli internal secret service) ”handler”, the one who recruited Yousef to work as ”a source”, Gonen Ben Yitzhak. If it brings anything new to the everlasting tragic conflict or to the way Shin Bet operates… having seen ”The Gatekeepers”, the answer is no. As well as ”The Collaborator and his familiy” does give an insight to the social aspect of being/havong been a source. Both recent Israeli documentary films.

As the title of the book indicates, Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, one of the leaders within Hamas, a man who is constantly in and out of prison. The whole film deals with the relationship between father and son, and there is plenty of archive material with the father, and some with father and son together during the period the son was his assistant – as well as a source for Shin Bet, that he decided to become after experiencing the torture that Hamas performed in Israeli prisons towards those believed to be collaborators with the Israelis.

The problem for the film, however, is that you never hear the voices of the father or mother or brothers of ”The Green Prince”, the name he was given by Shin Bet. What you see and hear are two long monologues by Mosab Hassan Yousef and Gonen Ben Yitzhak, interrupted by loads of surveillance camera material, some documentary footage and some archive material.

It has been difficult to get a fluent narrative out of that, wherefore captions are introduced like ”hamas”, ”torture”, ”olive tree”, ”responsibility” and at the end ”lies”, the last chapter where Mosab Hassan Yousef has to leave the country, ends up in the US, where first the is denied asylum. But the now dismissed Shin Bet handler comes to his help. He has no contact to the family in Ramallah. Mosab Hassan Yousef saved lives through his intelligence work and the relationship between him and Gonen Ben Yitzhak is nice to witness… but what Shin Bet has used their source’s informations to… so many questions hang in the air after watching this film.

Germany, UK, Israel, 2014, 100 mins.

Boris Bertram: Krigskampagnen

Boris Bertrams ”Krigskampagnen” havde premiere på DR2 Dokumania tirsdag, 19. marts 2013 nøjagtigt ti år efter krigen begyndte. I morgen aften skal den ses og drøftes sammen med Janus Metz: ”Armadillo” i FILMKLUB FOF, Randers. ”Krigskampagnen havde på tv fået titlen “Bush, Blair og Fogh”. Og det var måske ikke urimeligt, det var deres krig, og på DR tænker de filmjournalistik, når de skriver ”dokumentar”. Vi skal have at vide lige fra begyndelsen, at det er om dem, de tre og ingen andre. På filminstituttet tænker de filmkunst, når de skriver ”dokumentar”. Deres hjemmesides filmupdate kalder den “en dokumentarisk politisk thriller”. Formodentlig har Bertram også tænkt filmisk og filmkunst undervejs, men heldigvis, faktisk, er den tanke, hvis den har været der, blevet lagt helt til side, så der ikke er filmkunstneriske ambitioner, end ikke filmiske greb i resultatet, selv om der bestemt kunne være fristende muligheder i materialet. Nu fremtræder dokumentaren som et stilrent og helstøbt journalistisk værk for tv. Og det er godt, for det er en fremragende tv-dokumentar.

Boris Bertram har jo snakket med alle disse kloge og velformulerede folk, som er er med i filmen og naturligvis flere til og læst alle artiklerne, alle rapporterne og alle bøgerne, og så gør han alligevel det, at han i sin kommentar i fortællerstemmen nøjes med et nøgternt handlingsreferat. Nu må du selv bedømme, mærker jeg, han siger bag det, og den nødvendige samlede analyse og samlede overvejelse og samlende vurdering lægger han fra sig. Her er det journalistiske materiale lagt velordnet frem i en tv-dokumentar, det er hans opgave i dette projekt, og den er løst. Det litterære essay overlader han til mig som seer at skrive selv, og filmessayet afstår han som nævnt fra.

Klipperen Pernille Bech Christensen deler som i et gammeldags lysbilledforedrag dette stof op, roligt pauseret i en auditoriets skandering (vi ser faktisk Kodak Carousellen som gentagen vignet før hvert afsnit og hører dias glide på plads i et sikkert klik). Og det er fint. Og det er på samme måde velgørende at få vidnernes udsagn et for et i rolig rytme, ikke klippet i enkeltsætningers udsagn som en omsiggribende norm byder, men lagt på plads, her ikke i filmscener, for det skal det netop ikke være, men i lange meningsfulde, også følelsesmæssigt meningsfulde, sammenhænge, så vidnets menneskelighed foldes ud. Og ja, så er det da (politisk thriller eller ej) regulært spændende at få repeteret begivenhederne for tolv år siden. Jeg husker det jo godt, men min erindring var før mødet med filmens kompetente fremstilling bestemt ikke et velordnet overblik eller dramatisk forløb.

Det sidste, et drama, er det mærkeligt, men tydeligt for mig blevet nu, for det viser sig, at inde i det effektive klip med en flot kurve i kombinationen af blokke af information ordnet i emner og en kronologisk fremdrift styret af fortællestemmen ligger et intenst kammerspil af frustrerede stemmer, en smertefuld resignation, afdæmpet i tilbageblikket spændt op mellem undertrykt ærgrelse (især hos den daværende britiske USA ambassadør Christopher Meyer) og dæmpet vrede (i hvert fald hos lederen af FN’s våbeninspektion Hans Blix). Jeg mærker tydeligt, at her ligger den oplagte kunstneriske kerne, det filmiske drama, faktisk klippet frem, men valgt bort og skjult i tv-dokumentarens illustrerende billeddækning i et nøje udsøgt forløb af citater fra nyhedsprogrammerne dengang. I disse blokke af informationer og en kronologi styret af fortællerstemmen, ligger altså et intenst kammerspil af skuffede og vrede, men afklarede stemmer, et umisteligt kammerspil, jeg forstår måtte svigtes. Men det drama har jeg for mig selv, i mig selv som en ikke virkeliggjort bonus.

Til gengæld står der klart og tydeligt for mig en forbilledlig tv-dokumentar, et journalistisk værk, som uden at formulere det selv, faktisk er et uomgængeligt anklageskrift i den store klassiske j’accuse tradition, som der heller ikke her behøver at blive skrevet noget til. Det skrift kan ikke overses, det kan ikke glemmes. Næste lovovertrædelse finder jo allerede sted.

Danmark, 2013, 59 min. Produceret af Magic Hours Film, København for DR: DRsales/Programmes/Documentary

Dokumentaren kan ses på bibliotekernes streaming, Filmstriben:

og altså i aften i FILMKLUB FOF, Randers:



The War Campaign is a genuine political thriller that investigates the campaign carried out by USA, UK, and Denmark in order to sell the war on Iraq to the international community.

When George W. Bush took office in January 2001, regime change in Baghdad was already a top priority, and the sentiment following the 9/11 attacks provided an opportunity to gain support for a pre-emptive war on Iraq, despite the fact that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11.

2013 marks the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq by a coalition of willing nations. The concept of a pre-emptive war was itself new, and the lead-up to the decision constituted a shift in democratic decision processes. It is time to examine the anatomy of the decision-making process itself in order to understand the art of campaigning for parliamentary and public acceptance of a decision already made.

The War Campaign features the individuals, who were given the complicated task of accruing political support for the invasion from the international community. Centrally-placed witnesses, policy-makers, their close advisors and speech-writers, take us into the very offices where plans were drawn up and followed through, intelligence gathered and tailored, ‘white papers’ or speeches written and revised. Some of these individuals at some point felt that the governments they worked for, crossed a questionable line, and they decided to inform the public of the process. It is their detailed accounts of what exactly took place that now allows us to understand.

By piecing together each step of the war campaign we gain insight into the mechanisms behind international coalitions and the semantics of selling policies. We question whether the ‘selling of’ policies carries the risk of undermining normal democratic processes, – especially if policies are not based on the information at hand, but the information is tailored to fit political goals instead. (DR katalog)

Farouky & McEvoy: Tell Spring Not to Come this Yea

I have been there before. Danish director Janus Metz went to the Helmand Province in Afghanistan to make ”Armadillo” about ”our” soldiers on mission. After more than a decade in the country, the NATO troops have withdrawn leaving the job to fight the enemy, the Taliban, to ANA, the Afghan National Army.

The mood of the Afghan soldiers is quite different than the one of the Danish soldiers, who (until they end up in a real battle) saw the trip, one of them puts it like that, as like going to play a real football match after long training and preparation. Quite different, a true understatement, because what you get in the impressive film by Saeed Taji Farouky and Michael McEvoy, shot over a period of one year, is an insight to a situation that seems to be without any hope and perspective: an army with soldiers, who have no respect for the politicians or for what the NATO troops achieved, an atmosphere of depression, they have not been paid for months, they see the local population as stuck between taliban and the government’s army. No actual way out.

The filmmakers have wisely chosen to have a focus on two – the captain Jalaluddin and private Sunnatullah. Their remarks are mostly put off-screen, their reflections are mingled with fine observational coverage of the soldiers in the camp, playing cards, playing football, before they are called to action. And action you get in the film! It is amazing how close the filmmakers go – as said by the young soldier: we were told that the Sangin battle would last 24 hours, it ended up being 45 days… It seems like the filmmakers were there for the whole time.

It’s a total inferno, soldiers are heavily injured, you see that, you see the fear in the eyes of soldiers, you see and hear the desperate call for help given by the captain – and you go home with them to the camp to understand that several had died. For what, you think, because the film makes you think so. The two protagonists have hopes for a good life, for peace, but on what fundament can they build their hope?

As a film ”Tell Spring…” is excellently crafted. The camerawork (mainly done by Farouky) is amazing, there is a narrative flow in the story, a respect for the protagonists, an ability to show the conflicts in the army and to the society, carried gently by fine music composed for the film. No wonder it won the Panorama Audience Award at the Berlinale as well as the Amnesty International Film Award.

UK, 2015, 83 mins.

Citizenfour: Filmmaking as an Act of Justice

… is the headline of an article written yesterday by Cara Mertens from Fordfoundation. Read the whole article, here is a quote:

…CitizenFour reflects the historical moment in which it was made, and influences it at the same time. It is a film that is deeply concerned with democracy, and may well become one of the defining documents of the early 21st century. This is Poitras’ (photo, with Glenn Greenwald) third film in what she describes as a post-9/11 cinematic trilogy: My Country, My Country, nominated for an Oscar in 2006, and The Oath (2010) are the first two, and they are also crucial viewing.

As a trilogy, they stand as a singular achievement: one artist’s decision to use cinema, arguably the most powerful and far-reaching art form, to understand complex, contradictory global forces as they play out in individual lives. Few artists have the audacity, the commitment, the capacity, and the imagination to work in such bold and longitudinal terms. (Joshua Oppenheimer’s recent diptych, The Act of Killing and Look of Silence, is perhaps analogous.)…

Awards – Olga, Joanna, Ida, Snowden

Ok. if you say A, you have to say B as well: Let’s make a conclusion to the award postings we have made on this site:

Olga by Miroslav Janek won the Czech Lion,  Joanna by Aneta Kopacz did not get the Oscar in the documentary short category (the award went to a film about American war veterans, surprise surprise…), but ”Ida” got the award as the best foreign language film and Laura Poitras had the Best Feature long documentary with ”Citizenfour” (photo).

… and ”Birdman” got Best picture and Best director, not ”Boyhood”. Hmmmmm!

Mladen Matičević: My Craft

Of course it is difficult to write about a film on the for me unknown singer, composer, poet and actor Arsen Dedić, who is very well known in the ex-Yugoslav countries, 76 years old and still going strong, as the film shows so well.

I don’t get the nuances of the language reading English subtitles and I don’t have the background knowledge needed to enjoy fully, as I understand the audience has done in Sarajevo (premiere at the festival), Zagreb and Belgrade, the home town of director Mladen Matičević. And as the audience in the film does.

No more excuses, I wanted you to know my starting point and I did watch the film with great pleasure. Dedić is charismatic, sings in a way that brings memories of my personal hero Yves Montand, the songs are about love (“I also have divorce on my repertory”, he says), the film is in black & white, like that, the man has irony, he is a charmer and dares to be pathetic, has big affection for his family…

Mladen Matičević has luckily avoided a portrait, where other people tell the audience, how great this man is. He lets him sing his songs in a café with an audience, that reacts, close-ups of faces, mostly women, lets him finish the songs (bravo!), we see him in Sibenik at the coast, from where he comes, we see him in his home, walking in the streets, in a hotel, the camera likes him and he likes to pose and perform, and talks openly about hard times in his life – it is not difficult to understand why he was so popular then and now. He performs with his wife, also in archive, there is a lot of that from television shows, and it is great to be in his company, especially in the room where he composes and writes and smokes.

Croatia/Serbia, 2014, 72 mins.

Training Possibilities

Knowing that many of our readers are looking for ways to improve their skills, meet colleagues, develop their documentary projects… here is (below) a link to a very useful Guide to “Training and Networks”, published by Creative Europe MEDIA, giving good information on the many possibilities offered for workshops and seminars co-financed by the publisher.

Let me just mention one that I know very well, as I have been working for Archidoc that has directors (and not producers which is otherwise mostly the case) as the main target. Here is an introduction, check it out: Knowing that many of our readers are looking for ways to improve their skills, meet colleagues, develop their documentary projects… here is (below) a link to a very useful Guide to “Training and Networks”, published by Creative Europe MEDIA, giving good information on the many possibilities offered for workshops and seminars co-financed by the publisher. Let me just mention one that I know very well, as I have been working for Archidoc that has directors (and not producers which is otherwise mostly the case) as the main target. Here is an introduction, check it out:

Archidoc is a European training workshop focused on the development of documentary film projects using archives. This workshop of three residential sessions lasting three to eight days provides participants with the professional and artistic tools to bring their project to a successful conclusion, develop their professional know-how and reach the international documentary market. The first session focuses on defining and fine-tuning the main narration choices, the second on preparing the film’s professional file and trailer, and the third on presenting the projects to potential professional partners (broadcasters, festivals, co-producers). Between sessions, participants dialogue with the tutors, according to a pre-established schedule.

The key target groups for this course are European documentary film directors with a project using archive materials, and their producers…

Photo: Archidoc-developed film on “Gustavs Klucis, The Deconstruction of an Artist” by Peteris Krilovs.

Documentary César to Wenders & Salgado

Wim Wenders and Juliano Ribeiro Salgado were given the French Documentary César at the ceremony last night in Paris for their film on photographer Sebastião Salgado, ”The Salt of the Earth”. The film competed with Stéphanie Valloatto’s ”Cartoonists – Foot Soldiers of Democracy” and Frederick Wiseman’s ”National Gallery”. On this site Mikkel Stolt reviewed the film, here are two quotes:

… The film’s sense of time and space turns out to be the perfect conveyor of Salgado’s pictures and words. The horror and the beauty in the protagonist’s work are presented to us in a way that reveals how great interpreters of reality both the still photographer and the directors are…

They lend their ears and their time to the protagonist and they arrange the material and write a voice-over that weaves their film and Salgado’s life together. Because they all want us to see – really see – the world and what’s in it…

The film is also nominated for an Oscar in the long documentary category.

Let Joanna Win an Oscar!

I subscribe to the Realscreen trade magazine, which gives sometimes very valuable and reflective articles, among many others that line up who has left Discovery Channel and who comes, and who has bought the rights for that series etc.

The one I got today was very good, let me give you the annotation: “With the Oscars on the way for this Sunday, Emmy-winning director Pamela Mason Wagner discusses the subject matter of this year’s short documentary nominees, and asks where the line can, or should, be drawn when delving into difficult territory… And she does that in a very good way, read the whole article, click below. And she writes so well about my favourite (the only one nominated that I have seen to be honest but a masterpiece…):

“… In Joanna (directed by Aneta Kopacz) a young mother in Warsaw, with a terminal diagnosis, lives out her final months as purposefully and thoughtfully as she can. Her bright seven year-old son Jas appears in nearly every scene. Their relationship, full of intimate, tender rapport forms the heart of the movie.

Kopacz explained.. that she discovered Joanna through a blog, where Joanna was “describing her daily life full of those small and beautiful moments.” After convincing Joanna she wanted to depict not her cancer and her dying, but her living, Kopacz and her crew filmed the family for fifteen days over the course of four months. She described how they tried to remain as invisible as possible in order not to intrude on Joanna’s daily simple moments.

The film’s climax comes when Joanna and her husband Piotr tell Jas the end is near. Kopacz’ camera remains outside the house, shooting through the dining room window. The characters are not miced. Instead we hear birdsong, crickets and the natural sounds that accompany twilight. The scene is powerful, discreet, and emotionally satisfying, and vindicates the filmmaker’s choice to respect her subject’s privacy at this crucial moment.”

In October 2013 I watched the film and wrote to the producer: I watched the film – if you can put it like that – with pleasure and emotionally touched, to say the least, well what else can I say but BEAUTIFUL. As a film and as a hymn to Life and Love, whatever might happen.

Read more: